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Released: 17-Sep-2024 12:00 PM EDT
​Community Health Centers Face Financial Shortfalls and Uncertainty as Funding Expiration Looms
George Washington University

Analysis finds almost half of health centers had negative financial margins in 2023; early warning signs suggest the great majority will go into the red in 2024

Release date: 17-Sep-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Expert Available: National Voter Registration Day
George Washington University

Since it started in 2012, the team behind the holiday has helped over five million people register to vote for their next trip to the polls. ...

Release date: 17-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Advanced 3D mammography detects more breast cancers, fewer false positives
Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital

The newer, 3D form of breast screening, known as digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), is more effective at detecting breast cancer than traditional 2D digital mammography (DM). That’s the conclusion of an analysis of 13 years’ worth of screening data conducted by Yale Cancer Center researchers. The data also suggests that 3D mammograms could reduce the incidence of advanced cancer diagnoses.

Newswise: A New Study Seeks to Understand Rise in Suicide Behavior, Risk Among Preteen Girls
Release date: 17-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
A New Study Seeks to Understand Rise in Suicide Behavior, Risk Among Preteen Girls
University of North Carolina School of Medicine

The National Institutes of Mental Health awarded a $2.5-million grant to UNC School of Medicine researchers to study the alarming rise of suicidal behavior in young girls.

Newswise: New Study Finds Higher County-Level Jail and State-Level Prison Incarceration Rates Associated With Higher County- and State-Level Cancer Mortality Rates
16-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
New Study Finds Higher County-Level Jail and State-Level Prison Incarceration Rates Associated With Higher County- and State-Level Cancer Mortality Rates
American Cancer Society (ACS)

A new nationwide study led by American Cancer Society researchers finds that higher county-level jail and state-level prison incarceration rates in the United States were associated with higher county- and state-level cancer mortality rates, especially for liver and lung cancers. The findings are published today in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Newswise: Childhood Trauma Linked to Major Biological and Health Risks
12-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Childhood Trauma Linked to Major Biological and Health Risks
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

A new study led by UCLA Health found that a person’s sex and their unique experiences of childhood trauma can have specific consequences for their biological health and risk of developing 20 major diseases later in life.

Newswise: Beneath the Brushstrokes, van Gogh’s Sky is Alive with Real-World Physics
12-Sep-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Beneath the Brushstrokes, van Gogh’s Sky is Alive with Real-World Physics
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Van Gogh’s brushstrokes in “The Starry Night” create an illusion of sky movement so convincing it led researchers to wonder how closely it aligns with the physics of real skies. Marine sciences and fluid dynamics specialists analyzed the painting to uncover what they call the hidden turbulence in the artwork.

Newswise: Inherited Changes in BRCA Genes Linked to Increased Risk of Multiple Myeloma
Released: 17-Sep-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Inherited Changes in BRCA Genes Linked to Increased Risk of Multiple Myeloma
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

A significant number of multiple myeloma patients may have an inherited but previously unrecognized risk of developing the disease, a new study led by Roswell Park Chief of Clinical Genomics Kenan Onel, MD, PhD, reveals.

Newswise: NASA's Hubble Finds More Black Holes than Expected in the Early Universe
Released: 17-Sep-2024 10:00 AM EDT
NASA's Hubble Finds More Black Holes than Expected in the Early Universe
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Using Hubble, astronomers have found more black holes in the early universe than previously thought. They went black hole hunting in the landmark Hubble Ultra Deep Field, first revealed in 2004, and in following observations to look for supermassive black holes.

Released: 17-Sep-2024 9:55 AM EDT
Supplement Secrets Unveiled: Debunking Common Myths About Beauty Boosters
American Academy of Dermatology

Nutritional supplements offer a convenient way to easily increase your daily intake of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients without making significant lifestyle changes.
