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2-Sep-2021 3:05 AM EDT
Researchers Find a Way to Check That Quantum Computers Return Accurate Answers
University of Vienna

Quantum computers become ever more powerful, but how can we be sure that the answers they return are accurate? A team of physicists from Vienna, Innsbruck, Oxford, and Singapore solves this problem by letting quantum computers check each other.

Released: 2-Sep-2021 9:00 AM EDT
NUS researchers develop brain-inspired memory device that can revolutionise semiconductor design
National University of Singapore (NUS)

Many electronic devices today are dependent on semiconductor logic circuits based on switches hard-wired to perform predefined logic functions. Physicists from the National University of Singapore (NUS), together with an international team of researchers, have developed a novel molecular memristor, or an electronic memory device, that has exceptional memory reconfigurability.

Released: 2-Sep-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Microwaves improve imaging systems, hasten infrastructure evaluation
Arizona State University (ASU)

Limitations of microwave imaging are size, weight, power consumption and cost. New research using metamaterials simplifies speed and capacity.

Released: 2-Sep-2021 2:45 AM EDT
A cocoa bean's “fingerprint” could help trace chocolate bars back to their farm of origin, finds a new study
University of Surrey

A new study from the University of Surrey has revealed that biotechnology could be the missing ingredient in helping cocoa farmers get a better deal for their beans.

Released: 1-Sep-2021 7:10 PM EDT
Al Ashley Fellows give advice to future scientists
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Three physicists talk about how they got started, their work at SLAC and what they would say to others considering a career in STEM.

Released: 1-Sep-2021 3:45 PM EDT
Paving the Path to Electrically Pumped Lasers From Colloidal-Quantum-Dot Solutions
Los Alamos National Laboratory

In a new review article in Nature Photonics, scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory assess the status of research into colloidal quantum dot lasers with a focus on prospective electrically pumped devices, or laser diodes.

30-Aug-2021 2:00 PM EDT
Cleveland Clinic Researchers Develop Bionic Arm that Restores Natural Behaviors in Patients with Upper Limb Amputations
Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic researchers have engineered a first-of-its-kind bionic arm for patients with upper-limb amputations that allows wearers to think, behave and function like a person without an amputation, according to new findings published in Science Robotics.

Released: 1-Sep-2021 1:45 PM EDT
Discovery paves way for improved quantum devices
University of Queensland

Physicists and engineers have found a way to identify and address imperfections in materials for one of the most promising technologies in commercial quantum computing.

Released: 1-Sep-2021 9:50 AM EDT
Toward Scaling Up Nanocages to Trap Noble Gases
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Commercially available materials may be a potentially scalable platform for trapping gases for nuclear energy and other applications.

Released: 31-Aug-2021 4:05 PM EDT
Argonne collaborations bring computational tools to the forefront of COVID-19 research
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, industry and academia collaborate to bring innovative AI and simulation tools to the COVID-19 battlefront.

Released: 31-Aug-2021 2:30 PM EDT
DOE Announces $26 Million to Advance Chemical and Materials Sciences with Data Science
Department of Energy, Office of Science

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $26 million in funding to harness cutting-edge research tools for new scientific discoveries fundamental to clean energy solutions.

Released: 31-Aug-2021 1:10 PM EDT
Head, shoulders, knees and… tablet? UB receives grant to turn pre-K assessment tool into digital game
University at Buffalo

To help teachers determine if their pre-kindergarten students are ready to transition to formal schooling, a University at Buffalo-led team of researchers will create augmented reality and mobile game versions of the Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders (HTKS) assessment, a tool used primarily by researchers to measure skills necessary for success in school.

26-Aug-2021 10:20 AM EDT
Quantum Networks in Our Future
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

In AVS Quantum Science, investigators outline how a time-sensitive network control plane could be a key component of a workable quantum network. In addition to the well-understood requirements of transmission distance and data rate, for quantum networks to be useful in a real-world setting there are at least two other requirements that need to be considered. One is real-time network control, specifically time-sensitive networking. The second is cost.

26-Aug-2021 11:45 AM EDT
Compact Speaker Systems Direct Sound Efficiently
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

In JASA Express Letters, researchers developed three designs for compact speaker systems that control the direction of sound more efficiently than previous models. For each speaker, the scientists were able to manipulate the timing and strength of the outgoing sound waves. They combined multiple speakers together into an array and used the constructive and destructive interference of sound waves to their advantage.

