Feature Channels: Aging

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Released: 17-Jan-2014 3:30 PM EST
Researchers Collaborate to Reduce Effects of the Aging Eye
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)

Aging gracefully may not be an option for the 40 million people worldwide who are blind or have significant visual impairment. It’s reported that 65% of those with visual impairment and 82% of those who are blind are over 50 years of age. In a special issue of Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS), ophthalmic leaders from around the world address “the aging eye” to focus attention on unmet needs and accelerate the translation of research findings into effective clinical care.

Released: 15-Jan-2014 10:00 AM EST
Take a Stand and Be Active to Reduce Chronic Disease, Make Aging Easier, Research Finds
Kansas State University

By sitting less and moving more, people can reduce their risks of chronic diseases and make aging easier, according to Kansas State University research.

Released: 14-Jan-2014 12:30 PM EST
Access to Technology Improves Older Adults' Health
Wichita State University

Louis Medvene, Wichita State University professor of psychology and director of the Social Relationships Research Workgroup, is exploring the potential benefits of computer access to senior citizens' health.

Released: 14-Jan-2014 10:00 AM EST
Dance and Virtual Reality: A Promising Treatment for Urinary Incontinence in Elderly Women
Universite de Montreal

Virtual reality, dance and fun are not the first things that come to mind when we think of treating urinary incontinence in senior women. However, these concepts were the foundations of a promising study .

Released: 13-Jan-2014 5:00 PM EST
Members of Blood Pressure Panel at Odds Over Recently Released Guidelines
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Minority of panel members who disagree with raising systolic blood pressure targets for people over 60 years of age provide their evidence in a new commentary in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Released: 13-Jan-2014 12:55 PM EST
Parents Accidentally Confuse Their Children’s Names More Often When the Names Sound Alike
University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin)

Psychology researchers find parents set themselves up for speech errors when they give their children similar-sounding names.

Released: 13-Jan-2014 11:00 AM EST
Salk Scientists Identify Factors That Trigger ALT-Ernative Cancer Cell Growth
Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Highly diverse cancers share one trait: the capacity for endless cell division. Unregulated growth is due in large part to the fact that tumor cells can rebuild protective ends of their chromosomes, which are made of repeated DNA sequences and proteins. Normally, cell division halts once these structures, called telomeres, wear down. But cancer cells keep on going by deploying one of two strategies to reconstruct telomeres.

17-Dec-2013 6:00 PM EST
Study Shows Where Alzheimer's Starts and How It Spreads
Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Using high-resolution fMRI imaging in patients with Alzheimer's disease and in mouse models of the disease, researchers have clarified three fundamental issues about Alzheimer's: where it starts, why it starts there, and how it spreads. In addition to advancing understanding of Alzheimer's, the findings could improve early detection of the disease, when drugs may be most effective. The study was published today in the online edition of the journal Nature Neuroscience.

Released: 19-Dec-2013 4:10 PM EST
Living at Home with Dementia
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Most people with dementia who live at home have multiple unmet health and welfare needs, any number of which could jeopardize their ability to remain home for as long as they desire, new Johns Hopkins research suggests.

11-Dec-2013 1:55 PM EST
Aging Cells Unravel Their DNA
The Rockefeller University Press

The study identifies a common, early marker of senescent cells that could have important implications for tumor suppression and aging-related diseases like Progeria

Released: 11-Dec-2013 2:30 PM EST
Sleep-Deprived Mice Show Connections Among Lack of Shut-Eye, Diabetes, Age
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

For the first time, researchers describe the effect of sleep deprivation on the unfolded protein response in peripheral tissue. Stress in pancreatic cells due to sleep deprivation may contribute to the loss or dysfunction of cells important to maintaining proper blood sugar levels, and that these functions may be exacerbated by normal aging. The combined effect of aging and sleep deprivation resulted in a loss of control of blood sugar, somewhat like pre-diabetes in mice.

3-Dec-2013 7:00 PM EST
Shining a Light on the Damage That Daily Sun Exposure Can Cause: U-M Study Highlights Need for Better Sunscreens
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

A low level of daily exposure to a common component of sunlight can cause skin damage at the molecular level after just a few days, new research shows. The findings highlight the need for better sunscreens to protect against these damaging rays.

