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Released: 10-Feb-2004 5:00 PM EST
'Super-Smeller' Mice Push the Limits of Odor Detection
Florida State University

A team of neuroscience researchers has created a mouse with a super-enhanced ability to smell. The team's research greatly enhances the understanding of normal smell discrimination and provides some surprising results that could lead to treatments for obesity and diabetes in humans.

Released: 8-Feb-2004 6:00 AM EST
New Magnet Lab Director Named
Florida State University

A world-class leader in magnetic field research has been named to assume the directorship of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. Greg Boebinger, currently on the staff of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, N.M., is set to succeed Jack Crow, the magnet lab's founding director since 1992.

Released: 21-Jan-2004 2:00 PM EST
Scientists Get First Good Look At AIDS Virus' Surface
Florida State University

A team of scientists has gotten the first detailed look at the surface of the virus that causes AIDS, taking an important step in the international effort to understand how the deadly virus works.

Released: 20-Jan-2004 4:10 PM EST
Florida State University Celebrates its Integration in a Monumental Way
Florida State University

Florida State University will pay tribute to the first African-American students who integrated the university more than 40 years ago with a larger-than-life bronze sculpture. The sculpture, called "Integration," will be dedicated at during the university's Heritage Day celebration.

Released: 7-Jan-2004 12:40 PM EST
Little Things May be Big Predictor of Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome
Florida State University

Why some young adults who suffer a traumatic incident develop posttraumatic stress syndrome and others do not may come down to the amount of life stress they have previously endured, according to a new study.

Released: 18-Nov-2003 4:10 PM EST
Enjoy Thanksgiving without the Weight of Guilt
Florida State University

When most people think about Thanksgiving, they think of a table full of food made from old family recipes. What they don't think about is the extra calories they will be consuming from a plate full of buttery rich food.

Released: 3-Oct-2003 2:00 PM EDT
African-American Boys Have More Depression Symptoms
Florida State University

African-American boys have more symptoms of depression than other children their age, and difficulties in school may be one reason why, according to a new study.

11-Sep-2003 12:00 PM EDT
Changes Needed to Educate New Breed of Scientists
Florida State University

Universities and the scientific community must rethink the way they educate scientists if they want to effectively explore new areas in biology.

Released: 25-Aug-2003 3:00 PM EDT
Researchers Set New World Records for High Temperature Superconducting Magnet
Florida State University

Engineers and scientists successfully tested an innovative 5 tesla high temperature superconductor insert coil in a 20 tesla powered magnet at the laboratory. This test represents the first time that a superconducting magnet has ever generated magnetic fields of 25 tesla. The HTS insert coil broke at least seven world records.

Released: 18-Aug-2003 3:00 PM EDT
Power Systems Experts at FSU
Florida State University

Power outages and blackouts may not be unavoidable, but researchers at Florida State University are working to make them manageable and, in some cases, prevent them. Other experts at FSU can give perspective to the legal and economic issues surrounding utilities and the electrical industry.

Released: 6-Aug-2003 2:00 PM EDT
Slasher Films Get Meaner, Victimize Men More than Women
Florida State University

A spike in the popularity of slasher films during the late 1990s has prompted a Florida State University researcher to test popular beliefs that the genre portrays erotic violence and exploits women.

Released: 24-Jul-2003 4:00 PM EDT
Researcher Helps Confirm Success of West Nile Vaccine for Swans
Florida State University

A Florida State University faculty member is one of six researchers who has successfully tested a West Nile Virus equine vaccine on swans, providing the first real measure of protection against the virus for the world's largest waterfowl.

Released: 24-Jul-2003 4:00 PM EDT
Social Workers at High Risk of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Florida State University

Social workers are trained to help clients with drug and alcohol problems, but that does not mean they are immune from the problems themselves. Twelve percent of social workers in a recent study were at serious risk of alcohol or drug abuse.

Released: 2-Jul-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Busy Hurricane Seasons Typically a Breeze for Floridians
Florida State University

Forecasters have predicted an above average number of hurricanes this year, and, oddly enough, that may bode well for Florida, a Florida State University researcher says.

Released: 2-Jul-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Secret to Happy Golden Years? Volunteer
Florida State University

It may not be the fountain of youth, but older adults who volunteer just two to three hours a week are living happier and healthier lives, according to a new study.

Released: 27-Jun-2003 12:00 AM EDT
How HIV Neutralizing Antibody Works
Florida State University

A new avenue for the possible development of a vaccine against the virus that causes AIDS has been opened by a group of scientists that includes two Florida State University researchers.

Released: 10-Jun-2003 12:00 AM EDT
In-Home Shelter Could Ease Chaotic Hurricane Evacuations
Florida State University

A researcher at the Florida A&M University-Florida State University College of Engineering has designed a hurricane shelter that can be built inside most conventional homes to withstand winds of 140 mph - a Category 4 storm - even if the rest of the house is ripped apart.

