Newswise — Smoking during pregnancy can have harmful effects on developing babies, particularly affecting their growth and development. Existing guidelines suggest that pregnant women who struggle to quit smoking should be offered nicotine replacement products as a way to help them quit. Among these products, nicotine patches are commonly recommended by stop-smoking services to support pregnant women in their efforts to quit smoking for the well-being of their unborn child. Quitting smoking during pregnancy is crucial for ensuring the health and proper development of the baby.

This research published in NIHR Journals Library, suggests that pregnant women should also consider e-cigarettes.

In the study, 1,140 pregnant women who were attempting to quit smoking were divided into two groups. One group received e-cigarettes, while the other group received nicotine patches. Both approaches were found to be equally safe for the pregnant women and their unborn babies. The only notable difference observed was that fewer women in the e-cigarette group had children with low birth weight, defined as babies weighing less than 2,500 grams at birth. This finding suggests that e-cigarettes may have a potential advantage in reducing the risk of low birth weight in babies born to pregnant smokers. However, it is essential to consider that more research is needed to fully understand the safety and long-term effects of e-cigarette use during pregnancy. Pregnant women are encouraged to consult with healthcare professionals to make informed decisions about smoking cessation methods that are best for them and their babies.

The researchers say this is most likely because e-cigarettes were more effective in reducing the use of conventional cigarettes. Low birthweight has been linked with poor health later in life

At the end of their pregnancies, the women in the study reported whether they had successfully quit smoking. However, some women had quit smoking by using a product that they were not assigned to use during the study. Specifically, many women who were given nicotine patches ended up quitting smoking with the help of e-cigarettes that they had obtained on their own. This finding indicates that some women may have chosen to use a different product from what was assigned to them, which could have influenced the study results and the effectiveness of the assigned smoking cessation methods. It highlights the importance of considering individual preferences and choices when offering smoking cessation interventions to pregnant women to achieve the best outcomes for both mother and child.

When the researchers looked at successful quitters who only used the treatment they were allocated, almost twice as many women quit with e-cigarettes than with nicotine patches.

The researchers looked at safety outcomes, including low birthweight, baby intensive care admissions, miscarriage, stillbirth, and premature birth.

The potential harm of nicotine to developing babies remains uncertain. According to the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the majority of health issues related to smoking are caused by toxins other than nicotine found in cigarettes. As a result, NICE recommends considering nicotine replacement therapy (e.g., nicotine patches, gum, and mouth spray) along with behavioral support to aid smoking cessation. Despite these options, many pregnant women still find it challenging to quit smoking.

E-cigarettes can be considered a type of nicotine replacement therapy, but they offer advantages over traditional nicotine gum and patches. E-cigarettes allow smokers to choose their preferred nicotine strength and flavors, making the transition to quitting smoking more manageable. This is likely why e-cigarettes have demonstrated greater effectiveness than traditional nicotine replacement therapy, particularly for non-pregnant individuals. The ability to personalize the vaping experience appears to contribute to the higher success rate in helping people quit smoking compared to conventional nicotine replacement methods. However, it is essential to consider the potential risks and safety aspects associated with e-cigarette use, especially during pregnancy, before making any decisions about using them as a smoking cessation tool.

Peter Hajek, the Director of the Health and Lifestyle Research Unit at the Wolfson Institute of Population Health, Queen Mary University of London, expressed that e-cigarettes appear to be more effective than nicotine patches in aiding pregnant women to quit smoking. Additionally, this smoking cessation method seems to lead to improved pregnancy outcomes. Given the evidence-based findings, the advice to smokers already includes recommendations to switch from smoking to e-cigarettes, and this recommendation can now be extended to pregnant smokers as well. However, it is crucial for pregnant women to consult with healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and ensure safety when considering any smoking cessation method, including e-cigarettes.

Journal Link: Health Technology Assessment