Feature Channels: Winter Holidays

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Released: 22-Dec-2006 11:00 AM EST
Grinch Celebrates Nearly 50 Years of Holiday Contempt
Dick Jones Communications

As impossible as it is now to envision a Christmas without the Grinch, we didn't have a word for that anti-holiday spirit until Theodor Seuss Geisel came up with it almost 50 years ago.

Released: 21-Dec-2006 4:10 PM EST
Five Ways to Set a New Year's Resolution That Really Works for You
Menninger Clinic

Nearly one of every two adult Americans makes New Year's resolutions. The problem is that after six months, less than half of those resolutions are carried through. Menninger Clinic psychologist Theresa Fassihi, PhD offers proven strategies that can improve your chances of keeping those goals you've made.

Released: 20-Dec-2006 5:40 PM EST
Ho! Ho! Huh? Researchers Measure Holiday Spirit
Binghamton University, State University of New York

The holidays just wouldn't be the same without the decorations. From a single wreath or child's picture of Santa taped to a window, to elaborate displays, the festive season seems to spur the need to express the holiday spirit to our neighbors and kin. But neighborhoods also vary in the vigor of their holiday displays, as anyone who tours the streets of their town or city can attest.

Released: 20-Dec-2006 4:15 PM EST
New Years A Good Time For Taking Personal Inventory
Temple University

Instead of making resolutions which are often times quickly forgotten, New Years is a good time to take personal inventory of our lives, says a Temple University psychologist.

Released: 18-Dec-2006 5:00 PM EST
Planning is Key to a Safe New Year’s Eve Celebration
University of Missouri

Usually Dec. 31 is a time of celebration, reuniting with old friends and enjoying lots of parties. Alcohol is usually included in those celebrations. To stay safe this holiday season, a University of Missouri-Columbia researcher and expert on alcohol use offers a few tips before heading out for the evening.

Released: 18-Dec-2006 4:40 PM EST
Norman Rockwell's Santa Paintings: Naughty Or Nice?
 Johns Hopkins University

Santa Claus is the ultimate arbiter of who's been naughty or nice. Given that he controls the world's supply of toys, few would dare to question whether St. Nick himself lands in the "nice" column. But Richard Halpern contends there was one bold soul who risked placing kids' experiences with the jolly old elf on the dark side of the ledger: Norman Rockwell.

Released: 17-Dec-2006 2:10 PM EST
Got the Holiday Blues? Mental Health Expert Offers Tips for a Happier Holiday Season

With holiday celebrations to attend and family gatherings to prepare for, the winter season can be busy and joyful. But for many, heightened expectations and the stresses of holiday events can increase anxiety and cause depression. "While depression is one of the most common illnesses for adults, seasonal blues can be experienced by many who aren't "˜clinically depressed' or otherwise diagnosed," said Waguih William IsHak, MD.

Released: 17-Dec-2006 2:00 PM EST
'Can't Think of a Good Gift? Give a Bad One,' Says Philosophy Prof
Gettysburg College

If you're about to run out and pick up a gift card for that last hard-to-shop-for person on your list, you may want to consider trying to buy a bad gift instead, said Gettysburg College philosophy professor Steven Gimbel. Whatever you do, don't buy a gift card.

Released: 15-Dec-2006 7:00 PM EST
Holiday Charity Or Holiday Scam?
North Dakota State University

Holiday gift giving not only includes presents for family and friends, but an opportunity to help others. Contributions to charity at this time of year can be inspired by generosity or by year-end tax planning. To guard against charitable scams, Dr. Debra Pankow, assistant professor at North Dakota State University, offers tips on holiday giving for the entire family.

Released: 14-Dec-2006 2:50 PM EST
Winter-Related Injuries Can Turn Happy Holidays into Needless Tragedies
American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)

In 2005, an estimated one million people were treated at U.S. hospital emergency rooms for head injuries related to seemingly harmless products found around the home. Winter sports contributed to thousands of additional head injuries. According to the AANS, many injuries can be avoided by removing potential hazards inside and outside the home, following proper driving precautions, and playing sports safely.

Released: 14-Dec-2006 2:25 PM EST
Holiday Health/Safety Tips
Texas A&M Health Science Center

Just in time for the upcoming holidays, the Texas A&M Health Science Center offers several tips for dealing with depression, buffets, toys, allergies, alcohol intake and more to make the next few weeks more joyful and enjoyable.

