Newswise — Secure World Foundation is pleased to announce the selection of a Deputy Director, James Rendleman, bringing to the Foundation a wide variety of science and technology, engineering, management, and space policy skills.

“We are absolutely delighted to have Jim onboard to assist us in managing our national and international initiatives aimed at helping to foster global sustainable space activities,” said Dr. Ray Williamson, Executive Director of Secure World Foundation (SWF). “He will be ideal in providing support to establish and actualize our strategy for future work in space governance topics.”

The Deputy Director will work closely with the Executive Director and the SWF President, Cynda Collins Arsenault, the co-founder of Secure World Foundation.

Rendleman is retired from the U.S. Air Force, bringing to Secure World Foundation a rich background of expertise given his positions within Air Force laboratories, the national security space acquisition community, Air Force Space Command and the Air Staff.

He is the author of a number of technical and policy articles and speeches on space law and policy, international missile defense and space cooperation, space and missile technology plans, and liquid rocket propellants.

Rendleman served as study director for “The Future of the US Aerospace Infrastructure and Aerospace Engineering Disciplines to meet the needs of the Air Force & the Department of Defense” – a study of the National Academies.

An attorney and member of the State Bar of California, Mr. Rendleman engaged in law practice as a partner, solo practitioner, and associate with firms in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Napa, California. He is a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ Legal Aspects Aero and Astro Technical and International Activities committees, and the International Institute of Space Law. He also taught management theory for Cerro Coso Community College and Golden Gate University.

About Secure World Foundation

Secure World Foundation (SWF) is headquartered in Superior, Colorado, with offices in Washington, D.C. and Vienna, Austria. SWF is a private operating foundation dedicated to the secure and sustainable use of space for the benefit of Earth and all its peoples.

SWF engages with academics, policy makers, scientists and advocates in the space and international affairs communities to support steps that strengthen global space security. It promotes the development of cooperative and effective use of space for the protection of Earth’s environment and human security.

The Foundation acts as a research body, convener and facilitator to advocate for key space security and other space related topics and to examine their influence on governance and international development.

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