Newswise — The Regenerative Medicine Foundation is pleased to announce a special “Young Minds” graduate student registration rate for its annual Translational Regenerative Medicine Forum, set for April 6-8 in Winston-Salem.

The forum is an annual event to convene the regenerative medicine community to focus on fulfilling the promise of the field, including best practices and business models. Keynote speakers and panelists will discuss scientific and clinical advances, trial design, venture funding and obtaining regulatory approval. “As a leading international showcase of scientific discovery and commercialization in regenerative medicine, it’s imperative that we expose a younger generation of researchers and entrepreneurs to new ideas and best practices in the field,” said Anthony Atala, M.D., director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and a forum speaker.

With almost 70 speakers, the forum will include three keynote addresses, 10 panels that will cover all aspects of translation, from scientific updates to business models, as well as podium presentations on scientific discovery. In addition, 18 startup biotech companies will present their technologies to a group of venture capitalists and companies.

The forum is open to executives from biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical device, and regenerative medicine companies; patient advocacy groups and medical research foundations; institutional investors from private equity and venture capital firms; academic researchers, clinical researchers and physicians; and those interested in health care innovation and personalized medicine.

The Young Minds Program is open to graduate students, post-doctoral students, or professional students enrolled in medicine, business or law programs. Students have access to all conference sessions and breaks for a reduced registration fee of $125. This does not include conference receptions, luncheons or dinners.

A limited number of Young Minds registrations are being offered, with more information at

About the Regenerative Medicine FoundationThe Regenerative Medicine Foundation ( is an internationally-focused, not-for-profit organization created to enable the advancement of new treatments and therapies based on regenerative medicine, and ultimately, to realize the goals of personalized medicine.

Launched in 2005, the Foundation hosted one of the first regulatory meetings with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the topic of regenerative medicine, and was instrumental in the formation of STRAC, the Soldier Treatment and Regeneration Consortium, a precursor to the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM), and the Washington, DC-based Alliance for Regenerative Medicine.

Through educational programs, translational conferences and public policy initiatives, the Foundation advocates for increased medical research, promotes the training and education of scientists, and facilitates the translation of therapies to patients.