Feature Channels: Diabetes

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Released: 29-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Insulin Spray Improved Gait, Cognitive Function in Patients with and Without Type 2 Diabetes, Clinical Trial Shows
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Scientists have assessed the long-term effects of intranasal insulin on cognition and on gait in people with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Released: 28-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Childhood Obesity Increases Risk of Type 1 Diabetes
University of Bristol

Being overweight in childhood increases the risk of developing type 1 diabetes in later life, according to the findings of a new study that analysed genetic data on over 400,000 individuals. The study, co-led by researchers from the Universities of Bristol and Oxford and published today in Nature Communications, also provides evidence that being overweight over many years from childhood influences the risk of other diseases including asthma, eczema and hypothyroidism.

Released: 28-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Grandmaternal Exercise Has Benefits for Grand Offspring, Researchers Find
Beth Israel Lahey Health

Scientists have demonstrated in mice that the benefits of exercise may also span generations.

Newswise: Poor diet associated with increased diabetes risk across all gradients of genetic risk
20-Apr-2022 10:15 AM EDT
Poor diet associated with increased diabetes risk across all gradients of genetic risk

A poor diet, irrespective of genetic risk factors, is associated with a 30% increased risk of diabetes

22-Apr-2022 9:40 AM EDT
Thyroid hormone replacement undertreatment linked to worse hospital outcomes
Endocrine Society

Undertreatment with thyroid hormone replacement can put patients with hypothyroidism at risk for worse hospital outcomes, including longer length of stay and higher rates of readmission, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Released: 25-Apr-2022 12:45 PM EDT
Controlling blood sugar may improve response to exercise training, study finds
Beth Israel Lahey Health

Scientists sought to determine whether high blood glucose blunts the body’s response to exercise and whether lowering it can restore the ability to improve aerobic capacity with training.

Released: 25-Apr-2022 12:45 PM EDT
Joslin Diabetes Center Receives $8.5 Million for NIH/NIDDK-Sponsored Diabetes Research Center (DRC) Program
Beth Israel Lahey Health

Joslin Diabetes Center, the preeminent institution for diabetes research and care, affiliated with Harvard Medical School and a part of Beth Israel Lahey Health, has again been awarded $8.5 million from the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIH/NIDDK) in continued support for Joslin’s Diabetes Research Center (DRC) program. The grant, which officially began April 1, 2022, marks the 36th continuous year of NIH investment in Joslin’s DRC.

19-Apr-2022 9:00 AM EDT
People with Diabetes and Cognitive Decline May Be at Higher Risk for Heart Disease
Endocrine Society

People with type 2 diabetes who have cognitive impairment could be at greater risk for stroke, heart attack or death than other individuals with diabetes, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

19-Apr-2022 9:00 AM EDT
Extracellular Vesicles Offer New Insights Into Treating Endocrine Disorders
Endocrine Society

In a new Scientific Statement released today, the Endocrine Society describes the importance of extracellular vesicles as a new research target for understanding the causes of certain endocrine disorders such as cancer and diabetes and discovering new treatments for these disorders.

Released: 19-Apr-2022 5:45 PM EDT
Newly developed genetic risk scores could help patients, physicians make health decision
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

A person’s risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes or breast cancer may be influenced by thousands of genetic differences.

Newswise: Treatment Developed by CHOP Researchers Prevents Hypoglycemia in Children with Hyperinsulinism
12-Apr-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Treatment Developed by CHOP Researchers Prevents Hypoglycemia in Children with Hyperinsulinism
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have shown that a targeted treatment they developed is effective at controlling blood sugar in patients with hyperinsulinism (HI), a genetic disease in which the pancreas produces too much insulin. The findings, which were published today in Diabetes Care, provide further evidence that the treatment could prevent hypoglycemia in patients with HI and may preclude the need for a full removal of their pancreas, a current standard treatment for severe diffuse HI.

