Feature Channels: Heart Disease

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Newswise: National study suggests it’s time to rethink how we treat atrial fibrillation
Released: 7-Nov-2022 7:30 PM EST
National study suggests it’s time to rethink how we treat atrial fibrillation
University of British Columbia

A national study led by UBC researchers at the Centre for Cardiovascular Innovation is shedding light on how to more effectively treat atrial fibrillation (AF) – a common heart rhythm problem associated with increased risk of stroke and heart failure.

Newswise: How a SARS-CoV-2 Virus Protein Damages the Heart
Released: 7-Nov-2022 7:05 PM EST
How a SARS-CoV-2 Virus Protein Damages the Heart
University of Maryland School of Medicine

Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s (UMSOM) Center for Precision Disease Modeling identified how a specific protein in SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, damages heart tissue. They then used a drug to reverse the toxic effects of that protein on the heart.

Released: 7-Nov-2022 6:05 PM EST
Restored blood flow meant less pain, better quality of life for those with leg artery disease
American Heart Association (AHA)

estoring blood flow to the legs, whether through bypass surgery or a less invasive artery-opening procedure with a stent, reduced pain and improved quality of life for people with peripheral artery disease (PAD), according to preliminary, late-breaking research presented today at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2022.

Released: 7-Nov-2022 5:40 PM EST
دراسة تسلط الضوء على جينوم أمراض الشريان التاجي في الشرق الأوسط
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — في دراسة جديدة من دراسات الروابط على نطاق الجينوم الخاصة بأمراض الشريان التاجي للمقيمين في قطر، لقد ألقى الباحثون الضوء على البنية الجينية للمرض في مجموعة سكانية محددة.

Released: 7-Nov-2022 2:35 PM EST
Clinical Trial Finds Novel Therapy Markedly Reduced Lipoprotein(a) Levels in People with Cardiovascular Disease
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Lipoprotein(a) is a special type of bad cholesterol that is believed to contribute to heart disease, but there are no approved pharmacological therapies to decrease its concentration in the bloodstream.

Released: 7-Nov-2022 11:05 AM EST
Biases in cardiometabolic research put minority women's lives at risk
University of Michigan

Biases in heart disease and metabolic disorder—also known as cardiometabolic—studies are putting the lives of midlife Black and Hispanic women in jeopardy.

Released: 6-Nov-2022 6:30 PM EST
Chest Pain Patients Benefit from Precision Diagnostic Testing Approach
Duke Health

A study comparing two approaches for diagnosing heart disease found that a risk analysis strategy is superior to the usual approach of immediately performing functional tests or catheterization for low- to intermediate-risk patients with new-onset chest pain.

Released: 6-Nov-2022 9:15 AM EST
Largest Randomized Trial Evaluates Steroids for Infant Heart Surgery
Duke Health

For more than four decades, doctors have been split on whether giving steroids during a pediatric open-heart surgery could be helpful for post-operative recovery. A new study is providing a bit more clarity, suggesting there are some benefits for certain kinds of patients.

Released: 5-Nov-2022 10:30 AM EDT
Comparative Study of Two Heart Failure Drugs Finds No Difference in Outcomes
Duke Health

In a head-to-head comparison of two so-called ‘water pills’ that keep fluid from building up in patients with heart failure, the therapies proved nearly identical in reducing deaths, according to a large study led by Duke Health researchers.

Newswise: November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month - Find Out How Palliative Care Kept Family Connected During COVID-19
Released: 3-Nov-2022 3:10 PM EDT
November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month - Find Out How Palliative Care Kept Family Connected During COVID-19
Hackensack Meridian Health

Team members facilitated FaceTime calls and provided comfort care for Nazli Ozkilic’s father, who was in long-term care due to congestive heart failure

Released: 3-Nov-2022 10:40 AM EDT
باحثو مايو كلينك يجدون أن وجود تاريخ من الإصابة بالسرطان أو مرض الشريان التاجي يساعد في تقليل خطر الإصابة بالخَرَف
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا -- تزداد مخاطر الإصابة بالخرف والسرطان وأمراض الأوعية الدموية مع التقدم في العمر، وكذا يزداد عدد سكان الولايات المتحدة من كبار السن. لكن العلاقة بين تلك الحالات المرضية ما تزال غير مفهومة بالكامل. في الآونة الأخيرة، أعلن باحثو مايو كلينك عن اكتشاف مثير للاهتمام مفاده: أن وجود تاريخ من الإصابة بالسرطان أو مرض الشريان التاجي قد يقلل من خطر الإصابة بالخرف. ونُشرت نتائج دراستهم في مجلة مرض الزهايمر.

