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Released: 22-Oct-2020 11:55 AM EDT
A video posted by a European-based group called World Doctors Alliance falsely claims the novel coronavirus is “a normal flu virus”

A video posted by a European-based group called World Doctors Alliance claims the novel coronavirus is “a normal flu virus” and there is no COVID-19 pandemic. Although the video was removed from Youtube, portions of the video are circulating on Facebook. We rate this claim as false. Scientists universally agree that the cuase of this pandemic is a novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, and not a strain of influenza. COVID-19 is deadlier than the seasonal flu. COVID-19 so far has killed more people in the U.S. than the past five flu seasons combined.

Released: 26-Aug-2020 11:55 AM EDT
When two tribes go to war -- how tribalism polarized the Brexit social media debate
University of Bath

Tribal behaviour on social media widened the gulf between Remain and Leave voters in the United Kingdom's debate whether to leave the European Union, re-aligned the UK's political landscape, and made people increasingly susceptible to disinformation campaigns, new research from the University of Bath shows.

Released: 3-Aug-2020 8:35 AM EDT
Evaluating the effectiveness of travel bans
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

A new study sheds light on how COVID-19 spreads regionally and between countries, as well as on how effective governmental measures to curb the spread of the pandemic have been to date.

Released: 23-Jul-2020 8:05 AM EDT
Key Immune System Genes Identified to Explain High COVID Deaths and Spread in Northern Italy Versus Fewer Cases and Deaths in the South
Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO)

Not long after the Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) outbreak in China, Italy was hard-hit by the infection and rapidly became one of the countries with the highest mortality rate.

14-Jul-2020 10:35 AM EDT
Online archive explores non-European contributions to Victorian exploration
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has launched a new digital humanities site to provide access to long-neglected materials relating to people like Jacob Wainwright, a member of the Yao ethnic group in east Africa, who worked with famed explorer David Livingstone.

Released: 10-Jul-2020 12:25 PM EDT
New evidence of long-term volcanic, seismic risks in northern Europe
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

An ancient European volcanic region may pose both a greater long-term volcanic risk and seismic risk to northwestern Europe than scientists had realized, geophysicists report in a study in the Geophysical Journal International.

Released: 3-Jul-2020 10:25 AM EDT
Lack of lockdown increased COVID-19 deaths in Sweden
University of Virginia Health System

Sweden’s controversial decision not to lock down during COVID-19 produced more deaths and greater healthcare demand than seen in countries with earlier, more stringent interventions, a new analysis finds.

16-Jun-2020 11:15 AM EDT
Brexit’s Effect on Research Networks: Lower Local and Global Efficiency, Reorganization of Research Communities
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Brexit has affected trade and security, but scientists wanted to know how it might also affect the EU Framework Programmes for Research, known as Horizon 2020. In this week’s Chaos, authors examined a network of 19,200 research organizations to determine how removing U.K. organizations affects three Horizon 2020 programs: Excellent Science, Industrial Leadership and Societal Changes. They looked at percolation theory, and networks were examined in terms of global efficiency, local efficiency and mesoscopic-scale effects.

Released: 3-Jun-2020 4:30 PM EDT
Study: COVID-19 lockdowns worsen childhood obesity
University at Buffalo

Lockdowns implemented across the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic have negatively impacted diet, sleep and physical activity among children with obesity, according to University at Buffalo research.

Released: 1-Jun-2020 1:55 PM EDT
Can Firms Be Trusted After Easing of Collusion Rules During Pandemic?
Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Professor and Vice Dean for Faculty and Research Valerie Suslow, joined by research colleague Margaret Levenstein of the University of Michigan, examines the impact of relaxed regulations against corporate collusion during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Released: 29-May-2020 2:40 PM EDT
Genetics May Explain High COVID-19 Mortality in Italy, Inform Global Pandemic Response
Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO)

Researchers predict the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) gene has a key role in shaping immune response to COVID.

Released: 28-May-2020 5:10 PM EDT
Mental health outcomes among health care workers during COVID-19 pandemic in Italy
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association

Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and insomnia among health care workers in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic are reported in this observational study.

Released: 21-May-2020 7:45 AM EDT
Healthcare rationing could see ‘unlawful deaths' from COVID-19, researchers claim
University of Cambridge

Current medical guidelines risk unlawful deaths of patients – with doctors, hospitals, and even the government potentially liable – if a second peak forces hard choices due to shortages of ventilators and other critical care resources.

