Latest News from: Wildlife Conservation Society

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Newswise: WCS Scientist Awarded Prestigious U.S. National Science Foundation Fellowship to Investigate Deforestation and Wildlife Viruses
Released: 13-Sep-2024 2:05 PM EDT
WCS Scientist Awarded Prestigious U.S. National Science Foundation Fellowship to Investigate Deforestation and Wildlife Viruses
Wildlife Conservation Society

Dr. Charles C.Y. Xu has joined the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Health Program as a postdoctoral scientist funded by a prestigious 3-year fellowship from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).

Newswise: Tickets Go on Sale Today:

Holiday Lights, with a Unique Wildlife Theme, Returns to the Bronx Zoo
Released: 10-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Tickets Go on Sale Today: Holiday Lights, with a Unique Wildlife Theme, Returns to the Bronx Zoo
Wildlife Conservation Society

Be enchanted with millions of lights and hundreds of lanterns -- on select dates from November 22 through January 5 Tickets for Holiday Lights can be purchased here: New this year: interactive glowing walls, illuminated trees, and shimmering flowers

Newswise: New York Aquarium Turns into “Ascarium” Again for Halloween
Released: 6-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
New York Aquarium Turns into “Ascarium” Again for Halloween
Wildlife Conservation Society

This October, the New York Aquarium is getting into the Halloween spirit with the return of Ascarium.​​Ascarium is a family-friendly festival that takes over the New York Aquarium during the last two weekends of October. Perfect for all ages, guests will enjoy a variety of fall entertainment, activities, and parades while learning about the incredible (and sometimes spooky!) marine wildlife at the aquarium.

Newswise: La WCS et le ministère congolais de l'Économie forestière lancent le projet pilote HIFOR (High Integrity Forest Investment Initiative)
Released: 5-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
La WCS et le ministère congolais de l'Économie forestière lancent le projet pilote HIFOR (High Integrity Forest Investment Initiative)
Wildlife Conservation Society

Pour aider à financer la protection des dernières forêts à haute intégrité, le ministère congolais de l'Économie Forestière et la WCS ont lancé ce 30 août le projet pilote HIFOR dans le Parc National de Nouabalé-Ndoki.

Newswise: Congolese Minister of Forest Economy and WCS Formally Launch Pilot High Integrity Forest Investment Initiative (HIFOR) Project
Released: 5-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Congolese Minister of Forest Economy and WCS Formally Launch Pilot High Integrity Forest Investment Initiative (HIFOR) Project
Wildlife Conservation Society

To help finance the protection of the world’s remaining high integrity forests, Congo’s Minister of Forest Economy and WCS have launched on August 30 Africa’s first HIFOR project in Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park.

Newswise: Boo at the Zoo Returns to the Bronx Zoo for Good Family Fun
Released: 3-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Boo at the Zoo Returns to the Bronx Zoo for Good Family Fun
Wildlife Conservation Society

The Bronx Zoo’s favorite fall tradition, Boo at the Zoo, returns for another year of family fun. On Saturdays and Sundays from September 28 to October 27 (and Monday, October 14th), zoo guests can get into the spooky spirit as new and returning Halloween festivities come to life throughout the park and make unforgettable fall memories with family and friends. Tickets are now available here.

Newswise: The First International Guanaco Day Will Be Celebrated, Friday August 23
Released: 22-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT
The First International Guanaco Day Will Be Celebrated, Friday August 23
Wildlife Conservation Society

This Friday, August 23, marks the first celebration of International Guanaco Day, a celebratory day agreed upon by 40 governmental, academic, Indigenous, and civil society organizations, mainly from the countries inhabited by this native herbivore (Lama guanicoe) that connects landscapes and cultures in South America.

Newswise: Walmart Foundation Invests in Wildlife Conservation Society to Support Smallholder Farmers and Forests in Aceh
Released: 20-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Walmart Foundation Invests in Wildlife Conservation Society to Support Smallholder Farmers and Forests in Aceh
Wildlife Conservation Society

The Walmart Foundation has provided the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) a four-year grant that will significantly boost its work in Indonesia. The grant will support a landscape initiative in southern Aceh Province: a key region for forests and biodiversity and for smallholder farming communities.

Newswise: WCS Leads New Plan to Save Nigeria’s Elephant Population
Released: 16-Aug-2024 8:05 AM EDT
WCS Leads New Plan to Save Nigeria’s Elephant Population
Wildlife Conservation Society

As Nigeria's elephant population approaches survival threshold, the federal government, supported by the Wildlife Conservation Society and the Elephant Protection Initiative, has adopted a ten-year plan to protect the country's remaining 400 pachyderms.

