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Released: 25-Sep-2024 6:00 AM EDT
Enfermedad Arterial PeriféRica: Dolor Y Calambres en Las Piernas Y Heridas Persistentes en Los Pies Se Encuentran Entre Los SíNtomas
Mayo Clinic

Dolor y calambres en las piernas no siempre son un problema ortopédico: Ambos pueden ser signos de la enfermedad arterial periférica, o EAP, un problema grave del flujo sanguíneo con implicaciones para el corazón. En este alerta del experto, la Dra. Young Erben, cirujana vascular en Mayo Clinic en Jacksonville, Florida, explica cómo se trata la forma más común de EAP, EAP que afecta las piernas y los pies. Las opciones incluyen una técnica quirúrgica del pasado que los cirujanos de Mayo están resucitando y refinando para ofrecer nuevas esperanzas a los pacientes con EAP avanzada.

Newswise: Revolutionizing Industrial Scale Lactoferrin Production with Synthetic Biological Systems
Released: 25-Sep-2024 5:05 AM EDT
Revolutionizing Industrial Scale Lactoferrin Production with Synthetic Biological Systems
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein and is involved in important physiological processes. It is derived from milk and mucosal secretions. However, the separation and purification of a large amount of biologically active LF is very difficult. Therefore, technologies for synthetically manufacturing LF are urgently needed. In this review, researchers summarized the design and construction of high-expression LF synthetic biological systems. These systems are efficient and can maximize the LF production at large-scale industrial levels.

Newswise: Researchers Harness AI to Repurpose Existing Drugs for Treatment of Rare Diseases
24-Sep-2024 9:45 AM EDT
Researchers Harness AI to Repurpose Existing Drugs for Treatment of Rare Diseases
Harvard Medical School

New AI model identifies possible therapies from existing medicines for thousands of diseases, including rare ones with no current treatments. The AI tool generates new insights on its own, applies them to conditions it was not trained for, and offers explanations for its predictions.

Newswise: Inexpensive Drug Can Prevent Cerebral Palsy in Premature Babies
Released: 25-Sep-2024 4:05 AM EDT
Inexpensive Drug Can Prevent Cerebral Palsy in Premature Babies
University of Bristol

Giving women at risk of premature birth a simple magnesium sulphate infusion (or ‘drip’) can prevent their babies from developing cerebral palsy, a recent Cochrane review has confirmed. The drug itself costs approximately £5 (~$6.50) per dose in England, and requires hospital admission with experienced staff to administer the drug safely to the mother.

Released: 25-Sep-2024 2:00 AM EDT
تشمل أعراض مرض الشرايين المحيطية ما يلي: ألم الساق، وتشنجات الساق، وجروح مستمرة بالقدم
Mayo Clinic

جاكسونفيل، فلوريدا - لا تمثل آلام وتشنجات الساق مشكلات عظمية دائمًا، فربما تكون علامات لمرض الشرايين المحيطية أو (مرض الشرايين الطرفية) وهو مشكلة خطيرة في تدفق الدم ذات تبِعات متعلقة بالقلب. وعبر هذا البيان شرحت الطبيبة يونج إربن،أحد جراحي الأوعية الدموية في مايو كلينيك في جاكسونفيل، بولاية فلوريدا كيفية علاج النوع الأكثر انتشارًا ألا وهو مرض الشرايين المحيطية الذي يؤثر في الساقين والقدمين. وتتضمن الخيارات تقنية جراحية قديمة يجري تطويرها وتحسينها من قِبَل جراحي مايو كلينيك وذلك من أجل إعطاء أمل للمرضى في المرحلة المتقدمة من مرض الشرايين المحيطية.

Newswise: Hierarchical Carbon Nanotube-Decorated Polyacrylonitrile Smart Textiles for Wearable Biomonitoring
Released: 25-Sep-2024 12:05 AM EDT
Hierarchical Carbon Nanotube-Decorated Polyacrylonitrile Smart Textiles for Wearable Biomonitoring
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Independent of the temperature and humidity carried by the airflow, portable respiratory sensors are capable of continuously detecting respiratory intensity and frequency. Respiratory monitoring assesses physiological status and potential disease, preventing the escalation of adverse health conditions through early detection of recurrent wheezing, sleep apnoea and diabetes-induced kussmaul breathing.

Released: 24-Sep-2024 5:05 PM EDT
Dr. Roger Lo Awarded NIH Grant to Tackle Melanoma Treatment Resistance
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

UCLA's Dr. Roger Lo was awarded a $2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to investigate innovative strategies to prevent drug resistance in melanoma treatment and improve the effectiveness of MAPK inhibitors, a common treatment for patients with melanomas that carry the BRAFV600 mutation.