Released: 3-Nov-2022 10:35 AM EDT
Descoberta de pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic revela que histórico de câncer ou doença arterial coronariana pode reduzir o risco de demência
Mayo Clinic

Os riscos de demência, câncer e doença arterial coronariana aumentam com o avanço da idade, e a população dos Estados Unidos está envelhecendo. Mas, até então, a conexão entre as condições não estava plenamente compreendida. Agora, os pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic relatam uma descoberta intrigante: ter histórico de câncer ou doença arterial coronariana pode reduzir o risco de demência. Os resultados do estudo foram publicados na revista médica Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

Released: 3-Nov-2022 10:30 AM EDT
Investigadores de Mayo Clinic descubren que los antecedentes de cáncer o enfermedad de las arterias coronarias pueden reducir el riesgo de padecer demencia
Mayo Clinic

Los riesgos de padecer demencia, cáncer y enfermedades vasculares aumentan con la edad, y la población de los EE. UU. está envejeciendo. Sin embargo, no se comprende plenamente la conexión entre las afecciones. Ahora, los investigadores de Mayo Clinic informan un hallazgo interesante: tener antecedentes de cáncer o enfermedad de las arterias coronarias puede reducir el riesgo de padecer demencia. Los resultados del estudio están publicados en la revista Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

Released: 3-Nov-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Breast Cancer Survivorship Doubles
University of Toronto

It was the information she couldn’t find that led Amy Kirkham, an assistant professor in the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education (KPE), to her latest discovery.

Newswise: “Heart in a Box” Technology Helps Northwestern Medicine Surgeons Perform a First-of-Its-Kind Transplant in Illinois
Released: 2-Nov-2022 5:00 PM EDT
“Heart in a Box” Technology Helps Northwestern Medicine Surgeons Perform a First-of-Its-Kind Transplant in Illinois
Northwestern Medicine

For the first time in Illinois, surgeons at Northwestern Medicine’s Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute successfully transplanted a heart donated after circulatory death (DCD).

Released: 2-Nov-2022 9:55 AM EDT
New 3D model shows how cadmium exposure may affect heart development
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

Researchers have developed a three-dimensional model that shows how exposure to cadmium might lead to congenital heart disease.

Released: 1-Nov-2022 7:35 PM EDT
Study Shows Blood Pressure Levels Rose During Pandemic
NIH, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Adults with hypertension saw a small, but consequential, rise in their blood pressure levels during the first eight months of the COVID-19 pandemic, while the number of times they had their blood pressure measured dropped significantly, according to a study supported by the National Institutes of Health.

Newswise: Smidt Heart Institute Experts to Present the Latest in Heart Research, Patient Care
Released: 1-Nov-2022 7:20 PM EDT
Smidt Heart Institute Experts to Present the Latest in Heart Research, Patient Care

Cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons and interventionalists from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai are presenting an array of innovative research data and leading discussions on medical breakthroughs during the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions, taking place in Chicago, Nov. 5-7.

Released: 1-Nov-2022 5:55 PM EDT
Getting to the Heart of COVID-19 Vaccination and Its Cardiovascular Risks

A comprehensive review and meta-analysis of published research confirm that young adults (40 years old and younger) have a slightly elevated risk for myocarditis or pericarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.

Newswise: Study: During Pandemic, High Blood Pressure Control Declined
Released: 1-Nov-2022 1:25 PM EDT
Study: During Pandemic, High Blood Pressure Control Declined

Hypertension control and management worsened during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new analysis conducted at three large health systems, led by Cedars-Sinai investigators.

Released: 1-Nov-2022 11:05 AM EDT
High adopters of AI-enabled screening tool are more likely to diagnose left ventricular dysfunction than low adopters, Mayo Clinic study finds
Mayo Clinic

Artificial intelligence can improve diagnosis and treatment for patients, but first the AI-enabled clinical tools have to be easily available and used.

Newswise: Simulating the Shear Destruction of Red Blood Cells
31-Oct-2022 2:35 PM EDT
Simulating the Shear Destruction of Red Blood Cells
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

The destruction of red blood cells, or mechanical hemolysis, is an inevitable complication of interventional devices, so scientists want to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon. In Physics of Fluids, researchers develop a red blood cell destruction model based on simulations of dissipative particle dynamics within a high shear flow. The team discovered that acceleration during shearing is a major factor in red blood cell destruction, beyond exposure time and shear stress. They recommend adding a flow buffer structure to the structural design of ventricular assist devices to reduce part of the hemolysis caused by shear acceleration.

Newswise: October Research Highlights
Released: 31-Oct-2022 3:40 PM EDT
October Research Highlights

A Roundup of the Latest Medical Discoveries and Faculty News at Cedars-Sinai

Released: 31-Oct-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Heart Disease Death Rates Spiked During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Erasing Years of Progress
American Heart Association (AHA)

U.S. deaths from heart disease spiked in 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic after a steady decline from 2010 to 2019, reversing a public health success, according to preliminary research to be presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2022.

