Feature Channels: Cell Biology

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16-Jul-2013 12:25 PM EDT
Bearing Witness to the Phenomenon of Symmetric Cell Division
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

For more than 125 years, scientists have been peering through microscopes, carefully watching cells divide. Until now, however, none has actually seen how cells manage to divide precisely into two equally-sized daughter cells during mitosis. Such perfect division depends on the position of the mitotic spindle (chromosomes, microtubules, and spindle poles) within the cell, and it’s now clear that human cells employ two specific mechanisms during the portion of division known as anaphase to correct mitotic spindle positioning.

18-Jul-2013 10:40 AM EDT
New Approach to Protecting Prion Protein from Altering Shape, Becoming Infectious
Case Western Reserve University

A team of researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have identified a mechanism that can prevent the normal prion protein from changing its molecular shape into the abnormal form responsible for neurodegenerative diseases.

Released: 16-Jul-2013 4:45 PM EDT
Self-Perpetuating Signals May Drive Tumor Cells to Spread
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Researchers have identified a self-perpetuating signaling circuit inside connective tissue cells that allows these cells to propel themselves in a particular direction, just as tumor cells do when invading healthy tissue during cancer metastasis.

Released: 16-Jul-2013 3:35 PM EDT
Molecular Relative of p53 Tumor Suppressor Protein also Helps Cancer Cells Thrive
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

The protein TAp73 is a relative of the well-known, tumor-suppressor protein p53, yet it is still not known whether TAp73 enhances tumor cell growth and, if so, exactly how. Penn researchers found that TAp73 supports the proliferation of human and mouse tumor cells. They also identify an important mechanism by which TAp73 gives tumor cells a growth advantage: it activates the expression of an enzyme important for cell replications and anti-oxidant protection.

Released: 15-Jul-2013 1:45 PM EDT
Clinical Trials for Cancer, One Patient at a Time
Columbia University Irving Medical Center

New Department of Systems Biology at Columbia University Medical Center is developing a different approach to cancer clinical trials, in which therapies are designed and tested one patient at a time. The patient’s tumor is “reverse engineered” to determine its unique genetic characteristics and to identify existing U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs that may target them.

11-Jul-2013 10:15 AM EDT
Key Step in Molecular 'Dance' that Duplicates DNA Deciphered
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Scientists have captured new details of the biochemical interactions necessary for cell division. The research may suggest ways for stopping cell division when it goes awry.

10-Jul-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Critical Pathway in Cell Cycle May Lead to Cancer Development
Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Salk researchers' findings on chromosome shortening suggest a potential target to arrest cancer cell growth.

Released: 10-Jul-2013 1:45 PM EDT
Researchers Perform DNA Computation in Living Cells
North Carolina State University

Chemists from North Carolina State University have performed a DNA-based logic-gate operation within a human cell. The research may pave the way to more complicated computations in live cells, as well as new methods of disease detection and treatment.

Released: 8-Jul-2013 5:00 PM EDT
Salk Researchers Identify Potential Biomarker for Cancer Diagnosis
Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Findings of disrupted micronuclei may prove to be a valuable tool for detecting cancer.

Released: 5-Jul-2013 9:50 AM EDT
New Papers Identify a Micro RNA That Drives Both Cancer Onset and Metastasis
Beth Israel Lahey Health

A mere 25 years ago, noncoding RNAs were considered nothing more than "background noise." Now two new studies by researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center reveals that miR-22 plays an outsized role in cancer.

Released: 5-Jul-2013 9:30 AM EDT
In Subglacial Lake, Surprising Life Goes On
Bowling Green State University

Lake Vostok, buried under a glacier in Antarctica, is so dark, deep and cold that scientists had considered it a possible model for other planets, a place where nothing could live. However, work by Dr. Scott Rogers, a Bowling Green State University professor of biological sciences, and his colleagues has revealed a surprising variety of life forms living and reproducing in this most extreme of environments.

Released: 3-Jul-2013 1:55 PM EDT
New Tool to Help Define Role of Mystery Appendage in Everything From Development to Obesity
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A research team has genetically engineered a mouse with glowing primary cilia, the tiny outgrowths seen on the surface of most cells, according to a study published today in BioMed Central’s open access journal, Cilia.

Released: 3-Jul-2013 1:50 PM EDT
Cancer-Linked FAM190A Gene Found to Regulate Cell Division
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Johns Hopkins cancer scientists have discovered that a little-described gene known as FAM190A plays a subtle but critical role in regulating the normal cell division process known as mitosis, and the scientists’ research suggests that mutations in the gene may contribute to commonly found chromosomal instability in cancer.

