Feature Channels: Men's Health

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Released: 27-Jul-2021 9:05 PM EDT
Penn-led Consortium Identifies More Genetic Markers for Inherited Testicular Cancer
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

A meta-analysis of nearly 200,000 men revealed 22 new genetic locations that could be susceptible to inherited testicular germ cell tumors.

Released: 27-Jul-2021 10:15 AM EDT
Genomic Test Could Help Predict Aggressive Disease in Men Newly Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

A new, University of Michigan-led study analyzing data from more than 850 patients across the state of Michigan found a commercially available genomic test known as Decipher Biopsy may help identify patients who are at high risk of prostate cancer progression.

Released: 26-Jul-2021 10:35 AM EDT
Saving Lives in Black Barbershops

A new look at data from a landmark Cedars-Sinai study of health interventions in Black barbershops, and a new study that looks at barbershop patrons' virtual visits with pharmacists, have added to the evidence that convenient, community-based health programs can cost-effectively control high blood pressure and prevent heart attack and stroke.

Released: 20-Jul-2021 2:10 PM EDT
Elite Runners Spend More Time in Air, Less on Ground, Than Highly Trained but Nonelite Peers
University of Michigan

A recent study led by Geoff Burns, an elite runner and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Michigan Exercise & Sport Science Initiative, compared the "bouncing behavior"—the underlying spring-like physics of running—in elite-level male runners (sub-four-minute milers) vs. highly trained but not elite runners.

14-Jul-2021 8:05 AM EDT
New Differences in Male vs. Female Hearts
Thomas Jefferson University

Neurons that control every heartbeat are organized differently in male and female rats, opening new pathways for studying heart disease across sexes.

Released: 16-Jul-2021 11:30 AM EDT
Mayo Clinic

年轻男性中在接种第二剂莫德纳 (Moderna) 或辉瑞 (Pfizer) 信使核糖核酸 (mRNA) COVID-19 疫苗后不久有人出现了心肌发炎(即心肌炎)症状,这些罕见病例引起了妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic)研究人员的密切关注。

Released: 8-Jul-2021 12:40 PM EDT
Highly fit teenagers coped better with COVID-19 later in life
University of Gothenburg

Of the Swedish men in their late teens who performed well in the physical fitness tests for military conscription, a relatively high proportion were able to avoid hospital care when they became infected with COVID-19 during the pandemic up to 50 years later.

Released: 7-Jul-2021 5:20 PM EDT
Os casos relatados de miocardite em homens jovens após a vacinação contra a COVID-19 são raros e a vacinação ainda é muito importante
Mayo Clinic

Pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic estão examinando de perto os casos raros de inflamação do músculo cardíaco, ou miocardite, em homens jovens que desenvolveram sintomas logo após receberem a segunda dose da vacina de RNA mensageiro (mRNA) contra a COVID-19 dos laboratórios Moderna ou Pfizer.

Released: 7-Jul-2021 3:30 PM EDT
حالات التهاب عضلة القلب المُبلّغ عنها لدى الرجال الأصغر سنًا بعد التطعيم ضد فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) نادرة؛ ولا يزال التطعيم مهمًا
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا- يُلقي باحثو مايو كلينك نظرة فاحصة على الحالات النادرة من التهاب عضلة القلب أو التهاب العضلة القلبية لدى الشباب الذين ظهرت عليهم الأعراض بعد فترة وجيزة من تلقي الجرعة الثانية من لقاح موديرنا أو فايزر وهما لقاحا الحمض النووي الريبوزي المرسال (mRNA) لفيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19).

Released: 7-Jul-2021 2:50 PM EDT
Son raros los casos de miocarditis en hombres jóvenes después de la vacuna contra la COVID-19 y la vacunación continúa siendo importante
Mayo Clinic

Los investigadores de Mayo Clinic están analizando más estrechamente los casos raros de inflamación del músculo cardíaco, o miocarditis, entre hombres jóvenes que presentaron síntomas poco después de recibir la segunda dosis de las vacunas con ARN mensajero (ARNm) contra la COVID-19 de Moderna o de Pfizer.

Released: 6-Jul-2021 4:40 PM EDT
Castration delays DNA aging
Allen Institute

Most of us are familiar with the fact that women live longer than men. But fellas, if we told you there was one thing that could be done to increase your lifespan, would you do it?

