Feature Channels: Autoimmune Diseases

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Newswise: Scientists find that microRNA affects inflammation in lupus disease
Released: 26-Jan-2023 2:15 PM EST
Scientists find that microRNA affects inflammation in lupus disease
Nagoya University

A group of researchers from the Graduate School of Medicine at Nagoya University in Japan have discovered the impact of microRNA (miRNA) on inflammation in lupus in mice.

Newswise: Paving the way toward a cure? Study reports new insights into role of proteins in HIV latency
Released: 10-Jan-2023 5:50 PM EST
Paving the way toward a cure? Study reports new insights into role of proteins in HIV latency
University of Ottawa

Understanding HIV latency at the molecular level is crucial for efforts to eliminate the viral scourge that causes AIDS.

Newswise: Analysis: A Longer View on COVID-19 Antibodies
Released: 10-Jan-2023 3:00 PM EST
Analysis: A Longer View on COVID-19 Antibodies

A new analysis by Cedars-Sinai investigators is furthering the scientific community’s understanding of COVID-19 immunity by showing that similar levels of COVID-19 antibodies are reached over an extended period of time in different population groups.

Newswise: Oncotarget | The role of pyrethroid derivatives in autophagy and apoptosis crosstalk signaling and potential risk for malignancies
Released: 29-Dec-2022 1:05 PM EST
Oncotarget | The role of pyrethroid derivatives in autophagy and apoptosis crosstalk signaling and potential risk for malignancies
Impact Journals LLC

A new research paper was published in Oncotarget's Volume 13 on December 17, 2022, entitled, “The role of pyrethroid derivatives in autophagy and apoptosis crosstalk signaling and potential risk for malignancies.”

Newswise: Tissue-Specific Immunity May Be the Future, if We Can First Learn its Rules
Released: 28-Dec-2022 11:30 AM EST
Tissue-Specific Immunity May Be the Future, if We Can First Learn its Rules
University of California San Diego

UC San Diego study reveals critical insights into the complex biology of tissue-specific T cells, paving the way for a new branch of precision therapeutics in immunity, autoimmunity, and cancer.

Released: 21-Dec-2022 10:50 AM EST
4 things to know about stiff person syndrome
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

In a video posted to Instagram, Grammy-award-winning singer Celine Dion announced that she has a rare condition called stiff person syndrome. Here, a neuromuscular specialist shares helpful facts about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Newswise: Immune surprise: recently evolved alarm molecule drives inflammation
Released: 19-Dec-2022 2:25 PM EST
Immune surprise: recently evolved alarm molecule drives inflammation
Trinity College Dublin

Scientists from Trinity College Dublin have made an important breakthrough in understanding how inflammation is regulated.

Released: 19-Dec-2022 1:35 PM EST
Paving the way for new drugs to treat a range of diseases
Argonne National Laboratory

Researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard, using Argonne’s Advanced Photon Source, have characterized the structure of integrins, a type of cell surface receptor involved in the immune response.

Newswise: Neurologist explains autoimmune disease affecting Celine Dion
Released: 15-Dec-2022 2:00 PM EST
Neurologist explains autoimmune disease affecting Celine Dion
University of Miami

Dr. Kottil Rammohan, professor of clinical neurology at the Miller School of Medicine, addresses the autoimmune and neurological disorder that is affecting the Canadian singer and that impacts about one or two in a million people.

Newswise: Evidence of autoimmunity’s origins uncovered via new approach
6-Dec-2022 6:20 PM EST
Evidence of autoimmunity’s origins uncovered via new approach
Washington University in St. Louis

Autoimmune diseases are thought to be the result of mistaken identity. Immune cells on patrol, armed and ready to defend the body against invading pathogens, mistake normal human cells for infected cells and turn their weapons on their own healthy tissues.

Released: 5-Dec-2022 5:30 PM EST
Immunotherapy eliminates disease-causing cells in mice with MS-like disease
Washington University in St. Louis

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have shown that the cancer therapy known as CAR-T can be applied to multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease of the nervous system. The findings extend the powerful tool of immunotherapy to autoimmune diseases, a class of diseases that are often debilitating and difficult to treat.

Released: 2-Dec-2022 11:35 AM EST
Children with type 1 diabetes miss more school, study suggests
Cardiff University

Children living with type 1 diabetes miss an average of nine more sessions of school a year compared to children without the condition, a new study led by Cardiff University has found.

13-Nov-2022 10:00 AM EST
HSS Research Uncovers How UV Light Triggers Immune Activation and Disease Flares in Lupus
Hospital for Special Surgery

After sun exposure, people with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) frequently develop skin rashes, which often are accompanied by a flare of their overall disease. This connection between ultraviolet (UV) light and disease flares in lupus is well known, but the way in which UV exposure actually triggers the disease has been poorly understood.

12-Nov-2022 1:00 PM EST
Participation Doubles After Lupus Support Group at HSS Transitions to Virtual Format During Pandemic
Hospital for Special Surgery

A study at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) highlights the success of a lupus peer support and education group that transitioned to a virtual format during the pandemic. In addition to receiving high marks from group members, participation more than doubled after the meetings went remote.

Released: 10-Nov-2022 11:25 AM EST
Immune system reboot in MS patients
University of Zurich

Every day, one person in Switzerland is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. MS is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s own immune system attacks the myelin sheath of the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

Released: 8-Nov-2022 12:20 PM EST
Study Links Lower Hydroxychloroquine Dose to More Hospitalizations for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Flares
American College of Rheumatology (ACR)

New research presented this week at ACR Convergence 2022, the American College of Rheumatology’s annual scientific meeting, found that the recommended weight-based or non-weight-based dose of hydroxychloroquine led to more hospitalizations for flares among patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