Released: 3-Dec-2013 8:20 AM EST
Mass. Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School Researchers Turn Current Sound-localization Theories ‘On Their Ear’
Massachusetts Eye and Ear

A recent paper by Mass. Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School researchers in collaboration with researchers at the Ecole Normale Superieure, France, challenge the two dominant theories of how people localize sounds, explain why neuronal responses to sounds are so diverse and show how sound can be localized, even with the absence of one half of the brain. Their research is described on line in the journal eLife.

27-Nov-2013 4:00 PM EST
Age-Related Cognitive Decline Linked to Energy Available to Synapses in Prefrontal Cortex
Mount Sinai Health System

Mount Sinai researchers show that synaptic health in the brain is closely linked to cognitive decline. Further, they discover that estrogen restores synaptic health and also improves working memory.

Released: 2-Dec-2013 2:05 PM EST
Scripps Research Institute Scientists Discover New Survival Mechanism for Stressed Mitochondria
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have discovered a natural mechanism that cells use to protect mitochondria, the tiny but essential “power plants” that provide chemical energy for cells throughout the body.

Released: 2-Dec-2013 10:00 AM EST
A Method to Predict Alzheimer's Disease Within Two Years of Screening
Universite de Montreal

In their study, Sylvie Belleville and her team accurately predicted (at a rate of 90%) which of their research subjects with mild cognitive impairment would receive a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease within the following two years and which subjects would not develop this disease.

26-Nov-2013 10:00 AM EST
Good News on the Alzheimer’s Epidemic: Risk for Older Adults on the Decline
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Improvements in education levels, health care and lifestyle credited for decline in dementia risk.

26-Nov-2013 2:00 PM EST
Geriatric Care May Help Older Patients Find Independence After Car Accident or Other Trauma
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

A year after a trauma injury, seniors had difficulty with daily tasks such as simple shopping trips.

Released: 27-Nov-2013 4:00 PM EST
Cancer Increasing as Babyboomers Age
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

As 10,000 baby boomers reach 65 each day, the incidence of cancer is increasing, estimated to increase by 67% between 2010 and 2030, bringing attention to the nation’s response to cancer care. Cancer is diagnosed at a higher rate, accounts for more survivors, and results in more deaths than in younger patients.

22-Nov-2013 4:30 PM EST
Breaking the Brain Clock Predisposes Nerve Cells to Neurodegeneration
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

As we age, our body rhythms lose time before they finally stop. Breaking the body clock by genetically disrupting a core clock gene, Bmal1, in mice has long been known to accelerate aging , causing arthritis, hair loss, cataracts, and premature death. New research now reveals that the nerve cells of these mice with broken clocks show signs of deterioration before the externally visible signs of aging are apparent, raising the possibility of novel approaches to staving off or delaying neurodegeneration.

Released: 22-Nov-2013 12:00 PM EST
"Do You Poop Your Pants?" Should Be Asked By All Physicians, Says Loyola Specialist
Loyola Medicine

Dana Hayden, MD, Loyola colorectal surgeon, points out that 15 million women ages 40 and older (1 in 5) suffer from accidental bowel leakage. “Fecal incontinence is not a part of normal aging. It is a medical condition and there is treatment available,” says Hayden. “People with this condition become inhibited, stop socializing and do not even complete everyday routines such as grocery shopping or going to church because they fear an accident.” Loyola is one of the first medical institutions to offer a new outpatient procedure for fecal incontinence that often results in immediate improvement. In the new procedure, a gel is given through four injections into the wall of the anal canal.

Released: 20-Nov-2013 2:00 PM EST
Aging Impacts Epigenome in Human Skeletal Muscle
Buck Institute for Research on Aging

Our epigenome is a set of chemical switches that turn parts of our genome off and on and are impacted by environmental factors including diet, exercise and stress. Research at the Buck Institute reveals that aging also effects the epigenome in human skeletal muscle. The study provides a method to study sarcopenia, the degenerative loss of muscle mass that begins in middle age.

