Feature Channels: Allergies

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Released: 21-Nov-2023 3:45 PM EST
It's not over until it's over. Keep up with the latest COVID research in the Coronavirus channel.

Stay informed! Keep up with the latest research on the COVID-19 virus in the Coronavirus channel on Newswise.

Newswise: Why natural allergen-specific antibodies cannot always protect against allergies
Released: 21-Nov-2023 8:05 AM EST
Why natural allergen-specific antibodies cannot always protect against allergies
Scientific Project Lomonosov

Immunologists found the difference between antibodies that react to birch pollen allergens in healthy people and patients with allergies. The authors also found out why not all classes of antibodies can protect against allergies. The results were published in Allergy.

Released: 15-Nov-2023 11:20 AM EST
From Farm to Newsroom: The Latest Research and Features on Agriculture

The world’s total population is expected to reach 9.9 billion by 2050. This rapid increase in population is boosting the demand for agriculture to cater for the increased demand. Below are some of the latest research and features on agriculture and farming in the Agriculture channel on Newswise.

Newswise: Gailen Marshall Installed as ACAAI President
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Gailen Marshall Installed as ACAAI President
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Allergist Gailen Marshall, MD, PhD, of Jackson, MS, was installed as president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) at the ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting on November 12 in Anaheim, Calif.

Newswise: Gailen Marshalles designado como presidente del ACAAI
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Gailen Marshalles designado como presidente del ACAAI
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

El alergista Gailen Marshall, MD, PhD, de Jackson, MS, fue designado presidente del Colegio Americano de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología (ACAAI) en la Reunión Científica Anual del ACAAI, el 12 de noviembre, en Anaheim, California.

Newswise: Flaxseed Allergy Appearing More Frequently – Present in Foods and Other Substances
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Flaxseed Allergy Appearing More Frequently – Present in Foods and Other Substances
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Two new medically challenging cases being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, Calif. show that flaxseed can cause allergic reaction – both after being ingested and also after touching the skin.

Newswise: Special Toothpaste May Lower Risk of Allergic Reactions for Adults with Peanut Allergy
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Special Toothpaste May Lower Risk of Allergic Reactions for Adults with Peanut Allergy
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

A new late breaking abstract being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, Calif. demonstrates that a specially formulated toothpaste can be successfully used for Oral Mucosal Immunotherapy (OMIT).

Newswise: Survey: 72% of Eczema Patients Suffered Poor Mental Health Symptoms for 1-10 Days in Past Month
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Survey: 72% of Eczema Patients Suffered Poor Mental Health Symptoms for 1-10 Days in Past Month
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

A new study being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, Calif. showed that, among the people who suffered with atopic dermatitis, 72% reported poor mental health symptoms for 1-10 days within the past month, while 17% reported more than 11 days.

Newswise: ¿Qué tan preciso fue ChatGPT para los mitos comunes sobre las alergias? Bastante preciso
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
¿Qué tan preciso fue ChatGPT para los mitos comunes sobre las alergias? Bastante preciso
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

En un nuevo estudio que se presentará en la Reunión Científica Anual del ACAAI de este año en Anaheim (California), se pidió a ChatGPT que valorara diez mitos comunes sobre las alergias, y juzgó su exactitud correctamente el 91 % de las veces.

Newswise: Language Barriers May Cause Some Children to be Underdiagnosed for Allergic Conditions
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Language Barriers May Cause Some Children to be Underdiagnosed for Allergic Conditions
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

A new study being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, Calif. shows that language difficulties may cause some children to be underdiagnosed for allergic conditions such as food allergy, asthma and eczema. In addition, a new medically challenging case illustrates it is possible for pharmacy translation software to mistakenly interfere with a prescription being filled.

Newswise: Las barreras lingüísticas pueden ser la causa por la que a algunos niños se les infradiagnostiquen afecciones alérgicas
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Las barreras lingüísticas pueden ser la causa por la que a algunos niños se les infradiagnostiquen afecciones alérgicas
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Un nuevo estudio que se presentará en la Reunión Científica Anual ACAAI de este año en Anaheim (California) muestra que las dificultades lingüísticas pueden ser la causa de que a algunos niños se les infradiagnostiquen afecciones alérgicas, como las alergias alimentaria, el asma y el eccema. Además, un nuevo caso médicamente desafiante ilustra que es posible que un programa informático de traducción para farmacias interfiera por error en el surtido de una receta.

Newswise: Pasta dental especial podría reducir el riesgo de reacciones alérgicas para adultos con alergia al cacahuete
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Pasta dental especial podría reducir el riesgo de reacciones alérgicas para adultos con alergia al cacahuete
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Un resumen novedoso que se presentará en la Reunión Científica Anual del ACAAI de este año en Anaheim (California) demuestra que una pasta dental especialmente formulada puede utilizarse con éxito para la inmunoterapia aplicada en la mucosa oral (OMIT).

