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Released: 24-Mar-2009 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Develop Flow Sensors That Mimic Blind Fish
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

The fish species Astyanax fasciatus cannot see, but their unique technique for sensing their environment and the movement of water around them with gel-covered hairs that extend from their bodies may inspire a new generation of sensors that perform better than current active sonar.

Released: 23-Mar-2009 12:45 PM EDT
Insurance Coverage No Peace of Mind for Parents
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Trouble paying health plan premiums and difficulty affording out-of-pocket expenses for medications aren't just problems of the uninsured anymore. They're also concerns for families with private insurance, according to the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health.

Released: 23-Mar-2009 12:05 AM EDT
Inhaling a Heart Attack: How Air Pollution Can Cause Heart Disease
American Physiological Society (APS)

Accumulating evidence indicates that an increase in particulate air pollution is associated with an increase in heart attacks and deaths. The relatively new field of environmental cardiology examines the relationship between air pollution and heart disease. A symposium in the Environmental Factors in Heart Disease will take place April 21 at the Experimental Biology conference in New Orleans.

Released: 18-Mar-2009 12:05 AM EDT
Symposium to Look at Genetic Basis of Exercise
American Physiological Society (APS)

How many genes play a role in the body's ability to adapt to exercise? Mark Olfert of the University of California and Claude Bouchard of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center will answer that question and provide insight into why some people adapt to exercise more easily than others at a symposium at the Experimental Biology Conference in New Orleans on April 20.

Released: 17-Mar-2009 5:00 PM EDT
Researcher Wins $2.6 Million Grant for Depression Care Study
Florida State University

With the nation's economic crisis contributing to greater workplace stress, providing effective mental health care for employees may be more important than ever.

Released: 17-Mar-2009 9:00 AM EDT
Quadruple Saturn Moon Transit Snapped by Hubble
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Hubble photographed four moons of Saturn passing in front of their parent planet on February 24, 2009.

12-Mar-2009 11:10 AM EDT
Young Dinosaurs Roamed Together, Died Together
University of Chicago

A herd of young birdlike dinosaurs met their death on the muddy margins of a lake some 90 million years ago, according to a team of Chinese and American paleontologists that excavated the site in the Gobi Desert in western Inner Mongolia.

13-Mar-2009 4:30 PM EDT
Sea Level Rise Due to Global Warming Poses Threat to New York City
Florida State University

Global warming is expected to cause the sea level along the northeastern U.S. coast to rise almost twice as fast as global sea levels during this century, putting New York City at greater risk for damage from hurricanes and winter storm surge, according to a new study led by a Florida State University researcher.

Released: 13-Mar-2009 4:55 PM EDT
Researchers Find Sustained Improvement in Health in Experience Corps Tutors Over 55
Washington University in St. Louis

Tutors over 55 who help young students on a regular basis experience positive physical and mental health outcomes, according to studies released by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The tutors studied were members of Experience Corps, an award-winning organization that trains thousands of people over 55 to tutor children in urban public schools across the country. Video Available.

Released: 12-Mar-2009 9:00 AM EDT
Families Are Feeling the Stress of Economic Crisis
Florida State University

There is no question that the recent economic crisis has wreaked havoc on companies and on families across the country. Now, a recent study of 300 married, working couples conducted by Wayne Hochwarter, the Jim Moran Professor of Management at Florida State University's College of Business, is revealing just how deeply the crunch is being felt.

11-Mar-2009 5:00 PM EDT
Hubble Provides New Evidence for Dark Matter Around Small Galaxies
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

The Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered a strong new line of evidence that galaxies are embedded in halos of dark matter. Peering into the tumultuous heart of the nearby Perseus galaxy cluster, Hubble's sharp view resolved a large population of small galaxies that have remained intact while larger galaxies around them are being ripped apart by the gravitational tug of other galaxies. The dwarf elliptical galaxies' "invisible shield" is a robust halo of dark matter that keeps them intact despite a several-billion-year-long bumper-car game inside the massive galaxy cluster.

Released: 10-Mar-2009 12:25 PM EDT
Synthetic Gene Circuit Allows Precise Dosing of Gene Expression
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Researchers have crafted a gene circuit that permits precise tuning of a gene's expression in a cell, an advance that should allow for more accurate analysis of the gene's role in normal and abnormal cellular function.

Released: 9-Mar-2009 8:00 AM EDT
Keep Your Colon Healthy with Exercise, Healthy Foods
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Most of us prefer not to talk about colon health and take those functions for granted. But many conditions can affect colon health, particularly as we age. A University of Michigan Gastroenterologist discusses diverticulosis and its symptoms and complications, and reminds us that regular colon cancer screening should start at age 50.

Released: 9-Mar-2009 8:00 AM EDT
Compulsive Hoarding Poses Safety and Psychological Risks
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Most of us save things "“ memorabilia, collectibles, items from our childhood or from our children. But for more than an estimated million Americans, the saving may get out of hand and cross over to a psychiatric condition known as compulsive hoarding.

Released: 6-Mar-2009 2:55 PM EST
Economists Say Copyright and Patent Laws Are Killing Innovation; Hurting Economy
Washington University in St. Louis

Patent and copyright law are stifling innovation and threatening the global economy according to two economists at Washington University in St. Louis in a new book, Against Intellectual Monopoly. Professors Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine call for abolishing the current patent and copyright system in order to unleash innovations necessary to reverse the current recession and rescue the economy. The professors discuss their stand against intellectual property protections in a video and news release linked here.

Released: 6-Mar-2009 1:00 PM EST
Heavy Lifting: Spinal Fractures No Reason To Sacrifice Height, Says Orthopaedic Medical Device Expert
AOI Medical, Inc.

Over 700,000 patients annually are diagnosed with Vertebral Compression Fractures (VCF), or collapse of a vertebra due to trauma, osteoporosis, or benign and/or malignant lesions. According to an article that appeared in the peer-reviewed journal American Family Physician, VCF affects approximately 25% of all postmenopausal women in the U.S., with prevalence of the condition increasing with age and reaching 40% of women eighty or older.

Released: 5-Mar-2009 2:55 PM EST
Research Promises Range of Health, Defense and Environmental Applications
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The ongoing research conducted by University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) physics professor Sergey Mirov, Ph.D., is a kind of fingerprinting program for the 21st century. But rather than using fingers and ink to identify one person from another, Mirov is using molecules and laser light to identify one substance or material from another.

Released: 4-Mar-2009 2:40 PM EST
Maritime Archaeologist at Helm of Modern Journey to Ancient Egyptian Land
Florida State University

Ancient Egyptians may be best known for building pyramids, but internationally renowned maritime archaeologist Cheryl Ward wants the world to know that they were pretty good sailors, too.

Released: 3-Mar-2009 12:10 PM EST
The Importance of Male Friendships
University of Maryland, Baltimore

How important are male friendships? Geoffrey Greif, DSW, explores the importance of male friendships in his book The Buddy System, Understanding Male Friendships. In the wake of the forthcoming film, I LOVE YOU MAN, Greif can speak to the issues about male friendships or lack thereof.

Released: 3-Mar-2009 10:40 AM EST
Foreign Investments May be Destabilizing Financial Markets
Florida State University

Stabilizing or destabilizing? Good or bad? Many have debated the positives and negatives of sovereign wealth fund investments, which are pools of money that foreign governments, China in particular, have invested for profit in a number of U.S. investment banks. None, however, have shed light on the fundamental question: Do such investments help or hurt?