Released: 22-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Hurricane Experts at FSU
Florida State University

Hurricane season begins June 1 and experts from Florida State University and its world renowned meteorology program are available to answer media questions and give perspective to news stories as the season unfolds.

Released: 20-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Global Regulator of Cell Development Found in Tiny Fish
Florida State University

A team of researchers has found the genetic "switch" that turns on the light in the eye of a tiny fish, a discovery that could help scientists better understand the human genome.

Released: 17-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Teens with Psychopathic Traits
Florida State University

Psychologists don't really know how to treat psychopaths who engage in chronic and sometimes violent criminal behavior, but a Florida State University professor has found a method that may identify psychopathic tendencies at an earlier age, opening the door for preventive treatment.

Released: 8-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Publicly Funded Stadiums Don't Pay Off
Florida State University

Many cities consider publicly financed, new sports arenas to be the ticket to prestige and revitalization, but those who argue that they are sound financial investments had better come up with a new argument.

Released: 2-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Best Way to Teach English as a Second Language
Florida State University

Teaching English as a second language to K-12 students should never become a one-size-fits-all proposal, according to an associate professor in the Multilingual/Multicultural Education Program at Florida State University.

Released: 21-Feb-2003 12:00 AM EST
FSU Experts on Terrorism, Iraq Crisis
Florida State University

Florida State University experts, among the best in the nation on subjects such as terrorism, traumatology and tourism, are available to talk to reporters about the threat of terrorism and possible war with Iraq.

17-Jan-2003 12:00 AM EST
Anthropologist Explores Oldest Shipwreck in Black Sea
Florida State University

A Florida State University anthropology professor is among a group of scientists working with underwater explorer Robert Ballard who have found the oldest shipwreck ever discovered in the Black Sea.

Released: 19-Dec-2002 12:00 AM EST
Doctor Says Yoga May Be Prescription for Better Health
Florida State University

Yoga may be one of the hottest fitness trends sweeping the country, but a Florida State University medical educator thinks it also may be the prescription for ailments ranging from headaches to heart disease.

Released: 18-Dec-2002 12:00 AM EST
Successful Botulism Vaccine for Swans
Florida State University

A Florida State University professor is part of a research team that has successfully tested a vaccine to prevent botulism in swan populations and is helping to rewrite the book on the care of swans living in captivity.

Released: 17-Dec-2002 12:00 AM EST
Nobel-Winning Chemist to Teach Nanoscience at FSU
Florida State University

Florida State University administrators have announced that Sir Harold W. Kroto, winner of the 1996 Nobel Prize for Chemistry, will be teaching at FSU during the spring term of 2004.

Released: 12-Dec-2002 12:00 AM EST
Helping Victims of Human Trafficking
Florida State University

Filled with promises of steady work and a need to escape the impoverished conditions of their native countries, more than 50,000 women and children are smuggled into the United States each year only to find themselves held hostage by their smugglers and forced into the sex industry, domestic servitude or migrant farm work.

6-Dec-2002 12:00 AM EST
Dig Uncovers Earliest Writing in New World
Florida State University

A Florida State University anthropologist and a team of researchers have discovered the earliest evidence of writing in the New World, a finding that challenges previously held ideas about who invented the first Mesoamerican system of writing.

Released: 22-Nov-2002 12:00 AM EST
Retailers Singing the Blues This Christmas
Florida State University

It's beginning to look a lot like a blue Christmas. So says Florida State University economics Professor Ray Canterbery, who forecasts dismal holiday sales for most retailers.

Released: 21-Nov-2002 12:00 AM EST
Celebrating the Life and Work of a Science Giant
Florida State University

Anyone who uses a microwave oven or cellular phone, operates a computer, listens to a radio, watches television or takes prescription medication owes some gratitude to the late Paul Dirac. His work in quantum mechanics 70 years ago was hailed as the birth of modern day physics. Next month, a panel of international scholars will gather to celebrate the centennial of one of the greatest scientists ever.

Released: 6-Nov-2002 12:00 AM EST
Holiday News Tips from Florida State University
Florida State University

Tired of seeing Christmas decorations in the mall before you've finished your Halloween candy? Already dreading that long trip to Grandma's house with the kids? No holiday bonus this year? Florida State University experts can shed some light on recent holiday trends and offer advice that will help your readers skate through the season.

Released: 2-Nov-2002 12:00 AM EST
Expert Available to Discuss Release of Second Harry Potter Movie
Florida State University

A professor in the School of Information Studies at Florida State University and an expert on children's literature believes that young Harry Potter fans are on board for life in the same way that those who discovered the "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" books as children remain fans of the books and movies as adults.

