Curated News: Scientific Reports

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Newswise: The first prehistoric wind instruments discovered in the Levant
Released: 9-Jun-2023 6:05 PM EDT
The first prehistoric wind instruments discovered in the Levant
CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique / National Center of Scientific Research)

Although the prehistoric site of Eynan-Mallaha in northern Israel has been thoroughly examined since 1955, it still holds some surprises for scientists. Seven prehistoric wind instruments known as flutes, recently identified by a Franco-Israeli team.

Newswise: New study shows superior reactive oxygen species removal ability of copper coupled to lysozyme
Released: 25-May-2023 10:25 AM EDT
New study shows superior reactive oxygen species removal ability of copper coupled to lysozyme
Tokyo University of Science

In aerobic organisms, reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as hydroxide (OH), singlet oxygen (1O2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and superoxide (O2–) ions are produced during aerobic respiration, which causes serious oxidative damage to biomolecules in the body.

Newswise: Gene mutation linked to poorer TBI recovery outcomes in African Americans, according to study
Released: 24-May-2023 4:00 PM EDT
Gene mutation linked to poorer TBI recovery outcomes in African Americans, according to study
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

African Americans with a mutation in the gene TRPM4 are more likely to have increased inflammation in the brain, resulting in poor recovery after suffering a traumatic brain injury (TBI), compared to others who don’t have the mutation, according to a study by researchers with UTHealth Houston.

Released: 22-May-2023 12:45 PM EDT
Eruption of Tonga underwater volcano found to disrupt satellite signals halfway around the world
Nagoya University

An international team has used satellite- and ground-based ionospheric observations to demonstrate that an air pressure wave triggered by volcanic eruptions could produce an equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) in the ionosphere, severely disrupting satellite-based communications.

Released: 18-May-2023 8:00 PM EDT
Engineering: The house that diapers built
Scientific Reports

Up to eight percent of the sand in concrete and mortar used to make a single-story house could be replaced with shredded used disposable diapers without significantly diminishing their strength, according to a study published in Scientific Reports.

Released: 15-May-2023 7:15 PM EDT
'Love hormone' guides young songbirds in choice of 'voice coach'
Emory University

Oxytocin, the so-called “love hormone,” plays a key role in the process of how a young zebra finch learns to sing by imitating its elders, suggests a new study by neuroscientists at Emory University. Scientific Reports published the findings, which add to the understanding of the neurochemistry of social learning.

Newswise: Brain-Belly Connection: Gut Health May Influence Likelihood of Developing Alzheimer’s
Released: 11-May-2023 3:50 PM EDT
Brain-Belly Connection: Gut Health May Influence Likelihood of Developing Alzheimer’s
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)

UNLV study pinpoints 10 bacterial groups associated with Alzheimer’s disease, provides new insights into the relationship between gut makeup and dementia.

Newswise: How “extracellular chaperones” help remove abnormal proteins
Released: 11-May-2023 10:20 AM EDT
How “extracellular chaperones” help remove abnormal proteins
Chiba University

Proteins tend to fold wrongly and become defective when exposed to stressors such as heat, oxidation, and pH changes. Accumulation of abnormal proteins contributes to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Released: 10-May-2023 1:45 PM EDT
Pandemic stress reshapes the placentas of expectant moms
Children's National Hospital

Elevated maternal stress during the COVID-19 pandemic changed the structure, texture and other qualities of the placenta in pregnant mothers – a critical connection between mothers and their unborn babies – according to new research from the Developing Brain Institute at Children’s National Hospital.

Newswise: Delivery of antioxidants to liver mitochondria
Released: 10-May-2023 12:25 PM EDT
Delivery of antioxidants to liver mitochondria
Hokkaido University

A new drug delivery system delivers an antioxidant directly to mitochondria in the liver, mitigating the effects of oxidative stress.

Newswise: Sleep-tracker study finds fatigued officers struggle with investigations
Released: 10-May-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Sleep-tracker study finds fatigued officers struggle with investigations
Iowa State University

New research suggests investigative law enforcement officers have a harder time focusing on their work and managing their emotions on days when they're more fatigued. They also face greater difficulty establishing rapport with interviewees.

Newswise: Squeezing data from a diamond sandwich
Released: 3-May-2023 12:45 PM EDT
Squeezing data from a diamond sandwich
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

For decades, scientists sought a way to apply the outstanding analytical capabilities of neutrons to materials under pressures approaching those surrounding the Earth’s core. These extreme pressures can rearrange a material’s atoms, potentially resulting in interesting new properties.

Released: 2-May-2023 1:45 PM EDT
Embrace tradition in the face of danger? New international study in which the US takes part
University of Seville

A study conducted in 27 countries, led by the department of Anthropology at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in which the University of Seville takes part, suggests that in the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic, traditionalism was associated with support for stricter precautionary behaviour against the epidemic.

Released: 2-May-2023 12:45 PM EDT
Exercise increases the number of cancer-destroying immune cells in cancer patients
University of Turku (Turun yliopisto)

Two new Finnish studies show that short bouts of light or moderate exercise can increase the number of immune cells in the bloodstream of cancer patients.

Newswise: To Track Turbulence in Tokamaks, Researchers Turn to Machine Learning
Released: 1-May-2023 3:45 PM EDT
To Track Turbulence in Tokamaks, Researchers Turn to Machine Learning
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Fusion energy researchers use a technique called Gas-Puff Imaging (GPI) to visualize an important phenomenon in tokamak devices involving turbulence in plasma magnetic confinement fields. This technique can generate roughly 1 million frames of visual data, far too much for humans to analyze by eye. Scientists recently tested a machine-learning based approach for analyzing GPI images. The system provides detailed, time- and space-resolved information and could aid in design and operation of future fusion power devices.

Newswise: In-scent-ive to avoid danger
Released: 1-May-2023 12:05 AM EDT
In-scent-ive to avoid danger
Kyoto University

Spider mites avoid chemicals extracted from caterpillar traces; the repellent effect lasts for days. Butterfly and moth caterpillars then indiscriminately consume spider mite-infested and intact leaves along with dormant individuals or their eggs.

Released: 27-Apr-2023 2:25 PM EDT
Ecology: Over 64% of suitable elephant habitat lost across Asia since 1700
Scientific Reports

Habitats suitable for Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) across Asia have decreased by over 64% – equating to 3.3 million square kilometres of land – since the year 1700, estimates a study published in Scientific Reports.

Newswise:Video Embedded elephant-ecosystems-in-decline
24-Apr-2023 9:00 PM EDT
Elephant Ecosystems in Decline
University of California San Diego

Global space for Asian elephant habitats has been in rapid decline since the 1700s, a new report reveals. More than 3 million square kilometers of the Asian elephant’s historic habitat range has been lost in just three centuries and may underlie present-day conflicts between elephants and people.

Newswise: Fossilized soot and charcoal from torches dating back more than 8,000 years make it possible to reconstruct the history of the Nerja Cave
Released: 25-Apr-2023 2:15 PM EDT
Fossilized soot and charcoal from torches dating back more than 8,000 years make it possible to reconstruct the history of the Nerja Cave
University of Cordoba

A new study reveals that Nerja is the European cave containing Paleolithic Art in with the most confirmed and recurrent visits during Prehistory

Newswise: It’s not as difficult as you think to shout upwind
Released: 24-Apr-2023 4:05 AM EDT
It’s not as difficult as you think to shout upwind
Aalto University

Researchers unveil and explain a common-sense misunderstanding
