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Released: 5-Feb-2021 2:55 PM EST
Rutgers Expert Cautions Public to Stay Home for Super Bowl to Reduce COVID-19 Spread
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Professor Lewis Nelson, chair of emergency medicine at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, who has treated many COVID-19 patients, cautions the public that it would be best not to attend sizeable Super Bowl parties or events to help keep COVID-19 infections rates low.

Released: 5-Feb-2021 12:00 PM EST
The Controversy over Sen. Rand Paul Remarks Claiming that Trans Inclusion Will 'Destroy Girls' Athletics'
University of Washington

Sen. Paul claimed that allowing biological males to participate in girls’ sports "would completely destroy girls’ athletics." This has not been proven and some say it misses the point of high school athletic programs.

Released: 4-Feb-2021 12:55 PM EST
Systemic Racism & Health Care: Building Black Confidence in the COVID-19 Vaccine
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)

The Tuskegee syphilis experiment. The secret sale of Henrietta Lacks cancer research cells. Jim Crow laws affecting African Americans' ability to receive medical treatment. For weeks, it’s been hard to hear over the clamor of millions of Americans lining up for COVID-19 vaccines. But not everyone has been enthused — namely, large swaths of minority communities, which comprise the populations disproportionately impacted by the virus, but whose hesitance is largely fueled by the country’s racist medical past.
