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Released: 2-Oct-2012 3:45 PM EDT
Payoff Lacking for Casino Comps
Temple University

A study of widely used complimentary offers at Atlantic City casinos finds that common giveaways such as free rooms and dining credits are less profitable – and lead to unhealthy competition among casinos – than alternative comps such as free travel and parking.

Released: 2-Oct-2012 3:35 PM EDT
Touring Pennsylvania's Industrial Past
Temple University

While steel, coal and other industries no longer play the role they once did, they will always define Pennsylvania’s history. As the post-industrial economy has taken over, many monuments to this other era remain as a way to attract tourists and relive the past. To delve deeper into our heritage and discover how it is remembered today, Temple University professor Carolyn Kitch drove approximately 16,000 miles to visit more than 200 museums, coal mines, factory tours, festivals, worker memorials, iron furnace remains and tourist trains throughout Pennsylvania over three years.

Released: 19-Sep-2012 10:15 AM EDT
Presidential Campaigns Matter Less Than We Think, Says Temple U. Political Scientist
Temple University

Temple political scientist Christopher Wlezien argues that specific events in a campaign matter much less than it would appear relative to the attention they receive.

12-Sep-2012 12:30 PM EDT
Clinic-Based Community Program Helps with Childhood Obesity
Temple University

A 6-month pilot study of clinic-based community childhood obesity program found 10 percent fewer participants were in the obese category at the end of the study.

Released: 14-Sep-2012 10:15 AM EDT
Forty-Five Percent of Layoff Victims, Despite Anger, Would Return to Former Employer
Temple University

With an 8.1 percent August unemployment rate and 12.5 million Americans out of work, a new Temple University study examines a neglected area of research: how the unemployment process impacts the willingness of those laid off to endorse or return to their previous employer.

Released: 21-Aug-2012 2:00 PM EDT
Temple University Political Experts Say Conventions Are Key in Race for the White House
Temple University

With the 2012 presidential election now just months away, anticipation is building for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominating conventions. Temple University political experts Christopher Wlezien , Robin Kolodny and Kevin Arceneaux offer their insights on the campaigns and what to expect from the conventions this year.

Released: 22-Jun-2012 1:20 PM EDT
Parents' Work-Life Stress Hinders Healthy Eating
Temple University

These days many parents are working harder than ever to support their families, and as a result, nutrition in the home suffers, according to a new study, “Parental employment and work-family stress: Associations with family food environments” published in the July issue of Social Science and Medicine.

Released: 13-Jun-2012 4:00 PM EDT
Making the Invisible Visible-Discussing Guns in Rural Suicide Prevention
Temple University

While youth suicide is declining overall, the rate of youth suicide in rural America has remained steady. A key to helping rural families with children at risk of suicide is frank discussion of guns according to a new study.

Released: 12-Jun-2012 10:05 AM EDT
Dear [Insert Company Name], Personalized Emails Don’t Impress Customers
Temple University

Personalized email advertisements are far more likely to repel customers than to endear them. But a study – which drew from 10 million marketing emails sent to 600,000 customers – also shows there is a way companies can use personal information without driving customers away: send them deals on products they want.

Released: 23-May-2012 4:00 PM EDT
Docs Slower to Drop ‘Black Box’ Drugs When Access to Drug Reps Is Restricted
Temple University

After years of reducing their contact with pharmaceutical sales representatives, physicians now risk an unintended consequence: Doctors who rarely meet with pharmaceutical sales representatives — or who do not meet with them — are much slower to drop medicines with the Food and Drug Administration’s “black box” warnings and to adopt first-in-class therapies.

Released: 11-Apr-2012 12:45 PM EDT
Duck-Billed Dinosaurs Endured Long, Dark Polar Winters
Temple University

Duck-billed dinosaurs that lived within Arctic latitudes approximately 70 million years ago likely endured long, dark polar winters instead of migrating to more southern latitudes.

Released: 7-Mar-2012 10:10 AM EST
Study Shows How High-Fat Diets Increase Colon Cancer Risk
Temple University

A study Temple University researchers has established a link that may explain why eating too much fat and sugar puts a person at greater risk for colon cancer.

Released: 29-Feb-2012 1:40 PM EST
Peer Contagion in Neighborhood Impacts Criminal Recidivism Among Youth
Temple University

New research from Temple University found that the rate of recidivism among youth living nearby a juvenile's residence not only increases the likelihood that youth will re-offend, it can also cause teenage boys to "specialize" in certain types of crime.

Released: 27-Feb-2012 11:15 AM EST
Racioethnic Consistency Between Retail Employees and Customers Boosts Profit
Temple University

A nationwide study of racioethnic representation between retail employees and their customers finds that mirroring a customer base contributes to nearly $100,000 in annual gains or losses per store.

Released: 25-Jan-2012 10:15 AM EST
Protein in the Brain Could Be a Key Target in Controlling Alzheimer’s
Temple University

A protein recently discovered in the brain could play a key role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Released: 20-Jan-2012 12:20 PM EST
Tactile Imaging Sensor Can Assist Doctors with Early Identification of Tumors
Temple University

A handheld tactile imaging sensor developed by Temple University engineers could aid doctors in early identification of cancerous lesions or tumors.

