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Released: 15-May-2019 2:05 PM EDT
China Unlikely to Curb Fentanyl Exports in Short-Term
RAND Corporation

Strict policies traditionally embraced by Asian nations to discourage illicit drug use are beginning to change

Released: 25-Mar-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Study: Chinese youth more hawkish than older generations
Cornell University

Younger Chinese are more hawkish in their foreign policy beliefs than older generations, according to new research by Cornell University professor Jessica Chen Weiss.

24-Jan-2019 6:00 AM EST
China’s Regulations Unsuccessful in Curbing Methane Emissions
 Johns Hopkins University

China, already the world’s leading emitter of human-caused greenhouse gases, continues to pump increasing amounts of climate-changing methane into the atmosphere despite tough new regulations on gas releases from its coal mines, a new Johns Hopkins study shows.

Released: 18-Dec-2018 12:10 PM EST
Fossils suggest flowers originated 50 million years earlier than thought

Scientists have described a fossil plant species that suggests flowers bloomed in the Early Jurassic, more than 174 million years ago, according to new research in the open-access journal eLife.

Released: 17-Dec-2018 1:45 PM EST
Satellite data expose looting
University of Bern

Globally archaeological heritage is under threat by looting. The destruction of archaeological sites obliterates the basis for our understanding of ancient cultures and we lose our shared human past. Research at University of Bern shows that satellite data provide a mean to monitor the destruction of archaeological sites. It is now possible to understand activities by looters in remote regions and take measures to protect the sites.

5-Dec-2018 10:10 AM EST
Report Finds Evidence of Forced Marriage of Myanmar Women to Chinese Men
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Thousands of women and girls are being trafficked from Myanmar to China and forced to marry and bear children, according to new research led by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT).

14-Nov-2018 3:45 PM EST
Brain-Computer Interface Enables People with Paralysis to Control Tablet Devices

Three clinical trial participants with paralysis chatted with family and friends, shopped online and used other tablet computer applications, all by just thinking about pointing and clicking a mouse.

Released: 10-Sep-2018 4:15 PM EDT
Earthquake in China Linked to Reservoir Water
Saint Louis University Medical Center

SLU scientists report that reservoir water played a role in causing earthquakes in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region of China.

Released: 29-Aug-2018 8:05 AM EDT
Melting Arctic Ice Revamping World’s Shipping Routes—Prompting China’s “Polar Silk Road” and New Investigation
Case Western Reserve University

Rising temperatures are melting the Arctic ice, opening new shipping routes and prompting world powers to jostle for access and control.

Released: 2-Aug-2018 10:00 AM EDT
Dana-Farber Launches Chinese-Language Website
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute launches a new Chinese-language website.

Released: 10-Jul-2018 11:10 AM EDT
China Cracks Top 20 in Global Innovation Index
Cornell University

Cornell University, in conjunction with INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization, released the 2018 version of the Global Innovation Index -- a report ranking 126 economies on 80 indicators of innovative activities. For the first time, China broke the top 20 of the world's most innovative economies.

Released: 9-Jul-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Expert Available to Talk About Tariffs and Trade Wars
West Virginia University

The real question about the U.S.-China trade war is how long it will last and which country will blink first, according to West Virginia University associate professor of political science Christina Fattore. President Trump’s assessment of the World Trade Organization as weak is driving his use of higher tariffs, which could drive up costs for businesses, and eventually, consumers, Fattore said.

Released: 16-May-2018 7:05 AM EDT
Study: Subsidized Payments May Help Foster Demand for HPV Vaccination in Hong Kong
ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research

Value in Health, the official journal of ISPOR, announced today the publication of new research suggesting that subsidized or part-payment from the Hong Kong government should be considered to help foster mothers’ willingness to pay for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for their daughters.

Released: 3-Jan-2018 5:05 PM EST
Did Ancient Irrigation Technology Travel Silk Road?
Washington University in St. Louis

 Using satellite imaging and drone reconnaissance, archaeologists from Washington University in St. Louis have discovered an ancient irrigation system that allowed a farming community in arid northwestern China to raise livestock and cultivate crops in one of the world’s driest desert climates.Lost for centuries in the barren foothills of China’s Tian Shan Mountains, the ancient farming community remains hidden in plain sight — appearing little more than an odd scattering of round boulders and sandy ruts when viewed from the ground.

