Latest News from: American Academy of Dermatology

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Released: 12-Apr-2024 10:30 AM EDT
American Academy of Dermatology Association Statement on Reports on Counterfeit Injectables
American Academy of Dermatology

ROSEMONT, Ill. (Apr. 11, 2024) — The American Academy of Dermatology Association is alarmed by reports of patients suffering from illnesses resembling botulism after undergoing procedures that use possible counterfeit botulinum toxin, also known as botox. The concerning rise in counterfeit injectables poses a grave threat to patient safety, potentially resulting in severe complications such as visual impairment, blindness, infection or even stroke.

Released: 9-Apr-2024 12:05 PM EDT
7 Rosacea Skin Care Tips
American Academy of Dermatology

Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects at least 14 million U.S. adults and commonly appears as a tendency to blush or flush more easily than others. While treatable, symptoms, such as skin thickening and eye problems, can often be uncomfortable and affect people’s quality of life.

Released: 14-Mar-2024 11:30 AM EDT
How to check for bedbugs
American Academy of Dermatology

Bedbugs can make you itch just by thinking about them. These tiny, reddish-brown insects that feed on blood are notorious for infiltrating hotel rooms and luggage, hitchhiking their way back to a new home virtually undetected.

Released: 23-Jan-2024 10:00 AM EST
Signs your rash needs medical attention
American Academy of Dermatology

Rashes take many forms, may spread across the body, and affect people of all ages. To the untrained eye, rashes may look alike, and while some are treatable with over-the-counter medications, other rashes can be a sign of a more serious condition.

Released: 9-Jan-2024 10:45 AM EST
Start the new year off with a fresh start (and skin)
American Academy of Dermatology

With a rise in both public accessibility and visibility, cosmetic treatments are more popular than ever. Whether your New Year’s resolution is to improve your health or to look and feel your best, the most important thing to remember is that your results depend largely on the skills and knowledge of the person performing your treatment.

Released: 12-Dec-2023 12:45 PM EST
How to treat dandruff
American Academy of Dermatology

Dandruff, a common scalp condition, affects people of all ages, especially in the cold winter months. If you notice small pieces of dry skin flaking from your scalp or persistent itching, it may be time to seek treatment options.

Released: 6-Dec-2023 11:45 AM EST
How to prevent keloid scars
American Academy of Dermatology

Keloids are a type of raised scar that can occur after an injury, and over time they can grow much larger than the wound itself. Although keloids are not dangerous to a person’s health, they can be painful and itchy, impact a person’s self-esteem and restrict movement in that area of the body.

Released: 1-Nov-2023 10:30 AM EDT
Five unsafe skin care trends to avoid
American Academy of Dermatology

Social media platforms are rife with skin care advice from a variety of sources, which can make it difficult to know how to approach the recommendations you find online. In recognition of National Healthy Skin Month this November, board-certified dermatologists are spotlighting unsafe skin care trends that they see on social media and elsewhere to help you keep your skin looking its best.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-to-treat-a-deep-painful-pimple-at-home
Released: 18-Oct-2023 11:05 AM EDT
How to treat a deep, painful pimple at home
American Academy of Dermatology

Acne can be bothersome, especially when you have a deep, painful pimple, which is caused by nodular or cystic acne. Unlike other forms of acne, such as whiteheads or blackheads, acne nodules and cysts develop deep under your skin.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-to-care-for-a-new-piercing
Released: 20-Sep-2023 11:15 AM EDT
How to care for a new piercing
American Academy of Dermatology

Piercings can be a fun way for people to enhance their personal style. While people may get piercings on different parts of the body, some piercings, like earlobe piercings, are more common and can be less risky. However, all body piercings can cause complications if not cared for safely.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-to-make-melasma-less-noticeable
Released: 12-Sep-2023 11:45 AM EDT
How to make melasma less noticeable
American Academy of Dermatology

Melasma is a skin condition that causes patches or freckle-like spots on the face that are darker than a person’s natural skin color. Melasma has many causes, including sun exposure, pregnancy, stress, a medical condition, or taking certain medications, such as oral contraceptive pills.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-to-care-for-an-injured-nail
Released: 25-Jul-2023 9:55 AM EDT
How to care for an injured nail
American Academy of Dermatology

It’s easy to injure a nail by slamming a finger in a car door, wearing the wrong shoes, or getting a sports injury. While these common accidents can happen throughout our life, a board-certified dermatologist from the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) is providing tips to help you treat an injured nail at home, so you’re prepared if it happens.