Released: 13-Dec-2006 4:00 PM EST
Shoppers Say Free Shipping and Special Deals Are Key To Making Online Holiday Purchases
Conference Board

Consumers are willing to spend more for the holidays, but only if retailers offer free shipping and exclusive online incentives, according to the latest Consumer Internet Barometer, released today. The Barometer, produced by The Conference Board and TNS, one of the world's largest market information companies, covers 10,000 households across the country and tracks who is doing what on the Internet.

Released: 11-Dec-2006 6:25 PM EST
Nailing Down a Holiday Present for the Young Carpenter on Your List
Williams College

A family partnership has waved a magic wand over how-to books and brought out a present not only for the holiday season, but for all year long -- "The Kids' Building Workshop: 15 Woodworking Projects for Kids & Parents to Build Together."

Released: 11-Dec-2006 9:00 AM EST
Healthful Gifts for Children
Boston Children's Hospital

To be sure the well-being of children remains foremost in our gifting decisions this holiday season the Center on Media and Child Health at Children's Hospital Boston has compiled holiday gift giving tips for parents and caregivers.

Released: 11-Dec-2006 7:00 AM EST
Deck The Halls, Not Your Brother-In-Law: Prof Explains Why Families Fight More At The Holidays
University of New Hampshire

Why is it that during the season of joy and peace you're more likely to deck your brother-in-law than deck the halls? According to Sheila McNamee, professor of communication at the University of New Hampshire, there are many reasons why families fight more during the holidays.

Released: 10-Dec-2006 6:30 PM EST
Expert Alert: Holiday Sources
McGill University

McGill Holiday Sources

Released: 8-Dec-2006 9:00 PM EST
Experts - Holiday Stories
Northeastern University

The holiday season is underway, and Northeastern University professors have expertise in a variety of different areas relevant to the season from retailing to religion, spirituality to health, self-improvement to family, culture and history.

Released: 7-Dec-2006 7:10 PM EST
Prof Recommends Forgetting Ghosts of Christmas Past to Avoid Loneliness
Iowa State University

Loneliness can be particularly painful at the holidays, and feelings of isolation can affect people at any age or stage of life. For those approaching the holidays feeling pangs of loneliness, an Iowa State University professor has some advice that sounds much like the lesson of Ebenezer Scrooge: Forget the ghosts of Christmas past, and focus on the present and future.

Released: 6-Dec-2006 6:25 PM EST
Health Tip - Oil and Water Mix for Skin Care Treatment In Winter Season
University of the Sciences

Jeff Moore, an instructor of Pharmaceutics in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia believes a little background on the make-up of skin creams would make selecting the right cream easier. As the weather turns colder, dry skin becomes a common problem for most people.

Released: 6-Dec-2006 6:00 PM EST
Engineer Explains How Santa Can Deliver Gifts in One Night
North Carolina State University

Don't believe in Santa Claus? If you're skeptical of Santa's abilities to deliver presents to millions of homes and children in just one night, North Carolina State University's Dr. Larry Silverberg, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, can explain the plausible science and engineering principles that could allow the Jolly Old Elf to pull off the magical feat year after year.

Released: 4-Dec-2006 8:00 AM EST
A Blue Christmas: the Signs of Elderly Holiday Depression
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

For older adults, winter time and the holidays can bring on a very real case of depression. So when you're home for the holidays, U-M experts encourage families to keep their eyes and ears open for signs of depression in older relatives, and not be afraid to speak up and reach out.

Released: 4-Dec-2006 8:00 AM EST
All I Want for Christmas Is … a Toy with a Mute Button
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

From toy guns and musical instruments to talking dolls and animated stuffed animals, many toys today are loud enough to cause permanent hearing damage in children. To protect kids' hearing, a U-M expert offers parents tips for picking toys that are safe for their children's ears this holiday season.

Released: 4-Dec-2006 8:00 AM EST
Tips for People with Diabetes to Manage Holidays with Ease
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

For the more than 18 million Americans with diabetes, holiday food and stress can make it challenging to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. To help people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes survive the holiday season, a U-M expert offers seven strategies to manage holiday eating and stress with ease.

Released: 2-Dec-2006 1:00 PM EST
No Need to be a Scrooge for Businesses to Keep the Holidays Legal
Rowan University

There are some "Ho Ho Ho No Nos" businesses need to keep in mind at the this time of year, but it is possible for employees to mark their holidays without infringing on the rights of others.