Released: 31-Aug-2021 10:35 AM EDT
Sandia Uncovers Hidden Factors That Affect Solar Farms During Severe Weather
Sandia National Laboratories

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories researchers combined large sets of real-world solar data and advanced machine learning to study the impacts of severe weather on U.S. solar farms, and sort out what factors affect energy generation. Their results were published earlier this month in the scientific journal Applied Energy.

Released: 31-Aug-2021 9:00 AM EDT
$1.3 million in NIH grants to enable research into antibody-mediated drug delivery technology
Binghamton University, State University of New York

Two National Institute of Health (NIH) grants totaling over $1.3 million will enable research into antibody-mediated drug delivery technology for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune disorders. L. Nathan Tumey, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, is the Principal Investigator on both grants — $1.2 million from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and $150,000 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Released: 30-Aug-2021 4:05 PM EDT
Steering the Future of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

A PNNL report reflects nearly 10 years of dedication bringing together experts, including local communities and tribes, to effectively plan for the safe and uneventful removal of radioactive waste from nuclear power plant sites.

Released: 30-Aug-2021 3:30 PM EDT
Study finds telemedicine appointments reduce risk of further illness
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Telemedicine appointments combined with in-person visits significantly reduced the risk of further illness for children with medically complex cases, according to results of a new study by researchers with The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

Released: 30-Aug-2021 12:40 PM EDT
Boosting Small Molecule Production in Super “Soup”
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In Nature Communications, researchers supported through the DOE Joint Genome Institute’s Emerging Technologies Opportunity Program describe work that complements efforts to further develop sustainable alternative approaches for manufacturing bioproducts and biofuels.

Released: 30-Aug-2021 10:45 AM EDT
High-power wireless vehicle charging technology licensed by HEVO
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has licensed its wireless charging technology for electric vehicles to Brooklyn-based HEVO.

Released: 30-Aug-2021 10:40 AM EDT
NSF grant will help Indiana University train next generation of AI, cybersecurity professionals
Indiana University

Building on its success in preparing professionals for careers in cybersecurity, Indiana University has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation for a new project to train the next generation of the nation's crucial cybersecurity workforce to address vulnerabilities and identify threats using artificial intelligence.

Newswise:Video Embedded wearable-technology-gives-sylvester-neurosurgeons-new-tool-to-remove-tumors-and-preserve-healthy-tissue
Released: 30-Aug-2021 9:50 AM EDT
Wearable Technology Gives Sylvester Neurosurgeons New Tool to Remove Tumors and Preserve Healthy Tissue
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center

Neurosurgeons in the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of the University of Miami Health System, are the first in Florida to adopt the Reveal fluorescence-guided system. This head-worn device provides better illumination, giving surgeons more precise guidance to differentiate between brain tumors and healthy tissue.

Released: 30-Aug-2021 9:35 AM EDT
First Study on Artificial Intelligence-Based Chatbot for Anxiety & Depression in Spanish-Speaking University Students
Palo Alto University

A study conducted by researchers at Palo Alto University has shown artificial intelligence-based chatbots to be effective as a psychological intervention in Spanish speaking university students. The study took place in Argentina and showed promising evidence for the usability and acceptability of the mental health chatbot, Tess. The findings were published by JMIR Publications, which is dedicated to advancing digital health and open science.

Released: 30-Aug-2021 8:55 AM EDT
First time! COVID-19 Portable Sweat Test Device that Can Yield Instant Results to Support Proactive Screening in the Community
Chulalongkorn University

The faculty members and students of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University have successfully developed, for the first time, a quick and easy-to-use portable sweat test device for COVID-19 to detect specific scents in sweat caused by bacteria. Sample collection only takes 15 minutes per person, and the results can be obtained in 30 seconds. The sweat test is now being used in community screening.

Released: 30-Aug-2021 7:30 AM EDT
Pathways to production
Sandia National Laboratories

Biologists at Sandia National Laboratories developed comprehensive software that will help scientists in a variety of industries create engineered chemicals more quickly and easily. Sandia is now looking to license the software for commercial use, researchers said.