Newswise: Community Grant Projects Empower Allergists to Address Barriers to Allergy and Asthma Care
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Community Grant Projects Empower Allergists to Address Barriers to Allergy and Asthma Care
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Beginning in 2021, The Allergists’ Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, began funding community grant projects that address challenges faced by community practicing allergists.

Newswise: How Accurate Was ChatGPT for Common Allergy Myths? Pretty Accurate
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
How Accurate Was ChatGPT for Common Allergy Myths? Pretty Accurate
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

n a new study being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, Calif., ChatGPT was asked to rate 10 common allergy myths, and it judged their accuracy correctly 91% of the time.

Newswise: New Study Examines Potential Factors Related to the Development of Adult-Onset Food Allergy
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
New Study Examines Potential Factors Related to the Development of Adult-Onset Food Allergy
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

A new study being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, Calif. shows that, among people who suffer from food allergies, common themes arose regarding when their food allergy developed and coinciding with certain events including, eating too much of the allergenic food; genetics and family history; antibiotic use; and eating too little of the allergenic food.

Newswise: Study Shows Children with Private Insurance More Likely to Outgrow Food Allergies
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Study Shows Children with Private Insurance More Likely to Outgrow Food Allergies
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

A new study being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, Calif. shows that children with private insurance are more likely to outgrow food allergies than children who use public insurance.

Newswise: Encuesta: el 72 % de los pacientes con eccema sufrieron síntomas de una mala salud mental durante 1 a 10 días en el último mes
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Encuesta: el 72 % de los pacientes con eccema sufrieron síntomas de una mala salud mental durante 1 a 10 días en el último mes
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Un nuevo estudio que se presentará en la Reunión Científica Anual ACAAI de este año en Anaheim (California) mostró que, entre las personas que tenían AD, el 72 % informó haber tenido síntomas de una mala salud mental durante 1 a 10 días en el último mes, mientras que el 17 % informó haberlos tenido más de 11 días.

Newswise: La alergia a la linaza está apareciendo con mayor frecuencia en alimentos y otras sustancias
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
La alergia a la linaza está apareciendo con mayor frecuencia en alimentos y otras sustancias
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Un nuevo estudio que se presentará en la Reunión Científica Anual del ACAAI de este año en Anaheim (California) muestra que la linaza puede causar una reacción alérgica, tanto después de ingerirla como después de que toca la piel.

Newswise: Eliminating Mold After Natural Disasters is Vital for Those with Mold Allergy
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Eliminating Mold After Natural Disasters is Vital for Those with Mold Allergy
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Two new studies being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, Calif. show the harmful health effects of excess mold on those with asthma, while also discussing methods for getting rid of mold and other airborne allergens in the most efficient way possible.

Newswise: New Study: Gargling with Salt Water May Help Prevent Covid Hospitalization
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
New Study: Gargling with Salt Water May Help Prevent Covid Hospitalization
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

A new study being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, Calif. determined that both a low- and high-dose saline regimen appeared to be associated with lower hospitalization rates compared to controls in SARS-CoV-2 infections.

Newswise: Un estudio muestra que los niños con seguro privado tienen más probabilidades de superar las alergias alimentarias
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Un estudio muestra que los niños con seguro privado tienen más probabilidades de superar las alergias alimentarias
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Un nuevo estudio que se presentará en la Reunión Científica Anual del ACAAI de este año en Anaheim (California) muestra que los niños que tienen un seguro privado tienen más probabilidades de superar alergias alimentarias que los niños que utilizan un seguro público.

Newswise: Los proyectos de subvenciones comunitarias le dan la capacidad a los alergistas de abordar las barreras a la atención de la alergia y el asma
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Los proyectos de subvenciones comunitarias le dan la capacidad a los alergistas de abordar las barreras a la atención de la alergia y el asma
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

A partir de 2021, la Fundación de Alergistas, la rama filantrópica del Colegio Americano de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología (ACAAI), comenzó a financiar proyectos de subvenciones comunitarias que abordan los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los alergistas que ejercen en la comunidad.

Newswise: Eliminar el moho después de desastres naturales es vital para las personas alérgicas al moho
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Eliminar el moho después de desastres naturales es vital para las personas alérgicas al moho
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Dos nuevos estudios que se presentarán en la Reunión Científica Anual del ACAAI de este año en Anaheim (California) muestran los efectos nocivos para la salud del exceso de moho en las personas asmáticas y analizan métodos para deshacerse del moho y otros alérgenos transportados por el aire de la forma más eficaz posible.

