Feature Channels: Autism

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Released: 18-May-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Do early therapies help very young children with or at high likelihood for autism?

In an analysis of reviews published between 2009 and 2020 that assessed therapeutic or educational interventions for very young children with or at high likelihood for autism, researchers found that certain types of interventions—called naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions, developmental interventions, and behavioral interventions—can provide benefits, but there were significant limitations in the quality of the evidence and many differences in how studies were performed.

Released: 17-May-2022 1:45 PM EDT
Stress could make us more likable, and other Behavioral Science news tips

Here are some of the latest articles added to the Behavioral Science channel on Newswise.

Newswise: Gene Therapy Could Treat Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome, Proof-of-Concept Study Suggests
Released: 10-May-2022 12:30 PM EDT
Gene Therapy Could Treat Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome, Proof-of-Concept Study Suggests
University of North Carolina School of Medicine

University of North Carolina School of Medicine scientists, who report their results in the journal eLife, devised an experimental, gene-therapy-like technique to restore the normal activity of the gene deficient in people with Pitt-Hopkins syndrome.

Released: 2-May-2022 2:35 PM EDT
Does autism begin in the womb?
Kobe University

An international research group led by Professor Toru Takumi (Senior Visiting Scientist, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research) and Researcher Chia-wen Lin at Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine has shown that idiopathic autism*1 is caused by epigenetic*2 abnormalities in hematopoietic cells during fetal development, which results in immune dysregulation in the brain and gut.

Newswise: Gene Therapy Reverses Effects of Autism-Linked Mutation in Brain Organoids
Released: 2-May-2022 12:45 PM EDT
Gene Therapy Reverses Effects of Autism-Linked Mutation in Brain Organoids
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego scientists use lab-grown human brain tissue to identify neural abnormalities in Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome and show gene therapy tools can rescue neural structure and function.

Released: 29-Apr-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Autism, ADHD and school absence are risk factors for self-harm, according to new study
King's College London

Research led by King’s College London and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust has analysed factors associated with self-harm in over 111,000 adolescents aged 11-17 years old.

Released: 27-Apr-2022 3:05 PM EDT
Almost 90% of autistic women report experiencing sexual violence, often on multiple occasions

As many as nine out of 10 autistic women in France report have suffered sexual violence, shows a new study in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.

Released: 26-Apr-2022 8:05 AM EDT
Study suggests early self-awareness of autism leads to better quality of life
University of Portsmouth

People who learn they are autistic when they are younger may have a heightened quality of life and sense of well-being in adulthood.

Newswise: Finally, A Comprehensive Growth Chart for the Human Brain
Released: 20-Apr-2022 8:05 AM EDT
Finally, A Comprehensive Growth Chart for the Human Brain
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles researcher Matthew Borzage, PhD, was part of an international project showing how the brain grows—and shrinks—over a lifetime. The growth charts will provide scientists with an invaluable benchmark for future brain development studies.

Released: 18-Apr-2022 9:45 AM EDT
Report: Autistic children at the intersection of race and poverty experience compounding health risks
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

A report from the Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P), a multi-site collaboration housed within UCLA Health’s Department of Medicine, highlights the intersection of autism, poverty and race/ethnicity and their compounding impact on health and health care.

Newswise: A 'Social' Gene in Fish Could Contain New Clues to Autism
Released: 13-Apr-2022 3:15 PM EDT
A 'Social' Gene in Fish Could Contain New Clues to Autism
University of Oregon

Zebrafish are social creatures. When they see another member of their species, they’ll orient towards them and swim closer, much like a human at a cocktail party turning to face someone who’s telling a joke over a plate of hors d’oeuvres. A mutation in a gene called EGR1 snuffs out this social behavior in zebrafish, researchers in the University of Oregon's Institute of Neuroscience show in a new study. And it disrupts dopamine signaling from certain neurons in the brain, which can affect mood and social behavior.

Newswise: Resource Kits Raise Awareness of High Risk of Drowning for Children with Autism
Released: 12-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Resource Kits Raise Awareness of High Risk of Drowning for Children with Autism
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are 160 times more likely to die from drowning than the general pediatric population, according to research published in the December 2017 issue of Injury Epidemiology. That is why Heather McCrackin, RN, a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student at Cizik School of Nursing at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston), is launching an Autism Drowning Prevention Resource Kit.