Released: 15-Nov-2013 11:00 AM EST
Muscle Loss and Aging: Mayo Clinic Expert Discusses Strategies, Therapies to Restore Muscle Health
Mayo Clinic

The progressive loss of skeletal muscle during aging, known as sarcopenia, underlies limitations in physical function and mobility, which in turn lead to falls, loss of independence, institutionalization and even death. Mayo Clinic researcher Nathan LeBrasseur, Ph.D., of Mayo Clinic’s Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, presented an update on promising strategies and therapies to restore skeletal muscle health in the face of aging and disease during a symposium at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference.

14-Nov-2013 2:30 PM EST
New Study Shows Bariatric Surgery May Turn Back the Effects of Aging
American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS)

Stanford University researchers say surgical weight loss may turn back the effects of aging at a genetic level, in the first study* of its kind presented here during ObesityWeek 2013.

7-Nov-2013 2:00 PM EST
High Blood Pressure in Middle Age Versus Old Age May Better Predict Memory Loss
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People in middle age who have a high blood pressure measure called pulse pressure are more likely to have biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease in their spinal fluid than those with lower pulse pressure, according to research published in the November 13, 2013, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

5-Nov-2013 2:30 PM EST
New Compound Inhibits Cognitive Impairment in Animal Models of Alzheimer’s Disease
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)

The novel compound IRL-1620 may be useful in treating Alzheimer’s disease (AD) as it has been shown to prevent cognitive impairment and oxidative stress in animal models.

Released: 5-Nov-2013 12:00 AM EST
Magnesium Levels Vital to Brain Health in Aging Americans

Groundbreaking clinical study shows patented magnesium formula prevents synapse loss and reverses memory decline in mice with Alzheimer’s Disease.

Released: 1-Nov-2013 4:35 PM EDT
Anti-Aging Strategies Can Improve More Than Looks
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB experts have advice on how to slow aging, and how this can help with appearance and self-esteem.

Released: 31-Oct-2013 5:00 PM EDT
Q&A on Age-Related Memory Loss with Nobel Laureate Dr. Eric Kandel, and Drs. Elias Pavlopoulos and Scott A. Small
The Kavli Foundation

On Nov. 6, 12:30-1 pm PST, Nobel Laureate Dr. Eric R. Kandel, and Drs. Elias Pavlopoulos and Scott A. Small, will answer questions about compelling new evidence that age-related memory loss is a syndrome in its own right, apart from Alzheimer’s.

28-Oct-2013 9:25 AM EDT
Low Thyroid Levels May Signal Heightened Risk of Death in Hospitalized Patients
Endocrine Society

Older individuals hospitalized with a serious condition may face a slimmer risk of surviving if their thyroid hormone levels are low, according to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM).

Released: 30-Oct-2013 9:00 AM EDT
Hair Loss Weighing on Your Mind? 'Gravity Theory' May Explain Male Pattern Baldness
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

The effects of gravity may explain the apparently paradoxical effects of testosterone in male pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia (AGA), according to a special topic paper in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery—Global Open®, the official open-access medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

16-Oct-2013 4:00 PM EDT
Major Alzheimer’s Risk Factor Linked to Red Wine Target
Buck Institute for Research on Aging

The major genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, present in about two-thirds of people who develop it, is ApoE4, the cholesterol-carrying protein that about a quarter of us are born with. But one of the unsolved mysteries of AD is how ApoE4 causes this risk. Researchers at the Buck Institute have found a link between ApoE4 and SirT1, an “anti-aging protein” that is targeted by resveratrol, present in red wine.

Released: 21-Oct-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Mentally Challenging Activities Improve Memory as Baby Boomers Age
University of Texas at Dallas

Can complex thinking stave off the effects of aging? A new study from the University of Texas at Dallas shows that learning new, mentally challenging tasks, such as digital photography, improves memory in seniors, while less demanding tasks, such as socializing or playing simple games, does not.

18-Oct-2013 1:30 PM EDT
Hair Regeneration Method Is First to Induce New Human Hair Growth
Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) have devised a hair restoration method that can generate new human hair growth, rather than simply redistribute hair from one part of the scalp to another. The approach could significantly expand the use of hair transplantation to women with hair loss, who tend to have insufficient donor hair, as well as to men in early stages of baldness. The study was published today in the online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

16-Oct-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Scientist Uncovers Internal Clock Able to Measure Age of Most Human Tissues
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

A UCLA study is the first to identify a biological clock able to gauge the age of most human tissues. Some parts of the anatomy, like a woman’s breasts, age faster than the rest of the body.