Released: 14-Dec-2017 3:05 PM EST
Mayo Clinic研究显示:Emojis(表情符号)能帮助跟踪癌症患者的生活质量
Mayo Clinic

提交给美国血液学会的Mayo Clinic的一项研究发现,使用Emojis(表情符号)而不是传统情绪量表有助于评估癌症患者的身体,情感和整体生活质量。 研究人员发现,病人喜欢使用iPhone(苹果手机)和Apple Watch (苹果手表),而这些技术有助于准确有效地收集研究数据。 这项使用苹果ResearchKit框架创建的研究显示,苹果手表能提供客观连续的病人活动数据,而这些数据与已建立的癌症患者报告的结果紧密相关。

Released: 6-Nov-2017 11:05 AM EST
Do Face Masks Protect Against Air Pollution-Related Health Problems?
Case Western Reserve University

Many people around the world, especially in Asia, wear face masks to protect against air pollution. Do they work? Sanjay Rajagopalan, MD, Herman Hellerstein, professor of cardiovascular medicine at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and chief of cardiovascular medicine at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, has received a $2 million National Institutes of Health grant to help find out if face masks really protect against air pollution.

31-Oct-2017 1:05 PM EDT
Higher Air Pollution in Cities Tied to Higher Mortality
American Public Health Association (APHA)

New research presented today at APHA’s 2017 Annual Meeting and Expo examined the burden of air pollution and its association with mortality in Chinese cities.

Released: 3-Oct-2017 4:15 PM EDT
Ammonia Emissions Unlikely to Be Causing Extreme China Haze
Georgia Institute of Technology

As China struggles to find ways to remedy the noxious haze that lingers over Beijing and other cities in the winter, researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology have cast serious doubt on one proposed cause: high levels of ammonia in the air.

Released: 19-Sep-2017 8:05 AM EDT
Babson College, Xiamen University, and Peking University Press Debut 10-Book 'Babson Faculty Series' in Support of Entrepreneurship Education in Asia
Babson College

Babson College, Xiamen University, and Peking University Press have announced a first-of-its kind, global collaboration to bring Babson’s sought-after entrepreneurship education resources to more people in China, by way of translation.The launch of the ‘Babson Faculty Series’ will include 10 of the college’s top, faculty-authored entrepreneurship education books translated into Chinese.

Released: 29-Jun-2017 7:05 AM EDT
Study Calls on Chinese Government for Stronger Support of Food Safety Laws
University of Portsmouth

An international team of researchers, including the University of Portsmouth, has called for stronger government intervention in China to implement food safety rules, regulations and support.

Released: 23-May-2017 11:05 AM EDT
UAE-China Energy Cooperation Highlighted at United Nations Workshop
Masdar Institute of Science and Technology

Masdar Institute Faculty Explores Clean Energy Cooperation Opportunities between UAE and China to Bolster United Nations’ Efforts to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals.

9-May-2017 3:55 PM EDT
More Natural Dust in the Air Improves Air Quality in Eastern China
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Man-made pollution in eastern China’s cities worsens when less dust blows in from the Gobi Desert, according to a new study. That’s because dust plays an important role in determining the air temperatures and thereby promoting winds to blow away man-made pollution. Less dust means the air stagnates, with man-made pollution sticking around longer.

Released: 15-Mar-2017 4:05 PM EDT
China's Severe Winter Haze Tied to Effects of Global Climate Change
Georgia Institute of Technology

China's severe winter air pollution problems may be worsened by changes in atmospheric circulation prompted by Arctic sea ice loss and increased Eurasian snowfall – both caused by global climate change.

Released: 27-Feb-2017 9:00 AM EST
IU School of Global and International Studies Convening America's Role in the World Conference
Indiana University

The second annual America’s Role in the World conference at Indiana University’s School of Global and International Studies in Bloomington will address pressing global issues facing the new U.S. administration, the nation and world.

7-Feb-2017 4:05 PM EST
Chinese Air Pollution Linked to Respiratory and Cardiovascular Deaths
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

In the largest epidemiological study conducted in the developing world, researchers found that as exposures to fine particulate air pollution in 272 Chinese cities increase, so do deaths from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

Released: 26-Oct-2016 11:40 AM EDT
World’s Most Endangered Alligator Making a Comeback – in Shanghai
Wildlife Conservation Society

WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) reports that eggs of critically endangered Chinese alligators discovered recently in a nest in a Shanghai wetland park have hatched and that baby alligators have been photographed and identified swimming in the area. The announcement signals a huge success for the species and for ongoing reintroduction efforts initiated by East China Normal University, Chongming Dongtan Wetland Park, and WCS with the help of U.S. zoos including WCS’s Bronx Zoo, and the Saint Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park.

Released: 20-Sep-2016 4:05 PM EDT
Despite Yuan’s Meteoric Rise, Dollar Will Dominate
Cornell University

The international finance community is on the brink of what Cornell economist Eswar Prasad calls “a momentous event.”
