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Released: 7-Mar-2018 3:05 PM EST
Seeking Truth in Science: Meta-Analysis as a Key
Stony Brook University

Figuring out what is true in science when researchers are bombarded with information from many different studies is a challenge. A new paper, published in Nature, reveals that the power of meta-analysis in research synthesis over the past 40 years has transformed scientific thinking and research approaches

Released: 7-Mar-2018 1:05 PM EST
Celebrate International Women’s Day with a Live Webcast From Perimeter Institute
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

On March 8, Perimeter Institute will host a live webcast featuring talks by women in a wide range of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers.

Released: 2-Mar-2018 11:00 AM EST
Enrichment Program Boosts STEM for Black Students but Leaves Latinos Behind
Cornell University

In a new study that capitalizes on data from the National Center for Educational Statistics and methods that address causality, Cornell sociologists looked at an earlier portion of the pipeline – in high school, when students’ commitment to STEM fields tends to solidify.

Released: 1-Mar-2018 3:00 PM EST
March Madness: DePaul University Math Prof Talks Longshot Odds of Picking Perfect Bracket
DePaul University

As college basketball fans get set to fill out their brackets this March Madness, DePaul University mathematics professor Jeff Bergen offers some perspective on the odds of creating the perfect bracket. It’s more likely, said Bergen, to win Powerball and Mega Millions in the same week buying just one ticket for each game than to pick all 63 games correctly in this year’s NCAA men’s basketball tournament.

Released: 27-Feb-2018 1:05 PM EST
American Service Industry Approaching a ‘Tipping Point’
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

The average rate at which Americans tip for services has been increasing steadily for decades, but the practice has been branded over the years as classist, anti-egalitarian, and downright undemocratic, leading some restaurateurs to abandon it. A new paper, drawing insight from nonlinear dynamics and published in the journal Chaos, hopes to shed light on the economically irrational world of tipping, showing that at a certain point, banning the practice might be fair and profitable.

Released: 21-Feb-2018 12:00 PM EST
Berkeley Lab “Minimalist Machine Learning” Algorithms Analyze Images From Very Little Data
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab mathematicians have developed a new approach to machine learning aimed at experimental imaging data. Rather than relying on the tens or hundreds of thousands of images used by typical machine learning methods, this new approach “learns” much more quickly and requires far fewer images.

Released: 21-Feb-2018 9:05 AM EST
Deep Neural Networks Identifies Tumours with Unmatched Performance
Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM)

A team of artificial intelligence researchers developed a new deep-learning method to identify tumours in medical images.

Released: 16-Feb-2018 2:50 PM EST
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12-Feb-2018 8:00 AM EST
Four NYU Faculty Win Sloan Foundation Research Fellowships
New York University

Four New York University faculty have been awarded fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Released: 15-Feb-2018 9:00 AM EST
FAU Brain Institute Awarded $780,000 from Stiles-Nicholson Foundation to Launch ASCEND Program
Florida Atlantic University

To address the national shortage in STEM (science-technology-engineering and math) career-oriented students, the FAU Brain Institute has received a $780,000 grant from the Stiles-Nicholson Foundation to launch an innovative program targeted at middle and high school students in Palm Beach County.

Released: 12-Feb-2018 10:05 AM EST
IMSA President Finalist for Stanley C. Golder Leadership Award
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA)

The Stanley C. Golder Leadership Award honors exemplary performance and excellence in school leadership of a Pre-K through 12th grade principal or head of school from the Chicagoland area. Dr. Torres is one of seven school leaders who will be recognized as 2018 Golder finalists at an event on Saturday, February 24, 2018.

Released: 12-Feb-2018 9:05 AM EST
Database Will Help Build Foundation for Steganalysis of Forensic Evidence
Iowa State University

There is no good way for forensic investigators to detect if a digital photo or file contains a hidden message in a criminal case. Developing a tool to assist in these cases is why an Iowa State University research team is taking thousands of photos to build a steganalysis database.

Released: 1-Feb-2018 10:05 AM EST
Study of Salts in Water Causing Stir
Argonne National Laboratory

A pair of Argonne scientists uncover fresh insights about the structure of saltwater.

Released: 31-Jan-2018 11:05 AM EST
Novel Computational Biology Model Accurately Describes Dynamics of Gene Expression
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Using a simple analytical framework for random events within a predictable system, computational biologists have found a new way to accurately model certain forms of gene expression, including the body's 24-hour internal clock. This new approach of applying a piecewise deterministic Markov process (PDMP) to gene expression could inform possible design principles for synthetic biologists

Released: 17-Jan-2018 1:05 PM EST
A Centuries-Old Math Equation Used to Solve a Modern-Day Genetics Challenge
Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah

Researchers developed a new mathematical tool to validate and improve methods used by medical professionals to interpret results from clinical genetic tests. The work was published this month in Genetics in Medicine.

Released: 3-Jan-2018 5:05 PM EST
Reaching the Department of Energy’s ‘Top 40’
Argonne National Laboratory

The U.S. Department of Energy honors Argonne researchers in top 40 research-paper countdown.

Released: 2-Jan-2018 11:05 AM EST
Randomness a Key in Spread of Disease, Other ‘Evil’
Cornell University

Working with a simple mathematical model in which chance plays a key role, researchers Steve Strogatz and Bertrand Ottino-Loofler calculated how long it would take a bacterial infection or cancer cell to take over a network of healthy cells. The distribution of incubation times in most cases, they contend, is close to “lognormal” – meaning that the logarithms of the incubation periods, rather than the incubation periods themselves, are normally distributed.

Released: 14-Dec-2017 10:05 AM EST
Danforth Center Receives Significant Support From Boeing for Science Education and Outreach
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

Boeing is providing the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center with a $85,000 grant in support of Green Means Grow, a centerpiece of the Danforth Center’s STEM education and outreach program.

Released: 13-Dec-2017 3:50 PM EST
St. Mary’s College of Maryland a Top 25 Hidden Gem for Women in STEM by CollegeRaptor.com
St. Mary's College of Maryland

St. Mary’s College of Maryland has been listed among the Top 25 Hidden Gems for Women in STEM by CollegeRaptor.com, a higher education planning tool that offers side-by-side comparisons of colleges.