Newswise: Case Western Reserve University's Katherine Kutney Receives Prestigious Hartwell Foundation Award to Research Diabetic Kidney Disease in Children and Teens
Released: 13-Apr-2022 8:05 AM EDT
Case Western Reserve University's Katherine Kutney Receives Prestigious Hartwell Foundation Award to Research Diabetic Kidney Disease in Children and Teens
Case Western Reserve University

About 5,000 children and teens in the United States are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes each year, and the rate is increasing about 5% annually, putting thousands of children at risk for diabetic kidney disease (DKD). While DKD is still considered relatively rare in children, Katherine Kutney, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Case Western Reserve University, expects cases to increase from pandemic-induced obesity—the lack of physical activity, more time spent stationary in front of computer screens. But DKD in children may be slowed with medication therapy if signs of the disease can be detected early and monitored—the goal of new research Kutney will pursue with a 2021 Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Award.

Released: 11-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Researchers Identify a New Treatment for Metabolic Syndrome
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Metabolic syndrome increases a person’s risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, and includes conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure and high blood sugar. In a recent mouse-model study, published in Cell Metabolism, researchers at University Hospitals (UH), Harrington Discovery Institute at UH, and Case Western Reserve University have furthered their progress to develop a drug to treat metabolic syndrome by identifying a receptor that controls appetite and body weight.

Released: 8-Apr-2022 2:15 PM EDT
The Potential of Current Noninvasive Wearable Technology for the Monitoring of Physiological Signals in the Management of Type 1 Diabetes: Literature Survey
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: Monitoring glucose and other parameters in persons with type 1 diabetes (T1D) can enhance acute glycemic management and the diagnosis of long-term complications of the disease. For most persons living with T1D, the determination of insuli...

Newswise: Researchers Use RNA to Target Pancreatic Beta Cells
Released: 7-Apr-2022 3:05 PM EDT
Researchers Use RNA to Target Pancreatic Beta Cells
University of Miami Health System, Miller School of Medicine

Investigators at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine have designed RNA molecules that home to human pancreatic beta cells, the cells that produce insulin and are destroyed in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This targeting approach could help researchers study how these diseases progress and provide new ways to deliver treatments. The study titled “was published on April 5 in Nature Communications.

Newswise: Insomnia Could Increase People’s Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Study Finds
6-Apr-2022 5:05 AM EDT
Insomnia Could Increase People’s Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Study Finds
University of Bristol

People who have difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep had higher blood sugar levels than people who rarely had sleep issues, new research has found. The findings suggest insomnia could increase people’s risk of type 2 diabetes, and that lifestyle or pharmacological treatments that improve insomnia could help to prevent or treat the condition.

Released: 5-Apr-2022 3:55 PM EDT
The latest news on clinical trials is here on Newswise

Here are some of the latest articles that have been added to the Clinical Trials channel on Newswise.

Released: 5-Apr-2022 10:05 AM EDT
تنبيه من خبير: طبيبة القلب في مايو كلينك للرعاية الصحية توضح الرابط بين السكري وأمراض القلب
Mayo Clinic

عدد المصابين بمرض السكري يشهد ارتفاعًا في جميع أنحاء العالم، ومع الإصابة بمرض السكري يزداد خطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب. قوسية وامل، دكتور الطب، الحاصلة على الدكتوراه، طبيبة القلب في مايو كلينك للرعاية الصحية في لندن، تشرح العلاقة بين هذين المرضين الخطرين والمزمنين.

1-Apr-2022 9:20 AM EDT
Black people with diabetes disproportionately affected by diabetic ketoacidosis during COVID
Endocrine Society

Black people with diabetes were more likely to develop cases of a life-threatening complication called diabetic ketoacidosis during the pandemic, even in people without COVID-19, according to a new study from the TID Exchange published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Newswise: Blueberry Extract May Aid Wound Healing
25-Mar-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Blueberry Extract May Aid Wound Healing
American Physiological Society (APS)

Treating wounds with an extract taken from wild blueberries may improve healing, according to a new study. The research will be presented this week in Philadelphia at the American Physiological Society’s (APS) annual meeting at Experimental Biology 2022.

Newswise: Virtual Population Model Predicts and Stops Kidney Damage in Black Americans
25-Mar-2022 8:05 AM EDT
Virtual Population Model Predicts and Stops Kidney Damage in Black Americans
American Physiological Society (APS)

Researchers have successfully used a virtual population to replicate a clinical trial that examined kidney damage in Black Americans, according to a new study at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson.

