Feature Channels: Winter Holidays

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Released: 29-Dec-2010 7:00 PM EST
Official Guide To The First Baby Of The New Year
Loyola Medicine

Loyola chair of OB/GYN candidly and humorously discusses the medical community's race for the first baby of the new year and defines the terms and ways to win.

Released: 29-Dec-2010 4:00 PM EST
How to Cure a New Year's Hangover
Loyola Medicine

Exercise and B vitamins can help cure a hangover, but coffee won't help.

Released: 29-Dec-2010 11:45 AM EST
Ten (Research-Tested) New Year’s Resolutions
University at Buffalo

Need help choosing a New Year’s resolution? Research from the University at Buffalo can provide some direction. Below is a summary of useful health and wellness tips assembled from studies published by UB researchers in 2010.

Released: 28-Dec-2010 1:00 PM EST
New Year's Eve Health Hazards
Loyola Medicine

New Year's Eve can be bad for your health.The health hazards of too much revelry include drunk walking, fattening holiday drinks and the surprising ways that alcohol is bad for you.

Released: 28-Dec-2010 11:30 AM EST
Losing Weight Like Learning to Ride a Bike
Loyola Medicine

Loyola weight loss physician, and successful patient, offer research-based tips on what to do and what not to do to lose weight this new year's resolution period.

Released: 23-Dec-2010 10:50 AM EST
K-State Researchers Provide Year of Intriguing Discoveries
Kansas State University

It's been a busy year of discoveries for Kansas State University researchers. Here is a sampling of some of the more intriguing and fun faculty and student research projects from 2010.

Released: 23-Dec-2010 10:50 AM EST
7 for '11: Seven Predictions for 2011 from Binghamton University Faculty
Binghamton University, State University of New York

Predictions, prognostications or peaks into the future. Whatever they’re called, we all want to know what’s ahead for the new year. Here, seven faculty members at Binghamton University identify seven different issues, trends or events we’re likely to hear more about in 2011.

Released: 23-Dec-2010 9:45 AM EST
Have an “Appy” New Year: Apps Can Help Keep New Year’s Resolutions
Wake Forest University

With about 400,000 apps available for Smartphones and news ones added daily, there is an app for almost everything, from losing weight to finding a job. Can any of them help us keep our New Year’s resolutions? Yes and no, says Ananda Mitra, professor of communication at Wake Forest and the author of several books on digital media. He says an app can make things simpler, but it is not going to change habits.

Released: 22-Dec-2010 1:25 PM EST
Professor Predicts Business Technological Trends for 2011
Iowa State University

So what are the next big things for business in 2011? Brian Mennecke, an Iowa State University management information systems professor, has some ideas.

Released: 22-Dec-2010 10:00 AM EST
New Year’s Eve Tip from American Chemical Society Journal: Pour Champagne Down the Side of the Glass
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Just in time for New Year’s Eve, a study in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry may settle a long-standing disagreement over the best way to pour a glass of champagne: Scientists in France are reporting that pouring bubbly in an angled, down-the-side way is best for preserving its taste and fizz.

Released: 22-Dec-2010 9:00 AM EST
Snowblower Danger: Hundreds of Finger Amputations Each Winter
Loyola Medicine

A hand surgeon cautions that snowblowers can cause severe hand injuries, including loss of fingers that can require one or more surgeries and months of rehabilitation.

Released: 21-Dec-2010 3:20 PM EST
Take Precautions to Avoid Sledding Injuries
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

According to the most recent U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission statistics, there were 74,000 sledding, snow tubing, and tobogganing-related injuries treated at hospital emergency rooms, doctors' offices and clinics in 2004. But by taking a few precautions, you can help your children make sure their sledding and snow tubing activities are both thrilling and safe.

Released: 21-Dec-2010 3:00 PM EST
Cincinnati Children’s Offers Advice Toy Safety for Children During the Holidays
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

With the excitement of the holidays, parents and relatives eagerly purchase the hottest toys and latest items for their children. But it’s during the hustle and bustle of the season that many fail to buy age appropriate gifts for their children, and they tend to disregard warnings on these toys and gifts to ensure they are safe. Doctors at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and the American Academy of Pediatrics give tips on how to purchase safe toys for kids.

Released: 21-Dec-2010 12:50 PM EST
Leave the Bowl Full of Jelly to Santa this Holiday Season
Loyola Medicine

Just because Santa’s belly moves like a bowl full of jelly doesn’t mean yours has to this holiday season. Staying on track with your fitness program, even while traveling, will give you extra energy and start you out right for a healthful new year.

Released: 20-Dec-2010 4:00 PM EST
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Loyola Medicine

Loyola University Health System experts give tips for shoveling season.

Released: 20-Dec-2010 3:00 PM EST
Six Tips to Jump Start Weight Loss in the New Year
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Six research-based tips from investigators at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center that may help jump start one’s weight loss progress in the coming year.