Released: 3-Jul-2021 6:05 PM EDT
اختبار من مختبرات مايو كلينك يكشف عن مرض جديد في المناعة الذاتية مرتبط بسرطان الخصية
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا- أطلقت مختبرات مايو كلينك اختبارًا للمناعة الذاتية هو الأول من نوعه للجسم المضاد KLHL11، أو البروتين 11 المشابه للكيلتش، والذي يستخدم للكشف عن أمراض المناعة الذاتية المرتبطة بسرطان الخصية. وهذا الاختبار متاح محليًا ودوليًا.

29-Jun-2021 6:05 PM EDT
Multimodality Care Improves Treatment Outcomes for Aggressive Prostate Cancer
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

Men with high-risk prostate cancer with at least one additional aggressive feature have the best outcomes when treated with multiple healthcare disciplines, known as multimodality care, according to a UCLA study.

Released: 1-Jul-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Mount Sinai Welcomes Robotic Prostate Surgery Pioneer Mani Menon, MD
Mount Sinai Health System

Robotic prostate surgery pioneer Mani Menon, MD, is joining Mount Sinai and will serve as Chief of Strategy and Innovation in the Department of Urology for the Mount Sinai Health System. He will also serve as a Professor of Urology, Director of Education and Director of the Precision Prostatectomy Program in the Department of Urology at Icahn Mount Sinai and Center of Excellence for Prostate Cancer at The Tisch Cancer Institute.

Released: 29-Jun-2021 12:10 PM EDT
Reported Cases of Myocarditis in Younger Men Following COVID-19 Vaccination are Rare; Vaccination Remains Important
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic researchers are taking a close look at rare cases of inflammation of the heart muscle, or myocarditis, in young men who developed symptoms shortly after receiving the second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccines. Several recent studies suggest that health care professionals should watch for hypersensitivity myocarditis as a rare adverse reaction to being vaccinated for COVID-19. However, researchers stress that this awareness should not diminish overall confidence in vaccination during the current pandemic.

24-Jun-2021 10:15 AM EDT
Study Sheds Light on Persistent Racial Disparities in Prostate Cancer Care in the United States
NYU Langone Health

Black men most likely to benefit from advanced prostate cancer therapies are 11 percent less likely to get them than non-Black men. This happens despite apparent equal opportunities in obtaining health care services, a new study in American veterans shows.

Released: 28-Jun-2021 1:05 PM EDT
Newly discovered sperm movement could help diagnose, treat male infertility
University of Toledo

UToledo research shows the centriole's role in sperm evolved from a shock absorber to a transmission system

Released: 24-Jun-2021 11:50 AM EDT
Teste dos Laboratórios da Mayo Clinic detecta nova doença autoimune associada ao câncer testicular
Mayo Clinic

Os Laboratórios da Mayo Clinic divulgaram um teste autoimune inédito para o anticorpo da proteína 11 do tipo Kelch, ou KLHL11, usado para detectar uma doença autoimune associada ao câncer testicular. O teste está disponível nacional e internacionalmente.

Released: 24-Jun-2021 11:05 AM EDT
Laboratorios de Mayo Clinic detectan nueva enfermedad autoinmunitaria vinculada al cáncer de testículo
Mayo Clinic

Los Laboratorios de Mayo Clinic pusieron en marcha la primera prueba autoinmunitaria en su clase para el anticuerpo contra la proteína tipo Kelch 11 (KLHL11), que sirve para detectar una enfermedad autoinmunitaria relacionada con el cáncer de testículo. La prueba está disponible a nivel nacional e internacional.

Released: 24-Jun-2021 10:10 AM EDT
Immunotherapy May Be Effective For Subset Of Prostate Cancer
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Researchers report that about a quarter of localized prostate cancers may demonstrate immunologic traits that suggest a substantial number of patients with prostate cancer may benefit from immunotherapies.

Released: 24-Jun-2021 7:00 AM EDT
Even Elite Athletes Sometimes Need a Break
American Physiological Society (APS)

New research finds elite athletes have temporary mitochondrial impairment after intense workouts, suggesting they may need to be mindful about overtraining. The study is published ahead of print in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

Released: 21-Jun-2021 12:05 AM EDT
Bootcamp or booting goals? Which is better for men’s health?
University of South Australia

A new sports program is kicking goals for men’s health as researchers from the University of South Australia set their sights on improving physical and mental wellbeing of Australian men.

