Feature Channels: Apps

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Released: 17-Nov-2016 1:05 AM EST
Winegrape Powdery Mildew App Goes Global
University of Adelaide

Grape growers and winemakers around the world will be able to easily assess powdery mildew in the field with the help of a mobile application just released globally.

Released: 15-Nov-2016 11:05 AM EST
Mount Sinai Health System Launches Patient Experience App for Android Devices
Mount Sinai Health System

Mount Sinai Health System today announced the launch of the Android version of its mobile application for patients, called MountSinaiNY.

Released: 11-Nov-2016 9:05 AM EST
Exploratory Programming: Gearing Up for the Ultimate 24-Hackathon
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

Most people think of “hacking” as a computer security issue. But, to the members of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute student hackathon organization, dubbed “HackRPI,” it simply means using technology to develop or create something that’s never been used before, which for students is part of the excitement and challenge. Plans are underway to host the third annual 24-hour “hackathon” event on the Rensselaer campus Nov.12-13.

Released: 11-Nov-2016 9:05 AM EST
Smartphone App for Early Autism Detection Being Developed by UB Undergrad
University at Buffalo

Early detection of autism can dramatically improve the benefits of treatment, but often the disability is not suspected until a child enters school. A new smartphone app being developed by a University at Buffalo undergraduate and her advisor could change that by giving parents a reliable, easy-to-use tool for at home use to determine if there is a need for clinical examination.

10-Nov-2016 12:05 PM EST
Smartphones Offer Promise in Better Gauging Rural Life, Researchers Find
New York University

The use of smartphones enhances self-reporting of weather incidents, school attendance, illness, and other aspects of daily life in rural areas, a team of researchers has found. Its pilot study indicates that such technologies have the potential to transform data collection in these regions, providing near-real-time windows into the development of markets, the spread of diseases, and the diffusion of ideas and innovations.

Released: 10-Nov-2016 1:05 PM EST
Arkansas Doctoral Student Researches Privacy Awareness on Social Media
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock doctoral student is out to discover how knowledgeable people are about their privacy on social media. Terry Williams, a doctoral student in the integrated computing program, is using a series of surveys and privacy awareness tips to investigate privacy awareness and social media in her dissertation, “A Study of Privacy Awareness in the Digital Age and the Influence of Knowledge Over Time.”

Released: 4-Nov-2016 8:05 AM EDT
New Navigation Tool Improves Campus Accessibility
Michigan State University

A new student-designed app is making it easier for those with disabilities to navigate Michigan State University’s sprawling campus.

Released: 2-Nov-2016 10:00 AM EDT
Make America Tweet Again
University of Utah

Computer scientists from the University of Utah’s College of Engineering have developed what they call “sentiment analysis” software that can automatically determine how someone feels based on what they write or say. To test out the accuracy of this software’s machine-learning model, the team used it to analyze the individual sentiments of more than 1.6 million (and counting) geo-tagged tweets about the U.S. presidential election over the last five months.

Released: 1-Nov-2016 3:05 PM EDT
There’s Money in Your Wearable Fitness Tracker
University of Illinois Chicago

Your wearable fitness tracker is great at counting the number of steps you took today, but it could also provide a new source of currency for the emerging health data economy, according to a new study in the journal Computer.

Released: 1-Nov-2016 8:00 AM EDT
Johns Hopkins Launches Website and App To Connect Baltimore City Youth to Health Resources
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Officials at Johns Hopkins Medicine’s teen health program announce the launch of a new website, Y2CONNECT, designed to connect Baltimore City youth with a wide range of clinical and community-based health and non-health programs and resources.

27-Oct-2016 8:45 AM EDT
Live Long and… Facebook?
University of California San Diego

Is social media good for you, or bad? Well, it’s complicated. A study of 12 million Facebook users suggests that using Facebook is associated with living longer – when it serves to maintain and enhance your real-world social ties.

Released: 31-Oct-2016 12:00 AM EDT
Sports Injury App Detects 99% More Health Conditions for College Athletes Than Traditional Medicine
American Public Health Association (APHA)

A new cell phone app specializing in sports injury detection captured 99 percent more physical and mental health symptoms for college athletes than traditional sports medicine surveillance, according to new research released today at the American Public Health Association’s 2016 Annual Meeting and Expo in Denver.

Released: 28-Oct-2016 11:05 AM EDT
Texas A&M Launches New Zika-Fighting App
Texas A&M University

As the Zika virus spreads locally in the continental United States, communities across the country have started thinking about mosquito control measures. Researchers at Texas A&M have created a type of mobile health technology to fight the mosquitos at their source: standing water.

Released: 27-Oct-2016 10:05 AM EDT
Are You Addicted to Social Media? Expert Offers Six Questions to Ask Yourself
Baylor University

Yes, you spend a lot of time on social media. You might even check your phone every few minutes to see how many people have liked your latest Facebook post. But are you addicted? And even if you are, what’s the big deal?

Released: 27-Oct-2016 9:00 AM EDT
Free “Poop App” Newly Equipped to Evaluate Potential as Health Intervention
Johns Hopkins Medicine

A free smart-phone app, developed by Johns Hopkins researchers to help screen for a rare but life-threatening liver disorder in babies, has been modified for users as part of a trial designed to learn whether information delivered by the app, now known as PoopMD+, ultimately leads to better diagnosis and treatment.

Released: 25-Oct-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Web App Prompts Sexual Health Testing for Young Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is funding a project to investigate a personalized web app that is designed to encourage young men at risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), to get routine testing. The funding for “Get Connected” is supported by the new NIH Adolescent Trials Network. As part of the UNC/Emory Center for Innovative Technology.

Released: 18-Oct-2016 3:05 PM EDT
Donald or Hillary? Tweetcast Predicts Your Vote
Northwestern University

What you tweet says a lot about your politics and who you are going to vote for in this highly volatile presidential election, according to TweetCast, an online tool developed by Northwestern University computer scientists. The algorithm, trained on Twitter users, can predict whether citizens will vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Perhaps more surprising, the tool also predicts which states will go blue or red (Democrat or Republican).

Released: 18-Oct-2016 12:05 PM EDT
Typing While Skyping Could Compromise Privacy
University of California, Irvine

Irvine, Calif., Oct. 18, 2016 – If you type on your desktop or laptop computer’s keyboard while participating in a Skype call, you could be vulnerable to electronic eavesdropping, according to researchers at the University of California, Irvine and in Italy.

Released: 18-Oct-2016 11:05 AM EDT
New App Helps Homeowners Select Wind Turbine
Clarkson University

WindApp offers an easy, practical way for users to determine which wind option is best for them.