1-Jul-2013 11:20 AM EDT
New Mechanism for Human Gene Expression Discovered
University of Chicago Medical Center

University of Chicago researchers have discovered the first human "bifunctional" gene--a single gene that creates a single mRNA transcript that codes for two different proteins, simultaneously. Their finding elucidates a previously unknown mechanism in our basic biology, and has potential to guide therapy for at least one neurological disease.

25-Jun-2013 12:15 PM EDT
Scientists Turn Muscular Dystrophy Defect On and Off in Cells
Scripps Research Institute

For the first time, scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have identified small molecules that allow for complete control over a genetic defect responsible for the most common adult onset form of muscular dystrophy.

21-Jun-2013 8:00 AM EDT
Research in Fruit Flies Provides New Insight Into Barrett's Esophagus
Buck Institute for Research on Aging

Research focused on the regulation of the adult stem cells that line the gastrointestinal tract of Drosophila suggests new models for the study of Barrett’s esophagus. Barrett’s esophagus is a condition in which the cells of the lower esophagus transform into stomach-like cells. In most cases this transformation has been thought to occur directly from chronic acid indigestion. A new study suggests a change in stem cell function for this transformation.

26-Jun-2013 2:00 PM EDT
Researchers Discover Species-Recognition System in Fruit Flies
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

A team led by UC San Francisco researchers has discovered a sensory system in the foreleg of the fruit fly that tells male flies whether a potential mate is from a different species. The work addresses a central problem in evolution that is poorly understood: how animals of one species know not to mate with animals of other species.

21-Jun-2013 4:30 PM EDT
Salmonella Infection Is a Battle Between Good and Bad Bacteria in the Gut
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

A new study in PLOS ONE that examined food poisoning infection as-it-happens in mice revealed harmful bacteria, such as a common type of Salmonella, takes over beneficial bacteria within the gut amid previously unseen changes to the gut environment. The results provide new insights into the course of infection and could lead to better prevention or new treatments.

Released: 26-Jun-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Biochemists Identify Protease Substrates Important to Bacterial Growth
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Using biochemistry and mass spectrometry, researchers “trapped” scores of new candidate substrates of the protease ClpXP to reveal how protein degradation is critical to cell cycle progression and bacterial development. The new understanding could lead to identifying new antibiotic targets.

Released: 24-Jun-2013 1:30 PM EDT
Researchers Identify Molecule that Reduces Fats in Blood
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University

Researchers led by M. Mahmood Hussain, PhD, found that a regulatory RNA molecule interferes with the production of lipoproteins and, in a mouse model, reduces hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis.

21-Jun-2013 4:25 PM EDT
La Jolla Institute Discovers New Player Critical to Unleashing T Cells Against Disease
La Jolla Institute for Immunology

A major study from researchers at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology provides new revelations about the intricate pathways involved in turning on T cells, the body’s most important disease-fighting cells, and was published today in the prestigious scientific journal Nature. The La Jolla Institute team is the first to prove that a certain type of protein, called septins, play an essential role in T cell activation.

Released: 21-Jun-2013 1:30 PM EDT
Changes in Cell Shape May Lead to Metastasis, Not the Other Way Around
Houston Methodist

Development of skin cancer may require changes in the genes that control cell shape, report a team of scientists from three institutions in an upcoming issue of Nature Cell Biology. The work could lead to a better understanding of how the cells become metastatic.

Released: 20-Jun-2013 1:30 PM EDT
Researchers Discover How A Mutated Protein Outwits Evolution And Fuels Leukemia
NYU Langone Health

Scientists have discovered the survival secret to a genetic mutation that stokes leukemia cells, solving an evolutionary riddle and paving the way to a highly targeted therapy for leukemia. In a paper published today in Cell, researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center describe how a mutated protein, called Fbxw7, behaves differently when expressed in cancer cells versus healthy cells.

19-Jun-2013 6:00 PM EDT
Researchers Identify Key Player in the Genesis of Human Intestinal Immunity
University of North Carolina Health Care System

Better treatments for people suffering from compromised intestinal immunity may emerge from a small-animal model of human intestinal immune development.

