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Newswise: Blueberry-derived compound shows promise in enhancing colonic mucosal Barrier function
Release date: 25-Sep-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Blueberry-derived compound shows promise in enhancing colonic mucosal Barrier function
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Bin Li’s research team from Shenyang Agricultural University highlights the potential of malvidin-3-O-galactoside (M3G), a blueberry-derived anthocyanin, to improve colonic mucosal barrier function and alleviate colitis symptoms.

Newswise: In Odd Galaxy, NASA's Webb Finds Potential Missing Link to First Stars
Released: 25-Sep-2024 10:05 AM EDT
In Odd Galaxy, NASA's Webb Finds Potential Missing Link to First Stars
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Amid a crowded field of galaxies captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, one otherwise inconspicuous galaxy stands out for emitting a light signature that astronomers have never seen before. Together, an observational astronomer and a theorist investigated potential causes.

Newswise: To Make Fluid Flow in One Direction Down a Pipe, It Helps to Be a Shark
Released: 25-Sep-2024 9:30 AM EDT
To Make Fluid Flow in One Direction Down a Pipe, It Helps to Be a Shark
University of Washington

Researchers have discovered a new way to help liquid flow in only one direction, but without using the flaps that engines and our circulatory system rely upon to prevent fluid backup.

Newswise: Advancing Synthetic Ephedra-Type Alkaloids With a Two-Step Enzymatic Approach
Released: 25-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Advancing Synthetic Ephedra-Type Alkaloids With a Two-Step Enzymatic Approach
Chinese Academy of Sciences

The development of versatile and efficient biocatalysts for the synthesis of α-hydroxyketones and Ephedra-type alkaloids represents a significant advancement in synthetic biology and medicinal chemistry. In this study, researchers explore the potential of acetolactate synthase (AlsS) from Bacillus subtilis (BsAlsS) for the production of phenylacetylcarbinol (PAC) and its derivatives. Additionally, the study investigates the use of intermediate reductive amination enzymes (introduction of amine group using enzymes) for functionalizing α-hydroxyketones to generate synthetic Ephedra-type alkaloids.

Newswise: Breakthrough in Biofuel Production: Rhodococcus Strain N1-S Transforms Succinic Acid Production
Released: 25-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Breakthrough in Biofuel Production: Rhodococcus Strain N1-S Transforms Succinic Acid Production
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Researchers from China have achieved a breakthrough in biofuel production with the development of Rhodococcus aetherivorans strain N1, a new species, and its enhanced variant, N1-S. The study highlights how N1-S excels at detoxifying toxic byproducts from lignocellulosic biomass, resulting in a remarkable 6.5-fold increase in succinic acid yields compared to traditional methods.

Released: 25-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Study Reveals Sources of Opioid Poisoning Among Children
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Rutgers Health research finds the medications of grandparents and pets, as well as discarded items, pose unexpected hazards for young children.

Newswise: Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization for Hardware-Aware Neural Network Pruning
Released: 25-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization for Hardware-Aware Neural Network Pruning
Chinese Academy of Sciences

This paper frames hardware-aware neural network pruning as a multi-objective optimization problem and introduces HAMP, a memetic Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) that optimizes both accuracy and hardware efficiency through portfolio-based selection and surrogate-assisted local search.

Newswise: Beyond the Stigma: Strategies for Maximizing Recombinant Protein Production in Tobacco Plants
Released: 25-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Beyond the Stigma: Strategies for Maximizing Recombinant Protein Production in Tobacco Plants
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Plant molecular farming (PMF) is an efficient strategy for producing recombinant protein. Tobacco plants, known for their short life cycle and large biomass production capacity, are excellent choices for PMF. In this review, researchers from institutes across China and Korea reviewed strategies for guiding recombinant proteins into different subcellular compartments of the cell. Findings reported in this review are extremely significant as optimized localization of recombinant proteins is crucial for pharmacological industries.

Released: 25-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Feeding Coral Reefs Can Aid Their Recovery From Bleaching Events
Ohio State University

Coral reefs will continue to experience severe heat stress as rising temperatures cause the oceans to become unbearably hot – but a new study shows that altering their feeding habits could allow local populations to avoid total extinction.

Newswise: CRISPR-Cas13: A New Frontier in RNA-Editing with Revolutionary Therapeutic Potential
Released: 25-Sep-2024 7:05 AM EDT
CRISPR-Cas13: A New Frontier in RNA-Editing with Revolutionary Therapeutic Potential
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A new review highlights the potential of CRISPR–Cas13 for RNA-editing therapies. Discussing the advantages of the effector protein Cas13 over Cas9, they report that CRISPR–Cas13 facilitates RNA knockdown, RNA silencing, RNA splicing, RNA-base editing, and translation regulation. CRISPR–Cas13 has diverse applications like virus detection, antivirus vaccines, and personalized therapies. Additionally, they also discuss the role of AI in enabling the realization of the full potential of RNA-editing technologies.