Released: 27-Jun-2023 10:55 AM EDT
American Academy of Dermatology urges Americans to use sun protection ahead of July 4th weekend
American Academy of Dermatology

The July 4th weekend is a time when many Americans will celebrate outdoors at parades, pools and cookouts, but without proper sun protection, they put themselves and their children at risk of getting sunburned, which increases the chances of developing skin cancer. A recent American Academy of Dermatology survey of more than 1,000 U.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-to-care-for-skin-with-vitiligo
Released: 13-Jun-2023 10:55 AM EDT
How to care for skin with vitiligo
American Academy of Dermatology

Vitiligo is a disease that causes the skin to lose its natural color, resulting in light or white patches of skin. This condition, which affects people of all ages and ethnicities, not only affects patients’ skin, but also can cause low self-esteem and depression, and be associated with other medical conditions.

Released: 31-May-2023 10:25 AM EDT
How to examine your skin for skin cancer
American Academy of Dermatology

Last year, 69-year-old Isabel Lievano's board-certified dermatologist diagnosed the persistent black spot under her nail as melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Though she lost her nail, she was thrilled that her dermatologist was able to save her finger and her life. Today, Isabel is a strong advocate for skin self-exams.

Released: 23-May-2023 10:20 AM EDT
American Academy of Dermatology survey shows sun protection during common outdoor activities lacking
American Academy of Dermatology

Andy Jacobs spent a lot of time playing outdoor sports during his childhood, but infrequently used sun protection. Yet it came as a shock to Jacobs when his dermatologist diagnosed a spot on his knee as melanoma 10 years ago, and a second spot on his right ear as melanoma five years later. “When I was a kid, I threw caution to the wind when I was outside,” Jacobs said.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-to-relieve-itchy-psoriasis
Released: 23-Mar-2023 12:35 PM EDT
How to relieve itchy psoriasis
American Academy of Dermatology

Skin issues can have a serious impact on your health and well-being. For the 7.5 million Americans1 living with psoriasis, itch can be the most bothersome part of their condition because it can make it difficult to sleep and hard to concentrate, as well as affect other aspects of their quality of life.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-to-get-the-best-results-from-fillers
Released: 16-Feb-2023 10:05 AM EST
How to get the best results from fillers
American Academy of Dermatology

When we’re young, our skin is soft, supple, and well hydrated, but as we age, our skin slowly loses its youthful characteristics, which can leave some people looking for a way to regain their younger-looking skin. If you’re interested in adding more fullness to your skin, then fillers may be for you.

Released: 31-Jan-2023 2:25 PM EST
Cold weather and your skin
American Academy of Dermatology

ROSEMONT, Ill. (January 31, 2023) — Cold winter weather can wreak havoc on our bodies. Due to the drop in temperature and lack of humidity, our skin can have a difficult time retaining moisture, leading to itchy, dry skin and cracked lips. A board-certified dermatologist shares essential tips to help keep your skin moisturized and healthy during the colder months.

Released: 6-Dec-2022 10:05 AM EST
How to treat minor burns and cuts
American Academy of Dermatology

With the holidays upon us, kitchen accidents can become more common as we cook meals for large gatherings of friends and family. In preparation for the holiday season, a board-certified dermatologist from the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) is sharing tips on how to treat minor burns and cuts and apply proper wound care.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-to-treat-acne
Released: 17-Nov-2022 10:00 AM EST
How to treat acne
American Academy of Dermatology

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually. As your body’s largest organ, it’s important to take good care of your skin. In recognition of National Healthy Skin Month in November, a board-certified dermatologist from the American Academy of Dermatology offers tips to help treat acne.

