Newswise — The University of Chicago Medicine’s Urban Health Initiative will host its 8th summit to engage the community in dialogue regarding community health issues and solutions on the South Side of Chicago.

The UHI Summit will be held at Kennedy King College, 740 W 63rd St. in Chicago, on Tuesday, May 24 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Summit will examine the current status of health on the South Side and explore future opportunities for partnership through the collective impact model--an emerging community health intervention model aimed to improve health outcomes through collaborative efforts across diverse stakeholders. “The South Side’s strengths include its diversity of ideas, the dedication and energy of its community members, and the shared goal of making our communities more vibrant and healthier,” said Brenda Battle, Vice President, Care Delivery Innovation and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer for the University of Chicago Medicine. “The collective impact model is a mechanism to harness these strengths and to work together to make meaningful impact. It is our goal to make the UHI Summit the spring board to this end.”

The Summit will feature Paul Schmitz as its plenary speaker. Schmitz is the chief executive officer of Leading Inside Out, a nonprofit and philanthropic advisory firm. Schmitz is also senior advisor to the Collective Impact Forum and was previously CEO of Public Allies, a national leadership development organization. He also worked as a social innovation advisor to the White House.

In addition, Summit guests will hear from local and regional public health leaders regarding current health initiatives.

The summit is free, but registration is required. To register or learn more about the Summit, please call: 773-458-6007 or visit:

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