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Released: 6-Aug-2020 12:35 PM EDT
Digital buccaneers boost box office bang
University of Georgia

Pirated movies circulated online after their theatrical release saw about 3% higher box office receipts because of the increase in word-of-mouth advertising.

Released: 4-Aug-2020 3:20 PM EDT
Paniccioli’s vast hip-hop photo archive launches online
Cornell University

Nearly 20,000 images can now be viewed online as Cornell University Library launches the Ernie Paniccioli Photo Archive, a digital collection chronicling hip-hop music and culture from the 1980s to the early 2000s.

Released: 30-Jul-2020 4:05 PM EDT
Physician Hosts Forum to Help Caregivers Share COVID-19 Feelings

Cedars-Sinai palliative care physician Erin Reeve, MD, will host a virtual "open mic night" for healthcare professionals who have been working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic so they can share their stories and feelings in creative ways. The Zoom open mic, taking place on Saturday, Aug. 1, invites any healthcare professional to share a piece of writing, poetry, music or art that reflects on their role during the pandemic.

Released: 27-Jul-2020 12:10 PM EDT
International Year of Sound Events Explore Acoustics from Sounds of the Sacred to Oceanography
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

The Acoustical Society of America continues to host virtual events in August as part of the International Year of Sound. The ASA Student Council will host Virtual Student Summer Talks for science students to present their research on topics ranging from acoustical oceanography to speech communication and David Carreon Bradley will discuss how sounds in religious spaces are essential to the worship experience. All events are open to the public, and admission is free.

Released: 22-Jul-2020 5:05 PM EDT
Music therapy goes virtual in the midst of the pandemic
Arizona State University (ASU)

How one professor's quick thinking allowed music therapy to play on for clients at home

Released: 22-Jul-2020 8:05 AM EDT
Which is more creative, the arts or the sciences?
University of South Australia

International expert in creativity and innovation, UniSA’s Professor David Cropley, is calling for Australian schools and universities to increase their emphasis on teaching creativity, as new research shows it is a core competency across all disciplines and critical for ensuring future job success.

Released: 17-Jul-2020 11:15 AM EDT
NRPA Celebrates Park and Recreation Professionals Day, July 17, 2020
National Recreation and Park Association

NRPA is proud to recognize July 17, 2020, as national Park and Recreation Professionals Day. This special day honors park and recreation professionals nationwide who work tirelessly to build strong, healthy and resilient communities through the essential programs and services they provide.

Released: 17-Jul-2020 10:40 AM EDT
WHOI Scientists, Staff, and Students Make Woods Hole Film Festival Appearance
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) scientists are featured in two short films at this year’s Woods Hole Film Festival (WHFF). In addition, scientists will also participate in Q&A sessions connected to three of the festival’s feature-length, ocean-themed entries.

Released: 15-Jul-2020 2:35 PM EDT
'Celestial Sleuth' sheds new light on Vermeer's masterpiece, 'View of Delft'
Texas State University

Johannes Vermeer is one of the most celebrated artists of the 17th century's Dutch Golden Age period.

14-Jul-2020 10:35 AM EDT
Online archive explores non-European contributions to Victorian exploration
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has launched a new digital humanities site to provide access to long-neglected materials relating to people like Jacob Wainwright, a member of the Yao ethnic group in east Africa, who worked with famed explorer David Livingstone.

Released: 14-Jul-2020 10:05 AM EDT
International Year of Sound Virtual Speaker Series Begins with Music
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

The Acoustical Society of America is hosting a series of experts to talk about how sounds affect everyone in different ways as part of the celebration of the International Year of Sound. The series features acoustic scientists from a range of backgrounds who will stimulate the understanding of the important role that sound plays in all aspects of our society. Three acoustic experts will be making their presentations virtually, and ASA encourages media, scientists, audio enthusiasts, students, educators and families to tune in. All events are open to the public, and admission is free.

Released: 7-Jul-2020 10:40 AM EDT
Research explores how youth are excluded from public spaces, design practices
Iowa State University

America’s youth have historically been excluded from using public spaces how they want, in addition to being left out of design discussions. Including them in this process will have long-term societal benefits, according to an Iowa State University researcher.

Released: 6-Jul-2020 5:05 PM EDT
Middle Tennessee State University issues statements, background re: death of veterans center namesake Charlie Daniels
Middle Tennessee State University

Statements from university leadership about Daniels' impact on student veterans and download link for file photos from his involvement throughout the years

Released: 26-Jun-2020 7:45 AM EDT
MyWorld set to make South West a digital media leader on global stage
University of Bristol

The South West is on track to become an international trailblazer in screen-based media thanks to £46 million funding, which will launch a creative media powerhouse called MyWorld and supercharge economic growth, generating more than 700 jobs.

Released: 25-Jun-2020 12:35 PM EDT
Comedy Can Help Change the World, Rutgers Researcher Says
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Comedy can play an important role in challenging people to address critical social issues, says Lauren Feldman, associate professor at Rutgers’ School of Communication and Information.

Released: 18-Jun-2020 10:05 AM EDT
MSK’s Visible Ink Writing Program Presents “On Cancer and Coronavirus,” Performed by Stars of Broadway, Film and TV
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

On Thursday, June 18, at 6:00 p.m. E.T. with an encore at 9:00 p.m., Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) will stream a special performance on visibleink.vimeo.mskcc.org, highlighting poignant and humorous perspectives On Cancer and Coronavirus, featuring works from its writing program, Visible Ink. This will be the 12th annual performance of stories written by MSK patients, and the first presented virtually. Visible Ink has always worked with many participants remotely, so it was well positioned to continue to connect MSK patients with experienced writers to support their written expression.

Released: 12-Jun-2020 4:05 PM EDT
“Prescribing Art” course teaches med students to recognize bias and better address racial disparities
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Can art help doctors better understand their patients and address racial disparities? An innovative collaboration at the University of Alabama at Birmingham uses art to help medical students hone their observational skills, in order to make more accurate diagnoses. “Prescribing Art: How Observation Enhances Medicine” is a partnership between the School of Medicine, the Abroms-Engel Institute for Visual Arts and the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute.

Released: 8-Jun-2020 8:05 PM EDT
Weird Science
University of South Australia

White lab coats and dangerous experiments all epitomise the ‘mad scientist’ from many a Hollywood blockbuster but, even beyond the silver screen, the stereotype lives on, and according to new research, it could mar the next generation of potential scientists.