Released: 21-Dec-2011 3:15 PM EST
Five Tips for Losing Weight in 2012
Temple University

Researchers at Temple University’s Center for Obesity Research and Education offer research-based tips for keeping your resolution.

Released: 21-Dec-2011 2:10 PM EST
The Mall as a Sanctuary: Study Finds Holiday Shopping Outlets Aren’t Just Shrines to Spending
Temple University

An international study of holiday shopping and religion finds that dominant religious groups are more likely to experience “consumption mass hysteria” while shoppers in minority religions may view malls much differently: as central meeting places that “can play an active role in the creation of a sacred event.”

Released: 1-Dec-2011 3:50 PM EST
Bitter Sensitive Children Could Eat More Vegetables with Help of Dip
Temple University

Close to 70 percent of children have a sensitivity to bitter tasting foods, and that can cause them to avoid many of the leafy and green vegetables they should be eating for healthy development. But new research has found that adding a small amount of dip can help children with this sensitivity eat more of their vegetables.

Released: 23-Nov-2011 3:30 PM EST
Online Marketplaces Overplay Safeguards and Ignore Social Aspects of Transactions
Temple University

As Cyber Monday approaches, a new study of e-commerce giants eBay and Amazon argues that auction sites may have “over-invested in institutional structures” to reduce buyers’ economic risk while ignoring social elements of their transactions.

Released: 23-Nov-2011 10:45 AM EST
Don’t Get ‘Frosted’ Over Heating Your Home This Winter
Temple University

Now is the time to turn your attention to getting your home prepared to keep you warm this winter, says a Temple University expert in heating, ventilating and air conditioning.

Released: 22-Nov-2011 12:10 PM EST
When Holiday Shopping Online, It’s
Temple University

Online shopping has become so popular that it now accounts for nearly half of all holiday shopping, but even savvy online shoppers should take a few extra moments to ensure their online safety, say Temple University cyber security expert.

Released: 18-Nov-2011 1:00 PM EST
Low Impact, Green Solutions Fix Older City Water Infrastructures
Temple University

Faced with declining funding sources, cities must find innovative ways to comply with increasing regulatory requirements to improve performance and meet regulatory standards.

Released: 18-Nov-2011 1:00 PM EST
Acid Mine Drainage Technology Could Aid Marcellus Shale Drilling
Temple University

A technology being developed as a solution to the historic problem of acid mine drainage could also have applications for the newest environmental challenge: hydraulic fracturing of Marcellus Shale.

Released: 16-Nov-2011 1:15 PM EST
Lizard Locomotion Study Could Aid Elderly, Robotics
Temple University

The study of locomotion of lizards could aid in understanding how we instinctively adapt while walking in changing environmental conditions as we move across varying surfaces.

27-Oct-2011 2:15 PM EDT
Overweight Teens Want to Lose Weight, Go About It the Wrong Way
Temple University

An analysis of data collected from the Philadelphia Youth Risk Behavior Survey finds that while most overweight teens try to lose weight, they engage in behavior that is counter-productive to that goal.

Released: 31-Oct-2011 1:30 PM EDT
Experts Available to Discuss Obama's FDA Directive on Drug Shortages
Temple University

Two Temple University pharmaceutical experts are available to discuss drug shortages and President Obama's FDA directive to address the growing shortage of prescription drugs.

Released: 25-Oct-2011 11:00 AM EDT
China Pursuing a Bifurcated Economic Strategy
Temple University

Despite an economy that seems to be growing at a boundless rate, China’s rise as an economic powerhouse has been carefully managed by its Communist leaders, says Roselyn Hsueh of Temple University.

Released: 17-Oct-2011 10:40 AM EDT
Associating Your Car with Your Identity Leads to Aggressive Driving
Temple University

A new study by a Temple University Fox School of Business professor finds those who view their car as an extension of themselves have stronger aggressive driving tendencies.

Released: 5-Oct-2011 2:15 PM EDT
Marijuana Component Could Ease Pain from Chemo Therapy Drugs
Temple University

A chemical component of the marijuana plant could prevent the onset of pain associated with drugs used in chemo therapy.

Released: 30-Sep-2011 2:50 PM EDT
China's Bifurcated Economic Strategy
Temple University

Despite an economy that seems to be growing at a boundless rate, China’s rise as an economic powerhouse has been carefully managed by its Communist leaders, says Roselyn Hsueh of Temple University.

Released: 30-Aug-2011 4:30 PM EDT
A Decade of Silences
Temple University

Throughout the month of September Temple Gallery at Temple University will be filled with a collection of recorded moments of silence expressed in commemoration of September 11, 2001. These silences , collected from the past ten years range from President Obama’s recent visit to Ground Zero following the assassination of Osama Bin Laden, to a woman’s private moment of silence recorded alone in her Missouri bedroom for the families whose loved ones died on September 11.

