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Released: 26-Oct-2021 5:05 PM EDT
Study says Americans do about 30 minutes less physical activity a day than 200 years ago
Harvard University

Today, Americans have access to what feels like an endless amount of workout routines, huge gyms, and even high-end home workout equipment like the Peloton.

Released: 26-Oct-2021 4:35 PM EDT
Study supports safety of COVID-19 vaccines in people with a history of severe allergic reactions
Massachusetts General Hospital

New research addresses ongoing concerns regarding risks of allergic reactions after receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, particularly for individuals with a history of severe allergic reactions.

Released: 26-Oct-2021 1:40 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic

“预计有10%–30%的COVID-19患者最终会发展成为长期COVID患者,”妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic) COVID活动康复计划(COVID Activity Rehabilitation Program)的医疗主任Greg Vanichkachorn医生表示。“对一些人来说,长期COVID可能会是一种新的慢性感染,而成为一种新的基线。”

Released: 26-Oct-2021 1:40 PM EDT
أمل للمرضى المصابين بمتلازمة ما بعد فيروس كورونا المستجد
Mayo Clinic

يقول الدكتور جريج فانيشكاتورن، المدير الطبي لبرنامج مايو كلينك لتأهيل النشاط بعد فيروس كورونا المستجد: "تشير التقديرات إلى أن 10% إلى 30% من الأشخاص المصابين بفيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) سينتهي بهم الأمر بالإصابة بفيروس فيروس كورونا المستجد طويل المدى.

Released: 26-Oct-2021 1:35 PM EDT
Esperança para os pacientes com a síndrome pós-COVID
Mayo Clinic

“As estimativas demonstram que 10 a 30 por cento das pessoas infectadas com a COVID-19 acabarão ficando com a COVID de longa duração”, afirma o Dr. Greg Vanichkachorn, diretor médico do Programa de Reabilitação de Atividades da COVID da Mayo Clinic.

Released: 26-Oct-2021 1:15 PM EDT
Esperanza para pacientes con síndrome pos-COVID
Mayo Clinic

"Las estimaciones indican que entre el 10 y el 30 por ciento de las personas que se infectan con COVID-19 terminarán con COVID de larga duración", afirma el Dr. Greg Vanichkachorn, director médico del Programa de Rehabilitación de Actividades COVID de Mayo Clinic.

Released: 26-Oct-2021 12:50 PM EDT
Multi-institution project to train Kenyan experts to bring social determinants to bear on modeling health outcomes
NYU Tandon School of Engineering

A data-science training program for equipping leaders to support the improvement of health outcomes in Kenya, led by a team from NYU, Brown University, and Moi University in Kenya, was chosen as one of 19 initiatives funded by The National Institutes of Health (NIH) under its new Harnessing Data Science for Health Discovery and Innovation in Africa (DS-I Africa) program.

Released: 26-Oct-2021 12:00 PM EDT
HSS Shares Successful Strategies to Support the Health of Older Adults at American Public Health Association Symposium
Hospital for Special Surgery

When the pandemic forced the closure of its onsite programs, Community Education & Outreach staff at HSS quickly set out to transition their offerings to virtual and conference call formats. HSS staff shared their strategies and successes at a virtual symposium titled, “Fostering Social, Emotional and Physical Connectivity in Older Adults during the Pandemic and Beyond” at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA) on October 26.

Released: 26-Oct-2021 11:45 AM EDT
What causes disease outbreaks?
University of Georgia

Since 1974, contaminated water has been the most common driver of large-scale zoonotic infectious disease outbreaks, according to new research from the Center for the Ecology of Infectious Diseases (CEID) at the University of Georgia.

Released: 26-Oct-2021 11:00 AM EDT
Statins Likely Not Helpful In Reducing Covid-19 Mortality or Severity
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Findings from a recent Johns Hopkins Medicine-led study of nearly 4,500 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 over a four-month period provide a stronger case for a very different conclusion: Statins likely did not confer any impact — positive or negative — on COVID-related mortality and may be associated with an significantly increased risk — nearly 1 chance in 5 — of more serious illness.

22-Oct-2021 11:10 AM EDT
Modeling Improvements Promise Increased Accuracy for Epidemic Forecasting
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Accurate forecasting of epidemic scenarios is critical to implementing effective public health intervention policies. In Chaos, researchers from France and Italy use dynamical stochastic modeling techniques to reveal that infection and recovery rate fluctuations play a critical role in determining peak times for epidemics. Using a susceptible-infected-recovered epidemic model that incorporates daily fluctuations on control parameters, the study applies probability theory calculations to infection counts at the beginning of an epidemic wave and at peak times for populations in Italy.

22-Oct-2021 8:55 AM EDT
Over 4 million deaths per year worldwide caused by obesity
Endocrine Society

Novel obesity treatments such as modulation of the gut microbiome and gene therapy are underutilized and could help fight the obesity epidemic, according to a new manuscript published in the Endocrine Society’s journal, Endocrine Reviews.

Released: 26-Oct-2021 8:55 AM EDT
COVID-19: Does having received the BCG vaccine as a child provide a protective effect?
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS)

Being vaccinated during childhood with the BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guérin) vaccine against tuberculosis is not a long-term protective factor against COVID-19, despite what was thought at the beginning of the pandemic.

Released: 25-Oct-2021 6:55 PM EDT
Research examines coping mechanisms for loss of smell from COVID-19
University of Cincinnati

One of the most common and disturbing side effects of COVID-19 is the loss of the sense of smell.

Released: 25-Oct-2021 4:05 PM EDT
Public Health x Art
Rutgers School of Public Health

The Rutgers School of Public Health and the Mason Gross School of the Arts have launched a collaboration to support community-engaged, arts-integrated research projects that will result in performances or productions of art.

Released: 25-Oct-2021 12:35 PM EDT
Loyola Medicine Prepares for Possible Approval of the COVID-19 Vaccine for Children
Loyola Medicine

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is set to meet on October 26 to discuss the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children aged five to 11. Ahead of this meeting, Loyola Medicine is taking steps to ensure the health system is prepared to administer Pfizer vaccines to children if approval is granted.

Released: 25-Oct-2021 11:50 AM EDT
March Madness: Researcher sees temporary increase in COVID-19 cases in counties where universities played in NCAA Tournament   
Beth Israel Lahey Health

A new analysis by a researcher at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) finds a link between large gatherings of unvaccinated county residents – both students and non-students – and an increase in COVID-19 infections in the university’s community.

Released: 25-Oct-2021 8:25 AM EDT
UCI-led study finds disparities in severe illness and lengthy hospitalizations between undocumented and Medi-Cal patients
University of California, Irvine

Lithium is a common medication prescribed to patients with psychiatric disorders, namely bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and depression. It is used as a mood stabilizer and lessens the intensity of manic episodes, with particular benefit in reducing suicidality. While highly effective, the drug requires routine blood monitoring, which can be uncomfortable, expensive, and inconvenient for patients who must travel to clinical labs for frequent blood testing.

Newswise:Video Embedded covid-19-pandemic-lockdowns-sharply-increased-bicycle-related-injuries-gun-related-injuries-rose-too
20-Oct-2021 1:00 PM EDT
COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns sharply increased bicycle-related injuries; gun-related injuries rose too
American College of Surgeons (ACS)

Despite regional variations in COVID-19-related restrictions last year during the lockdown phase of the pandemic, similar trends emerged in activity at Level I trauma centers in four different cities from the Southeast to the Northwest.