12-Jun-2013 6:00 PM EDT
Structure from Disorder
Scripps Research Institute

In this week’s issue of Nature, scientists at The Scripps Research Institute report their discovery of an important trick that a well-known intrinsically disordered protein uses to expand and control its functionality.

Released: 17-Jun-2013 3:00 PM EDT
Researchers Demonstrate Use of Stem Cells to Analyze Causes and Treatment of Diabetes
Columbia University Irving Medical Center

A team from the New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Research Institute and the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center of Columbia University has generated patient-specific beta cells, or insulin-producing cells, that accurately reflect the features of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY).

Released: 14-Jun-2013 2:00 PM EDT
Memory-Boosting Chemical Is Identified in Mice
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Memory improved in mice injected with a small, drug-like molecule discovered by UCSF San Francisco researchers studying how cells respond to biological stress.

Released: 14-Jun-2013 2:00 PM EDT
New Findings Regarding DNA Damage Checkpoint Mechanism in Oxidative Stress
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

In an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) a research team from University of North Carolina at Charlotte announced that they had uncovered a previously unknown surveillance mechanism, known as a DNA damage checkpoint, used by cells to monitor oxidatively damaged DNA. The finding, first-authored by UNC Charlotte biology graduate student Jeremy Willis and undergraduate honors student Yogin Patel, was also co-authored by undergraduate honors student Barry L. Lentz and assistant professor of biology Shan Yan.

Released: 11-Jun-2013 11:45 AM EDT
Scientists Uncover New Details of Natural Anticancer Mechanism
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have identified key triggers of an important cancer-blocking mechanism in cells. Termed “oncogene-induced senescence,” this mechanism can block most cancer types and is commonly experienced when incipient skin cancers turn instead into slow-growing moles.

10-Jun-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Hairpin Turn: Micro-RNA Plays Role in Wood Formation
North Carolina State University

Scientists at North Carolina State University have found the first example of how micro-RNA regulates wood formation inside plant cells and mapped out key relationships that control the process.

Released: 10-Jun-2013 3:00 PM EDT
From Hot Springs to HIV, Same Protein Complexes Are Hijacked to Promote Viruses
Indiana University

Biologists from Indiana University and Montana State University have discovered a striking connection between viruses such as HIV and Ebola and viruses that infect organisms called archaea that grow in volcanic hot springs. Despite the huge difference in environments and a 2 billion year evolutionary time span between archaea and humans, the viruses hijack the same set of proteins to break out of infected cells.

6-Jun-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Unusual Antibodies in Cows Suggest New Ways to Make Therapies for People
Scripps Research Institute

Humans have been raising cows for their meat, hides and milk for millennia. Now it appears that the cow immune system also has something to offer. A new study led by scientists from The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) focusing on an extraordinary family of cow antibodies points to new ways to make human medicines.

Released: 6-Jun-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Wolbachia Bacteria Evolved to Infect Stem Cell Niches Through Successive Generations of Their Hosts
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

A new study by Boston University researchers provides evidence that Wolbachia target the ovarian stem cell niches of its hosts—a strategy previously overlooked to explain how Wolbachia thrive in nature.

Released: 3-Jun-2013 7:10 PM EDT
Enhancer RNAs Alter Gene Expression
UC San Diego Health

In a pair of distinct but complementary papers, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and colleagues illuminate the functional importance of a relatively new class of RNA molecules. The work, published online this week in the journal Nature, suggests modulation of “enhancer-directed RNAs” or “eRNAs” could provide a new way to alter gene expression in living cells, perhaps affecting the development or pathology of many diseases.

29-May-2013 4:55 PM EDT
Potential New Way to Suppress Tumor Growth Discovered
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues at the University of Rochester Medical Center, have identified a new mechanism that appears to suppress tumor growth, opening the possibility of developing a new class of anti-cancer drugs.

31-May-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Growth Factor That Triggers Hair Follicle Generation Identified
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Researchers in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania have determined the role of a key growth factor, found in limited quantities in human skin cells, that helps hair follicles form and regenerate during the wound healing process. When this growth factor, called Fgf9, was overexpressed in a mouse model, there was a two- to three-fold increase in the number of new hair follicles produced. Researchers believe that this growth factor could be used therapeutically for people with various hair and scalp disorders. The study appears in an advance online publication of Nature Medicine.

Released: 28-May-2013 5:00 PM EDT
Researchers Uncover Key to Development of Peripheral Nervous System
Geisinger Health System

Findings could have implications in treatment of hereditary neuropathy.