Released: 11-Apr-2022 2:05 PM EDT
ACSM Releases Call to Action During National Autism Awareness Month
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

(INDIANAPOLIS) — Autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, is the world’s fastest-growing developmental disability, affecting 1 in 44 children in the United States alone. Fortunately, exercise provides many benefits for those with autism, including improvements to quality of life and management of stereotypical behaviors like verbal repetition and hand-flapping.

Released: 5-Apr-2022 3:55 PM EDT
The latest news on clinical trials is here on Newswise

Here are some of the latest articles that have been added to the Clinical Trials channel on Newswise.

25-Mar-2022 9:00 AM EDT
Autism-Associated Brain Differences Can Be Observed in the Womb
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

A new study using prenatal brain scans revealed significant differences in brain structures at around 25 weeks’ gestation between children who were later diagnosed with ASD and those who were not. The study adds to mounting evidence that autism begins in early development and suggests possible opportunities to identify the disorder at an earlier age.

Released: 30-Mar-2022 2:50 PM EDT
Media Advisory: A Call to Action for April’s National Autism Awareness Month
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Opportunity to write on this important topic and feature subject matter experts on exercise and autism during April's awareness month.

Released: 29-Mar-2022 3:35 PM EDT
$4 million research program seeks therapy for rare genetic condition ADNP syndrome
UC Davis MIND Institute

The UC Davis MIND Institute is launching a $4 million research program aimed at finding transformative therapies for ADNP syndrome, a rare genetic condition. A group of interdisciplinary researchers will evaluate multiple gene therapies for possible use.

Released: 25-Mar-2022 9:30 AM EDT
Experimental Biology 2022 Press Materials Available Now
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

Embargoed press materials are now available for the Experimental Biology (EB) 2022 meeting, featuring cutting-edge research from across the life sciences. EB 2022, to be held April 2–5 in Philadelphia, is the annual meeting of five scientific societies bringing together thousands of scientists and 25 guest societies in one interdisciplinary community.

Newswise: Scientists Identify Overgrowth of Key Brain Structure in Babies Who Later Develop Autism
24-Mar-2022 2:40 PM EDT
Scientists Identify Overgrowth of Key Brain Structure in Babies Who Later Develop Autism
University of North Carolina School of Medicine

Scientists have known the amygdala is abnormally large in school-age children with autism, but now, for the first time, researchers from the Infant Brain Imaging Study (IBIS) Network, used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to demonstrate that the amygdala grows too rapidly in infancy.

Released: 18-Mar-2022 12:30 PM EDT
Rutgers Microbiologists’ Research Subject of Feature-Length Documentary
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

“The Invisible Extinction” chronicles the pioneering work of globetrotting microbiome researchers Martin Blaser and Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello

Released: 15-Mar-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Autistic defendants are being failed by the criminal justice system
University of Cambridge

The criminal justice system (CJS) is failing autistic people, argue researchers at the Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge, after a survey of lawyers found that an overwhelming majority of their clients were not provided with adequate support or adjustments.

Released: 14-Mar-2022 7:05 AM EDT
American Neurological Association Announces Key Plenaries for 147th Annual Meeting October 22–25, 2022, in Chicago
American Neurological Association (ANA)

The 147th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association (taking place in-person October 22–25, 2022 in Chicago) will explore new frontiers in neurology, including climate change and the brain, lab-grown brain structures for studying disease, and addressing disparities in neurologic care.

Newswise: Haider’s Window System Allows for Long-Term Studies of Brain Activity
Released: 11-Mar-2022 3:55 PM EST
Haider’s Window System Allows for Long-Term Studies of Brain Activity
Georgia Institute of Technology

Bilal Haider is studying how multiple areas of the brain work together for visual perception. This could help researchers understand if neural activity “traffic jams” underlie all kinds of visual impairments: from running a red light when visual attention is elsewhere, to shedding light on the autism-affected brain.

Newswise: Study hints at how early life experiences may affect brain wiring
9-Mar-2022 2:00 PM EST
Study hints at how early life experiences may affect brain wiring
Ohio State University

A new study of brain development in mice shortly after birth may provide insights into how early life events can affect wiring patterns in the brain that manifest as disease later in life – specifically such disorders as schizophrenia, epilepsy and autism.