Newswise: Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH, Named Director of Mount Sinai Heart
Released: 31-Oct-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH, Named Director of Mount Sinai Heart
Mount Sinai Health System

Will also serve as the first-ever Dr. Valentin Fuster Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine

Released: 28-Oct-2022 2:40 PM EDT
Short Bursts of Vigorous Activity Linked with Increased Longevity
European Society of Cardiology

Two minute bursts of vigorous activity totalling 15 minutes a week are associated with a reduced risk of death, according to research published today in European Heart Journal, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).1

Newswise: AI Improves Accuracy of Heart Condition Diagnosis
Released: 27-Oct-2022 6:10 PM EDT
AI Improves Accuracy of Heart Condition Diagnosis

Several recent discoveries show that the accuracy of diagnosing coronary artery disease and predicting patient risk is improved with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) models developed by scientists in the Division of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine at Cedars-Sinai.

Newswise: McCullough honored with 2022 American Heart Association Basic Research Prize
Released: 26-Oct-2022 8:05 AM EDT
McCullough honored with 2022 American Heart Association Basic Research Prize
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

In acknowledgment of her research advancing the field of cardiovascular science, UTHealth Houston’s Louise McCullough, MD, PhD, has been honored with the 2022 American Heart Association Basic Research Prize.

Released: 25-Oct-2022 10:55 AM EDT
Rising Star Footballers Among Young Athletes to Benefit From New Screening Tool
University of Exeter

Elite young athletes are set to benefit from a novel screening tool with the potential to change clinical practice by ruling out a serious heart condition frequently misdiagnosed.

Newswise: University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Performs First TRIOMPHE Study Case in Northeast Ohio
Released: 25-Oct-2022 8:05 AM EDT
University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Performs First TRIOMPHE Study Case in Northeast Ohio
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Thousands of people have new hope for treatment of thoracic aortic arch disease and UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute is at the forefront of studying the safety and efficacy of this new procedure.

Released: 24-Oct-2022 4:05 PM EDT
How heart failure disrupts the cell’s powerhouse
Hokkaido University

Chronic heart failure causes the cell’s powerhouses to dysfunction, in part due to overconsumption of an important intermediary compound in energy production.

Newswise: COVID-19 Surges Linked to Spike in Heart Attacks
Released: 24-Oct-2022 12:35 PM EDT
COVID-19 Surges Linked to Spike in Heart Attacks

New data analysis from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai found that deaths from heart attacks rose significantly during pandemic surges, including the COVID-19 Omicron surges, overall reversing a heart-healthier pre-pandemic trend.

Newswise: Vascular Surgeon to Lead, Train Fellows
Released: 20-Oct-2022 4:35 PM EDT
Vascular Surgeon to Lead, Train Fellows

The Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai has selected leading vascular surgeon Donald Baril, MD, as director of the Vascular Surgery Fellowship Program. Baril, who joined Cedars-Sinai in 2020, aims to advance the academic medical center’s excellence in vascular care, research and education for current and future fellows.

Released: 20-Oct-2022 3:00 PM EDT
Especialistas Da Mayo Clinic Afirmam Que O Tempo é O Fator Mais CríTico Para Obter Melhores Resultados Em Caso De Avc
Mayo Clinic

Quando falamos em AVCs, cada segundo é importante. Especialistas da Mayo Clinic explicam como reconhecer os sinais de um AVC e como reduzir o seu risco. “Dizemos com frequência que o ‘tempo é valioso para o cérebro,’ o que significa que, quanto mais rápido for restabelecido o fluxo sanguíneo para ele, melhores serão os resultados para o paciente,” afirma o Dr. James Meschia, neurologista da Mayo Clinic, na Flórida.

Released: 20-Oct-2022 2:50 PM EDT
خبير من مايو كلينك يصرح بأن الوقت هو العامل الأهم لتحسن نتائج السكتة الدماغية
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا. — كل ثانية مهمة عند الحديث عن السكتات الدماغية. حيث يشرح أحد خبراء مايو كلينك كيفية التعرف على مؤشرات السَّكتة الدماغية وكيفية التقليل من مخاطر حدوثها. "نحن نقول دائمًا إن (الوقت من ذهب)، أي أنه كلما أسرعنا في استعادة تدفق الدم إلى الدماغ، صارت النتائج أفضل بالنسبة للمريض" - كما يقول جيمس ميسكيا، دكتور الطب، طبيب الأعصاب في مايو كلينك في فلوريدا.

