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Released: 9-Mar-2018 2:00 PM EST
Researchers Develop Label-Free, Non-Destructive Tools to Detect Metabolic Changes Linked to Disease
Tufts University

A team led by engineers at Tufts University has opened a window into the cell by developing an optical tool that can read metabolism at subcellular resolution. The researchers were able to use the method to identify specific metabolic signatures that could arise in diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

Released: 9-Mar-2018 12:05 PM EST
Majority of Mining-Related Injuries and Illness in Illinois Go Unreported
University of Illinois Chicago

Illnesses and injuries associated with working in Illinois mines are substantially underreported to the federal agency tasked with tracking these events, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine.The U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration requires reporting of injuries and illness sustained while working in mines in the U.

Released: 9-Mar-2018 12:05 PM EST
Newfound Clock in Blood Brain Barrier of Fruit Flies Regulates Daily Permeability
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Researchers found that the fruit fly blood brain barrier has a molecular clock that makes it more penetrable during certain hours of the day. Giving mutant flies a drug for treating seizures at night was more effective.

Released: 9-Mar-2018 11:05 AM EST
Locked in a Forest
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne researchers have found that in the next 100 years, already existing reforestation in the country could help topsoil absorb an additional 2 billion tons of carbon. Their work is detailed in a recent study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Released: 9-Mar-2018 11:05 AM EST
A la mayoría de los pacientes no les incomoda las preguntas sobre orientación sexual o identidad de género, descubre estudio
Mayo Clinic

Un nuevo estudio de Mayo Clinic plantea que hasta el 97 por ciento de los pacientes no se incomodan cuando los proveedores de atención médica les preguntan acerca de su orientación sexual e identidad de género.

Released: 9-Mar-2018 11:00 AM EST
Intravenous Arginine Benefits Children after Acute Metabolic Stroke
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Children with mitochondrial diseases who suffered acute metabolic strokes benefited from rapid intravenous treatment with the amino acid arginine, experiencing no side effects from the treatment. In half of the stroke episodes, patients showed clinical improvements in symptoms such as seizures and partial paralysis.

Released: 9-Mar-2018 10:05 AM EST
Liquid Biopsy Tests in People with Cancer: An Expert Review More Evidence Needed to Establish Effective and Appropriate Use in the Clinic
College of American Pathologists (CAP)

Use of tests that assess genomic variants in circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is on the rise. A new joint review from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the College of American Pathologists (CAP) provides an assessment of evidence on ctDNA tests in oncology.

7-Mar-2018 10:00 AM EST
Most Patients Comfortable with Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questions, Research Finds
Mayo Clinic

New Mayo Clinic research suggests up to 97 percent of patients are comfortable with their health care provider asking sexual orientation and gender identity questions. Before this research, it was unclear if the questions – which researchers say are important to reduce health disparities among LGBTI patients – would offend patients. The findings were published today in Health Services Research.

Released: 9-Mar-2018 8:55 AM EST
Virtual Reality: An Escape From Painful and Stressful Medical Treatments
Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO)

VR has shown promise in several clinical trials assessing its possible utility as a distraction tool to alleviate pain and distress during medical procedures.

Released: 9-Mar-2018 8:15 AM EST
An Itch You Can’t Scratch: Researchers Find “Itch Receptors” in the Throats of Mice
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Working with mice, Johns Hopkins researchers report they have found previously known skin itch receptors in the airways that appear to contribute to bronchoconstriction and airway hypersensitivity, hallmarks of asthma and other respiratory disorders. The investigators’ experiments in mice suggest that the receptors’ activation directly aggravates airway constriction and—if the same process is active in people—may be a promising new target for the development of drug therapies.

Released: 9-Mar-2018 8:05 AM EST
3-D Mapping Babies’ Brains
Washington University in St. Louis

Research from a collaborative team at Washington University in St. Louis tested a 3-D method that could lead to new diagnostic tools that will precisely measure the third-trimester growth and folding patterns of a baby’s brain. Their findings might help to sound an early alarm on developmental disorders in preemies that could affect them later in life.

Released: 9-Mar-2018 8:00 AM EST
New Targeted Therapeutic Approach to Combat Ovarian Cancer
Wistar Institute

According to a new study by The Wistar Institute, EZH2 inhibitors that are currently in clinical development for hematological malignancies and solid tumors may be effectively targeted to epithelial ovarian cancers overexpressing the CARM1 protein.

Released: 9-Mar-2018 8:00 AM EST
Increasing tree mortality in a warming world
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

A mix of factors is contributing to an increasing mortality rate of trees in the moist tropics, where trees in some areas are dying at about twice the rate that they were 35 years ago.

8-Mar-2018 1:05 PM EST
The Shapes of Water
Arizona State University (ASU)

New research published in Science (March 9), C. Austen Angell of Arizona State University and colleagues from the University of Amsterdam have observed one of the more intriguing properties predicted by water theoreticians – that, on sufficient super-cooling and under specific conditions it will suddenly change from one liquid to a different one.

Released: 9-Mar-2018 5:30 AM EST
New Study Finds Less Research Being Published By Female Radiologists
University of Maryland School of Medicine

A new study has found that although radiology research by women has increased significantly over the past five decades, the rate of this increase has leveled off since 2000.

Released: 8-Mar-2018 6:05 PM EST
Mandatory Flu Vaccines for Health Care Workers Improve Rates, Reduce Absenteeism
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Mandatory flu vaccines for health care workers improve participation by as much as 30 percent and reduce absenteeism during critical periods of patient surges by about 6 percent, findings from a multi-institutional study show.

Released: 8-Mar-2018 6:05 PM EST
Gut Microbes Influence Severity of Intestinal Parasitic Infections
Washington University in St. Louis

A new study indicates that the kinds of microbes living in the gut influence the severity and recurrence of parasitic worm infections in developing countries. The findings, by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, suggest that manipulating the gut’s microbial communities may protect against intestinal parasites, which affect more than 1 billion people worldwide.

Released: 8-Mar-2018 5:30 PM EST
Articles on Mitochondrial Toxicity, Metabolic Syndrome, AOPs, and More Featured in March 2018 Toxicological Sciences
Society of Toxicology

The Toxicological Sciences 20th anniversary celebration continues with articles on mitochondrial toxicity and organophosphorus compounds, in addition to featured papers on metabolic syndrome; paternal exposures and offspring’s mitochondria; data fusion and AOPs; DNA damage assay predictability; and imaging mammary epithelial organoids.

Released: 8-Mar-2018 5:05 PM EST
Study Predicts Unique Animals and Plants of Africa’s Albertine Rift Will be Threatened by Climate Change
Wildlife Conservation Society

A new study by scientists from WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and other groups predicts that the effects of climate change will severely impact the Albertine Rift, one of Africa’s most biodiverse regions and a place not normally associated with global warming.

2-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
Most Living Kidney Donors Are Women, and Men Are Donating Less Than Before
American Society of Nephrology (ASN)

Highlights • Between 2005 and 2015, the unadjusted rate of living kidney donation in the United States was 30.1 and 19.3 per million population in women and men, respectively. • After adjusting for differences in age, race, the incidence of kidney failure, and geographic factors, the incidence of donation was 44% higher in women. • Over time, the incidence of donation was stable in women but declined in men. The decline was most marked in men from lower income groups.