Released: 3-Mar-2022 4:40 PM EST
UC Davis MIND Institute program trains future leaders in care of autism, ADHD, fragile X and more
UC Davis MIND Institute

The UC Davis MIND Institute’s Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities program is recruiting. Self-advocates, family members, researchers and clinicians who are passionate about improving the lives of people with autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities are invited to apply.

Released: 3-Mar-2022 1:20 PM EST
New partnerships will engage community in developmental disability research
UC Davis MIND Institute

The UC Davis MIND Institute has received funding from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute to create community partnerships to increase equity in research. The goal is to create a network that includes individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities from diverse communities.

Newswise: Research in Brief: Science One Step Closer to
Released: 22-Feb-2022 2:35 PM EST
Research in Brief: Science One Step Closer to "Turning Off" Seizures, Sleep Disturbances Linked to Intellectual Disability
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)

UNLV-led research team identifies key brain protein to target for new customized drug therapies treating adverse symptoms of developmental disorder subtypes.

Newswise: Parent attitudes about using CBD in children
16-Feb-2022 8:45 AM EST
Parent attitudes about using CBD in children
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

National poll gets parent perspectives on using CBD in children.

Released: 15-Feb-2022 8:05 PM EST
Placenta may hold clues for early autism diagnosis and intervention
UC Davis MIND Institute

Researchers at the UC Davis MIND Institute have identified a gene linked to fetal brain development and autism. Their work shows that the gene is influenced by the mother’s early prenatal vitamins use and placental oxygen levels.

Released: 15-Feb-2022 5:05 PM EST
Study reveals high rate of possible undiagnosed autism in people who died by suicide
University of Nottingham

A new study has revealed that a significant number of people who died by suicide were likely autistic, but undiagnosed, highlighting the urgent need for earlier diagnosis and tailored support for suicide prevention.

Released: 10-Feb-2022 1:30 PM EST
Amygdala changes in autistic individuals linked to anxiety
UC Davis MIND Institute

A long-term study by UC Davis MIND Institute researchers finds significant changes in brain development linked to anxiety in autistic children. The study, which included brain scans and interviews, also provides new evidence that supports forms of anxiety specific to autism.

Released: 10-Feb-2022 2:05 AM EST
A routine prenatal ultrasound can identify early signs of autism
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

A routine prenatal ultrasound in the second trimester can identify early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a new study by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Soroka Medical Center has found.

Released: 27-Jan-2022 11:35 AM EST
CHOP Researchers Develop New Method for Measuring Movement Behavior in Children with Autism
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers have developed a new method of measuring motor imitation, adding to a growing set of computational behavior analysis tools that can detect and characterize motor differences in children with autism.

Newswise:Video Embedded university-of-kentucky-s-leadership-education-in-neurodevelopmental-disabilities-lend-program-improving-the-lives-of-children-with-disabilities
Released: 27-Jan-2022 7:05 AM EST
University of Kentucky's Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Program Improving the Lives of Children With Disabilities
University of Kentucky

A new University of Kentucky Human Development Institute (HDI) program is helping to meet that need by equipping health and education professionals with the specialized skills and knowledge needed to effectively care for children with developmental disabilities.

Released: 26-Jan-2022 1:45 PM EST
The latest news in Behavioral Science for media

Here are some of the latest articles we've posted in the Behavioral Science channel.

Released: 24-Jan-2022 3:40 PM EST
The Latest Research News from the Health Disparities Channel

The latest research news from the Health Disparities Channel.

Newswise: MIND Institute program gives undergraduates research experience in autism, mental health
Released: 19-Jan-2022 2:55 PM EST
MIND Institute program gives undergraduates research experience in autism, mental health
UC Davis MIND Institute

The MIND Institute’s RISE-UP program is recruiting undergraduate students for its summer program. The unique opportunity is focused on students interested in serving historically underserved communities. They’ll learn more about research, clinical care, community support, neurodevelopmental disabilities and social justice.