Released: 20-Oct-2022 2:40 PM EDT
妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic)的专家表示时间是改善卒中结果的最关键因素
Mayo Clinic

罗切斯特,明尼苏达州— 当卒中来袭时,每一秒都很重要。妙佑医疗国际专家解释了如何识别卒中的体征以及如何降低卒中风险。“我们常说‘时间就是大脑’,意思是大脑的血流能越早恢复,患者的结果就越好,”妙佑医疗国际佛罗里达州院区的神经科医生James Meschia医学博士说。

Released: 20-Oct-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Los expertos de Mayo Clinic afirman que el tiempo es el factor más importante para obtener mejores resultados luego de un accidente cerebrovascular
Mayo Clinic

Cuando se trata de accidentes cerebrovasculares , cada segundo cuenta. Los expertos de Mayo Clinic explican cómo reconocer los signos de un accidente cerebrovascular y cómo reducir el riesgo de que se produzcan. "A menudo decimos 'el tiempo es cerebro' para referirnos a que cuanto antes podamos restaurar el flujo de sangre al cerebro, mejores serán los resultados para el paciente," dice el Dr. James Meschia, neurólogo de Mayo Clinic en Florida .

Released: 20-Oct-2022 1:45 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic Experts Say Time Is Most Critical Factor for Better Stroke Outcomes
Mayo Clinic

When it comes to strokes, every second counts. Mayo Clinic experts explain how to recognize the signs of a stroke and how to reduce stroke risk.

Newswise: Cedars-Sinai Radiation Oncologists Featured at Astro 2022
Released: 20-Oct-2022 1:25 PM EDT
Cedars-Sinai Radiation Oncologists Featured at Astro 2022

Physician scientists from the Department of Radiation Oncology at Cedars-Sinai Cancer will present research and discuss advances in clinical care at the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) annual meeting Oct. 23-26 in San Antonio.

Released: 19-Oct-2022 5:15 PM EDT
Sleep as a New 8th Measure of Cardiovascular Health
Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health

Researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health evaluated an expanded measure of cardiovascular health (CVH) that includes sleep as an eighth metric, in relation to cardiovascular disease risk.

Released: 19-Oct-2022 4:50 PM EDT
No Heart Damage Despite Hypertension
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association

For decades, scientists in Berlin have been researching a strange hereditary condition that results in half the members of certain families having unusually short fingers and extremely high blood pressure.

Newswise: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Is First to Use New Device to Remove Atrial Blood Clot
Released: 19-Oct-2022 1:50 PM EDT
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Is First to Use New Device to Remove Atrial Blood Clot
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

A team at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles recently became the first in the world to use a novel, basket-shaped retrieval device to successfully remove a large right atrial thrombus (blood clot).

Newswise: Q&A With Vascular Surgeon Elizabeth Chou, MD
Released: 18-Oct-2022 6:05 PM EDT
Q&A With Vascular Surgeon Elizabeth Chou, MD

After 11 years spent in medical school, residency and fellowships, Elizabeth Chou, MD, a vascular surgeon who recently joined the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai, has earned her dream career. And she has no plans of stopping there. She’s on a path toward ensuring women in vascular surgery are represented—as incoming physicians and as patients.

Released: 18-Oct-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Vasa Therapeutics Announces Upcoming Presentations at AHA Scientific Sessions 2022
Vasa Therapeutics, Inc.

Vasa Therapeutics, Inc., a preclinical stage company developing first-in-class treatments for cardiovascular indications with limited or no available therapies, today announced two upcoming poster presentations showing data on the company's lead clinical candidate, VS-041, a selective matrix metalloprotease (MMP) inhibitor for treatment of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and the discovery of novel calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta (CaMKIIδ) inhibitors for treatment of β-blocker resistant arrythmias, at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions November 5 – 7 in Chicago, IL.

Released: 18-Oct-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Stroke, Clot Risk Halved in Heart Disease and Arrhythmia Patients Who Took Blood Thinners Apixaban Versus Rivaroxaban
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

The new study showed apixaban is superior to rivaroxaban against stroke or systemic embolism in patients with atrial fibrillation and valvular heart disease

Newswise: Beaumont Health Genetics and Artificial Intelligence Research Discovers Blood Test to Prenatally Identify Dangerous Fetal Heart Defects
Released: 18-Oct-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Beaumont Health Genetics and Artificial Intelligence Research Discovers Blood Test to Prenatally Identify Dangerous Fetal Heart Defects
Corewell Health

Currently, the U.S. leads western nations in infant mortality and cardiac birth defects are a leading cause. New research harnesses the power of AI to detect dangerous cardiac abnormalities prenatally. Resulting medical protocols implemented at birth in those at-risk could go a long way toward saving lives.