Released: 22-Oct-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Clinical Learning Center Pioneers Use of Electronic Medical Records
Florida State University

The Clinical Learning Center at the Florida State University College of Medicine is pioneering the use of electronic medical records in the training of medical students in a simulated clinical setting.

Released: 19-Oct-2002 12:00 AM EDT
FSU College of Medicine Granted Provisional Accreditation
Florida State University

The Florida State University College of Medicine today became the first new medical school in the country since 1982 to receive the approval of the Liaison Committee on Medical Education.

Released: 11-Oct-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Girls' Tendency to Dwell on Sadness Puts Them at Higher Risk for Depression
Florida State University

Girls think more about their sad feelings than boys do, a behavior that could contribute to the fact that they are more likely to suffer depression later on in life, according to a new Florida State University study.

Released: 10-Oct-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Chemists Seek to Increase Numbers of U.S. Nuclear, Radiochemistry Doctoral Students
Florida State University

With the declining numbers of students earning doctorates in nuclear and radiochemistry in the United States - an annual average of five - chemists are beginning to address ways to reignite interest among a new generation of students.

Released: 28-Aug-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Magnet Technology Helps Diagnose Heart Attacks in Minutes
Florida State University

A new procedure developed by two researchers at the Florida A&M University-Florida State University College of Engineering holds the promise of cutting minutes or hours off the time it takes to begin life-saving treatment by speeding up the detection of a heart attack.

Released: 24-Aug-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Girls' Higher Expectations Fuel Gender Gap on College Campuses
Florida State University

More girls than boys expect to earn a college degree, a trend that is fueling a gender gap on college campuses, according to a new Florida State University study. Researchers found a strong correlation between the expectations of children and later college enrollment.

Released: 24-Aug-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Coping with 9/11 "Anniversary Effect"
Florida State University

While the "anniversary effect" phenomenon -- a resurgence of depression and anxiety-- may affect some Americans as Sept. 11 nears, celebrating our resiliency may help us cope, says an internationally recognized traumatologist who counseled survivors of the terrorist attacks.

Released: 16-Aug-2002 12:00 AM EDT
FSU Experts on Sept. 11 Anniversary
Florida State University

Some of the nation's top experts on subjects such as terrorism, traumatology, tourism, economics, grief therapy and Islam are available to talk to reporters as the nation observes the first anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Released: 9-Aug-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Andrew Had Little Effect on Hurricane Evacuation Response
Florida State University

A decade after Hurricane Andrew ripped through South Florida, state and federal emergency planners are better prepared to handle disasters, but the general public is no more inclined to respond to mandatory evacuation orders than they were then.

Released: 31-Jul-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Florida Teachers Given Refresher Course on Voting and Elections
Florida State University

A program of the LeRoy Collins Center for Public Policy at Florida State University has provided hundreds of Florida social studies teachers with a better understanding of voting and elections.

Released: 31-Jul-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Scientific Partnership Seeks Huge Benefits from Small Devices
Florida State University

Physicists and biologists at Florida State University are joining forces to produce tiny motors that could move around in our bodies fighting diseases and virus sensors that could detect whether someone has suffered a heart attack or aid in the fight against bioterrorism.

Released: 10-Jul-2002 12:00 AM EDT
What Makes Online Shoppers 'Click' When It Comes to Buying Clothes
Florida State University

People who buy clothes online aren't necessarily clotheshorses or shopping addicts, according to a new study conducted by Florida State University researchers. They do, however, perceive an advantage to buying clothes online - its convenience and low cost - and have a positive predisposition toward e-commerce.

Released: 4-Jul-2002 12:00 AM EDT
FSU Geologist's Discovery Published in 'Nature'
Florida State University

A Florida State University geologist is part of a team that found that not one, but two types of rocks are involved in the production of sea floor basalt, a volcanic rock, during the process of sea floor spreading.

Released: 21-Jun-2002 12:00 AM EDT
FSU Study Finds Children Exposed to Harmful UV Rays At Day Care
Florida State University

When it comes to protecting preschoolers from the sun's harmful rays, parents aren't doing so hot. FSU researchers found that more than half of parents surveyed said their child never wears sunscreen while attending day care.

Released: 18-Jun-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Young Delinquents at Increased Risk for Addiction
Florida State University

Boys who show signs of delinquency before age 12 are at greater risk of becoming dependent on marijuana and cigarettes.

Released: 11-Jun-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Hurricane Experts at FSU
Florida State University

Hurricane season began June 1 and experts from Florida State University and its world renowned meterology program are available to answer media questions and give perspective to news stories as the season unfolds.

Released: 1-Jun-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Satellite Data Puts New Spin on Forecasting Tropical Cyclones
Florida State University

Researchers have developed a new method to detect potential tropical cyclones more than 40 hours earlier, giving more time for investigation, warnings and preparation.
