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Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
New Saber-tooth Fossil Find Fantastic
University of Kansas

The discovery of two complete fossils of saber-toothed cats in central Florida will force paleontologists to rewrite the textbooks on the extinct animal, says a noted researcher at the University of Kansas.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Nationwide Education Effort: Preventing Avoidable Illnesses in Hispanics
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

AHCPR now has available in Spanish two free pocket-sized guides containing the latest recommendations and other information for the prevention or early detection of illnesses, such as breast cancer, heart disease and lead poisoning.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Trays Reduce Student Computer Posture Risk
Cornell University

Middle school students maintain a significantly better seated posture at adjustable computer workstations than at desktop workstations. Yet, the students were still seated in potentially at risk positions for musculoskeletal problems.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Fear of Regulators Keeps Some Doctors from Good Pain Treatment
Ohio State University

Doctors may sometimes be reluctant to adequately treat the pain of seriously ill patients because they fear legal problems for prescribing powerful narcotics, according to an expert at Ohio State who has studied the issue.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Science Board Chair: How to Improve Math & Science Education
National Science Foundation (NSF)

The National Science Board releases a report, Preparing Our Children: Math and Science Education in the National Interest, on Wednesday, March 3, recommending ways to combat poor achievement by U.S. students in mathematics and science, as revealed in early 1998 by the Third International Mathematics and Science Study.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Up-Front Rejection the Best Policy For Most Refusal Letters
Ohio State University

New research at Ohio State suggests that businesses and others who write rejection letters are better off delivering the bad news up front rather than placing it lower in the letter.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Government Should Double Spending on Technology
Rice University

To ensure the nation's future well-being, the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee urges that the priority for increased funding should be on long-term, high-risk investigations to reinvigorate research programs and computing infrastructures, which are rapidly falling behind the state of the art.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Honor Codes Return to Campuses
Millsaps College

Most colleges and universities eliminated their honor codes during the 1960s. Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi is going against that trend. It adopted an honor code at the request of its student body in 1994.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Mysterious Glass Fossil Sparks a Public Search
Cornell University

Cornell University paleontologists are enlisting the public's help in the search for some unusual 375 million-year-old fossils in upstate New York and northern Pennsylvania. Dating to the Devonian geological period when an inland sea covered much of what is now the Northeastern United States, the fossils may be glass sponges or some totally unknown organism.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Scanner Could Diagnose "Lazy Eye" in Infants
Whitaker Foundation

A biomedical engineer has developed an optical scanner that measures the eyes' point of fixation in a new way. Doctors could use it to diagnose eye diseases in infants and children too young to cooperate with a physician's exam.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Some Colleges Requiring Passing Comprehensive Exams
Millsaps College

Students at some liberal colleges must pass a comprehensive examination in their major field of study before receiving their degree. Other liberal arts colleges are testing their graduates for technological proficiency

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
America at the Turn of the Century, Last Time Around
Swarthmore College

Economic clout in the hands of a powerful few, technology advances, and concern over America's role in a changing world order was the zeitgeist as Americans faced the new century 100 years ago, says a Swarthmore College historian.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Once in a Blue Moon
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

As February winds down with no full moon at all, sky watchers are looking forward to two full moons in March and the second Blue Moon of 1999.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Autoimmune Diseases Differences Between Men And Women
Ohio State University

A national task force of basic researchers and clinicians spent 18 months assessing what is known about autoimmune diseases and has now proposed an aggressive research agenda aimed at understanding why men and women respond differently to these illnesses.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
New Medicines Help Nip Allergy Season in the Bud

Although studies suggest that the number of people with allergies is growing, there are now highly effective medications available that do not produce unwanted side effects such as drowsiness. People with allergy-triggered asthma can also benefit from these medications.

Released: 27-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Adolescent Girls Give Parents more Help and Affection than Boys
Ohio State University

Adolescent girls are more helpful and affectionate toward their parents than adolescent boys, new research at Ohio State suggests. In addition, mothers receive more help and affection from their children than do fathers.

Released: 26-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Highlights for Stroke Awareness Month in May

Delaying seeking medical help after experiencing slurred speech or other signs of stroke is the biggest mistake patients can make, says a Cedars-Sinai neurologist. A stroke's impact depends on its size, area of the brain affected, and how quickly treatment is initiated.

Released: 26-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Conference on Spirituality, Healing and Health
University of Arizona

"Spirituality, Healing, and Health: A Transformative Vision" is an international conference April 11-13 at the Holiday Inn City Center in downtown Tucson sponsored by The University of Arizona that will focus on healing as a transformative experience of one's interior life that leads to a state of spiritual well being and health.

Released: 26-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
New Pediatric Emergency Facility Provides State-of-the-Art "TLC"

Cedars-Sinai is taking much of the trauma out of a trip to the ER. A major renovation effort and a progressive approach to pediatric emergency care has resulted in special services, surroundings for the nearly 9,000 children treated in the emergency dept. each year.

Released: 26-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Stakes Higher for 1999 Entrepreneurial Competition
Purdue University

The 12th Annual Burton D. Morgan Entrepreneurial Competition at Purdue University will pit student entrepreneurs against each other for a $20,000 first prize and the chance to get their business off the ground.
