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Released: 13-May-2014 12:05 PM EDT
James C. Tsai, MD, MBA, Named President of New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai and Chair of Ophthalmology for the Mount Sinai Health System
Mount Sinai Health System

Mount Sinai is pleased to announce today that James C. Tsai, MD, MBA has been appointed President of New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai and Chair of Ophthalmology for the Mount Sinai Health System, effective September 2014.

Released: 13-May-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Who’s Talking to Your Kids? Hispanics and Females Missing from Children’s Television Commercials
Ithaca College

Two Ithaca College professors of communications have found the ethnic diversity of actors in commercials aimed at children has apparently remained the same since the start of the 21st century.

Released: 13-May-2014 12:00 PM EDT
New Stem Cell Research Points to Early Indicators of Schizophrenia
Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Using new stem cell technology, scientists at the Salk Institute have shown that neurons generated from the skin cells of people with schizophrenia behave strangely in early developmental stages, providing a hint as to ways to detect and potentially treat the disease early.

Released: 13-May-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Healthcare Leaders, Ethics Experts to Confront Reality of Moral Distress
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)

Nurses, ethics experts and healthcare leaders from around the country will address the challenges presented by moral distress, one of the top ethical issues affecting clinical practice and the healthcare workplace during a half-day interactive summit May 21 in Denver.

Released: 13-May-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Graduate Whose Life Was Saved in Emergency Landing Surprises Chesley B. (Sully) Sullenberger III at Nova Southeastern University Undergraduate Commencement Ceremonies
Nova Southeastern University

Nova Southeastern University (NSU) alumnus Alberto J. Panero, D.O., whose life was saved in the "Miracle on the Hudson" (2009 U.S. Airway Flight 1549 emergency landing on the Hudson River) surprised Capt. Chesley B. (Sully) Sullenberger III for a heartfelt reunion at NSU's undergraduate commencement ceremony.

Released: 13-May-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Baylor Awarded Patent for Major Advance in Islet Cell Research
Baylor Scott and White Health

Baylor Research Institute has been awarded a patent from the U.S. Patent Office for a potential strategy to improve the outcomes of islet cell transplantation for patients with type 1 diabetes and chronic pancreatitis.

Released: 13-May-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Cancer Stem Cells Under the Microscope at Albert Einstein College of Medicine Symposium
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Healthy stem cells work to restore or repair the body’s tissues, but cancer stem cells have a more nefarious mission: to spawn malignant tumors. Cancer stem cells were discovered a decade ago, but their origins and identity remain largely unknown.

Released: 13-May-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Conference to Focus on Heart Disease in Women
University of Louisville

The 2014 Louisville Symposium on Heart Disease in Women, the first of what is planned to be an annual event, will be held Saturday, June 28.

Released: 13-May-2014 11:00 AM EDT
No Grilling Regrets: Healthy and Flavorful Grilling Ideas and Techniques from the Home Food Safety Program
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Just in time for grilling season, the Home Food Safety program – a collaboration between the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and ConAgra Foods – offers healthful grilling advice.

Released: 13-May-2014 11:00 AM EDT
A Local Solution to the National Science Education Challenge
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Four southeast Washington leaders in advancing science education have formed the Mid-Columbia STEM Education Collaboratory.

Released: 13-May-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Novel Target Found for Chemotherapy-Resistant Leukemia Cells
Children's Hospital Los Angeles Saban Research Institute

Researchers at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles have discovered that by targeting a particular receptor, chemotherapy-resistant cancer cells can be killed in an acute form of childhood leukemia, offering the potential for a future treatment for patients who would otherwise experience relapse of their disease.

Released: 13-May-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Dr. Lori Laffel and Dr. Howard Wolpert to be Honored at JDRF Boston Gala
Joslin Diabetes Center

Joslin Diabetes Center announced today that Lori Laffel, M.D., M.P.H., Chief of the Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Section at Joslin and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, and Howard Wolpert, M.D., Director of the Joslin Institute for Technology Translation (JITT) and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, will be honored as Research Champions at the JDRF’s upcoming Boston Gala.

Released: 13-May-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Tufts University Names Dariush Mozaffarian as Dean of Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Tufts University

Tufts University announced today that Dariush Mozaffarian, M.D., Dr.P.H., has been named dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy effective July 1.

9-May-2014 10:00 AM EDT
MEMS Nanoinjector for Genetic Modification of Cells
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

The ability to transfer a gene or DNA sequence from one animal into the genome of another plays a critical role in a wide range of medical research—including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes, and now there’s a way to avoid cell death when introducing DNA into egg cells. In Review of Scientific Instruments, the team describes its microelectromechanical system nanoinjector, which was designed to inject DNA into mouse zygotes.

9-May-2014 10:00 AM EDT
The Physics of Ocean Undertow
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Large storms produce strong undertows that can strip beaches of sand. By predicting how undertows interact with shorelines, researchers can build sand dunes and engineer other soft solutions to create more robust and sustainable beaches. New research presented in Physics of Fluids clears up some of the controversy in undertow modeling, so planners can assess erosion threats faster and more accurately.

Released: 13-May-2014 10:15 AM EDT
Odd Planet, So Far From Its Star...
Universite de Montreal

A gas giant has been added to the short list of exoplanets discovered through direct imaging. It is located around GU Psc, a star three times less massive than the Sun and located in the constellation Pisces.

Released: 13-May-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Dangerous Air Quality Alert Called For Extremely High Weed Pollen
Loyola Medicine

A dangerous air quality alert was called today due to the extremely high count for weeds detected in the Gottlieb Allergy Count. “Today’s weed count is the highest I have recorded in the two decades of performing the official allergy count for the Midwest,” says Joseph Leija, MD, who created the Gottlieb Allergy Count at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital, located outside Chicago. The Gottlieb Allergy Count today is Trees High, Mold High, Grass Moderate and Weeds Very High, dangerous air quality alert status.

Released: 13-May-2014 10:00 AM EDT
ORNL Hosting Nuclear Energy Institute ‘Fact-Finding’ Visit
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Some of the nation’s foremost authorities on nuclear energy will be at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory Wednesday and Thursday for a Nuclear Energy Institute industry fact-finding mission.

Released: 13-May-2014 10:00 AM EDT
MOOC Brings Patient Safety Solutions Through Science and Partnerships
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

What if the answer to patient safety doesn’t just rest in the hands of the doctor or nurse, but can be found through a clinician-patient partnership? Johns Hopkins School of Nursing’s Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb, PhD, RN, ANP, FAAN, says it’s in the combination of science and collaboration that we will find solutions to the safety issue affecting so many hospitals and healthcare institutions. A new MOOC, offered by the School of Nursing (JHSON), is a great place for health professionals, students, lifelong learners, and even patients, to begin learning the foundational knowledge needed to ensure safe and quality care.
