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29-Nov-2021 2:05 PM EST
E-Cigarettes May Be Independently Linked to Erectile Dysfunction, New Research Finds
NYU Langone Health

In the first population-based study of its kind, researchers from NYU Grossman School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine published online today in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine suggests that men between 20 and 65 years of age with no prior history of CVD but who use ENDS daily are more than twice (2.4 times) as likely as men who have never used ENDS to report erectile dysfunction.

Newswise: The Medical Minute: Quitting smoking sooner could save your life
Released: 17-Nov-2021 3:30 PM EST
The Medical Minute: Quitting smoking sooner could save your life
Penn State Health

It’s well known that smoking causes lung cancer. But a new study suggests you can lower―or even erase―the risk of dying from lung cancer associated with continuous smoking if you quit when you’re young.

Released: 2-Nov-2021 3:50 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic Healthcare专家讨论由烟雾引起的慢性阻塞性肺病
Mayo Clinic

世界慢阻肺(COPD)日是11月17日. 伦敦 — 慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)是一组进行性肺部疾病,包括慢性支气管炎和肺气肿,这些疾病会让患者难以呼吸。全球每年有数百万人因身患COPD而死亡。

Released: 2-Nov-2021 3:45 PM EDT
Especialista da Mayo Clinic Healthcare discute doenças pulmonares obstrutivas crônicas causadas pelo tabagismo
Mayo Clinic

O Dia Mundial da DPOC é celebrado no dia 17 de novembro. As doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) é um grupo de doenças pulmonares progressivas, incluindo a bronquite crônica e o enfisema, que dificultam a respiração do paciente. Milhões de pessoas morrem no mundo todo devido à DPOC.

Released: 2-Nov-2021 3:45 PM EDT
خبير مايو كلينك للرعاية الصحية يناقش داء الانسداد الرئوي المزمن الناجم عن الدخان
Mayo Clinic

اليوم العالمي لداء الانسداد الرئوي المزمن هو 17 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر.— داء الانسداد الرئوي المزمن (COPD) هو مجموعة أمراض رئوية تصاعدية، تشمل التهاب القصبات المُزمن وانتفاخ الرئة، والتي تجعل من الصعب التنفس. ويموت الملايين من الأشخاص حول العالم كل عام بسبب داء الانسداد الرئوي المزمن.

Released: 2-Nov-2021 3:40 PM EDT
Experto de Mayo Clinic Healthcare habla sobre la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica provocada por el humo
Mayo Clinic

El Día Mundial de la EPOC es el 17 de noviembre. La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) comprende a un grupo de enfermedades pulmonares progresivas que dificultan la respiración. Millones de personas en todo el mundo mueren anualmente debido a la EPOC.

Newswise: “Tobacco-Free Nicotine” Claims Could Lead Non-Smokers to Try E-Cigarettes
Released: 1-Nov-2021 1:05 PM EDT
“Tobacco-Free Nicotine” Claims Could Lead Non-Smokers to Try E-Cigarettes
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Young adults who do not use tobacco products report higher intentions of using Puff Bar, a leading e-cigarette brand that has a “tobacco-free nicotine” claim, than products with the regular claim of containing nicotine, according to a Rutgers study.

Newswise: New online tool helps keep college campuses smoke and tobacco free
Released: 21-Oct-2021 11:40 AM EDT
New online tool helps keep college campuses smoke and tobacco free
UC Davis Health

New study results show compliance with smoke- and tobacco-free policies on college campuses could be more effective with the rollout of a Tobacco Tracker that can also influence behavior and attitudes.

Newswise: IU study illustrates the need to treat smoking and mental health problems together
Released: 21-Oct-2021 10:50 AM EDT
IU study illustrates the need to treat smoking and mental health problems together
Indiana University

IU study illustrates the need to treat mental health problems and smoking together.

Released: 19-Oct-2021 11:40 AM EDT
UC San Diego Study: E-cigarettes Don’t Help Smokers Stay Off Cigarettes
University of California San Diego

E-cigarette use did not help smokers quit and may make smokers more likely to relapse, according to a study by Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science at University of California San Diego and Moores Cancer Center.

