Feature Channels: Alzheimer's and Dementia

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14-Jun-2021 7:00 AM EDT
New Treatment Stops Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease in Monkey Brains
NYU Langone Health

A new therapy prompts immune defense cells to swallow misshapen proteins, amyloid beta plaques and tau tangles, whose buildup is known to kill nearby brain cells as part of Alzheimer’s disease, a new study shows.

Released: 14-Jun-2021 8:05 AM EDT
Alzheimer's Association Statement: Next Steps For New Alzheimer's Treatment
Alzheimer's Association

As the global nonprofit leader in Alzheimer's research and science we have extensively reviewed the clinical trial data for Aduhelm™ (aducanumab).

Released: 10-Jun-2021 4:05 PM EDT
Study Identifies How COVID-19 Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease-like Cognitive Impairment
Cleveland Clinic

A new Cleveland Clinic-led study has identified mechanisms by which COVID-19 can lead to Alzheimer’s disease-like dementia. The findings, published in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, indicate an overlap between COVID-19 and brain changes common in Alzheimer’s, and may help inform risk management and therapeutic strategies for COVID-19-associated cognitive impairment.

Released: 10-Jun-2021 10:25 AM EDT
Memory Biomarkers Confirm Aerobic Exercise Helps Cognitive Function in Older Adults
Florida Atlantic University

Until now, systemic biomarkers to measure exercise effects on brain function and that link to relevant metabolic responses were lacking. A study shows a memory biomarker, myokine Cathepsin B (CTSB), increased in older adults following a 26-week structured aerobic exercise training. The positive association between CTSB and cognition, and the substantial modulation of lipid metabolites implicated in dementia, support the beneficial effects of exercise training on brain function and brain health in asymptomatic individuals at risk for Alzheimer’s.

Released: 9-Jun-2021 11:00 AM EDT
Research News Tip Sheet: Story Ideas from Johns Hopkins Medicine
Johns Hopkins Medicine

NEWS STORIES IN THIS ISSUE: - Study Says Failure to Rid Amyloid Beta Protein from Brain May Lead to Alzheimer’s Disease - Johns Hopkins Medicine Team Discovers Novel Mediator of Once Mysterious Chronic Itch - Study Suggests Molecular Changes in Tissue Microenvironment May Promote Colorectal Cancer - Researchers ID Anti-Inflammatory Proteins as Therapy Targets for Nasal and Sinus Problem - Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Receives NIH Award to Study Dangerous Pediatric Disease

4-Jun-2021 10:00 AM EDT
Personalized Soundscape Could Help People with Dementia with Time, Place Recognition
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

Designing a soundscape to improve quality of life for an individual is centered on putting their perception at the heart of the process. During the 180th ASA Meeting, Arezoo Talebzadeh from Ghent University will show how a personalized soundscape can help those with dementia by providing clues regarding time of day and place. The session, "Soundscape design for people with dementia; the correlation between psychoacoustic parameter and human perception," will take place Wednesday, June 9.

Released: 8-Jun-2021 4:10 PM EDT
Weak brain waves may warn of age-related neurodegenerative disease

Weakened electrical signals in the brain may be an early warning sign of age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, suggests a study published today in eLife.

Released: 8-Jun-2021 2:30 PM EDT
Harnessing healthy behaviors to prevent dementia
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

The approval of a new Alzheimer's disease drug is getting a lot of attention, but a recent scientific review of the evidence about dementia prevention shows an important role for primary care providers and patients to modify risk factors and protect brain health over the long term.

Released: 7-Jun-2021 12:20 PM EDT
FDA Approves Aducanumab for Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's Association

This is the first drug that slows Alzheimer's disease. And, this is the beginning of a completely new future for Alzheimer's treatments. This is a new type of Alzheimer's treatment; it addresses the disease in a way that has never been done before, compared to currently approved drugs. Alzheimer's Association spokespeople are available.

Released: 7-Jun-2021 12:05 AM EDT
New drug to halt dementia after multiple head injuries
University of South Australia

A world-first international study led by the University of South Australia has identified a new drug to stop athletes developing dementia after sustaining repeated head injuries in their career.

Released: 4-Jun-2021 7:05 AM EDT
New research may offer hope for Alzheimer's patients
University of Kentucky

University of Kentucky Neuroscience Professor Greg Gerhardt's new research program will provide answers to long-standing questions about the role of neurotransmitters GABA and glutamate in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. A culmination of his nearly 40 years of brain research, Gerhardt's study could help to develop new treatments for the disease.

Released: 3-Jun-2021 2:15 PM EDT
Secondary infections inflame the brain, worsening cognition in Alzheimer's disease
Trinity College Dublin

New research into Alzheimer's disease (AD) suggests that secondary infections and new inflammatory events amplify the brain's immune response and affect memory in mice and in humans - even when these secondary events occur outside the brain.