Released: 2-Nov-2022 10:50 AM EDT
Diabetes and Your Skin
American Academy of Dermatology

Your skin is a window to your overall health, and what happens on your skin is often an indicator of what’s happening inside your body.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-to-treat-eczema-at-home
Released: 27-Oct-2022 1:30 PM EDT
How to Treat Eczema at Home
American Academy of Dermatology

ROSEMONT, Ill. (October 27, 2022) — Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a common skin condition affecting 1 in 10 Americans. Patients with eczema often experience itchy, dry, raw, and sensitive patches of skin, which greatly impacts their quality of life. As we wrap up Eczema Awareness Month, board-certified dermatologists provide easy steps you can take at home to ease your symptoms.

Released: 25-Oct-2022 10:30 AM EDT
National Healthy Skin Month: Dermatologists Provide Tips on Caring for Your Skin, Hair, and Nails
American Academy of Dermatology

In recognition of National Healthy Skin Month in November, board-certified dermatologists are providing their top tips for caring for your skin, hair, and nails.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-to-prevent-razor-bumps
Released: 4-Oct-2022 12:05 PM EDT
How to Prevent Razor Bumps
American Academy of Dermatology

ROSEMONT, Ill. (October 4, 2022) — There are many ways to get rid of unwanted facial and body hair, but shaving with a razor is one of the most common and inexpensive methods. Unfortunately, using a razor sometimes can lead to razor bumps, also called shaving bumps. Board-certified dermatologists share simple tips that can help treat this skin condition.

Newswise:Video Embedded 4-cradle-cap-tips-from-dermatologists
Released: 18-Aug-2022 12:35 PM EDT
4 Cradle Cap Tips From Dermatologists
American Academy of Dermatology

Bringing home a new baby is a joyous time for any parent. For first time parents, bringing home a new baby can unlock a wide range of emotions—from excitement to nervousness. As you adjust to parenthood, you’ll notice that your baby has the softest skin, however, you may notice scaly, greasy patches develop on their scalp.

Released: 21-Jul-2022 3:20 PM EDT
Finding the Right Treatments for Genetic Hair Loss
American Academy of Dermatology

Hereditary hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia or pattern hair loss, is the most common form of hair loss in both men and women, affecting millions of people worldwide.

Released: 21-Jul-2022 3:20 PM EDT
Feeling Stressed? It Can Show in Your Skin, Hair and Nails
American Academy of Dermatology

Stress is a part of life. Whether your stressors are small or large, they can impact both your mental and physical well-being.

Newswise:Video Embedded 6-curly-hair-tips-from-dermatologists
Released: 30-Jun-2022 12:05 PM EDT
6 Curly Hair Tips From Dermatologists
American Academy of Dermatology

As people shed their winter hats in favor of warmer temperatures, letting their hair flow freely, having the right hair care routine is important. According to dermatologists from the American Academy of Dermatology, people with curly or tightly coiled hair are more prone to breakage and dryness than other hair types.

Released: 28-Jun-2022 10:00 AM EDT
American Academy of Dermatology Survey Shows Gen Z Sun Protection, Tanning Knowledge Lacking
American Academy of Dermatology

A recent American Academy of Dermatology survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults revealed that many Generation Z adults, ages 18-25, are not aware of the dangers of overexposure to the sun and are not protecting themselves from it. Ahead of the Fourth of July weekend, the AAD is setting the record straight about common misconceptions about tanning and encouraging everyone to practice safe sun to decrease their risk for skin cancer and premature aging skin.

Released: 31-May-2022 1:15 PM EDT
6 Skin Biopsy Wound Care Tips From Dermatologists
American Academy of Dermatology

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. It is estimated that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. As Skin Cancer Awareness Month continues, it’s important to check your skin regularly, and if you notice a spot on your skin that is different from others or that changes, itches, or bleeds, make an appointment to see a board-certified dermatologist.