Released: 1-Dec-2006 7:15 PM EST
Psychologist Busts Holiday Myths, Urban Legends
Texas Tech University

Psychologist busts myths about high suicide rates, domestic violence during holiday season.

Released: 1-Dec-2006 1:00 AM EST
Calorie Control Council

There are plenty of ways to incorporate the treats of the season into a healthful eating regimen. The secret is to be sensible and flexible with food choices and watch portion sizes.

Released: 30-Nov-2006 4:35 PM EST
St. Lawrence University Benefits From Top Christmas Tune
St. Lawrence University

"The Divine Miss M" (Bette Midler), folk-pop singer-songwriter Sarah McLachlan, country artist Brad Paisley and Bonu Gibson & New Orleans Hot Jazz will all be helping out St. Lawrence University this holiday season. They are among the musicians who have released new recordings of the song "I'll Be Home For Christmas," for which partial royalties are paid to St. Lawrence.

Released: 29-Nov-2006 5:40 PM EST
Electronic Educational Toys Not Always the Best Holiday Gift
Temple University

Traditional or retro toys instead of electronic educational toys may be the best holiday gifts for helping children learn while they are playing, advises two child developmental psychologists.

Released: 29-Nov-2006 4:35 PM EST
Many Holiday Foods Pose Risk When Not Handled Properly
Dick Jones Communications

The holiday season features many food traditions that are unnecessarily risky says Dr. Kathleen L. D'Ovidio, assistant professor of food science in the food science and management department at Delaware Valley College.

Released: 28-Nov-2006 5:45 PM EST
AAD Warns Against Indoor Tanning for the Holiday Season
American Academy of Dermatology

As the holidays approach, many people are worried about looking their best for upcoming events and warm-weather getaways. Unfortunately, for many people, looking tan is an important part of that.

Released: 28-Nov-2006 5:20 PM EST
Holiday Baking Frenzy May Mask Eating Disorder in College Kids
Menninger Clinic

Excessive cooking or preoccupation with food may signal an eating disorder like anorexia. Parents may notice changes in their college-aged child's eating behavior during the holiday season, because many students return home for more than a day or so for the first time since summer.

Released: 28-Nov-2006 4:30 PM EST
Upswing in Consumer Confidence Boosts Holiday Retail Sales Outlook
University of Florida

Lower gas prices, high employment levels and possibly the mid-term election results boosted consumer confidence in Florida by three points in November to 93, boding well for holiday shopping sales, University of Florida economists report.

Released: 27-Nov-2006 5:00 PM EST
Holiday Historian Explains the Story of Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Dick Jones Communications

While millions of people will revel in the gifts they receive from St. Nick, most don't actually know where his legend comes from and that we could be celebrating him even before December 25th.

Released: 21-Nov-2006 5:40 PM EST
“Surviving the Holidays” Tip Sheet
University of Alabama

From tips on celebrating the holidays on a tight budget, to dealing with family functions, or how to help children handle that long wait for Santa, experts are available to discuss a host of holiday-related issues.

Released: 21-Nov-2006 5:05 PM EST
Holiday Gift Spending Expected to be Down Slightly from Last Year
Conference Board

U.S. households are expected to spend an average of $449 on gifts during the holiday season, down moderately from last year's estimate of $466, The Conference Board reports today.

Released: 20-Nov-2006 3:35 PM EST
Surveys Find Florida Consumers Have Less to Spend for Christmas
University of Florida

Despite falling gasoline prices, most Florida consumers don't plan to spend more this Christmas season than they did last year.

Released: 20-Nov-2006 3:30 PM EST
Holiday Blues Are Common, but Can be Eased, Experts Report
Middle Tennessee State University

With the approach of the holiday season, excitement and anticipation typically abound, but so do the holiday blues for many. Two MTSU professors familiar with the seasonal problem say a bit of advance planning can help ease holiday loneliness and sadness in those most likely to experience it.

Released: 20-Nov-2006 3:00 PM EST
12 Ideas for Healthy Holiday Gifts
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Thinking of giving cookies, fudge or a box of chocolates as a holiday gift? That's so 2005. This year, think about giving something healthy to your loved ones, co-workers, neighbors and friends. Caroline R. Richardson, M.D., assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School, offers some guidance for buying healthy gifts that the recipient will actually enjoy.