Released: 20-Dec-2010 2:25 PM EST
Orange in Your Stocking: Squeezing Out Maximum Health Benefits
Brigham Young University

In time for Christmas, nutritionists are squeezing all the healthy compounds out of oranges to find just the right mixture responsible for their age-old health benefits.

Released: 20-Dec-2010 2:25 PM EST
Holidays Deadly for Emotionally Fragile
Loyola Medicine

Tips to identify depression in those around you this holiday season

Released: 20-Dec-2010 2:20 PM EST
Holiday Spirit Aggravates Allergies
Loyola Medicine

The fresh tree, dust covered stored boxes, poinsettias, room fresheners, scented pinecones, blasting heat and more make the holidays the "sneezin' season" for many.

Released: 20-Dec-2010 1:50 PM EST
Don’t Be Sabotaged By Grandma’s Kugel
Loyola Medicine

Clever, humorous yet pertinent tips from a psychologist who specializes in weight loss.

Released: 20-Dec-2010 1:30 PM EST
Reunion with Elderly May Include Visit to the ER
Loyola Medicine

Annual holiday visits to elderly relatives often reveals medical conditions that prompt emergency room visits.

Released: 20-Dec-2010 1:30 PM EST
Pass On The Perfume And Go For The Grabber
Loyola Medicine

Many health-compromised individuals cannot use traditional gifts such as perfume, candy and sweaters BUT clever gifts such as The Grabber retriever tool, pill cutters and counters and "tricked out" wheelchairs show you care.

Released: 20-Dec-2010 1:15 PM EST
Holiday Drinks Can Be Fattening
Loyola Medicine

Some of the most popular holiday drinks are loaded with calories. But Loyola University Health System registered dietitian Brooke Schantz says there are simple ways to limit the damage.

Released: 20-Dec-2010 9:00 AM EST
Your Resolution to Lose Weight – Write it Down and Succeed
Greenwich Hospital

The first step to reaching your ideal weight in the New Year may be as simple as writing it down, says Dr. Christopher J. Mosunic, a specialist in weight management and diabetes at Greenwich Hospital in Greenwich, Connecticut.

Released: 17-Dec-2010 1:50 PM EST
Resolve to be Tech Savvy…
Toronto Metropolitan University

Leading you down the path to tech savvy in 2011 is Ryerson University’s Digital Media Zone with some New Year’s tech resolutions...

Released: 17-Dec-2010 10:40 AM EST
Who’s Tops in the Northeast for Chances of a White Christmas?
Cornell University

According to the Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell University, there’s a 95 percent probability of at least 1 inch of snow on the ground in Pinkham Notch, N.H., come Dec. 25. That tops the list of snow probabilities in Northeast cities compiled by the Climate Center using records spanning the past five decades.

Released: 16-Dec-2010 12:35 PM EST
SIDS Spikes on New Year's Day
University of California San Diego

Not a happy holiday thought, but an important one: The number of babies who die of SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome, surges by 33 percent on New Year’s Day. The suspected reason? Alcohol consumption by caretakers the night before.

Released: 16-Dec-2010 11:55 AM EST
Planning Your Success Is Best Way for New Year’s Resolution to Last
Houston Methodist

Breaking down your weight loss resolution into small tasks will bring success.

Released: 15-Dec-2010 3:00 PM EST
Holiday Tips: Planning, Flexibility Can Ease Stress for Stepfamilies
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

December is supposed to usher in “the most wonderful time of the year,” but for many families, the holiday season often heaps on a sizeable helping of stress and frustration.

Released: 15-Dec-2010 1:00 PM EST
How to Navigate a Holiday Buffet Without a Stomach Ache (And How to Be Kind to Your Guests Who Get Them)
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Eating large quantities of rich foods outside our normal diet and routine can leave those with digestive conditions feeling ill and unable to fully enjoy their time with family and friends.

Released: 15-Dec-2010 12:35 PM EST
Yuletide Warning: Rudolph Losing Ground to Climate Change
Cornell University

Jeff Wells, a conservation scientists and visiting fellow at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, is warning that reindeer, the beloved animals of Christmas lore, are in severe decline thanks to global warming and industrial development in their boreal forest homes.

Released: 14-Dec-2010 1:35 PM EST
“Dear Friends and Family:” What Does Your Annual Holiday Letter Say About You?
North Dakota State University

By now you’ve received some holiday letters in the mail, or you’re frantically trying to finish writing and sending your own annual missive to friends and family. North Dakota State University Professor Ann Burnett, who is studying approximately 1,200 such letters from the past decade, says the letters provide clues to interpersonal dynamics, as well as to current events.

Released: 14-Dec-2010 12:45 PM EST
A Holiday Present for a Medical Miracle: ALS Clinic Named for a Man 17 Years After His Diagnosis
Stony Brook Medicine

For Chris Pendergast, every Christmas he has been alive to celebrate with his family for the past 17 years has been a gift unto itself. Indeed, in 1993 the then 44-year-old elementary school teacher was diagnosed with ALS.