Released: 28-May-2013 3:10 PM EDT
Small Molecule Could Have Big Impact on Cancer
University of Texas at Dallas

Dr. Jung-Mo Ahn, associate professor of chemistry at The University of Texas at Dallas, has designed and synthesized a novel small molecule that might become a large weapon in the fight against prostate cancer.

24-May-2013 3:00 PM EDT
GATA-3 Is Important for the Regulation and Maintenance of the Immune System
University of North Carolina Health Care System

The protein GATA-3 plays an important role in mammalian immune response, but its overall function in cell development and cancer formation is not well understood. In an effort to further define the importance of GATA-3, researchers at the University of North Carolina have traced how the protein performs important functions in CD8+T-cell type of the immune system.

21-May-2013 3:25 PM EDT
Powerful New Method IDs Therapeutic Antibodies
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have devised a powerful new technique for finding antibodies that have a desired biological effect. The newly reported technique should greatly speed the process of discovering medicines, diagnostics and laboratory reagents.

22-May-2013 5:05 PM EDT
Protein Preps Cells to Survive Stress of Cancer Growth and Chemotherapy
Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Scientists have uncovered a survival mechanism that occurs in breast cells that have just turned premalignant-cells on the cusp between normalcy and cancers-which may lead to new methods of stopping tumors.

Released: 23-May-2013 10:25 AM EDT
Common Childhood Asthma Not Rooted in Allergens, Inflammation
Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Allergens? No. Inflammation? No. An over-active gene that interrupts lipid synthesis appears to be the cause of 20-30% childhood asthma cases.

Released: 23-May-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Bacterium From Canadian High Arctic Offers Clues to Possible Life on Mars
McGill University

The recent discovery by a McGill University led team of scientists of a bacterium that is able to thrive at –15ºC, the coldest temperature ever reported for bacterial growth, is exciting because it offers clues about some of the necessary preconditions for microbial life on Mars.

Released: 23-May-2013 9:30 AM EDT
The Secret Lives (and Deaths) of Neurons
University of North Carolina Health Care System

University of North Carolina School of Medicine researchers uncover surprising insights about how nerve cells rewire themselves, shedding light on a process linked with neurodegenerative diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders like schizophrenia and autism.

20-May-2013 3:00 PM EDT
How Immune System Peacefully Co-Exists with “Good” Bacteria
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

The human gut is loaded with helpful bacteria microbes, yet the immune system seemingly turns a blind eye. Now, researchers know how this friendly truce is kept intact. Innate lymphoid cells directly limit the response by inflammatory T cells to commensal bacteria in the gut of mice. Loss of this ILC function effectively puts the immune system on an extended war footing against the commensal bacteria a condition observed in multiple chronic inflammatory diseases.

17-May-2013 2:00 PM EDT
Protein Study Suggests Drug Side Effects are Inevitable
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

A new study of both computer-created and natural proteins suggests that the number of unique pockets – sites where small molecule pharmaceutical compounds can bind to proteins – is surprisingly small, meaning drug side effects may be impossible to avoid.

Released: 14-May-2013 1:50 PM EDT
Newly Described Type of Immune Cell and T cells Share Similar Path to Maturity
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Innate lymphoid cells protect boundary tissues such as the skin, lung, and the gut from microbial onslaught. They also have shown they play a role in inflammatory disease. Researchers have found that maturation of ILC2s requires T-cell factor 1 to move forward. They describe in Immunity that one mechanism used to build ILCs is the same as that in T cells. Both cell types use a protein pathway centered on Notch.

Released: 14-May-2013 9:05 AM EDT
Zinc: The Goldilocks Metal for Bioabsorbable Stents?
Michigan Technological University

Some materials dissolve too quickly, before cardiac arteries can fully heal, and some hang around forever. Zinc, however, may be just right.

10-May-2013 8:00 AM EDT
Out of Sync: Body Clocks Altered at Cell Level in Depression
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Every cell in our bodies runs on a 24-hour clock, tuned to the night-day, light-dark cycles that have ruled us since the dawn of humanity. But new research shows that the clock may be broken in the brains of people with depression -- even at the level of the gene activity inside their brain cells.

9-May-2013 3:00 PM EDT
Research On Cilia Heats Up: Implications For Hearing, Vision Loss And Kidney Disease
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Experiments at Johns Hopkins have unearthed clues about which protein signaling molecules are allowed into hollow, hair-like “antennae,” called cilia, that alert cells to critical changes in their environments.
