Breaking News: Immigration

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Released: 16-Feb-2022 1:15 PM EST
Community leaders and Mayo Clinic researchers develop playbook for COVID-19 health equity, future pandemics
Mayo Clinic

Public health experts report that members of immigrant and refugee communities continue to be disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. A team of Mayo Clinic medical experts and community leaders collaborated to find ways to reduce health disparities related to COVID-19.

Released: 7-Feb-2022 11:55 AM EST
Refugees in U.S. struggle to find long-term work
Cornell University

Refugees are less likely to be employed the longer they live in the United States, despite unique and early access to employment services, according to new Cornell University research.

Newswise: UCI-led study finds disparities in undiagnosed hypertension among Chinese and Korean American Immigrants
Released: 4-Feb-2022 4:05 PM EST
UCI-led study finds disparities in undiagnosed hypertension among Chinese and Korean American Immigrants
University of California, Irvine

Chinese and Korean American immigrants who lack health insurance are at an increased risk of having hypertension, but not knowing it, according to a UCI-led study recently published in the Journal of Community Health. The study, led by corresponding author and assistant professor of health, society and behavior with the UCI Program in Public Health Brittany N.

Newswise: January temperatures linked to immigrant entrepreneurship
Released: 6-Jan-2022 7:05 AM EST
January temperatures linked to immigrant entrepreneurship
Iowa State University

Researchers at Iowa State University found the ratio of immigrants who are self-employed vs. paid-employed is much higher in parts of the country with warmer January temperatures (i.e., the South) and lower in colder areas (i.e., the Midwest).

Released: 19-Nov-2021 3:20 PM EST
English Learners Face Severe Inequities and Substandard Conditions in NJ Schools
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

English learners (ELs) in New Jersey public schools, already facing inadequate supports and a lack of attention, missed out on critical services during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a report released today by the NJ Consortium for Immigrant Children (NJCIC), NJ Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages/NJ Bilingual Educators (NJTESOL/NBE), and Education Law Center (ELC).

Released: 5-Nov-2021 8:55 AM EDT
Does environmental stress drive migration?
Aalto University

While climate-driven migration has been deemed a major threat in public discourse and academic research, comprehensive studies that take into account both environmental and social factors globally have been scarce. Now, with the help of machine learning, a research team led by Aalto University has drawn a clearer picture of the factors involved in migration for 178 countries.

Newswise: UA Little Rock Postdoctoral Researcher Receives $40K Grant to Create Predictive Modeling of Refugee Numbers
Released: 27-Oct-2021 11:45 AM EDT
UA Little Rock Postdoctoral Researcher Receives $40K Grant to Create Predictive Modeling of Refugee Numbers
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

The Arkansas Economic Development Commission, using flow-through funding from the National Science Foundation, has awarded a postdoctoral research fellow at UA Little Rock a grant worth more than $40,000 to create a machine learning model to predict refugee counts in the United States.

Released: 25-Oct-2021 8:25 AM EDT
UCI-led study finds disparities in severe illness and lengthy hospitalizations between undocumented and Medi-Cal patients
University of California, Irvine

Lithium is a common medication prescribed to patients with psychiatric disorders, namely bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and depression. It is used as a mood stabilizer and lessens the intensity of manic episodes, with particular benefit in reducing suicidality. While highly effective, the drug requires routine blood monitoring, which can be uncomfortable, expensive, and inconvenient for patients who must travel to clinical labs for frequent blood testing.

Released: 22-Oct-2021 5:10 PM EDT
UCI-led study projects health insurance and population growth rates among undocumented Latino immigrants with an eye toward health equity
University of California, Irvine

Lithium is a common medication prescribed to patients with psychiatric disorders, namely bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and depression. It is used as a mood stabilizer and lessens the intensity of manic episodes, with particular benefit in reducing suicidality. While highly effective, the drug requires routine blood monitoring, which can be uncomfortable, expensive, and inconvenient for patients who must travel to clinical labs for frequent blood testing.

Newswise: UCI researcher gets NSF-backed grant to study wildfires’ effects on farmworkers
Released: 20-Oct-2021 3:45 PM EDT
UCI researcher gets NSF-backed grant to study wildfires’ effects on farmworkers
University of California, Irvine

Michael Méndez of the University of California, Irvine has received a two-year, $400,000 grant from the National Center for Atmospheric Research’s Early Career Faculty Innovator Program. It will fund a joint project with researchers at NCAR – which is sponsored by the National Science Foundation – exploring the disparate treatment of undocumented Latino/Latina and Indigenous migrant farmworkers during extreme wildfire events in Sonoma County.