Released: 18-Oct-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Johns Hopkins Medicine Receives First Federal Grant for Psychedelic Treatment Research in 50 years
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Johns Hopkins Medicine was awarded a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to explore the potential impacts of psilocybin on tobacco addiction.

Released: 13-Oct-2021 1:30 PM EDT
Claims E-cigarettes Are a Harm Reduction Tool Unproven;
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Oct. 13, 2021 – “The ATS reiterates our long-held position – e-cigarettes are not ‘safe’ and the claims that e-cigarettes are a harm reduction tool remain unproven. All e-cigarettes have significant health risks including nicotine addiction and respiratory disease,” said ATS President Lynn Schnapp, MD, ATSF.

Newswise: UCLA-led Research Finds Americans Drank More, Smoked More, and Exercised Less During the Pandemic
Released: 13-Oct-2021 11:45 AM EDT
UCLA-led Research Finds Americans Drank More, Smoked More, and Exercised Less During the Pandemic
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

Americans drank and smoked more, have spent less time exercising, and spent more time in front of a computer or television in comparison to before the pandemic, a UCLA-led research team has found.

4-Oct-2021 2:00 PM EDT
More than one in five opioid-naïve patients still use opioids three months after surgery
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

Smokers, those with bipolar disorder, depression, pulmonary hypertension at higher risk for persistent opioid use, study finds.

Released: 6-Oct-2021 8:45 AM EDT
Johns Hopkins Finds Thousands of Unknown Chemicals in E-Cigarettes
 Johns Hopkins University

Vaping aerosols contain thousands of unknown chemicals and substances not disclosed by manufacturers, including industrial chemicals and caffeine, Johns Hopkins University researchers found.

Released: 30-Sep-2021 1:50 PM EDT
Cedars-Sinai Joins NIH Study of Early Childhood Development

Cedars-Sinai is joining a nationwide study to investigate how children's development is impacted by biological and environmental exposures, especially to opioids, marijuana, alcohol and tobacco, before and shortly after birth. The goal is to develop insights that can inform public policy to improve the health of children across the nation.

Released: 28-Sep-2021 4:50 PM EDT
Rare cancer of immune cells linked to gene mutations in bone marrow and smoking

Mutations in blood cells likely caused by smoking and aging-related changes may lead to a rare type of blood cancer that affects immune cells, shows a study published today in eLife.

Newswise: On World Lung Day FIRS Calls for Global Investment in Respiratory Health
24-Sep-2021 2:15 PM EDT
On World Lung Day FIRS Calls for Global Investment in Respiratory Health
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Today, on World Lung Day (WLD), members of the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) and WLD partner organizations, such as the American Thoracic Society, are calling for respiratory health to be a top priority in global decision-making beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

Newswise: Telehealth May Help Smokers in Rural Prisons Quit Tobacco Smoking
Released: 21-Sep-2021 5:45 PM EDT
Telehealth May Help Smokers in Rural Prisons Quit Tobacco Smoking
Rutgers School of Public Health

Telehealth smoking cessation treatment programs can reduce tobacco-related disparities among incarcerated smokers, according to a Rutgers study.

Released: 15-Sep-2021 9:25 AM EDT
Experto de Mayo Clinic Healthcare ofrece sugerencias para respirar mejor pese a la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica
Mayo Clinic

La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) es la tercera causa principal de muerte en todo el mundo. El Dr. John Costello, especialista en medicina pulmonar de Mayo Clinic Healthcare en Londres, ofrece sugerencias respecto a cómo ayudar a respirar más fácilmente a quienes padecen EPOC.