Released: 27-Aug-2021 6:25 PM EDT
Carbon neutrality – a new policy brief for municipalities world wide
University of Helsinki

How to design efficient demo areas for urban carbon sequestration? In the latest policy brief research groups from the University of Helsinki and Aalto University focus on the main principles of urban demonstration areas using biochars for carbon sequestration.

Released: 27-Aug-2021 3:05 PM EDT
Robot-assisted therapy can help treat stroke survivors, study finds
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Exoskeleton-assisted rehabilitation can be beneficial in treating stroke survivors, according to researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

Released: 27-Aug-2021 9:45 AM EDT
Klara Announces Interface with modmed® Pay to Help Practices Process Credit Card Payments & Store "Cards on File"

Klara, the leader in patient engagement solutions, announced its interface with modmed® Pay, the innovative processing solution from Modernizing Medicine® that streamlines the payment process by connecting patients, providers and financial institutions.

Released: 27-Aug-2021 8:15 AM EDT
LED Material Shines Under Strain
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A team led by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and UC Berkeley has demonstrated an approach for achieving LEDs with near 100% light-emission efficiency at all brightness levels.

Released: 27-Aug-2021 8:10 AM EDT
UT Southwestern Orthopedic Surgeon First in Texas to Use AR Shoulder Replacement Surgery
UT Southwestern Medical Center

UT Southwestern Medical Center is one of just 15 surgical centers in the world using next-generation augmented reality (AR) in the operating room for shoulder arthroplasty. Shoulder specialist Michael Khazzam M.D., Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, became the first orthopedic surgeon in Texas to use the Food and Drug Administration-approved technique while operating to restore shoulder function.

Released: 26-Aug-2021 4:25 PM EDT
Ultrafast electron microscopy leads to pivotal discovery
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne researchers used ultrafast electron microscopy to study a nanoscale phenomenon that occurs in less than a few hundred quadrillionths of a second. Insights from the study could aid in the development of new sensors and quantum devices.

Released: 26-Aug-2021 2:15 PM EDT
New Initiative to Help Unravel Cosmic Mysteries with Big Data

An expansive, multi-year collaboration will create new software to analyze the datasets from the upcoming Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time.

Released: 26-Aug-2021 1:50 PM EDT
Department of Energy Announces $17.5 Million for Particle Accelerators for Science & Society and Workforce Training
Department of Energy, Office of Science

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $17.5 million in funding for advanced research projects in particle accelerator science and technology as well as university-based traineeships that will build a diverse, skilled pipeline of American scientists and engineers in the fields of high energy physics accelerators and instrumentation.

Released: 26-Aug-2021 10:10 AM EDT
New cell phone and smart watch models can interfere with pacemakers and defibrillators

After reports of smart phone and watch interference with implanted medical devices, investigators affiliated with the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) at the US Food and Drug Administration conducted a study

Released: 26-Aug-2021 10:05 AM EDT
Fighting Hunger With A New Kind of AI Founded by HU professor
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

The ThoughtAI system offers real-time market information, supply chain transparency, and accessibility to smallholder farmers across remote communities through its remote Crop Test Center infrastructures. Suitable for both online and offline markets, Zowasel can now ensure traceability and sustainability data directly from grassroot providers.

Released: 26-Aug-2021 9:55 AM EDT
الصمغ الطبي يوقف النزف في ثوانٍ، مستوحى من محار البرنقيل
Mayo Clinic

طوّر باحثو مايو كلينك وزملاؤهم في معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا (MIT) معجونًا سريع الالتصاق يمكنه إيقاف نزيف الأعضاء بشكل مستقل دون تخثر. التفاصيل منشورة في مجلة الهندسة الطبية الحيوية لنيتشر.

Released: 26-Aug-2021 9:20 AM EDT
Clair Global partners with Harrisburg University on concert sound, certificate program
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Clair Global to co-develop production, system integration certificate program at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Released: 26-Aug-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Mayo Clinic, Verily to build advanced clinical decision support to enhance care
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic and Verily, an Alphabet company founded at the convergence of health care, data science and technology, today announced a strategic two-year collaboration. This collaboration focuses on the development of a digital point-of-care resource of vetted knowledge to support an individualized approach to patient care. This modular, evidence-based decision support solution, will provide contextualized and validated knowledge on disease management, care guidelines and treatment to help clinician's make decisions.

