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Released: 13-Jan-2020 10:55 AM EST
Department of Energy Announces $625 Million for New Quantum Centers
Department of Energy, Office of Science

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $625 million over the next five years to establish two to five multidisciplinary Quantum Information Science (QIS) Research Centers in support of the National Quantum Initiative.

Released: 13-Jan-2020 9:00 AM EST
And on that farm, he had a robot
Oregon State University, College of Engineering

Will robots someday replace farm workers? Do we want them to? Oregon State University College of Engineering agricultural robotics expert Joe Davidson talks about the potential benefits of using robots in agriculture, and what goes into designing the perfect robotic apple picker.

Released: 13-Jan-2020 6:20 AM EST
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can detect low-glucose levels via ECG without fingerpick test
University of Warwick

Tracking sugar in the blood is crucial for both healthy individuals and diabetic patients. Current methods to measure glucose requires needles and repeated fingerpicks over the day. Fingerpicks can often be painful, deterring patient compliance

Released: 10-Jan-2020 4:15 PM EST
SuperTIGER on its second prowl — 130,000 feet above Antarctica
Washington University in St. Louis

A balloon-borne scientific instrument designed to study the origin of cosmic rays is taking its second turn high above the continent of Antarctica three and a half weeks after its launch. SuperTIGER (Super Trans-Iron Galactic Element Recorder) is designed to measure the rare, heavy elements in cosmic rays that hold clues about their origins outside of the solar system.

Released: 10-Jan-2020 3:50 PM EST
Jefferson Lab to be Major Partner in Electron Ion Collider Project
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

The Department of Energy announced that it has taken the next step toward construction of an Electron Ion Collider (EIC) in the United States. DOE announced on Thursday that the collider will be sited at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, N.Y. In addition, DOE’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility will be a major partner in realizing the EIC, providing key support to build this next new collider, which will be the most advanced particle collider of its type ever built.

Released: 10-Jan-2020 2:45 PM EST
Department of Energy Selects Site for Electron-Ion Collider
Brookhaven National Laboratory

UPTON, NY— Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) named Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island in New York as the site for building an Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), a one-of-a-kind nuclear physics research facility. This announcement, following DOE’s approval of “mission need” (known as Critical Decision 0) on December 19, 2019, enables work to begin on R&D and the conceptual design for this next-generation collider at Brookhaven Lab.

Released: 10-Jan-2020 2:25 PM EST
Your Brain: Individual and Unique
American Technion Society

New findings show that individual variations in the brain’s structural connectome (map of neural connections) define a specific structural fingerprint with a direct impact on the functional organization of individual brains.

Released: 10-Jan-2020 2:20 PM EST
Mayo Clinic, en colaboración con Helix, hará secuenciación en cien mil participantes para crear base de datos genómicos
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic está creando una biblioteca de datos con la secuenciación genómica de cien mil participantes que dieron su autorización para el efecto, a fin de avanzar en la investigación y en la atención médica de los pacientes.

Released: 10-Jan-2020 1:30 PM EST
Scientists Find Oldest-Known Fossilized Digestive Tract -- 550 Million Years
University of Missouri, Columbia

A 550 million-year-old fossilized digestive tract found in the Nevada desert could be a key find in understanding the early history of animals on Earth.

Released: 10-Jan-2020 12:50 PM EST
New quantum loop provides long national testbed for quantum communication technology
Argonne National Laboratory

Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago launched a new testbed for quantum communication experiments from Argonne last week.

9-Jan-2020 2:50 PM EST
Satellite constellations harvest energy for near-total global coverage
Cornell University

A National Science Foundation-sponsored collaboration led by Patrick Reed, the Joseph C. Ford Professor of Engineering at Cornell University, has discovered the right combination of factors to make a four-satellite constellation possible, which could drive advances in telecommunication, navigation and remote sensing.

Released: 10-Jan-2020 2:05 AM EST
Los Alamos National Laboratory joins IBM Q Network to explore quantum computing algorithms and education outreach
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory announced today at CES 2020 that it is joining the cloud-based IBM Q Network as part of the Laboratory’s research initiative into quantum computing, including developing quantum computing algorithms, conducting research in quantum simulations, and developing education tools.

Released: 9-Jan-2020 2:25 PM EST
New Closed-Loop System Offers Promise as Novel Treatment for Post-Bariatric Hypoglycemia
Joslin Diabetes Center

Post-bariatric hypoglycemia is a profoundly life-altering condition for patients. Having unpredictable hypoglycemia that people can't detect is really an unsafe situation. Researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center and Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have developed a closed-loop system that automatically provides patients with an appropriate, as-needed dose of liquid glucagon to treat this condition.

Released: 9-Jan-2020 1:45 PM EST
Harnessing Biology and Technology to Develop New Depression Treatments – Update from Harvard Review of Psychiatry
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

New research into the biology of depression, along with new and evolving technologies, provides the basis for developing the next generation of treatments for major depressive disorder (MDD), according to the special January/February issue of Harvard Review of Psychiatry. The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Released: 9-Jan-2020 1:30 PM EST
LANL News: Scientists image heart RNA structure for the first time
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Scientists at Los Alamos and international partners have created the first 3-D images of a special type of RNA molecule that is critical for stem cell programming and known as the “dark matter” of the genome.

Released: 9-Jan-2020 12:55 PM EST
Hackensack University Medical Center is First in the Nation to Acquire the TSolution One® Active Robot by THINK Surgical for Total Knee Replacement Procedures
Hackensack Meridian Health

The TSolution One® Surgical System combines two exclusive innovations to advance total joint replacement surgery. The system consists of TPLAN®, a 3D pre-surgical planning workstation and TCAT®, a computer assisted tool. The pre-surgical planning allows the surgeon to design and prepare, in a virtual environment, the patient's unique joint replacement plan using a choice of implant options. Total joint replacement surgery involves removing the diseased knee joint and replacing it with a joint implant. During the joint replacement surgery, the surgeon implements the patient's pre-planned procedure using the active robot, which prepares the joint according to the surgeon's plan for precise placement of implants.

Released: 9-Jan-2020 10:05 AM EST
Study: How U.S. sewage plants can remove medicines from wastewater
University at Buffalo

A study of seven wastewater treatment plants points to two treatment methods — granular activated carbon and ozonation — as being particularly promising for reducing the concentration of pharmaceuticals including certain antidepressants and antibiotics.

Released: 8-Jan-2020 4:05 PM EST
Telescope upgrade, move will aid in search for exoplanets
Cornell University

Thousands of planets orbiting stars other than our own – known as extrasolar planets, or exoplanets – have been detected and cataloged over the last 30 years. A new effort will set the stage for the discovery of fundamentally different kinds of planets – very young and very large.

Released: 8-Jan-2020 3:15 PM EST
NEID Exoplanet Instrument Sees First Light
Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA)

The new NEID instrument, now installed at the 3.5-meter WIYN telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Southern Arizona, USA, has made its first observations. The NSF-NASA funded instrument is designed to measure the motion of nearby stars with extreme precision — roughly three times better than current state-of-the-art instruments — allowing us to detect, determine the mass of, and characterize exoplanets as small as Earth.

Released: 8-Jan-2020 1:45 PM EST
WHOI underwater robot takes first known automated sample from ocean
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

A hybrid remotely operated vehicle developed by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) took the first known automated sample performed by a robotic arm in the ocean. Last month, an international team of researchers used one of WHOI’s underwater robots, Nereid Under Ice (NUI), to explore Kolumbo volcano, an active submarine volcano off Greece’s famed Santorini island.