Newswise: Southern Pudu Fawn, One of the World’s Smallest Deer Species, Debuts at the Queens Zoo
Released: 15-Aug-2024 5:05 AM EDT
Southern Pudu Fawn, One of the World’s Smallest Deer Species, Debuts at the Queens Zoo
Wildlife Conservation Society

A southern pudu fawn, one of the smallest deer species in the world, is debuting at the Queens Zoo. Born on June 21at about 2 pounds, the fawn shares a habitat with its parents at the Queens Zoo’s Wild Side. The species, when fully grown, can weigh up to 15 to 20 pounds and stand 14-17 inches tall.

Newswise: Le Parc National de Bouba Ndjidda au Cameroun est une lueur d'espoir pour le lion en Afrique centrale
Released: 13-Aug-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Le Parc National de Bouba Ndjidda au Cameroun est une lueur d'espoir pour le lion en Afrique centrale
Wildlife Conservation Society

Afin d'intensifier les efforts de protection des lions d'Afrique centrale, une équipe d’éco-gardes et de biologistes camerounais du ministère des Forêts et de la Faune (MINFOF) et de la Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) a posé des colliers GPS sur sept des grands félins du parc national de Bouba Ndjidda, ce qui porte à dix le nombre de lions munis d'un collier.

Newswise: Cameroon’s Bouba Ndjidda National Park Is a Beacon of Hope for the Lion in Central Africa
Released: 13-Aug-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Cameroon’s Bouba Ndjidda National Park Is a Beacon of Hope for the Lion in Central Africa
Wildlife Conservation Society

Ramping up protection efforts of Endangered Central African lions, a team of Cameroonian rangers and biologists from the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF) and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), has placed GPS collars on seven of the big cats in Cameroon’s Bouba Ndjidda National Park; this brings the number of collared lions to ten.

Newswise: Red-Crowned Crane, One of the Largest and Most Threatened Crane Species in the World, Debuts at the Bronx Zoo
Released: 8-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Red-Crowned Crane, One of the Largest and Most Threatened Crane Species in the World, Debuts at the Bronx Zoo
Wildlife Conservation Society

A red-crowned crane chick, one of the largest and most threatened crane species in the world, is debuting at the Bronx Zoo.

Released: 7-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Community Focused Approaches to Fisheries Governance Transform Local Perceptions
Wildlife Conservation Society

New social science shows that community engagement and capacity building work can markedly improve local perceptions of fisheries governance capacity, restrictions, and management rules.

Newswise: Un projet pionnier de collaboration public-privé célèbre 25 ans de conservation de la biodiversité en République du Congo
Released: 5-Aug-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Un projet pionnier de collaboration public-privé célèbre 25 ans de conservation de la biodiversité en République du Congo
Wildlife Conservation Society

Une innovante collaboration public-privé, le Projet de Gestion des Écosystèmes Périphériques (PROGEPP), célèbre 25 ans de protection des gorilles, éléphants et autres espèces sauvages et de renforcement des communautés locales.

Newswise: Pioneering Public-Private Collaboration Celebrates 25 Years of Biodiversity Conservation in the Republic of Congo
Released: 5-Aug-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Pioneering Public-Private Collaboration Celebrates 25 Years of Biodiversity Conservation in the Republic of Congo
Wildlife Conservation Society

An innovative public-private collaboration, the Peripheral Ecosystem Management Project (PROGEPP), is celebrating 25 years of protecting gorillas, elephants and other wildlife and for empowering local communities.

Released: 29-Jul-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Great News for the Endangered Tiger: A 250 Percent Increase in Tiger Numbers Recorded in Thailand
Wildlife Conservation Society

There’s phenomenal news for the Endangered tiger: There’s been a 250 percent increase in tiger numbers in Thailand’s Western Forest Complex (WEFCOM) over a 15-year period from 2007 to 2023.

Newswise: In Papua New Guinea, Explorers Study One of the Most Biodiverse Oceans on Earth
Released: 18-Jul-2024 4:05 PM EDT
In Papua New Guinea, Explorers Study One of the Most Biodiverse Oceans on Earth
Wildlife Conservation Society

WCS Papua New Guinea, lead national NGO partner on the expedition, lauds the continued attention on and ambition for Papua New Guinea’s coastal seas, particularly in light of recent major MPA commitments made by local communities who will be visited during the course of the expedition

Newswise: Coffee Producers Capture Rare Amazon Weasel on Video
Released: 17-Jul-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Coffee Producers Capture Rare Amazon Weasel on Video
Wildlife Conservation Society

A group of coffee producers has filmed an extremely rare small carnivore, the Amazon weasel (Neogale africana), near their shade-grown plots as part of a citizen science monitoring program. This species has never previously been recorded in Bolivia.