Released: 18-Jun-2021 8:55 AM EDT
VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT AVAILABLE: Vaccines and Male Fertility Event for June 17, 2021

This upcoming JAMA-published study examined whether the COVID-19 vaccine impacts male fertility.

15-Jun-2021 12:25 PM EDT
Depression in Dads of Preemies Deserves More Attention
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

While postpartum depression in new mothers is well recognized and known to increase if the newborn requires intensive care, depression in new fathers has not received much attention. A large study, published in the journal Pediatrics, found that both parents with a baby in the NICU are at risk, with depression symptoms identified in 33 percent of mothers and 17 percent of fathers. Strikingly, the probability of reporting depression symptoms declined significantly for mothers but not for fathers after the baby came home.

Released: 17-Jun-2021 11:00 AM EDT
University of Miami Miller School Study Shows COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Do Not Impact Male Fertility
University of Miami Health System, Miller School of Medicine

The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is safe for male reproduction, according to a new study by University of Miami Miller School of Medicine researchers published in JAMA , the most widely circulated general medical journal in the world.

Released: 16-Jun-2021 1:10 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic Laboratories offers first test to detect recently discovered autoimmune disease associated with testicular cancer
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Laboratories has launched a first-of-its-kind autoimmune test for the Kelch-like protein 11 antibody, or KLHL11, which is used to detect autoimmune disease associated with testicular cancer. The test is available nationally and internationally.

Released: 16-Jun-2021 12:05 PM EDT
Medical Minute: A men’s health checklist for dad on Father’s Day
Penn State Health

Don’t let dad wait for his “check engine” light to come on. This Father’s Day, encourage him to go to the doctor.

Released: 10-Jun-2021 12:00 PM EDT
Study Shows When People with Cerebral Palsy Are Most Likely to Break Bones
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Researchers at Michigan Medicine found people with cerebral palsy have fragile bones that present high fracture risk, but at different times across the lifespan compared to the general population. The results helped them develop new sex-specific critical periods of bone health for this population.

Released: 9-Jun-2021 12:20 PM EDT
Protein in Prostate Cancer may Inhibit Tumor Growth
University of Georgia

Research from the University of Georgia has identified a protein that appears to prevent the cancer from spreading to and colonizing the bone, providing a new target for future therapeutics.

Released: 8-Jun-2021 3:45 PM EDT
Men with sensory loss are more likely to be obese
Anglia Ruskin University

Men who suffer sensory loss, particularly hearing loss, are more likely to be physically inactive and obese than women, according to a new study published in the European Journal of Public Health.

3-Jun-2021 1:00 PM EDT
ASCO 2021: PSMA-Targeted Radioligand Therapy Improves Survival in Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

New data from researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) featured in the 2021 ASCO Annual Meeting press program highlights a promising new treatment option for individuals previously treated for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).

Released: 3-Jun-2021 1:05 PM EDT
Heavy-drinking young adults reduce problematic alcohol use early in pandemic, but young women face increased mental health burden
McMaster University

In a sample of nearly 500 young adults ranging in age from 18 to 25, researchers saw a reduction in problematic drinking and alcohol consequences during the initial phase of the pandemic for both men and women. This is in contrast to many anecdotal reports of increased drinking and increased household spending on alcohol during that time period. Additional findings showed increased rates of depression and anxiety symptoms among young women – increases that were not observed to a significant degree among male participants.

Released: 1-Jun-2021 9:45 AM EDT
New device helps restore penile length and sexual function after prostate cancer surgery
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

A new type of penile traction therapy (PTT) device can increase penile length and preserve erectile function in men who have undergone prostate cancer surgery (prostatectomy), reports a clinical trial in The Journal of Urology®, Official Journal of the American Urological Association (AUA). The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Released: 27-May-2021 2:20 PM EDT
Research investigates how traumatic brain injuries and treatment options differ between men and women
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Researchers from UTHealth and Arizona State University have teamed up on the first study looking at sex-targeted drug delivery for traumatic brain injuries in a five-year, $2.5 million project funded by the National Institutes of Health.