Newswise: Single Mother Who Left College to Care for Autistic Son Earns Bachelor’s Degree 15 Years Later
Released: 4-Jan-2022 4:05 PM EST
Single Mother Who Left College to Care for Autistic Son Earns Bachelor’s Degree 15 Years Later
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

In 2006, Veronica Tess Myers, of Little Rock, made the difficult decision to leave college to ensure her son, Alexander, got the education he deserved. Myers promised herself that she would one day return to complete her college education. “I started my college journey at UA Little Rock in 2000, and then stopped out in 2006 due to the dynamics of being a single mother and to take care of my profoundly autistic son, Alexander,” Myers said.

Released: 4-Jan-2022 8:05 AM EST
CHLA Launches First-Ever Autism-Genomics Clinic
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Professor, Medical Genetics and Associate Director of Clinical Research, TSRI Dr. Bridget Fernandez, MD, MS, is launching CHLA’s first-ever Autism Genomics Clinic, which will provide medical genetics consultations for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental disorders. The clinic will also play a role in her research program, which aims to better understand the genomic underpinnings of ASD.

Newswise: When Mom Talks, Are Infants with ASD Listening?
Released: 3-Jan-2022 1:05 PM EST
When Mom Talks, Are Infants with ASD Listening?
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at UC San Diego School of Medicine pinpoint the regions of the brain and neural mechanisms responsible for normal or impaired development of a child’s response to baby talk and why infants with autism do not typically respond well.

Released: 23-Dec-2021 11:45 AM EST
Cochlear Implant in Deaf Children with Autism Can Improve Language Skills and Social Engagement
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

Restoring hearing through cochlear implantation for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can help them understand spoken language and enhance social interactions, according to a study from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. The study reported long-term outcomes of the largest number of children with ASD who received a cochlear implant, with mean follow-up of 10.5 years.

Released: 20-Dec-2021 9:40 AM EST
Researchers find oxytocin could be a potential treatment for some forms of autism
McMaster University

Oxytocin may be an effective treatment for some forms of autism, say McMaster researchers who have shown that in mice the hormone can correct patterns of brain activity associated with reduced social interest.

Released: 16-Dec-2021 9:45 AM EST
Study Finds Few Pediatric Providers Discuss Transportation With Their Autistic Patients
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

A new study found that only 8% of pediatric healthcare and behavioral service providers feel prepared to assess whether their autistic patients are ready to drive. These findings suggest a critical need to develop resources that prepare providers and others who work with autistic youth to effectively facilitate independence and mobility as their patients become adults.

Released: 7-Dec-2021 1:10 PM EST
Seizures and memory problems in epilepsy may have a common cause
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Damage to a part of the brain that regulates hyperactivity can contribute to both memory problems and seizures in the most common form of epilepsy, according to research at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The study, published recently in the Journal of Neuroscience, may lead to earlier diagnosis of epilepsy and possibly new ways to treat epilepsy and other disorders that share symptoms, like Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injury and autism spectrum disorder.

Released: 2-Dec-2021 2:15 PM EST
Data Shows Increase in Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (VKC) researchers, as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) network, report an increase in the number of children in Tennessee with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Released: 2-Dec-2021 1:35 PM EST
Maryland Autism Rates Among 8-Year-Olds Up 6.5 Percent in New CDC Report
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

New CDC data, collected by researchers at the Wendy Klag Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities at the Bloomberg School, finds an increase in autism prevalence in five Maryland counties based in 2018 data.

2-Dec-2021 11:30 AM EST
U.S. Autism Rate is One in 44, New Jersey Rate is One in 35 Among 8-Year-Old Children
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

The autism rate among 8-year-old children in the United States is one in 44 and one in 35 in New Jersey, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that included researchers at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.

1-Dec-2021 8:05 AM EST
Autism in Utah 8-Year-Olds Far More Prevalent than Previously Reported
University of Utah Health

Autism prevalence among 8-year-old Utah children has risen by nearly 30% in less than a decade, according to a study of 11 communities nationwide, including Salt Lake City and surrounding counties, led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Released: 29-Nov-2021 4:05 PM EST
Scientists Discover Biological Mechanisms Caused by Deficits in High-risk Autism Gene
University of North Carolina School of Medicine

Scientists demonstrated that rare variants in the ANK2 gene, consistently found in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), can alter architecture and organization of neurons, potentially contributing to autism