Released: 20-May-2020 3:45 PM EDT
Study suggests aggressive carbon taxation could help US meet targets in Paris agreement
Carnegie Mellon University

Nearly all the countries of the world ratified the Paris Agreement in 2016. The accord aims to limit the increase of the world's temperature to less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial temperatures

8-May-2020 8:20 AM EDT
Whose Tools are These? New Research Determines Our Species Created Earliest Modern Artifacts in Europe
New York University

Blade-like tools and animal tooth pendants previously discovered in Europe, and once thought to possibly be the work of Neanderthals, are in fact the creation of Homo sapiens, or modern humans, who emigrated from Africa, finds a new analysis by an international team of researchers.

Released: 6-May-2020 8:15 AM EDT
Pivoting for success: Building more resilient UK manufacturing supply chains
University of Warwick

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how manufacturing supply chains are critical to the process of delivering products and services essential to life. Whilst a series of ‘lifeboat’ projects are needed to protect manufacturing capability in the short term, Professor Janet Godsell, from WMG, University of Warwick says now is the time for UK manufacturing supply chains to pivot and build capability for the future.

Released: 30-Apr-2020 9:50 AM EDT
A rapid research response to COVID-19’s effect on communities
West Virginia University - Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

With the COVID-19 pandemic upending life as we know it, researchers are taking quick action to study how people from Appalachia to Europe are responding to the pressure this crisis has placed on their communities.

Released: 30-Apr-2020 8:35 AM EDT
Five years after the Paris Agreement: The gap between promises and implementation
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

A new study shows that achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement will require a deep reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions, ideally by around 40% to 50% by 2030.

Released: 31-Mar-2020 8:30 AM EDT
COVID-19: Visualizing regional indicators for better decision making
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

IIASA researchers are working to visualize key demographic and socioeconomic information to help inform decisions by health professionals, governments, and policymakers to address the crisis.

Released: 26-Mar-2020 1:00 PM EDT
FSU professor available to comment on the Black Death and its lessons for COVID-19
Florida State University

By: Bill Wellock | Published: March 26, 2020 | 10:58 am | SHARE: The Black Death looms large in the history of infectious disease.The pandemic — an outbreak of bubonic plague which was probably spread predominantly by rats and fleas — struck Italy in 1347. Recent evidence on mortality suggests that in just a few years, the disease killed around 60 percent of the population in Europe, the part of the world from which historians have the most information.

Released: 24-Mar-2020 8:10 AM EDT
How can migration, workforce participation, and education balance the cost of aging in Europe?
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

New IIASA research shows that higher levels of education and increasing workforce participation in both migrant and local populations are needed to compensate for the negative economic impacts of aging populations in EU countries.

Released: 18-Mar-2020 5:10 PM EDT
The Fate of Germany’s Leadership, With Constanze Stelzenmüller
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Constanze Stelzenmüller, Kissinger Chair on Foreign Policy and International Relations at the Library of Congress and senior fellow in the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss German politics and the future of Germany’s leadership.

12-Mar-2020 2:00 PM EDT
Rethinking mortality and how we plan for old age
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Many people dream of comfortably living out their golden years. A new IIASA study however shows that older Europeans, and especially women, frequently underestimate how many years they have left, which could lead to costly decisions related to planning for their remaining life course.

Released: 17-Mar-2020 1:05 PM EDT
Infographic: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Italy
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association

On February 20, 2020, a young man in the Lombardy region of Italy was admitted with an atypical pneumonia that later proved to be COVID-19. In the next 24 hours there were 36 more cases, none of whom had contact with the first patient or with anyone known to have COVID-19. This was the beginning of one of the largest and most serious clusters of COVID-19 in the world. Despite aggressive containment efforts, the disease continues to spread and the number of affected patients is rising. The case-fatality rate has been very high and is dominated by very old patients. This Infographic shows the most recent statistics emerging from Italy regarding the country’s experience with COVID-19.

Released: 12-Mar-2020 10:15 AM EDT
Considerations about current evolution of SARS-nCOV-2 epidemic in Italy
Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO)

In Italy, a COVID-19 epidemic is raging. This analysis, which might be useful also to forecast the next epidemic trends in the U.S., is briefly recapitulated in the following document.