Newswise: Nuevo estudio: hacer gárgaras con agua salada podría ayudar a prevenir la hospitalización por COVID
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Nuevo estudio: hacer gárgaras con agua salada podría ayudar a prevenir la hospitalización por COVID
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Un nuevo estudio que se presentará en la Reunión Científica Anual del ACAAI de este año en Anaheim (California) determinó que tanto un régimen de solución salina de dosis baja como de dosis alta parecían estar asociadas a menores tasas de hospitalización en comparación con los controles en las infecciones por SARS-CoV-2.

Newswise: Un nuevo estudio examina los factores potenciales relacionados con el desarrollo de la alergia alimentaria que aparece en la edad adulta
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Un nuevo estudio examina los factores potenciales relacionados con el desarrollo de la alergia alimentaria que aparece en la edad adulta
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Un nuevo estudio que se presentará en la Reunión Científica Anual ACAAI de este año en Anaheim (California) muestra que, entre las personas que tienen alergias alimentarias, surgieron temas comunes en relación con el momento en que se desarrolló su alergia alimentaria y la coincidencia con determinados acontecimientos, entre ellos, comer demasiada cantidad del alimento alergénico; la genética y los antecedentes familiares; el uso de antibióticos; y comer muy poca cantidad del alimento alergénico.

Newswise: Antibodies to Cow’s Milk Linked to Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Death
9-Nov-2023 4:05 AM EST
Antibodies to Cow’s Milk Linked to Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Death
University of North Carolina Health Care System

Analyses led by Corinne Keet, MD, PhD, at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, of two longitudinal studies reveal how an increased level of an antibody called immunoglobin (IgE) to cow’s milk is associated to cardiovascular-related death.

Released: 7-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EST
Measuring skin water loss predicts anaphylaxis during food allergy tests
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Measuring skin water loss during food allergy tests may help predict anaphylaxis and keep patients safe. The method aims to detect the life threatening reaction before epinephrine injections are necessary

Newswise: Immunotherapy effective on young children’s peanut allergies
Released: 7-Nov-2023 10:05 AM EST
Immunotherapy effective on young children’s peanut allergies
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Low doses of an immunotherapy taken under the tongue safely achieved desensitization to peanut allergies in children ages 1 to 4 years, according to results of a clinical trial conducted by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center, Children’s Medical Center Dallas, and the University of North Carolina School of Medicine.

Released: 2-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Making gluten-free, sorghum-based beers easier to brew and enjoy
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Beer is usually made from barley, leaving those with a gluten allergy unable to enjoy. Sorghum could be an alternative, but complex preparation steps hamper its adoption. A team reporting in ACS’ Journal of Proteome Research has uncovered an enzyme that could improve sorghum-based beers' future.

Released: 16-Oct-2023 6:05 PM EDT
Medicaid is a vital lifeline for adults with Down syndrome
Boston University School of Public Health

Life expectancy has increased substantially for people in the United States with Down syndrome, from a median age of 4 years old in the 1950s to 57 years old in 2019.

Released: 16-Oct-2023 10:05 AM EDT
You Can Still Register for the 2023 ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim!
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

The 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) is happening in Anaheim, CA, November 9-13 at the Anaheim Convention Center.

Newswise: For Toddlers Allergic to Peanuts, a Tiny Bit of Protein Therapy Under the Tongue Could Be The Best Approach
Released: 12-Oct-2023 9:05 PM EDT
For Toddlers Allergic to Peanuts, a Tiny Bit of Protein Therapy Under the Tongue Could Be The Best Approach
University of North Carolina Health Care System

A clinical study led by Edwin Kim, MD, at the UNC School of Medicine, showed how Peanut Sublingual Immunotherapy (Peanut SLIT) is safe and effective in children ranging from 1-to-4 years of age. Remission of peanut allergy was also possible after three months of stopping the treatment.

Newswise: A Short Chat Goes a Long Way Toward Keeping Halloween Safe for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
Released: 3-Oct-2023 8:00 AM EDT
A Short Chat Goes a Long Way Toward Keeping Halloween Safe for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

At Halloween, if your child has allergies or asthma, they need to be aware of necessary precautions to keep them safe from sudden flares.

Released: 2-Oct-2023 7:05 AM EDT
Allergy study on 'wild' mice challenges the hygiene hypothesis
Karolinska Institute

The notion that some level of microbial exposure might reduce our risk of developing allergies has arisen over the last few decades and has been termed the hygiene hypothesis.

Released: 27-Sep-2023 12:50 PM EDT
Stay informed on women's health issues in the Women's Health channel

Below are some of the latest headlines in the Women's Health channel on Newswise.

