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6-Nov-2020 7:00 AM EST
Moderate-pace Walking Shrunk Pancreatic Cancer Tumors and Increased Cancer-killing Cells, Small Study Shows
American Physiological Society (APS)

Emily LaVoy, PhD, of the University of Houston, and colleagues explored the effects of moderate-intensity exercise on a mouse model of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer can be a particularly dangerous form of cancer because it is often diagnosed in later stages and spreads quickly. Though the trial sample was small—thus warranting further study—the results were optimistic.

6-Nov-2020 7:00 AM EST
Compounds in Active Muscles May Help Slow Lung Cancer Growth
American Physiological Society (APS)

Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the U.S. and accounts for roughly 25% of all cancer deaths. Patrick Ryan, MS, from Texas A&M University, and his research team found that treating cultured lung cancer cells with blood collected from contracting muscles—muscles that were exercised—did not grow as much as untreated cells.

6-Nov-2020 7:00 AM EST
Intense Training Disturbs Tendon Homeostasis, Leads to Injury
American Physiological Society (APS)

Michael Kjaer, MD, PhD, of Copenhagen University and Bispebjerg Hospital in Denmark, will discuss the effects of exercise and sedentary behavior on tendon loading and collagen turnover. “The collagen turnover in tendon can be up- and down-regulated with exercise or inactivity, respectively, and specific parts of the tendon are responsible for this loading-induced collagen dynamics. Long-term overuse of tendon (e.g., intense training) results in disturbed homeostasis and swelling of the tendon, excess angiogenesis and upregulated formation of collagen,” Kjaer wrote.

6-Nov-2020 7:00 AM EST
Researchers Explore How Exercise Influences Tendon Inflammation
American Physiological Society (APS)

Stephanie Dakin, PhD, BVetMed, from the University of Oxford in the U.K., studied the microscopic characteristics of tendons in people with exercise-related tendinopathy. Tendinopathy is a tendon disorder that causes pain, inflammation and limited function of the affected joint. Her research team found an increased number of blood vessels and cells—suggestive of inflammatory response—in the injured tendon samples when compared with healthy tissue.

6-Nov-2020 7:00 AM EST
Long-term Effects of COVID-19 on Post-Recovery Physical Activity
American Physiological Society (APS)

A team from Universidade Federal de Pernambuco in Recife, Brazil, studied the long-term health consequences of COVID-19. The team surveyed four men and six women who recovered from COVID-19 in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil.

6-Nov-2020 7:00 AM EST
How the Pandemic Has Changed Our Exercise Habits in (Sometimes) Positive Ways
American Physiological Society (APS)

The health disruptions caused by COVID-19 reverberate even beyond those who have contracted SARS-CoV-2. As the pandemic triggers moves to limit contact and thus transmission, many have found their daily routines, including their exercise habits, changing. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends adults between 18 and 64 get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week. WHO identifies physical inactivity as the “fourth leading risk factor for global mortality” and attributes approximately 3.2 million deaths a year to insufficient physical activity.

6-Nov-2020 7:00 AM EST
Alcohol Use Increases among People Living with HIV during Stay-at-home Order
American Physiological Society (APS)

Researchers at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans honed in on one population particularly at risk during the pandemic: people living with HIV with at-risk alcohol use. They surveyed 80 people living with HIV in Louisiana during that state’s stay-at-home order, recruiting participants from the ongoing longitudinal Aging in Louisiana: Immunosenescence, HIV and Socioenvironmental Factors-Exercise (ALIVE-Ex) study.

6-Nov-2020 7:00 AM EST
HIIT Could Mitigate Inflammation in Women with Type 2 Diabetes, Pilot Study Indicates
American Physiological Society (APS)

Researchers from the University of Sherbrooke, Canada, tested the effects of a 12-week HIIT regimen on the physiological parameters—specifically gene expression in monocytes—of women with type 2 diabetes who developed cardiovascular disease. The findings show HIIT reduced the expression of 56 genes known to be associated with inflammation. This suggests HIIT could mitigate inflammation, resulting in favorable physiological adaptions in women with type 2 diabetes.

6-Nov-2020 7:00 AM EST
HIIT Before Surgery May Reduce Postoperative Recovery
American Physiological Society (APS)

“We are asking how many HIIT sessions do we need to elicit a medically meaningful change in fitness in clinical patients," said researchers from the University of Otago, New Zealand. Findings suggest preoperative HIIT reduces complications during recovery after surgery. The study also indicates better physical fitness improves the holistic quality of life in patients, making them more resilient and the activities of daily living more manageable.

6-Nov-2020 7:00 AM EST
Exploring the Effects of Different Types of HIIT on Cognitive Function in Healthy Young Men
American Physiological Society (APS)

Researchers from the Education University of Hong Kong discovered four different types of exercise—HIIT, high-intensity interval running, moderate-intensity continuous cycling and moderate-intensity continuous running—resulted in similar positive effects on cognitive (executive) function in healthy young men.

Released: 6-Oct-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Hijacking cancer cells with a virus while blocking cells’ antiviral defenses could knock out mesothelioma
Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO)

A study exploring a new combination of therapeutic agents has recently been published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, describing dl922-947, an oncolytic adenovirus, and AZD1775, an inhibitor of the DNA damage checkpoint kinase WEE1, and their possible efficacy to treat MPM.
