Feature Channels: Cell Biology

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Released: 10-Dec-2019 4:05 PM EST
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic的一项早期研究显示,源自患者自身脂肪的干细胞可进一步改善(而不仅是稳定)脊髓损伤患者的运动和感觉功能。

Released: 10-Dec-2019 11:20 AM EST
Modifier Gene May Explain Why Some with Cystic Fibrosis are Less Prone to Infection
UC San Diego Health

People with cystic fibrosis who carry genetic variants that lower RNF5 gene expression have more mutant CFTR protein on cell surfaces. Even if the CFTR protein isn’t fully functional, it’s better than none, and may explain why some with cystic fibrosis are less prone to infection than others.

6-Dec-2019 4:05 PM EST
Why Doesn’t Deep-Brain Stimulation Work for Everyone?
Washington University in St. Louis

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have mapped nine functional networks in the deep-brain structures of 10 healthy people, an accomplishment that could lead to improvements in deep-brain stimulation therapy for severe cases of Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions.

Released: 10-Dec-2019 8:15 AM EST
ASH: Research revises classification of acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Results from a study conducted by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the Munich Leukemia Laboratory were presented today as a late-breaking abstract at the American Society of Hematology annual meeting. The study integrates genomic and transcriptomic sequencing to provide the most detailed classification of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) to date.

Released: 9-Dec-2019 1:55 PM EST
Artificial Cells Act More Like the Real Thing
Penn State College of Engineering

Researchers develop protocells that better mimic living cells to help understand cell movement

6-Dec-2019 11:00 AM EST
Scientists show thin metal mesh loaded with T cells shrinks solid tumors
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Within weeks, CAR T cells targeting ovarian cancer cleared tumors in 70% of treated mice, shows study in Nature Biomedical Engineering. (Note: Images available for media use).

6-Dec-2019 8:30 AM EST
Dana-Farber scientists present promising findings in multiple myeloma at ASH Annual Meeting
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Results of studies on a novel agent to treat multiple myeloma and a combination therapy aimed at slowing the progression of a precursor myeloma condition are among reports being presented by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute investigators at the ASH Annual Meeting.

Released: 9-Dec-2019 3:05 AM EST
Pioneering research gives fresh insight into 1 of the pivotal building blocks of life
University of Exeter

Pioneering research gives fresh insight into one of the pivotal building blocks of life

Released: 9-Dec-2019 2:05 AM EST
Dendrites filtering neuron's excitement
Kyoto University

In mere milliseconds trillions of chemical reactions ignite signals that travel across the billions of neurons in our brain. As we go through our daily lives and absorb new knowledge these neurons begin to modify themselves and change their signaling properties.

6-Dec-2019 8:30 AM EST
Genomic features of AML in patients over age 60 can predict success of bone marrow stem cell transplant, research shows
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

For older patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the prospects for success of a stem cell transplant can often be predicted based on the particular set of genetic mutations within the tumor cells, investigators at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and other research centers will report today at the ASH Annual Meeting.

Released: 6-Dec-2019 1:05 PM EST
Technique shows how individual cancer cells react to drugs
University of Washington School of Medicine

A new technique reported in Science offers more detail, at the single cell level, on how large, pooled samples of various cells react to drugs or other agents. The data might reveal mode of action or the effect of genetic differences in varying responses.

Released: 6-Dec-2019 6:05 AM EST
ASH annual meeting highlights St. Jude research
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Researchers from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital will present their work at the 61st annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology.

Released: 5-Dec-2019 4:55 PM EST
Novel bioprinter shows potential to speed tissue engineering
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Researchers have found a way to speed engineered-tissue creation using a novel bioprinter built for $2,000, they report in the journal Micromachines. Building blocks for the tissue are pre-grown spheroids of human induced-pluripotent stem cells that contain 200,000 cells per spheroid.

2-Dec-2019 12:05 PM EST
New study hints at complex decision-making in a single-cell organism
Harvard Medical School

New study reveals hierarchy of behaviors in a single-cell organism The organism, S. roeselii, appears to “change its mind” and modify its response to repeated exposure to irritating particles Findings suggest certain single-cell organisms may have the capacity for relatively complex "decision-making"

Released: 5-Dec-2019 8:40 AM EST
What Does DNA’s Repair Shop Look Like? New Research Identifies the Tools
New York University

A team of scientists has identified how damaged DNA molecules are repaired inside the human genome, a discovery that offers new insights into how the body works to ensure its health and how it responds to diseases that stem from impaired DNA.

Released: 4-Dec-2019 4:05 PM EST
Scientists Detail how Chromosomes Reorganize after Cell Division
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers have discovered key mechanisms and structural details of a fundamental biological process—how a cell nucleus and its chromosomal material reorganizes itself after cell division. The new findings in chromosomal architecture and function may offer important insights into human health and disease.

Released: 4-Dec-2019 9:30 AM EST
Highlights for reporters from the 2019 ASCB|EMBO Meeting
American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)

Check out this day-by-day rundown of events and sessions of interest to media at the 2019 ASCB|EMBO Meeting taking place Dec. 7-11 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC.

Released: 4-Dec-2019 8:15 AM EST
Articles on Chronic Hexavalent Chromium Exposure, Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles, and Bisphenol A Featured in December 2019 Toxicological Sciences
Society of Toxicology

The December 2019 issue of Toxicological Sciences features research on the leading edge of toxicology, including in the areas of carcinogenesis, developmental and reproductive toxicology, and more.

3-Dec-2019 8:05 PM EST
Reprogramming the Inner Ear to Regrow Hair Cells Shows Promise to be an Effective Target for Hearing Loss Treatments
Massachusetts Eye and Ear

Mass. Eye and Ear scientists report the identification of a new pathway linked to cell division in the ear. With this pathway, they were able to reprogram the inner ear’s cells to proliferate and regenerate hair cell-like cells in adult mouse models.