Released: 26-Aug-2021 2:30 AM EDT
A Game Changer: Virtual Reality Reduces Pain and Anxiety in Children
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

For nearly two decades, Jeffrey I. Gold, PhD, an investigator at The Saban Research Institute of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, has been investigating the use of virtual reality (VR) as a technique to help children undergoing painful medical procedures. His research shows that the technology can have powerful effects. VR works so well that Children’s Hospital Los Angeles now offers it routinely for blood draws.

Released: 25-Aug-2021 4:20 PM EDT
One scientist’s trash is another’s treasure:
Ames National Laboratory

While making materials samples to pursue their own research goals, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory discovered that an unwanted byproduct of their experiments was an extremely high-quality and difficult-to-obtain substance sought after by scientists researching layered materials.

Released: 25-Aug-2021 3:40 PM EDT
Inspirada pelos percebes (espécie de crustáceo), uma cola médica interrompe o sangramento em segundos
Mayo Clinic

Pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic e colegas do Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachusetts (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT) desenvolveram uma cola de selagem rápida que pode estancar o sangramento de órgãos independentemente da coagulação.

Released: 25-Aug-2021 3:35 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic

妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic) 的研究人员与麻省理工学院(MIT)的同事们合力研发出了一种快速密封胶,可以在不依赖凝血的情况下快速阻止器官出血。其详细介绍已发表在《自然生物医学工程》(Nature Biomedical Engineering)上。

Released: 25-Aug-2021 3:30 PM EDT
Con inspiración en los percebes, un pegamento médico detiene el sangrado en segundos
Mayo Clinic

Los investigadores de Mayo Clinic y sus colegas del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT, por sus siglas en inglés) elaboraron un pegamento que sella rápido y es capaz de detener el sangrado en los órganos, independientemente de la coagulación.

Released: 25-Aug-2021 2:55 PM EDT
U.S. Department of Energy Announces $54 Million to Increase Energy Efficiency in Microelectronics Technologies
Department of Energy, Office of Science

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced nearly $54 million for 10 new projects led by DOE’s National Laboratories to increase energy efficiency in microelectronics design and production.

Released: 25-Aug-2021 12:10 PM EDT
Rutgers to Expand Entrepreneurship Training Programs for Researchers as Partner in New NSF I-Corps™ Hub: Northeast Region
Rutgers University's Office for Research

As a key player in developing and transforming innovators into entrepreneurs that improve people’s lives, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey will expand its entrepreneurship training programming and further equip faculty and student researchers with the skills and strategy needed to transition their discoveries into technologies and products, as a partner in the newly created NSF I-Corps™ Hub: Northeast Region.

Released: 25-Aug-2021 10:15 AM EDT
Portable MRI provides life-saving information to doctors treating strokes
Yale University

When patients exhibit stroke symptoms, doctors must quickly make a life or death determination: Are their symptoms caused by a clot that can be treated with blood thinners or by bleeding in the brain, which may require surgery?

Released: 25-Aug-2021 10:05 AM EDT
Do Passengers Want Self-driving Cars to Behave More or Less Like Them?
Florida Atlantic University

Researchers asked participants about their personal driving behaviors such as speed, changing lanes, accelerating and decelerating and passing other vehicles. They also asked them the same questions about their expectations of a self-driving car performing these very same tasks. The objective of the study was to examine trust and distrust to see if there is a relationship between an individual’s driving behaviors and how they expect a self-driving car to behave.

Released: 25-Aug-2021 6:05 AM EDT
U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory and Hewlett Packard Enterprise prepare for exascale era with new testbed supercomputer
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne and HPE unveiled a new testbed supercomputer that will enable scientists and developers to test and optimize software codes and applications for the forthcoming exascale supercomputer, Aurora.

Released: 24-Aug-2021 8:05 PM EDT
Baby detector software embedded in digital camera rivals ECG
University of South Australia

Facial recognition is now common in adults, but University of South Australia researchers have developed software that can reliably detect a premature baby's face in an incubator and remotely monitor its heart and breathing rates, rivalling ECG machines and even outperforming them. This is the first step in using non-contact monitoring in neonatal wards, avoiding skin tearing and potential infections from adhesive pads.x