Released: 20-Oct-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Blood Stem Cells Age at the Unexpected Flip of a Molecular Switch
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Scientists report in Nature they have found a novel and unexpected molecular switch that could become a key to slowing some of the ravages of getting older as it prompts blood stem cells to age.

8-Oct-2013 3:00 PM EDT
In Elderly, Hardening of Arteries Linked to Plaques in Brain
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Even for elderly people with no signs of dementia, those with hardening of the arteries are more likely to also have the beta-amyloid plaques in the brain that are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study published in the October 16, 2013, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Released: 14-Oct-2013 4:00 PM EDT
Halloween Candy Spooks Aging Digestive Systems! Research in Fruit Flies Helps Explain Why
Buck Institute for Research on Aging

Have you ever wondered why young children can eat bags of Halloween candy and feel fine the next day – compared to adults who experience all sorts of agony following the same junk food binge? Evolution and a gene called Foxo may be to blame.

Released: 14-Oct-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Twelve Percent of Midlife Women Say They Are Satisfied with Their Body Size
University of North Carolina Health Care System

A new study of women ages 50 and older examines the 12.2 percent who say they are satisfied with their body size to unlock the secrets of body satisfaction. This minority of midlife women who report being satisfied with their body size appears to exert considerable effort to achieve and maintain this satisfaction.

7-Oct-2013 2:00 PM EDT
Postoperative Delirium More Likely in Elderly Patients Who Have Diabetes, Undergo Longer Surgeries or Respond Poorly to Stress, Study Shows
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

Elderly surgical patients are more likely to suffer from debilitating post-operative delirium if they have diabetes, undergo longer surgery or respond poorly to stress, according to a study presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY™ 2013 annual meeting.

Released: 9-Oct-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Cataract Surgeries on the Rise as Boomers Age, Raising Access, Cost Issues
Mayo Clinic

A Mayo Clinic study looked at one of those -- cataract surgery-- and found that more people are getting the vision-improving procedure, seeking it at younger ages and having both eyes repaired within a few months, rather than only treating one eye.

Released: 9-Oct-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Iowa State University Researchers Use Video Games to Get Older Adults Moving
Iowa State University

People are living longer, but not necessarily living healthier, and that is something Iowa State University researchers want to change. They hope to accomplish that goal by using video games to promote fitness and encouraging older adults to get active.

Released: 25-Sep-2013 8:00 PM EDT
American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) Leaders Discuss New Google Aging Initiative
American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR)

Leaders of the American Federation for Aging Research, a national non-profit organization that has devoted more than $150 million to fund over 3,000 aging researchers during the last 31 years, commented recently on Google’s announcement of the formation of “Calico,” a company focused on aging research.

Released: 20-Sep-2013 11:25 AM EDT
Don’t Let Fear of Falling Freeze You in Your Tracks
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Half of those in nursing homes fear falling, which can turn into a self-fulfilling prophesy, a Saint Louis University nursing faculty member writes in a review article.

Released: 19-Sep-2013 8:00 AM EDT
New Research Supports Intentional Weight Loss for Older Adults
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist

New research from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center shows that physical activity and weight loss conducted together for older, overweight and obese adults results in improved body composition, translating into lower cardiovascular disease risk (CVD) and improved mobility.

Released: 19-Sep-2013 7:00 AM EDT
Older Adults Live Longer With A Few Extra Pounds – If They Don’t Add More
Ohio State University

Some overweight older adults don’t need to lose weight to extend their lives, but they could risk an earlier death if they pack on more pounds.

12-Sep-2013 3:50 PM EDT
Paper Suggests Mobility Is Key to Healthy Aging
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A clinical review from geriatricians at the University of Alabama at Birmingham suggests that mobility limitations are a litmus test for healthy aging and urges primary care physicians to take a more aggressive role in ascertaining the mobility of their older patients.
