Feature Channels: Heart Disease

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Released: 26-Jan-2022 8:05 AM EST
Using the eye as a window into heart disease
University of Leeds

Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) system that can analyse eye scans taken during a routine visit to an optician or eye clinic and identify patients at a high risk of a heart attack.

Released: 25-Jan-2022 5:05 PM EST
Despite the pandemic, UChicago Medicine performed a record number of transplants in 2021, mirroring a nationwide trend
University of Chicago Medical Center

A record-high 346 organ transplants were done at the University of Chicago Medicine in 2021 — up 42% from the previous year and part of a nationwide trend in transplant surgeries.

21-Jan-2022 6:05 AM EST
New Practice Guideline Addresses Diagnosis, Treatment of Type B Aortic Dissection
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) and the American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS) released a new clinical practice guideline that includes major recommendations for managing patients with type B aortic dissection (TBAD). The guideline was published online in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery and The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.

Released: 24-Jan-2022 5:10 PM EST
مايو كلينك للرعاية الصحية في لندن تقوم بتوسيع خدمات تصوير القلب المتقدمة
Mayo Clinic

لندن - وسّعت مايو كلينك للرعاية الصحية في لندن قائمة أدوات تصوير القلب المتقدمة لتشمل تخطيط صدى القلب عبر المريء ثلاثي الأبعاد. وتدعم هذه الإضافة التشخيصات الكاملة لأمراض صمام القلب، مع التقييمات والمراجعة من قبل خبراء مايو كلينك للرعاية الصحية في المملكة المتحدة وزملائهم في الولايات المتحدة.

Released: 24-Jan-2022 5:10 PM EST
伦敦Mayo Clinic Healthcare扩展了先进心脏影像检查的服务
Mayo Clinic

位于伦敦的Mayo Clinic Healthcare(妙佑医疗国际健康医护中心)扩展了一些先进心脏影像检查设备,引入了三维经食管超声心动图。这些设备的增加再加上英国妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic) 专家及其美国同事的评估和审查,可为心脏瓣膜疾病的全面诊断提供支持。

Released: 24-Jan-2022 4:35 PM EST
A Mayo Clinic Healthcare, em Londres, expande os serviços avançados de imagem cardíaca
Mayo Clinic

a Mayo Clinic Healthcare, em Londres, expandiu sua lista de ferramentas avançadas de imagem cardíaca para incluir a ecocardiografia transesofágica 3D.

Released: 24-Jan-2022 4:35 PM EST
Mayo Clinic Healthcare en Londres amplía sus servicios de imágenes cardíacas avanzadas
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Healthcare en Londres amplió su repertorio de imágenes cardíacas avanzadas a fin de incluir la ecocardiografía transesofágica tridimensional.

Released: 24-Jan-2022 4:25 PM EST
Men who worry more may develop heart disease and diabetes risk factors at younger ages
American Heart Association (AHA)

Middle-aged men who are anxious and worry more may be at greater biological risk for developing heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, also called cardiometabolic disease, as they get older, according to new research published today in the Journal of the American Heart Association, an open access journal of the American Heart Association.

Released: 24-Jan-2022 3:40 PM EST
The Latest Research News from the Health Disparities Channel

The latest research news from the Health Disparities Channel.

Released: 24-Jan-2022 12:30 PM EST
Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London expands advanced cardiac imaging services
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London has expanded its slate of advanced cardiac imaging tools to include 3D transoesophageal echocardiography. The addition supports full diagnostics for heart valve diseases, with assessments and review by Mayo Clinic Healthcare experts in the UK and their colleagues in the U.S.

Released: 24-Jan-2022 11:55 AM EST
Artificial Intelligence Identifies Individuals at Risk for Heart Disease Complications
University of Utah Health

For the first time, University of Utah Health scientists have shown that artificial intelligence could lead to better ways to predict the onset and course of cardiovascular disease.

Newswise: What Is the Role of the Neonatal Ross Heart Procedure
Released: 24-Jan-2022 10:05 AM EST
What Is the Role of the Neonatal Ross Heart Procedure
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

CHLA Heart Institute Co-Director Vaughn Starnes, MD, shares his thoughts on the Neonatal Ross Heart Procedure—and the team’s newest data on patient outcomes. This is important news to share for February's American Heart Month.

Released: 21-Jan-2022 2:15 PM EST
Scientists Find Predictors of Heart Disease Among Black Americans that are Shared Across Ethnicities
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Scientists find metabolites that were consistently linked with coronary heart disease among Black individuals.

Released: 20-Jan-2022 5:50 PM EST
TV watching linked with potentially fatal blood clots
European Society of Cardiology

Take breaks when binge-watching TV to avoid blood clots, say scientists. The warning comes as a study reports that watching TV for four hours a day or more is associated with a 35% higher risk of blood clots compared with less than 2.5 hours. The research is published today in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a journal of the ESC.1

Released: 18-Jan-2022 11:25 AM EST
Rural Patients Less Likely to Receive Cardiovascular Care, More Likely to Die from Certain Heart Conditions, Researchers Find
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

In a nationwide study of Medicare beneficiaries, researchers evaluated differences in procedural care and mortality for acute cardiovascular conditions between rural and urban hospitals.

Newswise: Could Gene Networks Resembling Air Traffic Explain Arteriosclerosis?
10-Jan-2022 4:05 PM EST
Could Gene Networks Resembling Air Traffic Explain Arteriosclerosis?
Mount Sinai Health System

Up to 60 percent of the risk associated with coronary arteriosclerosis may be explained by changes in the activity of hundreds of genes working together in networks across several organs in the body. Moreover, fat processing hormones may play a central role in coordinating this activity. That is the primary result of a study that began nearly 20 years ago on a hunch and involved hundreds of coronary artery disease patients from Northern Europe. The study was led by researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

Newswise: Henry Ford Study Finds Low Risk of Myocarditis in College Athletes Who Recover from Mild COVID Symptoms
Released: 17-Jan-2022 4:15 PM EST
Henry Ford Study Finds Low Risk of Myocarditis in College Athletes Who Recover from Mild COVID Symptoms
Henry Ford Health

In a small study of college athletes who tested positive for COVID-19, researchers at Henry Ford Hospital have found they were at low risk of developing myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle. Researchers retrospectively evaluated cardiac MRI images of 39 athletes and said there was no evidence they developed the heart condition after a COVID infection between June 2020 and January 2021.

Released: 17-Jan-2022 4:05 PM EST
مخاطر القلب والأوعية الدموية قد تصبح أسوأ على مهارات التفكير والذاكرة لدى النساء في منتصف العمر
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا- أمراض القلب مثل مرض الشريان التاجي وعوامل الخطر القلبية الوعائية مثل مرض السكري وارتفاع الكوليسترول مرتبطة بشكل أقوى بتراجع الذاكرة ومهارات التفكير في منتصف العمر لدى النساء مقارنة بالرجال، بحسب دراسة أجرتها مايو كلينك، على الرغم من انتشار هذه الحالات بشكل أكبر بين الرجال. هذا البحث منشور في مجلة علم الأعصاب، المجلة الطبية للأكاديمية الأمريكية لطب الأعصاب.

Released: 17-Jan-2022 4:05 PM EST
Mayo Clinic

妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic)的一项研究表明,相较于对男性的影响,心脏病(如冠状动脉疾病)和心血管风险因素(如糖尿病和高胆固醇)对中年女性记忆和思维能力下降的影响更甚,尽管这些疾病在男性中的患病率更高。这项研究已发表在美国神经病学学会的医学杂志《神经病学》(Neurology)上。
