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8-Jun-2023 10:05 AM EDT
BMI alone may not be a sufficient indicator of metabolic health
Endocrine Society

Body mass index (BMI) is not a complete measure of metabolic health, and a high proportion of U.S. adults with normal BMI still have obesity, according to research being presented Friday at ENDO 2023, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Chicago, Ill.

Released: 15-Jun-2023 2:50 PM EDT
Access to financial services linked to lower COVID mortality rates
Lehigh University

New research shows that some of the best tools to decrease COVID-19 mortality rates weren’t found in the ER, but rather at the bank.

Released: 15-Jun-2023 2:15 PM EDT
New tool uncovers COVID-19 susceptibility mechanism
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

Researchers have discovered a mechanism for COVID-19 susceptibility using a newly created tool.

Newswise: How Microgrids Can Help Communities Adapt to Wildfires
Released: 15-Jun-2023 11:10 AM EDT
How Microgrids Can Help Communities Adapt to Wildfires
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

An international team led by research scientists at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has found that clean energy microgrids offer a better and cheaper solution for protecting California communities from wildfire-related outages, compared to conventional microgrids.

Newswise: Jefferson Lab Oversight Roles Filled by DOE
Released: 15-Jun-2023 8:30 AM EDT
Jefferson Lab Oversight Roles Filled by DOE
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

The U.S. Department of Energy has selected Craig Ferguson to lead the Thomas Jefferson Site Office (TJSO) at Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Va. As TJSO manager, Ferguson will lead in the oversight and contract management of Jefferson Lab. Additionally, Donté Davis has been confirmed as TJSO deputy manager and will support the office’s wide range of oversight programs.

Newswise: When Materials Discovery Glitters
Released: 14-Jun-2023 4:35 PM EDT
When Materials Discovery Glitters
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

A new database of understudied quantum materials has been created by researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and provides an avenue to discover new materials.

Newswise: To Advance Microbiome Research, the National Microbiome Data Collaborative Ambassador Program Promotes Microbiome Data Standards
Released: 14-Jun-2023 4:05 PM EDT
To Advance Microbiome Research, the National Microbiome Data Collaborative Ambassador Program Promotes Microbiome Data Standards
Department of Energy, Office of Science

To study microbes, scientists need to collect, process, and share data in a standardized way. The National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC) Ambassador Program launched in 2021 to increase awareness and adoption of microbiome metadata standards. During the program’s year-long term in 2021 and 2022, more than 800 researchers attended 23 Ambassador-hosted presentations.

Released: 14-Jun-2023 2:10 PM EDT
New imaging technique captures COVID-19’s impact on the brain
University of Waterloo

A University of Waterloo engineer’s MRI invention reveals better than many existing imaging technologies how COVID-19 can change the human brain.

Newswise: Preserving Forests to Protect Deep Soil From Warming
Released: 14-Jun-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Preserving Forests to Protect Deep Soil From Warming
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

An innovative, decade-long experiment in the foothills of California’s Sierra Nevada mountains shows carbon stocks buried deep underground are vulnerable to climate change. The findings have implications for mitigating global warming through the natural carbon sinks provided by soil and forests which capture 25% of all carbon emissions.

Released: 14-Jun-2023 1:15 PM EDT
The heat is on! Don't panic. Get the latest news on heat waves and the dangers of heat in the Extreme Heat channel

As we enter the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere and the possibility of extreme heat becomes more common, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the science of heat waves and take measures to protect ourselves from this growing public health threat.

Released: 14-Jun-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Historic Advanced Photon Source magnet sees the light of day for the first time in 29 years
Argonne National Laboratory

In 1994, one of the last magnets produced for the Advanced Photon Source was signed by many who worked on the facility’s construction. That magnet was recently removed to make way for the APS Upgrade, and many of those who signed it are still with the lab.

Released: 14-Jun-2023 10:00 AM EDT
New diagnostic finds intact sperm in infertile men
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

Researchers develop new diagnostic tool to visualize protein biomarkers of well-developed sperm to determine if surgical sperm extraction may be successful for infertile men with nonobstructive azoospermia

Released: 13-Jun-2023 7:50 PM EDT
People who preserve ‘immune resilience’ live longer, resist infections
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Researchers from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, working with collaborators in five countries, today revealed that the capacity to resist or recover from infections and other sources of inflammatory stress — called “immune resilience” — differs widely among individuals.

