Curated News: Staff Picks

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Released: 13-Apr-2021 12:50 PM EDT
Narratives Can Help Science Counter Misinformation on Vaccines
Iowa State University

Narratives are a powerful tool that can help explain complex issues, but they can also serve as sources of misinformation, which presents a challenge as public health agencies work to educate people about COVID-19 vaccine.

7-Apr-2021 12:00 PM EDT
Five Research-Backed Steps to a Pro-Vaccination Social Media Campaign
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

What can vaccine proponents, clinicians and public health communicators learn from “anti-vaxxers?” A lot, according to new guidance for pro-vaccination social media events written by University of Pittsburgh health scientists.

Released: 12-Apr-2021 3:55 PM EDT
Microplastics in Land, Sea, Air a Sign of ‘Legacy Pollution’
Cornell University

Plastics cycle through the oceans and roadways and become plastic dust, which rides the jet stream across continents.

Released: 12-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Pandemic Paradox: People Want to Improve Mental Health by Exercising, but Stress and Anxiety Get in the Way, Research Shows
McMaster University

The pandemic has created a paradox where mental health has become both a motivator for and a barrier to physical activity.

Released: 12-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Masculine traits linked to better parenting for some dads
Ohio State University

Key is for men to also believe they should nurture, study finds

Released: 8-Apr-2021 6:05 AM EDT
Research demonstrates that asteroid deflection can be enhanced by different neutron energies
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

A research collaboration between Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Air Force Institute of Technology investigates how the neutron energy output from a nuclear device detonation can affect the deflection of an asteroid. Scientists compared the resulting asteroid deflection from two different neutron energy sources, representative of fission and fusion neutrons, allowing for side-by-side comparisons. The goal was to understand which neutron energies released from a nuclear explosion are better for deflecting an asteroid and why, potentially paving the way for optimized deflection performance.

Released: 7-Apr-2021 4:15 PM EDT
First Images of Cells Exposed to Covid 19 Vaccine Reveal Native Like Coronavirus Spikes
University of Southampton

New research has for the first time compared images of the protein spikes that develop on the surface of cells exposed to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to the protein spike of the SARS-CoV-19 coronavirus.

Released: 7-Apr-2021 3:55 PM EDT
Manual workers face twice the risk of developing ALS
University of Malta

ALS is a progressive neurological disease that attacks the nerves that interact with the body's muscles. The disease typically leads to complete paralysis of the body, robbing patients of their ability to walk, speak, eat and breathe.

Released: 7-Apr-2021 2:10 PM EDT
Black Hole Pairs Found in Distant Merging Galaxies

Astronomers have found two close pairs of quasars in the distant Universe. Follow-up observations with Gemini North spectroscopically resolved one of the distant quasar pairs, after their discovery with the Hubble Space Telescope and Gaia spacecraft. These quasars are closer together than any pair of quasars found so far away, providing strong evidence for the existence of supermassive black hole pairs as well as crucial insight into galaxy mergers in the early Universe.

Released: 7-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
study finds those late night snacks may be hurting you at work
North Carolina State University

A recent study finds that unhealthy eating behaviors at night can make people less helpful and more withdrawn the next day at work.

Released: 7-Apr-2021 8:55 AM EDT
800-Year-Old Medieval Pottery Fragments Reveal Jewish Dietary Practices
University of Bristol

First evidence of a religious diet locked inside pottery fragments excavated from the early medieval Jewish community of Oxford.

5-Apr-2021 7:30 AM EDT
Brain Cells Decide on Their Own When to Release Pleasure Hormone
NYU Langone Health

In addition to smoothing out wrinkles, researchers have found that the drug Botox can reveal the inner workings of the brain. A new study used it to show that feedback from individual nerve cells controls the release of dopamine, a chemical messenger involved in motivation, memory, and movement.

Released: 5-Apr-2021 4:00 PM EDT
Researchers Identify Genes Behind Uterine Leiomyosarcoma Which May Be Treated Using Precision Medicine
Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital

In a new study, Yale Cancer Center researchers have defined the genetic landscape of uterine leiomyosarcomas (uLMS).

31-Mar-2021 2:45 PM EDT
Health Policy Researchers Propose Filling Health Care Coverage Gap to Help ‘Near Poor’
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

“Near-poor” Americans – people just above the federal poverty level but still well below the average U.S. income – who rely on Medicare for health insurance face high medical bills and may forgo essential health care, according to new research.

31-Mar-2021 2:05 PM EDT
How Would Geoengineering Impact Nature?
Stony Brook University

Should humans use technology to put the brakes on global warming? Stratospheric aerosol intervention (SAI) is a climate intervention that has been studied as a way to help cool the Earth. But what would be the consequences to natural systems of SAI? This question is being examined by a large scientific research team.

Released: 5-Apr-2021 1:15 PM EDT
Women had “alarmingly high rates” of mental health problems during start of the pandemic
University of Chicago Medical Center

A study at the University of Chicago Medicine found U.S. women experienced increased incidence of health-related socioeconomic risks (HRSRs), such as food insecurity and interpersonal violence, early in the COVID-19 pandemic. This was associated with “alarmingly high rates” of mental health problems, including depression and anxiety.

Released: 5-Apr-2021 11:05 AM EDT
The Mental Fatigue You Feel Is Called ‘Cognitive Dulling’ and You Are Not Alone if You Are Experiencing It
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Someone asks you a simple question and you snap. Common tasks, like washing the dishes, feel impossible to accomplish. Constant virtual meetings on camera leave you feeling drained and make it difficult to concentrate on other duties.

1-Apr-2021 12:35 PM EDT
Long Wait Times Increase for Children Seeking Emergency Care for Mental Health
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

Rates of prolonged visits for pediatric mental health emergency department (ED) visits increased over a decade, in contrast to non-mental health visits for which visit times remained stable, according to a study published in the journal Pediatrics. From 2005-2015, rates of ED visits lasting over six hours for children presenting for mental health issues jumped from 16 percent to nearly 25 percent, while rates of visits lasting over 12 hours increased from 5 percent to nearly 13 percent.

Released: 2-Apr-2021 2:25 PM EDT
Covid-19 Mask Study Finds Layering, Material Choice Matter
Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Tech researchers detail results of a study measuring filtration efficiency of several commercially available Covid-19 mask materials.