Released: 15-Sep-2021 3:20 AM EDT
Mayo Clinic Healthcare专家提供给慢性阻塞性肺病患者改善呼吸的建议
Mayo Clinic

据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)统计,慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)是全球第三大致死原因。COPD是一种慢性炎症性肺部疾病,可导致肺部气流受阻。伦敦Mayo Clinic Healthcare(妙佑医疗国际医疗保健)的肺内科医师John Costello(医学博士)为COPD患者提供了如何更轻松地呼吸的几点建议。

Released: 15-Sep-2021 3:15 AM EDT
خبير الرعاية الصحية في مايو كلينك يقدم نصائح لتسهيل التنفس عند الإصابة بداء الانسداد الرئوي المزمن
Mayo Clinic

داء الانسداد الرئوي المزمن (COPD) هو ثالث سبب رئيسي للوفاة في العالم، وفق منظمة الصحة العالمية. وهو مرض رئوي التهابي مزمن يتسبب في انسداد تدفق الهواء من الرئتين. يقدم جون كوستيلو، دكتور الطب، طبيب الأدوية الرئوية في مايو كلينك للرعاية الصحية في لندن، نصائح للمصابين بداء الانسداد الرئوي المزمن حول طرق التنفس بشكل أسهل.

Released: 15-Sep-2021 3:10 AM EDT
Especialista da Mayo Clinic Healthcare oferece dicas para uma respiração mais confortável aos pacientes com doenças pulmonares obstrutivas crônicas
Mayo Clinic

A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) é a terceira maior causa global de mortes, de acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde. John Costello, especialista em medicina pulmonar da Mayo Clinic Healthcare, em Londres, oferece dicas sobre como os pacientes de Covid podem respirar com mais conforto.

Released: 9-Sep-2021 5:25 PM EDT
FDA Meets a Court Deadline, But Fails to Protect America’s Kids from E-cigarettes
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Today, the Food and Drug Administration issued decisions on new tobacco product applications, addressing the over 6 million unique products and flavor variations submitted for agency review. Missing from the FDA’s announcement was a decision on a company that has the largest e-cigarette market share – Juul.

Released: 2-Sep-2021 5:15 PM EDT
Menthol ban would save 650,000 lives in the next 40 years
University of Michigan

Banning menthol flavors in cigarettes could reduce smoking by 15% by having smokers giving up tobacco products altogether or switching to e-cigarettes and other nicotine vaping products—avoiding 16,250 tobacco-related deaths per year by 2060, according to a new University of Michigan study.

Released: 2-Sep-2021 2:10 PM EDT
Misinformation on Twitter adversely affects adults’ health decisions
University of Bristol

UK and US adult smokers who were considering using e-cigarettes were deterred when exposed to tweets falsely implying the devices are more harmful than conventional cigarettes, finds new research.

31-Aug-2021 5:50 PM EDT
Combined Cigarette and Alcohol Cues Intensify Motivation to Continue Substance Use
Research Society on Alcoholism

Researchers at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York have explored the motivational impact of cigarette and alcohol “cues”, with important implications for understanding and treating addiction and relapse.

Released: 25-Aug-2021 5:00 PM EDT
Treatment and Considerations for Pancreatic Cancer
Hackensack Meridian Health (Mountainside Medical Center)

We spoke with hematology oncologist James Orsini, Jr., M.D., to learn more about pancreatic cancer

Released: 25-Aug-2021 2:50 PM EDT
Experts caution: vaping prevention critical as teens head back to school during ongoing pandemic
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

The global COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to live in relative isolation for more than a year. As adolescents return to school, public health experts caution parents to pay close attention to signs of tobacco use among teens. While there has been a decline in smoking traditional cigarettes among youth as well as adults, e-cigarette use continues to increase. Experts express concern about rising rates of dual- and poly-tobacco product use, particularly among adolescents and young adults. A new evidence-based research centerThe evidence-based tobacco research program is conducting collaborative research aimed at increasing scientific knowledge to help regulate tobacco products effectively in a way that best serves individual and public health interests.

18-Aug-2021 3:50 PM EDT
How Adolescents Used Drugs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
UC San Diego Health

Among adolescents ages 10 to 14 in the U.S, the overall rate of drug use remained relatively stable in the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, one change was a decreased use of alcohol, but an increased use of nicotine and misuse of prescription drugs.

Released: 23-Aug-2021 12:30 PM EDT
Sin Taxes Could Unintentionally Make Others Pay
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

When an excise tax hike was levied on cigarettes, New York City taxi drivers who smoked were one and a half times more likely to cheat their customers by overcharging the fare than those who didn’t smoke. That finding comes from forthcoming research in Accounting, Organizations, and Society.