Released: 13-Jun-2023 7:40 PM EDT
Lung and heart stem cell research paves way for new COVID-19 treatments
Murdoch Childrens Research Institute

Researchers have used heart and lung stem cells infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 to better understand how the disease impacts different organs, paving the way for more targeted treatments.

Released: 13-Jun-2023 7:15 PM EDT
Four state policies linked to growth of telehealth at mental health facilities
RAND Corporation

Four state policies introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic to spur expansion of telehealth were associated with expansion of such services by mental health facilities, but growth of telehealth was lower among facilities in counties with the greatest proportion of Black residents, according to a new RAND Corporation study.

Newswise: Rural health workers faced unique stressors in pandemic
Released: 13-Jun-2023 5:40 PM EDT
Rural health workers faced unique stressors in pandemic
University of Washington School of Medicine

“One of the main takeaways from our study is that rural health workers have core competencies in cross-sector collaboration, systems thinking and in engaging the community,” said Kett, who is a research scientist at the Center for Health Workforce Studies at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

Newswise: Getting to the Bottom of When the Smallest Meson Melts
Released: 13-Jun-2023 2:00 PM EDT
Getting to the Bottom of When the Smallest Meson Melts
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Bottomonium mesons consist of a heavy bottom quark bound to an antibottom quark, and the two quarks can be bound loosely, more tightly, and very tightly (creating the smallest bottomonium meson). New calculations that predict the temperature at which these mesons will melt show that the smallest bottomonium particles can stay intact at very high temperatures. This may explain why collisions at different particle accelerators produce different numbers of bottomonium particles.

Released: 13-Jun-2023 1:00 PM EDT
IBM’s Jason Orcutt moves the world toward an interconnected quantum future
Argonne National Laboratory

Jason Orcutt of IBM provides an industry perspective on quantum simulation research at the Q-NEXT quantum research center and works to connect quantum information systems around the globe.

Released: 13-Jun-2023 12:35 PM EDT
The best drug combos to prevent COVID recurrence
University of California, Riverside

A groundbreaking machine-learning study has unmasked the best drug combinations to prevent COVID-19 from coming back after an initial infection.

Newswise: Report: Braidwood Management v Becerra Could Eliminate 75% of the ACA’s Preventive Benefits for Women, Infants, and Children
Released: 13-Jun-2023 10:30 AM EDT
Report: Braidwood Management v Becerra Could Eliminate 75% of the ACA’s Preventive Benefits for Women, Infants, and Children
George Washington University

A new report from researchers at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health presents the most detailed evidence to date regarding the potential effects on mothers and children of Braidwood Management v Becerra, which challenges the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act’s comprehensive free preventive benefit guarantee for nearly all privately insured people.

Newswise:Video Embedded desi-early-data-release-holds-nearly-two-million-objects
Released: 13-Jun-2023 8:05 AM EDT
DESI Early Data Release Holds Nearly Two Million Objects
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The universe is big, and it’s getting bigger. To study dark energy, the mysterious force behind the accelerating expansion of our universe, scientists are using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) to map more than 40 million galaxies, quasars, and stars. Today, the collaboration publicly released its first batch of data, with nearly 2 million objects for researchers to explore.

Newswise: A Baking Soda Solution for Clean Hydrogen Storage
Released: 12-Jun-2023 5:10 PM EDT
A Baking Soda Solution for Clean Hydrogen Storage
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

PNNL scientists investigate the promising properties of a common, Earth-abundant salt.

Released: 12-Jun-2023 4:55 PM EDT
AMA strengthens its policy on protecting access to gender-affirming care
Endocrine Society

The American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates today passed the Endocrine Society’s resolution to protect access to evidence-based gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-diverse individuals.

