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    Released: 26-Sep-2024 6:00 AM EDT
    Uso De Tesoura Molecular Para Aprimorar a Terapia Com CéLulas CAR-T
    Mayo Clinic

    Pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic investigaram as bases moleculares do câncer e descobriram uma nova razão pela qual o receptor de antígeno quimérico (terapia com células CAR-T) não funciona em alguns pacientes. Essa descoberta estimulou novas estratégias que incorporam anticorpos e edição genética para melhorar os resultados desse tratamento inovador para os pacientes. Esta pesquisa do Dr. Saad Kenderian, consultor em hematologia da Mayo Clinic, foi publicada na Nature Communications.

    Released: 26-Sep-2024 6:00 AM EDT
    Uso De Tijeras Moleculares Para Mejorar La Terapia Con CéLulas CAR-T
    Mayo Clinic

    Investigadores de Mayo Clinic investigaron las bases moleculares del cáncer y descubrieron una nueva razón por la cual el receptor de antígeno quimérico (terapia con células CAR-T) no funciona en algunos pacientes. Este hallazgo estimuló nuevas estrategias que incorporan anticuerpos y edición genética para mejorar los resultados de este tratamiento innovador para los pacientes. Esta investigación del Dr. Saad Kenderian, consultor en hematología de Mayo Clinic, fue publicado en Nature Communications.

    Released: 26-Sep-2024 3:00 AM EDT
    استخدام المقص الجزيئي لتحسين العلاج بالخلايا التائية ذات مستقبلات المستضد الخيمرية
    Mayo Clinic

    روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — توصل باحثو مايو كلينك إلى الأسس الجزيئية للسرطان واكتشفوا سببًا جديدًا لفشل مستقبلات المستضد الخيمرية (العلاج بالخلايا التائية) مع بعض المرضى. وقد عزز هذا الاكتشاف وضع استراتيجيات جديدة تدمج الأجسام المضادة وتعديل الجينات لتحسين نتائج هذا العلاج المتقدم للمرضى. نُشر هذا البحث الذي أجراه سعد كينديريان، بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة، استشاري طب الدمويات في مايو كلينك، في مجلة نيتشر كوميونيكيشنز (Nature Communications).

    Newswise: Alternating Currents for Alternative Computing with Magnets
    Released: 26-Sep-2024 1:05 AM EDT
    Alternating Currents for Alternative Computing with Magnets
    University of Vienna

    A new study conducted at the University of Vienna, the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, and the Helmholtz Centers in Berlin and Dresden takes an important step in the challenge to miniaturize computing devices and to make them more energy-efficient.

    Newswise: In an Era of Climate Change, Clean Water and Reliable Water Storage for Floods and Droughts Is a Possibility!
    Released: 26-Sep-2024 12:00 AM EDT
    In an Era of Climate Change, Clean Water and Reliable Water Storage for Floods and Droughts Is a Possibility!
    National Research Council of Science and Technology

    Dr. Seongpil Jeong and Kyungjin Cho of the Center for Water Cycle Research at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) have developed an aquifer storage technique that could improve the potential for stable water storage.

    Released: 25-Sep-2024 7:05 PM EDT
    CSUF Ranks in the Top 10 Among National Universities for Social Mobility
    California State University, Fullerton

    U.S. News & World Report Announces 2025 Best Colleges Rankings

    Newswise: NEJM: Results From Targeted Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis Study
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 7:05 PM EDT
    NEJM: Results From Targeted Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis Study

    An international placebo-controlled study led by Cedars-Sinai suggests that a targeted drug therapy that was developed by researchers at Cedars-Sinai is safe and effective at helping people with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis reach clinical remission.

    Newswise: AI-Guided Experiments Speed Scientific Discovery
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 7:05 PM EDT
    AI-Guided Experiments Speed Scientific Discovery
    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

    Finding a needle in a haystack is the quintessentially impossible task. But what if new tools could make it straightforwardly achievable? Imagine if, instead of searching through everything by hand, you could portion out small piles of hay and use magnets.

    Released: 25-Sep-2024 5:05 PM EDT
    Patients With Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis May Find Significant Relief as New Treatment Option Shows Good Results in Clinical Trial
    Mount Sinai Health System

    A phase 2 trial of a monoclonal antibody known as tulisokibart for moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis (UC) showed promising results for those who have not responded to conventional inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) treatment. The results were reported Thursday, September 26, in The New England Journal of Medicine.

    24-Sep-2024 1:35 PM EDT
    Single-Dose Gene Therapy is Potentially Life-Changing for Adults with Hemophilia B
    Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

    Adults with hemophilia B saw their number of bleeding episodes drop by an average of 71 percent after a single infusion of gene therapy, according to the results of an international Phase III clinical trial published today in the New England Journal of Medicine by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and a multicenter group of investigators.

    Newswise: When a Child Hurts, Validating Their Pain May Be the Best First Aid
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 4:30 PM EDT
    When a Child Hurts, Validating Their Pain May Be the Best First Aid
    University of South Australia

    In a new study from the University of South Australia, researchers say that parents and doctors should be mindful of how they talk to and treat children experiencing pain – no matter how big or small the injury – knowing that these foundational experiences can be carried forward into adulthood.

    Newswise: Unique Straining Affects Phase Transformations in Silicon, a Material Vital for Electronics
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT
    Unique Straining Affects Phase Transformations in Silicon, a Material Vital for Electronics
    Iowa State University

    Iowa State's Valery Levitas and his collaborators have used pressure with a twisting shear to permanently deform silicon, an important material for electronics. The resulting changes in silicon's microstructure produce material phases that feature different and potentially useful properties.

    Newswise: Molecular_Designs_Lambda_Biotech_Logo.jpg
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT
    Molecular Designs Announces Acquisition of Lamda Biotech
    Molecular Designs

    Molecular Designs, a leading provider of PCR assays, associated reagents and equipment, is excited to announce the acquisition of Lamda Biotech, a specialized provider of research products for application in molecular biology, functional genomics, proteomics and gene therapy.

    Newswise: Thermal Effects in Spintronics Systematically Assessed for First Time
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT
    Thermal Effects in Spintronics Systematically Assessed for First Time
    University Of Illinois Grainger College Of Engineering

    A new experimental technique, reported by researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in the journal APL Materials, directly measures heating in spintronic devices, allowing direct comparison to other effects.

    19-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
    Study Finds Certain MS Therapies May Not Slow Disability Progression
    American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

    In people with primary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS), a new study has found no difference in the amount of time before disability worsened between people taking certain medications and those not receiving treatment. The study is published in the September 25, 2024, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

    19-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
    Are Gender and Sexual Identity Linked to Brain Health?
    American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

    LGBTQ+ people may be more likely to have negative brain health outcomes, including a higher risk of dementia and late-life depression, than people who are cisgender and straight, according to a study published in the September 25, 2024, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. These results do not prove that sexual or gender diversity causes neurological diseases, they only show an association.

    Released: 25-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
    Climate-Smart Grazing: U. Of I. Study Shows How Weather Mitigates Nitrogen Runoff
    College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    A new study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign examines the combined influence of grazing and climate on the outflow of nitrogen from pastures into water resources under different grazing schemes.

    Released: 25-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
    Retiring ITM Founder Leaves Legacy of Collaboration, Discovery, Friendship
    University of Chicago Medical Center

    Renowned physician-researcher Julian Solway, MD, goes emeritus this fall after a nearly 40-year career at the University of Chicago.