Newswise: Obesity in Mums Doubles the Risk of Autism in Babies
Released: 24-Sep-2024 4:30 PM EDT
Obesity in Mums Doubles the Risk of Autism in Babies
University of South Australia

Children born to mothers with obesity both before and during pregnancy have an increased risk of neuropsychiatric and behavioural conditions, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to new research from the University of South Australia.

Released: 24-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Could GLP1RA Drugs Lower High Iron Levels?
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

GLP1RA agonists have been increasing in popularity for treating obesity and type 2 diabetes. With this novel treatment proving to be very effective, researchers are curious to know more about what other potential treatments it could also hold.

Newswise: Clinical Trial Results Show Low-Intensity Therapy Can Achieve Positive Outcomes for Certain Pediatric Leukemia Subtypes
Released: 24-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Clinical Trial Results Show Low-Intensity Therapy Can Achieve Positive Outcomes for Certain Pediatric Leukemia Subtypes
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Using genomics and early treatment response to guide risk-stratification and low-intensity therapy use for ETV6::RUNX1 and high-hyperdiploid B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia benefits patients.

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Released: 24-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
The Trillion-Dollar Quest For Healthier Aging: How Hevolution Foundation Is Reshaping Longevity Research
Hevolution Foundation

In a world where global life expectancy is forecasted to increase from 73.6 years in 2022 to 78.1 years by 2050, the focus is shifting from merely extending lifespan to enhancing healthspan – the number of years lived in good health. At the forefront of this paradigm shift is Hevolution Foundation, a non-profit organization based out of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - with an unprecedented commitment of up to $1 billion annually to revolutionize the field of aging research.

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Released: 24-Sep-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Estrogen: Women’s Secret Recipe To Longevity
Hevolution Foundation

Longevity research is focussed on extending our time in good health, with the goal of increasing healthspan—the years spent in optimal well-being—rather than simply adding more years to life.

Newswise: Specially Designed Video Games May Benefit Mental Health of Children and Teenagers
Released: 24-Sep-2024 2:00 PM EDT
Specially Designed Video Games May Benefit Mental Health of Children and Teenagers
Johns Hopkins Medicine

In a review of previous studies, a Johns Hopkins Children’s Center team concludes that some video games created as mental health interventions can be helpful – if modest – tools in improving the mental well-being of children and teens with anxiety, depression and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Newswise: “We Can Reverse Latino HIV Crisis,” Guilamo-Ramos
Released: 24-Sep-2024 1:05 PM EDT
“We Can Reverse Latino HIV Crisis,” Guilamo-Ramos
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

Prof. Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, PhD RN Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Solutions (IPS) at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, joined a diverse group of leaders at the White House today to shine the spotlight on the largely invisible HIV crisis in the Latino community.

Released: 24-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Is Comprehensive Genetic Testing Worth It for Patients with Cancer?
Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital

Comprehensive gene panel testing, one of the exciting new tools in cancer diagnostics, warrants greater scrutiny — as does a federal program aimed at speeding up the review process for proposed new medical technologies. Those are conclusions of Yale medical experts who studied both and published a report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute on Sept.

Newswise:Video Embedded case-closed-neutrons-settle-40-year-debate-on-enzyme-for-drug-design
Released: 24-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Case Closed: Neutrons Settle 40-Year Debate on Enzyme for Drug Design
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Scientists at ORNL used neutrons to end a decades-long debate about an enzyme cancer uses. Their findings can support the design of an inhibitor that can target aggressive cancers.

Released: 24-Sep-2024 11:45 AM EDT
Stop Itchy Skin in Its Tracks
American Academy of Dermatology

Itchy skin can be irritating, especially an itch that doesn’t go away. There are many potential causes for itchy skin like common skin conditions such as eczema, shingles, hives, psoriasis, or bug bites, or it could be a sign of a contagious disease, like scabies or ringworm. While these causes could mean a visit to a board-certified dermatologist, there are options for self-care at home to provide itch relief.

Released: 24-Sep-2024 11:30 AM EDT
Bone Health Matters: Essential Tips for Women in Menopause
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

Strong bones and joints are essential for overall quality of life. They enable us to perform daily tasks, participate in activities we enjoy and maintain independence as we age. For women going through menopause, preserving bone and joint health is particularly important, as the risk of osteoporosis and fractures increases significantly during this time.

Released: 24-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Children's Hospital Los Angeles Cardiologist Honored by World Children’s Transplant Fund
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles cardiologist Jondavid Menteer, MD, was honored with the World Children’s Transplant Fund “WCTF for the Children Award.” The prestigious award recognized Dr. Menteer for 20 years of dedication and leadership in pediatric heart transplant at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, which is home to the largest heart center for children in the Western U.S.