Released: 20-Nov-2006 12:00 AM EST
Holiday Gluttony Can Spell Disaster for Undiagnosed Diabetics
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Hearty feasts and couch-potato marathons are holiday traditions, but UT Southwestern Medical Center experts warn that packing on pounds and not exercising could be deadly for the 6 million Americans who have diabetes and don't even know it.

Released: 18-Nov-2006 11:10 AM EST
Holiday Shopping Tips from a Business Professor and Savvy Shopper
Rowan University

Skip the crowds and shop online this holiday season, suggests Rowan University business professor Dr. Diane Hamilton. The end result is you'll get the goods with less stress and may actually save money, too.

Released: 17-Nov-2006 7:00 PM EST
Tips for Enjoying Holiday Sweets and Keeping that “Sweet Tooth” Intact
American Dental Association (ADA)

Eating a lot of holiday sweets may satisfy that "sweet tooth," but too much of a good thing might lead to unintended results for your teeth and gums, according to an American Dental Association (ADA) consumer advisor.

Released: 16-Nov-2006 5:40 PM EST
Avoiding the Annual Holiday Gain
University of California San Diego

It's that time of year again ~ yep, time to gain weight! But according to Director of the Center for the Treatment of Obesity at UCSD Medical Center, Santiago Horgan, M.D., with a little planning and effort people can avoid this annual holiday tradition that destroys good eating habits and challenges well-toned physiques.

Released: 16-Nov-2006 4:35 PM EST
Experts Available as Holiday Season Approaches
Texas Tech University

Tis the season for holiday stories. Texas Tech University experts can speak on a range of seasonal topics. Learn which wines, toys and books to buy. Get tips on keeping the checkbook in the black. Host a party in style "“ and be stylishly dressed. And learn how to keep recovering drug and alcohol addicts from succumbing to holiday pressures.

Released: 16-Nov-2006 8:30 AM EST
Don’t Let Holiday Stress Turn You Into A Frenetic, Miserable Nutcase
University of New Hampshire

While songs claim that it is the "most wonderful time of the year," many people dread the winter holiday season. But it is possible to have a holiday season that is enjoyable for everyone "” even those Martha Stewart types who aim to plan gatherings reminiscent of a Currier and Ives Christmas card.

Released: 15-Nov-2006 12:00 AM EST
Holiday Season Could Ring in “Heartburn Season”
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Making merry is often synonymous with overindulging "“ whether from holiday feasts or rich desserts or alcoholic beverages "“ ringing in the holiday season as "heartburn season"

Released: 13-Nov-2006 5:00 PM EST
Methodist Hospital's Holiday Tip Sheet
Houston Methodist

Two holiday-related stories: One is about heartburn and holiday meals, and the other is about deep vein thrombosis, a potentially-fatal condition that can affect travelers.

Released: 8-Nov-2006 4:00 PM EST
Trick to Getting Cheaper Fares May be in the Timing, Expert Says
Purdue University

For those flying home for the holidays, getting the best price on airline tickets can be a challenge, but a Purdue University aviation professor says there are a few tips that can help.

Released: 7-Nov-2006 5:10 PM EST
Today's Turkey - A Modern Miracle
University of Maryland, College Park

Americans love their turkey. In fact, they love it so much, consumption has grown 106 percent since 1970. And although we usually think of turkey as a holiday staple, the fact is Americans eat it year-round. But the turkey of today is not the wild turkey of yesterday. University of Maryland Associate Professor Nickolas Zimmermann explains.

Released: 6-Nov-2006 9:00 AM EST
For Health's Sake, Give Thanks This Thanksgiving
Menninger Clinic

Thanksgiving is a natural time to express our thanks and establish a ritual of giving thanks for the past year. Being thankful or grateful encourages people to think more positively about themselves, their lives and the people around them. Research even shows that gratitude may extend your life.

Released: 5-Nov-2006 7:10 PM EST
Defeat Stress This Holiday Season
University of Maryland, College Park

The holidays are here - and for many, stress will be an unwelcome guest. University of Maryland psychology lecturer, Dr. Thomas Capo, says that holiday stress can be conquered by following some common sense tips that aim to help body, mind and pocketbook. "Your quality of life need not be diminished because of holiday stress," he says.