Released: 26-Sep-2023 10:50 AM EDT
New study reveals that some children with common form of eczema should also be tested for allergic reactions
American Academy of Dermatology

Eczema, which is a group of medical conditions that causes inflamed, irritated, and often itchy skin, affects millions of people worldwide. A new article published in the reveals that children diagnosed with a type of eczema called atopic dermatitis — which they usually develop by 5 years of age — may also need to be tested for a second type of eczema called allergic contact dermatitis, which has similar symptoms and can be triggered by a range of substances that cause an allergic reaction.

Released: 20-Sep-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Genetic Biomarker May Predict Severity of Food Allergy
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

Researchers from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and colleagues reported for the first time that a genetic biomarker may be able to help predict the severity of food allergy reactions.

Released: 7-Sep-2023 8:55 AM EDT
Eczema or Psoriasis: How to Tell Which One You May Have

Eczema and psoriasis are common skin conditions, and they can both appear as rashes that may itch or burn. If you get rashes often, you might wonder if you have one or the other.

Released: 29-Aug-2023 12:15 PM EDT
Researchers discover common origin behind major childhood allergies
University of British Columbia

Several major childhood allergies may all stem from the community of bacteria living in our gut, according to a new study led by researchers at the University of British Columbia and BC Children’s Hospital.

Newswise: Mount Sinai Researchers Uncover Early Signs in Gut Bacteria That Could Predict Peanut Allergy Development
Released: 28-Aug-2023 3:50 PM EDT
Mount Sinai Researchers Uncover Early Signs in Gut Bacteria That Could Predict Peanut Allergy Development
Mount Sinai Health System

Insights could impact approach to managing and preventing condition in children.

Newswise: Case Study: Overcoming Barriers to Venom Immunotherapy for Fire Ant Allergy Patients
Released: 23-Aug-2023 8:30 AM EDT
Case Study: Overcoming Barriers to Venom Immunotherapy for Fire Ant Allergy Patients
Ochsner Health

Dr. John Carlson, pediatric allergy and immunology specialist at Ochsner Health, shares a case study recently published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice.

Newswise: Scratch where it itches – An International-Gold-Medal-Winning Canine Allergen Test Kit by Chula Veterinary Science Lecturer
Released: 11-Aug-2023 8:55 AM EDT
Scratch where it itches – An International-Gold-Medal-Winning Canine Allergen Test Kit by Chula Veterinary Science Lecturer
Chulalongkorn University

Chula Veterinary Science Lecturers have successfully developed a Serum Test Kit to Identify Canine Atopic Dermatitis (CAD) caused by dust mites. With a Gold Medal from the Swiss Innovation Contest, the test kit is guaranteed to help identify the allergens with greater precision to ensure correct treatment.

Released: 10-Aug-2023 11:05 AM EDT
"Get back to where you once belonged!" Back-to-School stories for media

It's that time of year again. For media working on stories about the seasonal return to school, here are the latest features and experts in the Back-To-School channel on Newswise.

Newswise: Community Conversations: A Jump-Start to a Healthy School Year
Released: 8-Aug-2023 11:35 AM EDT
Community Conversations: A Jump-Start to a Healthy School Year

Cedars-Sinai and BlackDoctor.org will host a virtual community conversation to help kick-off the back-to-school season.

Released: 3-Aug-2023 4:20 PM EDT
Rural environment supports children’s immune systems
University College Cork

Children raised in rural environments who spend a lot of time outdoors with some exposure to animals grow to have better regulated immune systems than children living in urban environments, a new study has found.

Released: 3-Aug-2023 1:05 PM EDT
Cleveland Clinic Researchers Confirm Early Intervention Curbs Peanut Allergies in Babies
Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic researchers have found that starting peanut oral immunotherapy under medical supervision during infancy can improve a child’s immune response to the food over time. The findings were recently published in the Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology: In Practice.

Newswise: Prevent Allergy and Asthma Flares at School: Know Your Child’s Triggers
Released: 1-Aug-2023 9:55 AM EDT
Prevent Allergy and Asthma Flares at School: Know Your Child’s Triggers
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Allergies and asthma can significantly impact a child's well-being and academic performance, but with proper preparation and management, they can thrive in the school environment.

20-Jul-2023 10:30 AM EDT
CHOP Researchers Validate Pediatric “Allergic March” in Largest National Study of its Kind
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

In the largest study of its kind, researchers from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) used electronic health record (EHR) data from more than 200,000 pediatric patients to describe patterns of pediatric allergies across the United States, validating a population-level pattern of allergy development known as the “allergic march,” in which allergies first present as eczema, followed by food allergies, asthma, and environmental allergies. The researchers also found that a rare food allergy called eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), which has historically been considered a disease affecting primarily White males, is more common among non-White patients than previously reported.