Newswise: Researchers Demonstrate First Precision Gene Editing in Miscanthus
Released: 12-Jun-2023 4:00 PM EDT
Researchers Demonstrate First Precision Gene Editing in Miscanthus
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Miscanthus thrives on marginal lands with limited fertilization and tolerates drought and cool temperatures, making it an ideal bioenergy candidate. Previous efforts to genetically improve miscanthus focused on introducing external genes at random places in the plant’s genomes. This research developed gene-editing procedures using CRISPR/Cas9 that will allow scientists to selectively target existing genes to knock out their function and introduce new genes into precise locations.

Newswise: Jefferson Lab Virtual Series Serves Up Science Brain Teasers
Released: 12-Jun-2023 3:05 PM EDT
Jefferson Lab Virtual Series Serves Up Science Brain Teasers
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Jefferson Lab is now offering a new playlist called “Here’s a Question” as part of its long-running Frostbite Theater video series. In the “Here’s a Question” videos, longtime Frostbite Theater hosts Steve Gagnon and Joanna Griffin help viewers understand the scientific concepts underlying iron oxidation, magnetism and thermodynamics - and many more!

Newswise: Magic cocktail generates lung’s most critical immune cell in the lab
Released: 12-Jun-2023 1:30 PM EDT
Magic cocktail generates lung’s most critical immune cell in the lab
Texas Biomedical Research Institute

Researchers at Texas Biomedical Research Institute have succeeded in generating the lung’s most important immune cell, the alveolar macrophage, in the lab.

Newswise: Visionary report unveils ambitious roadmap to harness the power of AI in scientific discovery
Released: 12-Jun-2023 12:50 PM EDT
Visionary report unveils ambitious roadmap to harness the power of AI in scientific discovery
Argonne National Laboratory

A new report lays out a comprehensive vision for the U.S. Department of Energy to drive breakthroughs in science, energy and national security by expanding capabilities in artificial intelligence and building on its high performance computing systems.

Newswise: Many long COVID patients suffer from persistent inflammation, study finds
Released: 12-Jun-2023 11:10 AM EDT
Many long COVID patients suffer from persistent inflammation, study finds
Allen Institute

An overactive inflammatory response could be at the root of many long COVID cases, according to a new study from the Allen Institute and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.

Released: 12-Jun-2023 10:50 AM EDT
Gentle cleansers kill viruses as effectively as harsh soaps, study finds
University of Sheffield

Gentle cleansers are just as effective in killing viruses – including coronavirus – as harsh soaps, according to a new study from scientists at the University of Sheffield

Newswise: The American Association of Immunologists Appoints Gail A. Bishop as Incoming Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Immunology
Released: 12-Jun-2023 9:00 AM EDT
The American Association of Immunologists Appoints Gail A. Bishop as Incoming Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Immunology
American Association of Immunologists (AAI)

The American Association of Immunologists Appoints Gail A. Bishop as Incoming Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Immunology

Released: 12-Jun-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Ukraine Refugees Could Boost Europe’s GDP
North Carolina State University

New research suggests the influx of Ukrainian refugees across Europe will improve long-term GDP for European countries that invest in infrastructure and other capital improvements. However, countries receiving Ukrainian refugees will likely face significant costs in the short term.

8-Jun-2023 7:05 AM EDT
Pandemic Alcohol Use Linked to Nervous System Disruption in Pregnant and Postpartum Women, Hinting at Novel Clinical Biomarker and Intervention Potential
Research Society on Alcoholism

Increased alcohol use among pregnant and postpartum women during the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with autonomic nervous system dysregulation, known to negatively affect resilience to change and further exacerbate the risk of stress-related mental health disorders and substance use, a new study suggests. The findings, although preliminary, underline the potential for a new clinical biomarker and novel personalized mobile health apps in facilitating treatment interventions. Previous research linked the pandemic to increased stress levels and drinking, including in pregnant and postpartum women. Alcohol use, and stress-related conditions such as depression and anxiety, are associated with dysregulation in the feedback loop between the body and the brain. This process involves the peripheral autonomic nervous system, which regulates the heartbeat. Healthy, resilient people tend to have higher heart rate variability than people with stress and substance use disorders. Heart rate variab

Released: 9-Jun-2023 8:00 PM EDT
Similar symptoms, biological abnormalities underlie long COVID and chronic fatigue syndrome
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Long COVID and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome are debilitating conditions with similar symptoms. Neither condition has diagnostic tests or treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and each cost the United States billions of dollars each year in direct medical expenses and lost productivity.