Released: 29-Aug-2011 4:00 PM EDT
Differences in Cell Response Could Explain Higher Rates of Hypertension in African Americans
Temple University

Kinesiology professor Michael Brown has found that differences in the way African American cells respond to inflammation could be a cause of higher rates of hypertension among this group.

Released: 29-Aug-2011 11:30 AM EDT
Was Irene Overhyped?
Temple University

Temple public health professor Sarah Bass offers her thoughts.

Released: 5-Aug-2011 8:00 AM EDT
Technology, Close Parental Relationships Have Changed the Transition to College (Tips for Parents)
Temple University

It’s orientation for time for incoming freshmen, and both students and their parents are coming to terms with the reality of their impending separation.

Released: 4-Aug-2011 1:00 PM EDT
Could Some Athletes be Genetically Prone to Concussions?
Temple University

Researchers at Temple University are studying genetics to figure out if certain people are more prone to concussions.

Released: 3-Aug-2011 9:05 AM EDT
Essential Tips for College Campus Living
Temple University

College students are preparing to head to campus to live in on-campus residential halls. Living away from home for the first time can be exciting but also challenging. Here are steps students can take to make it a positive experience.

Released: 25-Jul-2011 1:55 PM EDT
Grant to Investigate Methane Gas from Marcellus Shale Drilling
Temple University

A new grant will allow Temple University researchers to investigate the origins of methane gas found in drinking water wells near Marcellus Shale drilling sites in Pennsylvania.

Released: 25-Jul-2011 9:00 AM EDT
Some Moms “Doppelgang” Their Daughters’ Style
Temple University

A new study by a Temple University Fox School of Business professor finds that teenage girls have a strong influence on the products their mothers buy solely for personal use, as in makeup or clothing, and that mothers have a much stronger tendency to mimic their daughters’ consumption behavior than vice versa.

Released: 20-Jul-2011 10:20 AM EDT
Study Dispels Myths About Medication Borrowing in Urban Populations
Temple University

Rates of medication borrowing were thought to be higher in low-income populations due to factors such as a lack of access to health care and high rates of crime and drug abuse. But a new study led by Temple doctor Lawrence Ward has found that is not the case.

Released: 29-Jun-2011 12:40 PM EDT
New Book Explores Role of Jews in Black Baseball
Temple University

A new book by Rebecca Alpert, associate professor of religion and women's studies at Temple, "Out of Left Field: Jews and Black Baseball," tells the story of Jews who were involved in the world of black segregated baseball during the Great Depression.

Released: 15-Jun-2011 10:00 AM EDT
The Good and the Bad on Summer Shoes
Temple University

Kendrick Whitney, a professor of podiatric medicine and orthopedics who specializes in shoe function and design, gives his thoughts on some of this summer's most popular shoe types.

Released: 8-Jun-2011 2:40 PM EDT
Distracted Driving Data and Laws to Prevent It Don't Match Up
Temple University

States are passing more laws in an effort to stop distracted driving, but a new study led by Temple University finds that there is a widening gap between the data on distracted driving and the laws used to curb it.

Released: 7-Jun-2011 11:20 AM EDT
Using Magnets to Help Prevent Heart Attacks
Temple University

Blood viscosity can be reduced 20-30 percent by subjecting it to a small magnetic field, lowering potential damage to blood vessels and the risk of heart attack.

Released: 28-Apr-2011 1:00 PM EDT
Study Finds Improvements in Response to Nursing Home Compare Publication
Temple University

A five-year study co-authored by a Temple University Fox School of Business professor has found that a national report card on nursing homes, which allows consumers to compare the quality of care provided by one facility to another, appears to motivate nursing homes to genuinely improve care.

Released: 13-Apr-2011 8:00 AM EDT
Compassion, Not Sanctions, Is Best Response to Workplace Anger
Temple University

Challenging traditional views of workplace anger, a new article by a Temple University Fox School of Business professor suggests that even intense emotional outbursts can prove beneficial if responded to with compassion.

Released: 12-Apr-2011 3:00 PM EDT
NOAA Grant to Help Researcher Clean Up Remaining Exxon Valdez Oil
Temple University

A Temple University researcher has been awarded a grant from NOAA to investigate technologies that will enhance the natural biodegradation of the remaining Exxon Valdez oil.

Released: 25-Mar-2011 11:35 AM EDT
Asthma Drug Could Help Control Or Treat Alzheimer’s Disease
Temple University

A drug used to treat asthma has been shown to help reduce the formation of amyloid beta, a peptide that is implicated in the development of Alzheimer’s disease, and the subsequent build up of amyloid plaques in the brain by more than 50 percent.

Released: 14-Mar-2011 11:00 AM EDT
Temple Receives $3.7M to Study Parenting Styles' Effect on Childhood Obesity
Temple University

A new grant from the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture will fund a new study to determine the effectiveness of authoritative parenting strategies surrounding food portions and choices, in an effort to prevent childhood obesity.

Released: 28-Feb-2011 2:55 PM EST
New Peptide Could be Effective Treatment for Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Temple University

A new peptide developed by researchers in Temple University’s College of Science and Technology has demonstrated efficacy against triple negative breast cancer, especially in the obese patient population.
