Breaking News: Hurricanes

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Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
UCLA Experts Can Address Hurricane's Aftermath
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

UCLA experts are available to describe the challenges facing forensic pathologists in identifying casualties, and to discuss the public health, psychological, economic and structural/rebuilding effects of Hurricane Katrina.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
WVU Community Continues Its Relief Efforts in Katrina’s Aftermath
West Virginia University - Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

As thousands are feared dead and many more left homeless in the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast, students and employees at West Virginia University are mobilizing relief efforts for survivors of the monster storm.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Hurricane Disaster Experts: Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University

A list of hurricane disaster experts from Vanderbilt University. This list will be updated as needed.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Experts at UNC at Greensboro for Katrina-Related Stories
University of North Carolina, Greensboro

A list of several experts that journalists might find useful in reporting on the Katrina disaster. These include a public health expert, an expert on the tourism industry (a large part of the Gulf area's economy) and an expert on counseling.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Clarkson University Opens Doors to College Students in Gulf Area
Clarkson University

Clarkson is offering to enroll students from the Gulf area universities who have have been closed or severely impacted by Hurricane Katrina.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Prof Available for Comment on Government’s Efforts to Help Katrina Victims
Elizabethtown College

Elizabethtown College professor Robert Wheelersburg knows firsthand the difficulties encountered by federal government officials trying to provide assistance to victims of Hurricane Katrina. He's been in their shoes.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Sociologists Are Available to Discuss Hurricane Katrina and Its Aftermath
American Sociological Association (ASA)

Social scientists can comment on what is known about human and social relationships and structures that could help prevent or mitigate the consequences of disasters, dismiss common myths about disasters, analyze common mistakes in developing responses to disasters.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Science Experts Available to Discuss Hurricane Katrina
Missouri University of Science and Technology

As public officials and scientists struggle to restore basic services to the Gulf Coast, rescue victims and begin the massive cleanup following Hurricane Katrina. University of Missouri-Rolla engineers and scientists are available to comment on several hurricane-related issues.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Spelman College Assists Students Affected by Hurricane Katrina
Spelman College

More than 100 Spelman College students have been impacted by the devastation in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama caused by Hurricane Katrina.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Pediatric Aspects of Emergency Preparedness
Boston Children's Hospital

Michael Shannon, MD, MPH, chief of emergency medicine and director of its Center for Biopreparedness at Children's Hospital Boston, is available to comment on emergency preparedness during natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and their aftermath.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Child Psychiatrist Can Advise Parents in Katrina's Aftermath
Boston Children's Hospital

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Dr. Stuart Goldman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Children's Hospital Boston, is available to discuss possible psychological trauma to children who were involved in the disaster, or were exposed to disturbing media images.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
ADA, ADA Foundation Provide Seed Money for Hurricane Katrina Disaster Fund
American Dental Association (ADA)

The American Dental Association and its charitable arm, the ADA Foundation, each have donated $50,000 as seed funding to the ADA Foundation Disaster Response Fund for victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
ACS Disease, Water Contamination, Chemical Safety Experts
American Chemical Society (ACS)

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the American Chemical Society has compiled a list of scientific experts who will be available to the media to discuss various aspects of water contamination, chemical safety and the type and extent of disease that could develop. Following is that list.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Experts Advise on Hurricane-Related Mental and Physical Health Issues
University of Washington School of Medicine and UW Medicine

University of Washington experts are available to talk about some long-range effects of surviving traumatic events like Hurricane Katrina. They offer advice on helping infants and toddlers cope, guidance for adult mental health and ideas for pharmacists who want to help during and after disasters.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Social Workers Mobilize in Wake of Hurricane Katrina
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

Social workers are the largest providers of mental health services in the country. Social workers from all over the country are streaming into the Gulf region to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina with their immediate and long-term mental health needs.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Hurricane Katrina
Medical College of Wisconsin

G. Richard Olds, M.D., Chairman and Professor of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, expert submission on Hurricane Katrina and the continuing hurricane season.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Harvard Health Publications Offers Disaster Planning Guide
Harvard Health Publications

The editors of Harvard Health Publications, the publishing division of Harvard Medical School have created a 3-step guide to preparing for a disaster with practical advice for items to have available in your household.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Hurricane Experts
Appalachian State University

Two experts can discuss hurricanes and Hurricane Katrina.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
In Katrina’s Wake: Causes and Solutions
University at Buffalo

Experts from the University at Buffalo are available to comment on the various social, technological and economic aspects of Hurricane Katrina and its wake of devastation. Contact information and a summary of their thoughts is below.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
UW-Madison Sources for Continued Hurricane Coverage
University of Wisconsin–Madison

With the death toll estimated in the thousands and New Orleans in a state of emergency, Hurricane Katrina's devastation will continue to have an enormous impact on the Deep South and the nation. The University of Wisconsin-Madison has experts.