Released: 14-Dec-2010 10:45 AM EST
Holiday Toy Tips from an Education Professor
University of Delaware

Last minute shoppers don't worry. Here's some novel, educational and affordable suggestions for kids' presents -- including the best gift of all.

Released: 14-Dec-2010 10:15 AM EST
When Holiday Time Isn't So Merry: Therapist Offers Tips for Coping with Grief
Kansas State University

While many see the holidays as a happy and festive time, the season can be one of the most difficult times of the year for people grieving for a recently lost loved one or struggling with depression.

Released: 13-Dec-2010 2:50 PM EST
Use Holiday Gatherings to Mine for Family Health History
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Tips from a UAB genetics counselor about using holiday gatherings to learn about your family's medical history.

Released: 13-Dec-2010 9:00 AM EST
When Cyberbullies are Home for the Holidays
University of Virginia

Psychologists Joseph and Claudia Allen burst five myths we hold about teenagers and suggest simple ways to raise young people who are both empathetic and mature.

Released: 13-Dec-2010 7:00 AM EST
Fiery Video Shows Moisture is Main Ingredient for a Safe Christmas Tree
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

A 90-second-long educational video from NIST provides a stunning visual lesson on why keeping one’s Christmas tree moist can be a matter of life-and-death importance.

Released: 10-Dec-2010 4:30 PM EST
How to Survive the Christmas Blues During Difficult Times
Loyola Medicine

Loyola physician, grief counselor give tips on recognizing, overcoming depression during the holidays.

Released: 10-Dec-2010 12:55 PM EST
Take the Happy Out of Your Holidays This Year
Wake Forest University

Eric Wilson, the Thomas H. Pritchard Professor of English at Wake Forest University, doesn’t want to be happy for the holidays. And he thinks you should try taking the happy out of your holiday, too. But don’t call him Scrooge. He simply suggests that “happy” is an unreachable goal – especially around the holidays.

Released: 10-Dec-2010 12:50 PM EST
Video Games and Realism: What Parents Should Know This Holiday Season
Wake Forest University

More than 60 percent of parents say video games have no effect on their children. Not true, says Marina Krcmar, associate professor of communication at Wake Forest, who studies the impact of video games on children and teens. And, as games get more and more realistic, research shows the positive and negative effects on children increase, Krcmar says.

Released: 10-Dec-2010 12:35 PM EST
Why New Year's Day Is the Deadliest for Pedestrians
Loyola Medicine

Loyola physician warns of the perils of drunken walking.

Released: 10-Dec-2010 12:30 PM EST
Musical Mission at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital
Loyola Medicine

Seasonal music therapy lifts spirts, aids in healing at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital, a community hospital part of Loyola University Health System.

Released: 10-Dec-2010 11:35 AM EST
Greening Your Holidays: Tips for Making Tree Selection Environmentally Friendly
Kansas State University

The most environmentally friendly option during the holiday season is to purchase a real Christmas tree instead of an artificial one, according to a Kansas State University forestry expert.

Released: 10-Dec-2010 11:15 AM EST
Holiday Sales Are No Bargain, Says Consumer Expert
Wake Forest University

Buying goods on sale this holiday season? At what cost? “When a brand goes on sale, it gives away part of the profit margin needed to invest in future innovation and quality,” says Sheri Bridges, associate professor of business at Wake Forest University—affecting consumer satisfaction in the long run.

Released: 10-Dec-2010 10:30 AM EST
‘Is There A Santa Claus?’ Readers Behind Editorial’s Long Life
American University

Most people assume the editorial was an immediate hit when first published in 1897 and that the Sun enthusiastically reprinted it every year at Christmastime until the newspaper folded in 1950. Not true, said W. Joseph Campbell, a professor and expert on media myths at American University.

Released: 9-Dec-2010 5:00 PM EST
You Could Have a Flu Christmas About You…Unless You Are Vaccinated
Rutgers University

Elvis sang of a blue Christmas, but a 'flu Christmas' would be even worse. The dean of UMDNJ-SOM says there is still time to get a vaccine to make sure you don't give or get the gift of flu this year.

Released: 9-Dec-2010 4:00 PM EST
Winter Holidays Can be “Bad for the Back”
Neurological Surgery, P.C.

Thousands of Americans sustain winter-related back injuries every year, including many directly related to holiday activities. Leading neurosurgeon and spine specialist William J. Sonstein, MD, FACS has tips on reducing back injury risk and pain.

Released: 9-Dec-2010 11:15 AM EST
Minimize Your Stress This Holiday Season
Toronto Metropolitan University

Tips for handling stresses that come with the festive season.

Released: 9-Dec-2010 11:00 AM EST
Expert Alert - Let It Snow!
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Winter sports such as skating, skiing and snowshoeing are great forms of exercise. But cold temperatures, snow, ice, and fear of injury may discourage some people from getting outside and being active. The following CIHR-supported researchers are available to offer tips on how to enjoy winter sports safely based on the latest scientific evidence.
