Breaking News: European Union News

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Released: 29-Jun-2017 7:05 AM EDT
Global Survey: Execs Reporting Significant Risks – But Less-Than-Robust Efforts to Address Them
North Carolina State University

A global survey of executives finds that most view the world as increasingly risky, with many reporting a “significant operational surprise” over the past five years. However, the majority of executives also report that their organizations are not developing more robust risk management processes.

Released: 18-Apr-2017 6:05 AM EDT
Researchers From Queen’s Awarded ESRC Grants to Explore the Impact of Brexit in Northern Ireland
Queen's University Belfast

Researchers from Queen’s University Belfast have been awarded Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Brexit Priority Grants, for research into the impact and consequences of Brexit in Northern Ireland.

Released: 28-Mar-2017 9:00 AM EDT
Recent Evolution of German Politics Is Window Into Fringe Parties' Gains
University of Kansas

A University of Kansas professor examines conditions in German politics dating back to 2013 to find a window into the recent gains of fringe parties in Europe and the United States, which includes the Trump election and the Brexit vote.

Released: 3-Mar-2017 7:05 AM EST
Leading Non-Profit Health Insurer Alerts EU Health Ministers on EDCs
Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL)

The International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) wrote to EU health ministers on Friday to urge them to take "proper action" on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs).

Released: 2-Mar-2017 3:35 PM EST
Wheat in the EU28
International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium

This infographic presents the latest numbers of wheat production, yield, cultivated area, value and consumption in the European Union.

Released: 20-Feb-2017 9:00 AM EST
Brexit Chaos Has Brought on Politicized Judiciary in Britain, Historian Says
University of Kansas

Jonathan Clark, University of Kansas distinguished professor of history, discusses the historical context of constitutional issues surrounding the Brexit and the politicization of Britain's Supreme Court.