Released: 1-Apr-2022 5:30 PM EDT
Higher blood fats more harmful than first thought
University of Leeds

Increased levels of blood fats in people with type 2 diabetes and obesity are more harmful than previously thought, a new study has found.

Released: 1-Apr-2022 12:05 PM EDT
High blood sugar and suPAR levels independently worsen COVID-19 outcomes
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

The largest study to investigate the role of inflammatory biomarkers in hospitalized COVID-19 patients uncovers risk factors for worse health outcomes in those with diabetes.

25-Mar-2022 9:00 AM EDT
Yo-Yo Dieting and Food Insecurity May Raise Heart Disease Risk
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

Fluctuations in body weight resulting from drastically cutting and increasing calories may lead to physiological changes that raise the risk of heart disease or diabetes later in life, according to a study being presented at the American Physiological Society annual meeting during the Experimental Biology (EB) 2022 meeting, held in Philadelphia April 2–5.

Released: 31-Mar-2022 9:55 AM EDT
Mayo Clinic

在全球范围内,糖尿病患者的数量正不断增加,且糖尿病患者发生心脏疾病的风险较高于一般人群。Gosia Wamil医学博士/哲学博士作为妙佑伦敦医疗中心(Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London)的一名心脏病学家,解释了这两种严重、慢性疾病之间的联系。

Released: 31-Mar-2022 9:55 AM EDT
Alerta de especialista: cardiologista da Mayo Clinic Healthcare explica a ligação entre diabetes e doença cardíaca
Mayo Clinic

O número mundial de pessoas com diabetes está aumentando, e com ela há um risco maior de doença cardíaca. Gosia Wamil, M.D., Ph.D., cardiologista na Mayo Clinic Healthcare em Londres, explica a conexão entre essas duas doenças crônicas graves.

Released: 30-Mar-2022 5:10 PM EDT
Endocrine Society applauds House for taking action to address insulin affordability
Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society applauds the House of Representatives for hearing our call to improve insulin affordability for people with diabetes as it prepares to vote on the Affordable Insulin Now Act this week.

24-Mar-2022 5:35 PM EDT
High Rate of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure in Puerto Ricans Linked to Brain Changes
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

The high rate of diabetes and high blood pressure combined in Puerto Rican people may be linked to structural changes in the brain, according to a study published in the March 30, 2022, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Newswise: CRISPR Clinical Trials: A 2022 Update
Released: 30-Mar-2022 2:35 PM EDT
CRISPR Clinical Trials: A 2022 Update
Innovative Genomics Institute

A comprehensive look at all of the active clinical trials on new CRISPR-based genome editing therapies in 2022, and perspective on what is coming next.

Released: 29-Mar-2022 9:00 AM EDT
Endocrine Society to launch JCEM Case Reports journal
Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society announced it will launch a new open access, online-only journal featuring reports on clinical cases and clinical problem solving from across the field of endocrinology.

Released: 28-Mar-2022 8:05 AM EDT
A nanomaterial that may improve insulin’s effects on the nervous system
Ohio State University

There may be a way in the future to enhance diabetes treatment – with better control of blood sugar and its use by the brain, and a lower risk for neurological problems – by attaching insulin to a specially designed nanomaterial.

Released: 24-Mar-2022 4:50 PM EDT
Lahey Hospital & Medical Center Physicians Recognized in Northshore Magazine's 2022 'Top Doctors'
Lahey Hospital & Medical Center

Northshore Magazine has named 125 physicians and surgeons from 32 medical specialties affiliated with Lahey Hospital & Medical Center to its annual ‘Top Doctors’ guide. Drawing from a Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. Physician database, the list consists of Northshore-area physicians and is available in the printed version or online subscription of Northshore Magazine.

Released: 24-Mar-2022 2:20 PM EDT
Advertencia del experto: Cardiólogo de Mayo Clinic Healthcare explica vínculo entre diabetes y enfermedades cardíacas
Mayo Clinic

Aumenta en todo el mundo la cantidad de gente que sufre de diabetes, afección que conlleva más riesgo para enfermedades cardíacas. La Dra. Gosia Wamil, cardióloga de Mayo Clinic Healthcare en Londres, explica la conexión entre estas dos enfermedades crónicas y graves.

