Abstract: Aniridia is a rare, pan-ocular disease causing severe sight loss, with only symptomatic intervention offered to patients. Approximately 40% of aniridia patients present with heterozygous nonsense variants in PAX6, resulting in haploinsufficiency. Translational readthrough inducing compounds (TRIDs) have the ability to weaken the recognition of in-frame premature stop codons (PTCs), permitting full-length protein to be translated. We have established induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived 3D optic cups and 2D limbal epithelial stem cell (LESC) models from an aniridia patient with a prevalent PAX6 nonsense mutation. Both in vitro models show reduced PAX6 protein levels, mimicking the disease. Repurposed TRIDs amlexanox and 2,6-diaminopurine (DAP), and positive control compounds ataluren and G418 were tested for their efficiency. Amlexanox was identified as the most promising TRID, increasing full-length PAX6 levels in both models, and rescuing the disease phenotype through normalization of VSX2 and cell proliferation in the optic cups and reduction of ABCG2 protein and SOX10 expression in LESC. This study highlights the significance of patient iPSC-derived cells as a new model system for aniridia and proposes amlexanox as a new putative treatment for nonsense-mediated aniridia.

Journal Link: 10.1101/2022.10.12.511600 Journal Link: Publisher Website Journal Link: Download PDF Journal Link: Google Scholar