Released: 19-Aug-2021 3:00 PM EDT
VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT AVAILABLE: Breakthrough Cases and COVID Boosters: Live Expert Panel for August 18, 2021

Expert Q&A: Do breakthrough cases mean we will soon need COVID boosters? The extremely contagious Delta variant continues to spread, prompting mask mandates, proof of vaccination, and other measures. Media invited to ask the experts about these and related topics.

6-Aug-2021 4:30 PM EDT
Vaping Just Once Raises Oxidative Stress Levels in Nonsmokers, Increasing Disease Risk
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

The risk that both tobacco and electronic cigarettes can pose to regular smokers’ health has been well documented, but a new UCLA study illustrates just how quickly vaping can affect the cells of even healthy younger nonsmokers.

Released: 5-Aug-2021 8:55 AM EDT
New Data Show Vaping During Pregnancy Is Harmful to Offspring through Adulthood
American Physiological Society (APS)

The use of e-cigarettes (vaping) during pregnancy poses a significant health risk for the offspring, impairing blood vessel function even into adulthood, according to a new study by researchers at West Virginia University’s (WVU) School of Medicine.

4-Aug-2021 8:55 AM EDT
Graphic Warning Labels on Cigarette Packaging Changes Perceptions
University of California San Diego

A Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science at University of California San Diego clinical trial showed that graphic warning labels on cigarette packaging changes perceptions of smokers to recognize the negative consequences of tobacco and consider quitting.

Released: 27-Jul-2021 12:25 PM EDT
High Percentage of Positive Portrayals of Vaping on TikTok

Positive portrayals of e-cigarettes and vaping are freely available without any age restrictions on TikTok--the video sharing platform--and have been viewed many times, finds research published online in the journal Tobacco Control.

Released: 19-Jul-2021 5:05 PM EDT
American Lung Association and the American Thoracic Society Response to Philip Morris International’s Purchase of British Producer of Respiratory Treatments
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

In response to an announcement from Philip Morris International that the company has agreed to acquire Vectura, a British inhaled medicine company, American Lung Association President and CEO Harold Wimmer and American Thoracic Society President Lynn Schnapp MD, ATSF shared the following statement:

Released: 13-Jul-2021 1:40 PM EDT
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Smokers are at a Higher Risk for Smoking Menthol Cigarettes
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Compared with heterosexual smokers, menthol cigarette smoking is higher among lesbian, gay and bisexual cigarette smokers, according to a Rutgers-led study, especially among bisexual and lesbian/gay female cigarette smokers.

Released: 7-Jul-2021 12:45 PM EDT
Women who Vape are More Likely to Have Low Birthweight Babies, Study Shows
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

Women who use electronic cigarettes during pregnancy are 33% more likely than those who don’t to give birth to low-birthweight infants, according to a new study by a team of researchers from UCLA and other institutions.

Released: 29-Jun-2021 2:00 PM EDT
Vaping Increases Susceptibility to Coronavirus in Mice
Thomas Jefferson University

A new study finds that exposure to e-cigarette vapor leads to higher levels of the coronavirus receptor ACE-2 in lungs of mice, with nicotine enhancing that increase in male mice.

Released: 25-Jun-2021 7:05 AM EDT
An Educational Intervention Can Help Vapers Use Their E-Cigarettes to Quit Smoking, Moffitt Study Finds
Moffitt Cancer Center

In a new article published in The Lancet Public Health, they report results from a first-of-its kind nationwide study evaluating a targeted intervention aimed at transforming dual users’ e-cigarettes from a product that might maintain smoking into a tool that can be used to aid smoking cessation.

Released: 23-Jun-2021 10:00 AM EDT
Higher Selenium and Manganese Levels During Pregnancy May Protect Babies From Future High Blood Pressure
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Children who were exposed to higher levels of trace minerals manganese and selenium during their mothers’ pregnancy had a lower risk of high blood pressure in childhood, according to a study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Released: 23-Jun-2021 8:05 AM EDT
New study to reveal health equity impacts of flavored tobacco bans
University of Kentucky

A new University of Kentucky College of Medicine study will examine how policies that restrict the sale of flavored tobacco products including menthol cigarettes impact health disparities among vulnerable populations.