20-May-2021 4:50 PM EDT
Cleveland Clinic Researchers Identify New Drug Target for Treating Aggressive Prostate Cancer
Cleveland Clinic

CLEVELAND: According to new findings published in Science Translational Medicine, Cleveland Clinic researchers have identified a promising drug target for treating and preventing aggressive, drug-resistant prostate cancer. The team, led by Nima Sharifi, M.D., of Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute, demonstrated that inhibiting the protein H6PD led to significantly reduced tumor sizes and improved survival among mouse models with drug-resistant prostate cancer. The H6PD levels also were elevated in biopsied patient tumors, suggesting the protein might be targeted in patients for treatment.

Released: 26-May-2021 10:35 AM EDT
Cleveland's University Hospitals Urology Institute offers alternative prostate cancer biopsy technique
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

University Hospitals offers a new technique called PrecisionPoint Transperineal Access System for obtaining a prostate biopsy. The hospital will also conduct a clinical trial to determine if it offers greater benefits than a traditional biopsy.

Released: 25-May-2021 6:05 PM EDT
Man makes significant lifestyle shifts after suffering stroke
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Lewis Palmer follows up with his UTHealth neurologist regularly to make sure he continues to get stronger and lower his risk of ever having a second stroke.

Released: 25-May-2021 11:55 AM EDT
Decreased testing could lead to surge in sexually transmitted infections
Penn State College of Medicine

Screening and testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) decreased by 63% for men and 59% for women during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by Penn State and Quest Diagnostics researchers.

21-May-2021 4:30 PM EDT
For men, low testosterone means high risk of severe COVID-19
Washington University in St. Louis

A new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that, among men, low testosterone levels in the blood are linked to more severe COVID-19. The study contradicts widespread assumptions that higher testosterone may explain why men, on average, develop more severe COVID-19 than women do.

Released: 20-May-2021 1:30 PM EDT
Why are some Covid-19 vaccines working better for men than women?
Michigan State University

If there’s one take-home message for the general public about the coronavirus vaccines approved in the U.S., it’s that they are remarkably effective. But Michigan State University’s Morteza Mahmoudi is raising awareness about an important subtlety: The vaccines developed by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech appear to work slightly better for men than for women.

Released: 20-May-2021 12:05 PM EDT
Researchers use environmental data to assess prostate cancer diagnosis factors
University of Illinois Chicago

Environmental quality is associated with advanced-stage prostate cancer at diagnosis, according to a new study by University of Illinois Chicago researchers. Prostate cancer is up to 57% heritable, with the remainder attributed to environmental exposures. However, studies on those environmental factors and prostate cancer aggressiveness have previously been limited.

Released: 19-May-2021 2:25 PM EDT
The Medical Minute: Getting to the root cause of hoarseness
Penn State Health

Is that raspy voice a sign of seasonal allergies, or could it be something else? Speech language pathologist Carrie Ruggiero explains the causes of hoarseness – and the health conditions it might be masking.

Released: 19-May-2021 11:55 AM EDT
A complex link between body mass index and Alzheimer’s
Ohio State University

Though obesity in midlife is linked to an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease, new research suggests that a high body mass index later in life doesn’t necessarily translate to greater chances of developing the brain disease.

Released: 18-May-2021 3:35 PM EDT
Colonoscopies should start at age 45, new guidelines say
University of Washington School of Medicine and UW Medicine

Dr. Rachel Issaka, a gastroenterologist and assistant professor with UW Medicine, talks about the significance of the new recommendation and what it may mean for the Black community.

Released: 11-May-2021 8:55 AM EDT
University of Miami Researchers Report COVID-19 Found in Penile Tissue Could Contribute to ED
University of Miami Health System, Miller School of Medicine

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine researchers report the widespread blood vessel dysfunction, or endothelial dysfunction, that results from the COVID-19 infection could contribute to erectile dysfunction, or ED, according to a study published in the World Journal of Men’s Health .

Released: 28-Apr-2021 1:35 PM EDT
Male bladder cancer vulnerability could lead to a new treatment approach
UC Davis Health

UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers found that targeting androgen receptors - a type of protein specific to men - may destroy cancer cells. Focusing on this male protein variant common in malignant bladder tumor cells may serve as a new avenue for treating bladder cancer in men.

Released: 27-Apr-2021 3:45 PM EDT
Men's loneliness linked to an increased risk of cancer
University of Eastern Finland

A recent study by the University of Eastern Finland shows that loneliness among middle-aged men is associated with an increased risk of cancer.