Released: 9-Mar-2020 8:30 AM EDT
Food prices after a hard Brexit could increase by £50 per week
University of Warwick

The effects of Brexit on different food types and what this will mean for families has been measured by research from the University of Warwick.

26-Feb-2020 3:20 PM EST
Households in Switzerland could feasibly be energy self-sufficient by 2050

First-of-its-kind study systematically investigates the technical and economic feasibility of photovoltaics-powered energy self-sufficient households in a temperate climate

Released: 18-Feb-2020 11:30 AM EST
Despite a marked reduction in the prevalence of dementia, the number of people with dementia is set to double by 2050 according to new Alzheimer Europe report
Alzheimer Europe

Today, at a European Parliament lunch debate hosted by Christophe Hansen MEP (Luxembourg), Alzheimer Europe launched a new report presenting the findings of its collaborative analysis of recent prevalence studies and setting out updated prevalence rates for dementia in Europe.

Released: 12-Feb-2020 3:20 PM EST
ILR Study Could Help Unions Protect Workers’ Mental Health
Cornell University

During a three-year organizational restructuring at France Telecom that began in 2007 – which called for the downsizing of 22,000 employees, often based on ethically questionable methods – there was a wave of employee suicides. Published reports put the total number of deaths at 35. Virginia Doellgast, associate professor of comparative employment relations in Cornell University’s ILR School, examines the role unions played in the aftermath of those deaths.

Released: 29-Jan-2020 2:25 PM EST
Third Reich's legacy tied to present-day xenophobia and political intolerance
Rice University

Who -- or what -- is to blame for the xenophobia, political intolerance and radical political parties spreading through Germany and the rest of Europe?

Released: 24-Jan-2020 4:20 PM EST
FSU professor discusses Brexit and its consequences
Florida State University

By: Bill Wellock | Published: January 24, 2020 | 3:35 pm | SHARE: On Jan. 31, after a national referendum, elections, negotiations and delays, the United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the European Union.The date marks the end of one political process and the beginning of another. When Brexit is official, the United Kingdom and European Union will begin negotiating a new  trading agreement.

Released: 23-Jan-2020 1:55 PM EST
Helping the world understand, detect and treat a devasting genetic disorder
UC Davis MIND Institute

Fragile X syndrome is a debilitating genetic neurodevelopmental disorder that affects people worldwide, but many doctors don’t know anything about it, let alone have the resources to properly diagnose or treat it.

Released: 22-Jan-2020 4:05 AM EST
Health Technology Assessment Around the World: Broadening the Understanding of Cross-Country Differences
ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research

Value in Health announced today the publication of a series of articles investigating the use of health technology assessment (HTA) in healthcare decision making across the globe. The series, “HTA Around the World—Influences of Culture, Values, and Institutions,” appears in the January 2020 issue of Value in Health.

Released: 16-Jan-2020 11:20 AM EST
Police platform patrols create 'phantom effect' that cuts crime in London Underground
University of Cambridge

A massive experiment that deployed regular police patrols on platforms in the London Underground has shown that four 15-minute patrols a day in some of the capital's most crime-ridden stations reduced reported crime and disorder by 21%.

5-Dec-2019 10:55 AM EST
Land of Fires: Evaluation of heavy metal blood-levels in populations exposed to toxic waste in southern Italy
Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO)

Toxic environmental agents, to which anyone is involuntarily exposed, represent non-negligible risk for human health and, therefore, environmental contamination has become a theme of primary importance worldwide.

Released: 15-Nov-2019 2:25 AM EST
Expert: Citizen diplomats necessary to address rise of nationalism in Europe
DePaul University

DePaul University associate professor David Wellman, an expert in the relationship between diplomacy, interreligious engagement and ecological ethics in building bridges across boundaries of difference, believes that transprofessional diplomacy — involving a coordinated effort on the part of track one, track two and track three diplomats — could play an important role in addressing complex challenges such as the rise of nationalism in Europe.

Released: 13-Nov-2019 1:55 PM EST
U.S. and UK Celebrate 15 Years of Partnership
Homeland Security's Science And Technology Directorate

DHS S&T marked the 15-year anniversary of cooperation with the United Kingdom for collaborative research and development efforts aimed at both nations’ mutual homeland security challenges.