Released: 9-Jun-2023 7:10 PM EDT
New high-tech helmets may protect American football players from debilitating concussions

Millions of people in the US are concussed every year playing sports. Players of games like American football are at particularly high risk for injuries that can have devastating long-term consequences. Stanford University scientists working with the company Savior Brain have now designed one potential way of protecting players: a helmet containing liquid shock absorbers that could reduce the impact of blows to the head by a third.

Released: 9-Jun-2023 3:25 PM EDT
Study shows metformin lowers the risk of getting long COVID
University of Minnesota Medical School

In a new study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, University of Minnesota researchers found that metformin, a drug commonly used to treat diabetes, prevents the development of long COVID.

Released: 9-Jun-2023 2:05 PM EDT
UNC Researchers Receive NIH Grant to Study Drug-Resistant Malaria in Ethiopia
University of North Carolina School of Medicine

This study is expected to generate critical evidence about the rise and expansion of drug-resistant parasites in Ethiopia. Results will help policymakers and advance malaria elimination efforts in Ethiopia and beyond.

Released: 9-Jun-2023 1:15 PM EDT
Wild mammals moved farther during severe COVID-19 lockdowns
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

Human behavior changed dramatically during lockdowns in the first months of the global COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in behavioral changes of land mammals.

Newswise: Scientists make a surprising discovery about magnetic defects in topological insulators
Released: 9-Jun-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Scientists make a surprising discovery about magnetic defects in topological insulators
Ames National Laboratory

Scientists from the Department of Energy’s Ames National Laboratory made an intriguing discovery while characterizing the magnetism in a dilute magnetic topological insulator. Despite this material’s ferromagnetism, they discovered strong antiferromagnetic interactions between some pairs of magnetic defects that play a key role in several families of magnetic topological insulators.

Released: 9-Jun-2023 9:25 AM EDT
Zinc Transporter Has Built-in Self-regulating Sensor
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Scientists at Brookhaven Lab have determined the atomic-level structure of a zinc-transporter protein, a molecular machine that regulates levels of this crucial trace metal micronutrient inside cells. The structure reveals how the cellular membrane protein shifts its shape to move zinc from the environment into a cell, and temporarily blocks this action automatically when zinc levels inside the cell get too high.

Newswise: Boosting energy efficiency
Released: 8-Jun-2023 2:25 PM EDT
Boosting energy efficiency
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers, in collaboration with Enginuity Power Systems, demonstrated that a micro combined heat and power prototype, or mCHP, with a piston engine can achieve an overall energy efficiency greater than 93%.

Newswise: Researchers Find an Immune System ‘Trip Wire’ That Detects COVID-19
6-Jun-2023 7:05 PM EDT
Researchers Find an Immune System ‘Trip Wire’ That Detects COVID-19
University of California San Diego

Biologists have identified a previously unknown way that our immune system detects viruses. The immune protein CARD8 acts as a trip wire to detect a range of viruses, including the virus that causes COVID. They also found that CARD8 functions differently among species and varies between humans.

1-Jun-2023 11:15 AM EDT
CARD8 helps human immune system respond to some viruses, including COVID-19

Molecular sensors that form the so-called “inflammasome” help activate inflammatory responses to pathogens.

Released: 8-Jun-2023 1:50 PM EDT
Long Covid can impact fatigue and quality of life worse than some cancers
University College London

Fatigue is the symptom that most significantly impacts the daily lives of long Covid patients, and can affect quality of life more than some cancers, finds a new study led by researchers at UCL and the University of Exeter.

Released: 8-Jun-2023 1:25 PM EDT
One-month of COVID-19 lockdown cost heart attack patients up to two years of life
European Society of Cardiology

Patients who had heart attacks during the first COVID-19 lockdown in the UK and Spain are predicted to live 1.5 and 2 years less, respectively, than their pre-COVID counterparts.
