Feature Channels: Drug Resistance

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Released: 22-Sep-2023 12:05 PM EDT
إيجاد التوازن: العقاقير أفيونية المفعول والسيطرة على الألم بعد الجراحة
Mayo Clinic

في دراسة حديثة أجرتها مايو كلينك، وجد الباحثون أن معظم المرضى الذين وصِف لهم عدد أقل من العقاقير أفيونية المفعول بعد الجراحة كانوا قادرين على الحفاظ على مستويات مُرضية من الراحة بدون الحاجة إلى تكرار صرف الأدوية لاحقًا.

Released: 22-Sep-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Encontrando o equilíbrio: os opioides e o controle da dor depois da cirurgia
Mayo Clinic

Em um estudo recente da Mayo Clinic, pesquisadores descobriram que a maioria dos pacientes que recebeu a prescrição de opioides depois da cirurgia foi capaz de manter níveis satisfatórios de conforto sem a necessidade de haver a renovação da receita posteriormente.

Released: 22-Sep-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Encontrar el equilibrio: Los opioides y el control del dolor después la cirugía
Mayo Clinic

En un estudio reciente de Mayo Clinic, los investigadores descubrieron que la mayoría de los pacientes a los que se les recetaron menos opioides después de una cirugía pudieron mantener niveles satisfactorios de bienestar sin necesitar más resurtidos de prescripción luego.

Newswise: When cancer takes a deadly turn: NUS study sheds a new light on cancer metastasis
Released: 22-Sep-2023 5:05 AM EDT
When cancer takes a deadly turn: NUS study sheds a new light on cancer metastasis
National University of Singapore (NUS)

The ability of cancer cells to metastasise, or spread from one part of the body to another, is one of the reasons why cancer can be extremely challenging to treat. However, the process that drives metastasis is complex and not fully understood.

Newswise: NIH awards SMU chemistry professor and his team $3.5M to refine and test new tuberculosis treatments
Released: 19-Sep-2023 6:05 AM EDT
NIH awards SMU chemistry professor and his team $3.5M to refine and test new tuberculosis treatments
Southern Methodist University

SMU chemistry professor John Buynak and his team have received a $3.5 million, 5-year grant from the National Institutes of Health to design and synthesize new antibiotics to fight some of the deadliest and most clinically challenging infections of the 21st century – drug resistant strains of bacteria that cause tuberculosis and leprosy.

Newswise: Sylvester study shows how thoracic surgeons who treat lung cancer are helping to reduce patients’ risk of opioid dependence
Released: 18-Sep-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Sylvester study shows how thoracic surgeons who treat lung cancer are helping to reduce patients’ risk of opioid dependence
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center

Researchers at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center found that robot-assisted surgeries and new patient-care protocols are enabling lung cancer surgery patients to go home earlier, with less pain and almost always without a need for potentially addictive opioids.

Released: 13-Sep-2023 3:05 PM EDT
Finding Fresh Approaches for Tried-and-True Antibiotics
Texas Tech University

Texas Tech researchers are taking a closer look at drug-resistant organisms and searching for new ways to attack them.

Newswise: Ultrathin nanotech promises to help tackle antibiotic resistance
Released: 12-Sep-2023 7:05 PM EDT
Ultrathin nanotech promises to help tackle antibiotic resistance
University of South Australia

Researchers have invented a nano-thin superbug-slaying material that could one day be integrated into wound dressings and implants to prevent or heal bacterial infections.

Newswise: Gene Discovery Nets FAU Researchers U.S. Patent for Molecular Approach to Treat Addiction
Released: 7-Sep-2023 8:30 AM EDT
Gene Discovery Nets FAU Researchers U.S. Patent for Molecular Approach to Treat Addiction
Florida Atlantic University

Researchers have received a U.S. patent for a novel method to identify therapeutic agents to treat addiction. The invention, related to the fields of pharmacology, medicine, neurology and psychiatry, targets the protein MBLAC1, which the Blakely lab identified as the mammalian form of a gene the group first identified in worms as a modifier of signaling by the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Released: 31-Aug-2023 4:05 PM EDT
Large proportion of Michigan’s C. jejuni infections are caused by antibiotic resistant strains
Michigan State University

Research from Michigan State University has shown that more than 100 strains of Campylobacter jejuni, a leading cause of foodborne illness, circulating in Michigan are resistant to at least one antibiotic.

Released: 28-Aug-2023 2:20 PM EDT
Patrolling honey bees exposes spread of antimicrobial resistance
Macquarie University

Bees could become biomonitors, checking their neighbourhoods to determine how far antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has spread, according to research by Macquarie University scientists.

Newswise: New drug combo could treat some resistant breast cancers
Released: 24-Aug-2023 11:05 AM EDT
New drug combo could treat some resistant breast cancers
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Breast cancers with mutations in the HER2 gene are initially sensitive to HER2 inhibitors like neratinib. However, most tumors eventually become resistant.

Released: 22-Aug-2023 11:55 PM EDT
New antibiotic from microbial ‘dark matter’ could be powerful weapon against superbugs
Utrecht University

A new powerful antibiotic, isolated from bacteria that could not be studied before, seems capable to combat harmful bacteria and even multi-resistant ‘superbugs’.

Newswise: St. Jude shows cancer resistance protein can have its cake and eat it too
Released: 21-Aug-2023 11:05 AM EDT
St. Jude shows cancer resistance protein can have its cake and eat it too
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Scientists at St. Jude Research Hospital unravel the mechanisms behind a key culprit in chemotherapy resistance.

Released: 17-Aug-2023 12:10 PM EDT
Scientists find ‘concerning’ flaw in malaria diagnostics
Cornell University

Current methods can vastly overestimate the rates that malaria parasites are multiplying in an infected person’s blood, which has important implications for determining how harmful they could be to a host, according to a new report.

Released: 16-Aug-2023 12:15 PM EDT
MD Anderson Research Highlights for August 16, 2023
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Research Highlights showcases the latest breakthroughs in cancer care, research and prevention.

Released: 15-Aug-2023 1:25 PM EDT
Images of enzyme in action reveal secrets of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Emory University

Bacteria draw from an arsenal of weapons to combat the drugs intended to kill them. Among the most prevalent of these weapons are ribosome-modifying enzymes. These enzymes are growing increasingly common, appearing worldwide in clinical samples in a range of drug-resistant bacteria.

Newswise:Video Embedded treating-back-to-school-ear-infections-without-antibiotic-resistance-video
7-Aug-2023 11:45 PM EDT
Treating back-to-school ear infections without antibiotic resistance (video)
American Chemical Society (ACS)

“Back-to-school” season means earaches. Today, a team reports a single-use nanoscale system unlikely to generate resistance. It can kill an ear-infection-causing bacterium in animals with a compound like bleach, and it could someday be used in a gel. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2023.

Released: 7-Aug-2023 5:10 PM EDT
How the hospital pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii quickly adapts to new environmental conditions
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Each year, over 670,000 people in Europe fall ill because of antibiotic-resistant pathogens, and 33,000 die from the infections.

Newswise: New grant seeks to parse how the variegated nature of human breast cancer tumors helps cancer cells resist treatment
Released: 4-Aug-2023 8:00 AM EDT
New grant seeks to parse how the variegated nature of human breast cancer tumors helps cancer cells resist treatment
Sanford Burnham Prebys

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has awarded a 5-year, $2.7 million grant to researchers at Sanford Burnham Prebys to investigate and elucidate the underlying cellular mechanisms that drive the most common form of breast cancer.
