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Newswise: Smart packaging of the future?
Released: 22-Aug-2023 10:30 AM EDT
Smart packaging of the future?
Case Western Reserve University

About one-third of all food produced for human consumption gets lost or wasted—roughly 1.3 billion tons of food each year.

10-Aug-2023 12:55 PM EDT
What’s the Risk of a Mass Shooting at Your School?
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)

In a new study published by the journal Risk Analysis, scientists at Iowa State University calculate the annual probability of a mass shooting in every state and at public places such as shopping malls and schools. Their new method for quantifying the risk of a mass shooting in specific places could help security officials make informed decisions when planning for emergency events.

Newswise: New test chamber created to find better ways to keep people cool
Released: 22-Aug-2023 10:25 AM EDT
New test chamber created to find better ways to keep people cool
Washington State University

A shipping container that can test passive cooling systems could help researchers and builders find carbon-free ways to keep people cool in extreme temperatures.

Released: 22-Aug-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Paired liver exchange developed by Boston College economists results in first four-way liver exchange
Boston College

In a breakthrough in liver transplantation that may lead to the ability to connect more living donors and patients, a new matching system designed by a team led by Boston College economists enabled the world’s first four-way liver exchange and a cascade of additional matches.

Newswise: Delineating the pathways of warm water towards East Antarctica’s Totten Glacier
Released: 22-Aug-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Delineating the pathways of warm water towards East Antarctica’s Totten Glacier
Research Organization of Information and Systems

One of the most feared effects of global warming is the rise in sea level caused by the melting of polar continental ice.

Newswise: Study Unlocks New Insight about Breast Cancer Risk
Released: 22-Aug-2023 9:45 AM EDT
Study Unlocks New Insight about Breast Cancer Risk
New York Institute of Technology, New York Tech

A new study led by a researcher at New York Institute of Technology provides insight that could change how scientists and clinicians understand genetic predisposition to breast cancer, a condition that affects one in eight U.S. women in her lifetime.

Newswise: Understanding river alteration via shifting flow regime
Released: 22-Aug-2023 8:30 AM EDT
Understanding river alteration via shifting flow regime
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Researchers at the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT, President Kim Byung-suk) published their findings on the drastic short-term alterations in rivers accompanied by shifts in vegetation and geomorphology drawn from actual on-site investigation and analyses and not from model simulations.

Newswise: ‘Coastal Squeeze:’ Massive Loss of U.S. Coastline Tidal Flats Over 31 Years
Released: 22-Aug-2023 8:30 AM EDT
‘Coastal Squeeze:’ Massive Loss of U.S. Coastline Tidal Flats Over 31 Years
Florida Atlantic University

The entire contiguous U.S. has experienced massive urban expansions and the Atlantic Coast shows outstandingly high rates. Urban expansion has substantially squeezed the space of tidal flats and affected surrounding environments. In new urban areas, tidal flats have undergone considerable degeneration with more significant patterns as they get closer to new urban locations. Tidal flats protect against the ocean’s destructive powers such as hurricanes. Without some inland spaces to move around, they will likely disappear, which will have dire consequences for beachfront communities.

Newswise: As City Heat Rises, Bird Diversity Declines
Released: 22-Aug-2023 8:15 AM EDT
As City Heat Rises, Bird Diversity Declines
Cornell University

A study done on 336 cities in China concludes that heat-retaining buildings and paved surfaces are directly related to a loss in bird diversity. It is likely that the patterns documented in this study are occurring in other large cities across the globe that have abundant asphalt, steel, and concrete with little green vegetation

Newswise: Digital real estate listings with more photos, descriptions earn higher sale prices
Released: 22-Aug-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Digital real estate listings with more photos, descriptions earn higher sale prices
Iowa State University

Using "experiential" descriptions and more photos on Zillow can boost offers and sale prices, especially for homes valued significantly higher or lower than the neighborhood average, according to a new study.

Released: 22-Aug-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Police Involvement May Hamstring Overdose Outreach Efforts
North Carolina State University

A new study finds law enforcement plays a critical role in launching programs designed to reduce the risk of repeat overdoses in people who use drugs.

Released: 22-Aug-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Want to increase resiliency in kids? Teach creativity
Ohio State University

Train elementary school students how to be creative and you can help increase their resilience in the face of real-life problems, new research suggests.

Released: 22-Aug-2023 7:05 AM EDT
Challenges ahead: navigating climate change and water management
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Freshwater is vital for humans, ecosystems, and economies. However, climate and socio-economic changes are expected to substantially alter water availability. A pioneering study emphasizes considering future water withdrawals in low flow projections, highlighting the urgency of coordinated efforts to reduce excessive extraction in European rivers.

Newswise: New epoxy resin resists flames and reduces waste
Released: 22-Aug-2023 4:05 AM EDT
New epoxy resin resists flames and reduces waste
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Empa researchers have developed an epoxy resin that can be repaired and recycled, in addition to being flame-retardant and mechanically strong. Potential applications range from coating for wooden flooring to composites in aerospace and railways.

Released: 22-Aug-2023 4:05 AM EDT
Rediscovering the joy of music collection
Bar-Ilan University

A series of three studies led by Prof. Ofer Bergman from Bar-Ilan University has uncovered a fascinating relationship between music collection and listening enjoyment in the era of streaming music.

Newswise: Fire, disease threatening sanctuary plants for Australian wildlife
Released: 22-Aug-2023 1:05 AM EDT
Fire, disease threatening sanctuary plants for Australian wildlife
University of South Australia

New research has revealed that Australia's iconic grass trees - aka yaccas - play a critical role in protecting wildlife from deadly weather extremes, thereby ensuring their survival. But the grasses themselves are under threat due to back burning, clearing and disease.

Newswise: Short-Term Use of Immunosuppressants Not Linked to Cancer Risk
Released: 21-Aug-2023 7:05 PM EDT
Short-Term Use of Immunosuppressants Not Linked to Cancer Risk
University of Pittsburgh

Relatively short-term use of immunosuppressant medications to control an inflammatory disease was not associated with an increased risk of later developing cancer, according to new research.

18-Aug-2023 9:55 AM EDT
MRI scans improve prostate cancer diagnosis in screening trial
University College London

Using MRI as a screening test alongside PSA density allowed detection of cancers that would have been missed by the blood test alone, according to new research from UCL, UCLH and King’s College London.

Released: 21-Aug-2023 5:30 PM EDT
New ToxSci Papers on Effects of PFAS from Breastfeeding, How Genetics and Diet Influence Blood Lead Levels, and More
Society of Toxicology

New issue of Toxicological Sciences features a Systematic Review on PFAS exposure during breastfeeding, an In-Depth Review on PFAS toxicokinetics and modes of action, and spotlight articles on an in vitro rat airway epithelial model and on risk estimates for lead based on drinking water, genetics, and diet.

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This news release is embargoed until 21-Aug-2023 5:00 PM EDT Released to reporters: 15-Aug-2023 2:00 PM EDT

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