Released: 24-Mar-2022 9:00 AM EDT
Primary care tele-mentoring program model shows potential to lead to improved patient care
Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research at Rutgers University

According to a new study, primary care physicians and nurse practitioners who participated in a Rutgers Project ECHO complex endocrinology tele-mentoring program at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS) improved care for patients with diabetes.

Released: 23-Mar-2022 2:30 PM EDT
Social Media–Delivered Patient Education to Enhance Self-management and Attitudes of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Randomized Controlled Trial
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: The use of mobile health technologies has been necessary to deliver patient education to patients with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: This open-label randomized controlled trial evaluat...

Released: 23-Mar-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Mayo Clinic Healthcare cardiologist explains link between diabetes, heart disease
Mayo Clinic

The number of people worldwide with diabetes is rising and with diabetes comes a higher risk for heart disease. Gosia Wamil, M.D., Ph.D., a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London, explains the connection between these two serious, chronic diseases.

Released: 23-Mar-2022 7:05 AM EDT
The Medical Minute: Diabetes diagnosis demands close eye on vision
Penn State Health

More than half of people with diabetes will develop diabetic retinopathy, one of the leading causes of legal blindness in the U.S., yet fewer than half of patients with diabetes get their annual screenings.

Newswise: How sugar promotes inflammation
Released: 22-Mar-2022 2:35 PM EDT
How sugar promotes inflammation
University of Würzburg

People who consume sugar and other carbohydrates in excess over a long period of time have an increased risk of developing an autoimmune disease.

Released: 18-Mar-2022 2:00 PM EDT
Researchers Catalog Cell Types Present in White Fat Tissue in Mice and in Humans
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Scientists have generated an atlas of the cell types present in the white adipose tissue of humans and in mice, allowing them to look at the composition of fat in unprecedented detail.

Released: 16-Mar-2022 2:15 PM EDT
Machine Learning Prediction Models for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Meta-analysis
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a common endocrine metabolic disease, involving a carbohydrate intolerance of variable severity during pregnancy. The incidence of GDM-related complications and adverse pregnancy out...

Newswise: Excess sugar consumption costs Canada’s health-care system $5 billion each year
Released: 16-Mar-2022 1:55 PM EDT
Excess sugar consumption costs Canada’s health-care system $5 billion each year
University of Alberta

Imagine if the real cost to society of the food you buy at the grocery store was built right into each product’s price.

Released: 16-Mar-2022 1:25 PM EDT
Virtual Science Writers Conference to cover COVID-19 and the future of obesity, diabetes care
Endocrine Society

Experts will discuss how COVID-19 affects obesity and diabetes treatment during a virtual news conference on March 29.

Released: 16-Mar-2022 12:30 PM EDT
Research team provides guidelines, recommendations for intermittent fasting
University of Illinois Chicago

A University of Illinois Chicago team has summarized research on intermittent fasting to provide insights into its effects on the body and to provide advice for incorporating these diets in everyday life. They have also presented recommendations for future research into these popular diet methods. “Clinical application of intermittent fasting for weight loss: progress and future directions,” was recently published in Nature Reviews Endocrinology.

Newswise:Video Embedded marine-snail-inspires-fast-acting-injectable-insulin-for-better-diabetes-control
Released: 15-Mar-2022 4:20 PM EDT
Marine Snail Inspires Fast-Acting Injectable Insulin for Better Diabetes Control
University of Utah Health

Scientists have created a modified form of human insulin that they hope could give patients with diabetes better, more immediate control over their blood sugar.

14-Mar-2022 9:00 AM EDT
People with diabetes who eat less processed food at night may live longer
Endocrine Society

The time of day that people with diabetes eat certain foods may be just as important to their well-being as portion size and calories, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Newswise: Exercise may treat long COVID-induced diabetes, depression
Released: 11-Mar-2022 11:45 AM EST
Exercise may treat long COVID-induced diabetes, depression
Pennington Biomedical Research Center

While no medically recognized treatment exists for Long COVID, exercise may break the vicious cycle of inflammation that can lead to developing diabetes and depression months after a person recovers from the virus.
