Curated News: JAMA

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Released: 15-Jul-2021 4:40 PM EDT
Screening Often Misses Endometrial Cancer in Black Women
University of Washington School of Medicine and UW Medicine

In this study using a simulated cohort, TVUS endometrial thickness screening missed over four times more cases of endometrial cancer among Black women versus White women owing to the greater prevalence of fibroids and non-endometrioid histology type that occurs among Black women.

14-Jul-2021 10:05 AM EDT
Black, Latinx People Confident in COVID-19 Safety Precautions but Skeptical About Vaccines
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Black and Latinx people intensely sought information on COVID-19 and engaged in public health measures such as mask-wearing and testing due to devastating experiences during the pandemic but are still skeptical about vaccines, according to a Rutgers study.

Released: 14-Jul-2021 12:40 PM EDT
COVID-19 Vaccine Protection Against Infection Lower and Slower in People with Liver Disease
University of Miami Health System, Miller School of Medicine

A study shows for the first time that people with cirrhosis who receive mRNA COVID-19 vaccination gain important protection against more serious outcomes like hospitalization and death. At the same time, however, the vaccines offer less protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection and take longer to take effect in this population.

Released: 13-Jul-2021 2:05 PM EDT
ICE violated internal medical standards, potentially contributing to deaths
University of Southern California (USC)

A USC analysis of deaths among individuals in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody found that ICE violated its own internal medical care standards in 78% of cases, potentially contributing to deaths in relatively young and healthy men.

6-Jul-2021 1:15 PM EDT
Combining Gamification, Cash Incentive Increases Veterans’ Exercise
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Daily step counts increased by approximately 1,200 among veterans who were given goals and participated in game-like interventions with loss-framed cash rewards

Released: 7-Jul-2021 5:20 PM EDT
Os casos relatados de miocardite em homens jovens após a vacinação contra a COVID-19 são raros e a vacinação ainda é muito importante
Mayo Clinic

Pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic estão examinando de perto os casos raros de inflamação do músculo cardíaco, ou miocardite, em homens jovens que desenvolveram sintomas logo após receberem a segunda dose da vacina de RNA mensageiro (mRNA) contra a COVID-19 dos laboratórios Moderna ou Pfizer.

Released: 7-Jul-2021 3:30 PM EDT
حالات التهاب عضلة القلب المُبلّغ عنها لدى الرجال الأصغر سنًا بعد التطعيم ضد فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) نادرة؛ ولا يزال التطعيم مهمًا
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا- يُلقي باحثو مايو كلينك نظرة فاحصة على الحالات النادرة من التهاب عضلة القلب أو التهاب العضلة القلبية لدى الشباب الذين ظهرت عليهم الأعراض بعد فترة وجيزة من تلقي الجرعة الثانية من لقاح موديرنا أو فايزر وهما لقاحا الحمض النووي الريبوزي المرسال (mRNA) لفيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19).

Released: 7-Jul-2021 2:50 PM EDT
Son raros los casos de miocarditis en hombres jóvenes después de la vacuna contra la COVID-19 y la vacunación continúa siendo importante
Mayo Clinic

Los investigadores de Mayo Clinic están analizando más estrechamente los casos raros de inflamación del músculo cardíaco, o miocarditis, entre hombres jóvenes que presentaron síntomas poco después de recibir la segunda dosis de las vacunas con ARN mensajero (ARNm) contra la COVID-19 de Moderna o de Pfizer.

Released: 7-Jul-2021 11:20 AM EDT
Change in Respiratory Care Strategies for Preterm Infants Improves Health Outcomes
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

A decade’s worth of data shows that neonatologists are shifting the type of respiratory support they utilize for preterm infants, a move that could lead to improved health outcomes.

Released: 2-Jul-2021 12:05 PM EDT
Only 20 States Implemented Health Equity Committees to Assist with COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Planning
University of Chicago Medical Center

A new study out of UChicago found that while 43 states (out of 51, including all 50 states and Washington, D.C.) created a committee to develop a vaccine distribution plan, only 20 plans mentioned using a health equity committee to assist with plan development.

1-Jul-2021 2:20 PM EDT
Medical Journal Articles Written by Women Are Cited Less Than Those Written by Men
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Academic articles published by women in high-impact medical journals also have fewer citations than those written by men, especially when women are primary and senior authors, according to new research.

29-Jun-2021 6:05 PM EDT
Multimodality Care Improves Treatment Outcomes for Aggressive Prostate Cancer
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

Men with high-risk prostate cancer with at least one additional aggressive feature have the best outcomes when treated with multiple healthcare disciplines, known as multimodality care, according to a UCLA study.

Released: 30-Jun-2021 4:55 PM EDT
Cardio Health Decline Tied to Midlife Wealth
UT Southwestern Medical Center

DALLAS – June 30, 2021 – A relative decline in wealth during midlife increases the likelihood of a cardiac event or heart disease after age 65 while an increase in wealth between ages 50 and 64 is associated with lower cardiovascular risk, according to a new study in JAMA Cardiology.

Released: 29-Jun-2021 12:10 PM EDT
Reported Cases of Myocarditis in Younger Men Following COVID-19 Vaccination are Rare; Vaccination Remains Important
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic researchers are taking a close look at rare cases of inflammation of the heart muscle, or myocarditis, in young men who developed symptoms shortly after receiving the second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccines. Several recent studies suggest that health care professionals should watch for hypersensitivity myocarditis as a rare adverse reaction to being vaccinated for COVID-19. However, researchers stress that this awareness should not diminish overall confidence in vaccination during the current pandemic.

24-Jun-2021 1:45 PM EDT
Understanding Black Youth Suicide: Steps Toward Prevention
Nationwide Children's Hospital

In a statement published in JAMA Pediatrics, researchers at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the nonprofit research institute RTI International responded to a call from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) requesting information on how to prevent Black youth suicide. The researchers emphasize the need for research and action of suicide prevention among Black youth must start from the ground up.

25-Jun-2021 6:00 AM EDT
Gene Variant Linked to Unnecessary Bone Marrow Biopsies in African Americans
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

A gene variant that lowers white blood cell levels and is common in individuals with African ancestry contributes to unnecessary bone marrow biopsies, according to a study published June 28 in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Released: 23-Jun-2021 1:20 PM EDT
Research News Tip Sheet: Story Ideas from Johns Hopkins Medicine
Johns Hopkins Medicine

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Johns Hopkins Medicine Media Relations is focused on disseminating current, accurate and useful information to the public via the media. As part of that effort, we are distributing our “COVID-19 Tip Sheet: Story Ideas from Johns Hopkins” every other Wednesday.

Released: 23-Jun-2021 11:40 AM EDT
Sleep apnea in children linked to increased risk of high blood pressure in teen years
Penn State College of Medicine

Children with obstructive sleep apnea are nearly three times more likely to develop high blood pressure when they become teenagers than children who never experience sleep apnea, according to a Penn State College of Medicine research study.
